Enlighten UE4 3.10 Release Notes

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

Enlighten UE4 3.10 Release Notes

Changes in 3.10.P1 (UE4.25.0)

Key Features

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 4.25.


  • Fixed an intermittent crash when a World Composition tile that contains foliage is saved in the editor.
  • Fixed an intermittent assert "Attempted to set null SRV" in a level which contains Landscape Grass.
  • Fixed a license check error in the Enlighten Precompute after Enlighten libraries are rebuilt from source.
  • Fixed a crash when when a level contains corrupt foliage data. Note: corrupt foliage instances may have incorrect Enlighten indirect lighting.

Known issues

  • This release does not include support for mobile platforms.

Changes in 3.10.P1 (UE4.24.0)

Key Features

  • The precompute commandlet now reports a warning if the level package was modified during the precompute and Enlighten data is stored in a separate asset.


  • Fixed a hitch during streaming load for a large world with many probe sets and with per pixel probe sampling enabled.
  • Restored option to override Enlighten settings for a Material Instance in the Material Editor.
  • Fixed a crash after running the precompute for a Static Mesh with Contribute Probe lighting mode and Use Box Target enabled.
  • Fixed a precompute error "<name> has zero total surface area across all target geometry" for a specific configuration of Landscape with holes.
  • Fixed unnecessary re-projection of foliage when a level is loaded.
  • Fixed an incorrect Map Check warning about inconsistent Enlighten precompute data for a world that contains more than one streaming level.
  • Fixed automatic Enlighten static albedo updates when a material is modified in the editor.
  • Fixed a very rare failure during the precompute which could occur in a very large world with thousands of Enlighten radiosity systems.
  • Fixed chart preview in the Static Mesh editor for a mesh with multiple LODs.
  • Fixed an error when rebuilding Enlighten tools from source.
  • Fixed unintended modification of the level package by the Enlighten precompute commandlet when Enlighten data is stored in a separate asset.
  • In the Radiosity Dependencies visualization, dependencies of the radiosity system which contains the selected actor now correctly include radiosity systems in levels other than the level which contains the selected actor.
  • Sky reflections on glossy materials for a Movable Sky Light actor are now consistent with unmodified UE4.
  • Fixed "unknown by landscape thumbnail material" warnings printed in the console.
  • Removed unnecessary warning that realtime updates are disabled when using the static mesh editor.
  • The tooltip for the Enlighten Target LOD property in the static mesh editor now accurately describes the expected behavior when the value is -1.

Known issues

  • This release does not include support for mobile platforms.

Changes in 3.10.R (UE4.24.0)

Key Features

  • Added support for Unreal Engine 4.24.


  • Fixed a crash on updating albedo when material uses a SceneColor node
  • Fixed hitching when editing Landscape Splines on Landscape Grass

Known issues

  • This release does not include support for mobile platforms.

Changes in 3.10.R (UE4.23.0)

Key Features

Out-of-core precompute: faster unattended build for a massive world.

  • Significantly reduces the system memory required when running the Enlighten Precompute commandlet for a massive world.
  • If your world is extremely large, uncheck World Settings > Share Lightmaps Across Levels to enable out-of-core precompute.
  • Out-of-core is disabled by default because it is not compatible with Detail meshes that share a lightmap from a different streaming level.

Limit the distance that Enlighten radiosity bounce and occlusion are computed, to speed up the Enlighten precompute in a massive world.

  • In a massive world with World Composition enabled, the streaming distance of each tile is used to automatically limit the Enlighten bounce distance.
  • Use World Settings > Enlighten Bounce Distance to further limit the Enlighten bounce distance. This is particularly useful for massive worlds that don't use World Composition.
  • In a massive world, this eliminates extreme cases where excessive memory usage could cause the Enlighten precompute to allocate all available memory and either fail or take a very long time.

Real time indirect lighting for volumetric fog.

Important changes

  • To produce good results with real-world sunlight intensity values, Enlighten lightmaps now use a floating point pixel format for irradiance on D3D11, D3D12, PS4, Xbox One and Switch.
  • New example levels in the Enlighten Samples project: DynamicAlbedo and DynamicEmissive. These levels show how to control and animate the Enlighten emissive and albedo colours using a blueprint.
  • Reflections from Reflection Capture actors with Use Enlighten enabled now match more accurately the brightness of static reflections in a world with a bright sky.
  • In a massive world, use Project Settings > Enlighten > Probe Atlas Size to increase the maximum number of probes allowed by Enlighten per pixel probe sampling. Larger values increase the runtime memory required.
  • Landscape lightmap pixel size now matches more accurately the Output Pixel Size of the chosen Enlighten Quality. This may result in minor changes to the indirect lighting for Landscape in existing levels.
  • Removed rarely used Enlighten Lightmap LOD option. 

Other changes

  • Prevent artifacts in Enlighten lightmap lighting due to negative lighting values when the surface normal is zero.
  • Increased maximum pixel size for the Enlighten chart preview in the Static Mesh Editor to enable accurate preview of charts for meshes with Background quality.

Fixed bugs

  • Fixed Enlighten indirect lighting artifacts when Landscape Visibility divides a Landscape component into two pieces.
  • Fixed a crash after running the Enlighten precompute for a level with a duplicated Blueprint containing an InstancedStaticMesh component.
  • Fixed an intermittent crash when all remaining instances of a Foliage type are deleted.
  • Fixed some seams in Enlighten per pixel probe lighting that occur only in specific locations in the world.
  • Fixed missing Enlighten per pixel probe lighting in some areas close to walls.
  • Fixed artifacts in Enlighten per pixel probe lighting on a surface aligned exactly with the plane at Z=0.
  • Fixed incorrect Enlighten bounced light colour for an Instanced Static Mesh actor with multiple instances of different size.
  • Fixed incorrect Enlighten bounced light colour for meshes with Contribute Probe lighting mode that contain triangles larger than the Cluster Size.
  • Fixed missing Enlighten lighting for Landscape with a tessellation material.

Known issues

  • This release does not include support for mobile platforms.

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