Enlighten UE4 3.09 Release Notes
This is the documentation for Enlighten.
Enlighten UE4 3.09 Release Notes
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.23.0)
Key features
- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.23.
- Fixed a crash when running the editor with D3D12 RHI.
- Fixed Enlighten reflections in Forward Renderer.
- Fixed a crash when loading a level created in the Content Browser and not re-saved.
- Fixed a crash when editing the scale of a component within a Blueprint.
- Fixed intermittently incorrect lightmap UVs for a mesh with Detail lighting mode projected onto a mesh with Enlighten Target LOD greater than zero.
- Fixed seams in per pixel probe lighting that occur only in specific locations in the world.
Known issues
- The new Actor Foliage type may not have Enlighten indirect lighting.
- This release does not include support for iOS.
- Support for Android will follow in a subsequent patch release.
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.22.0)
Key features
- Added support for Unreal Engine 4.22.
- Added efficient mesh draw call merging when using Enlighten lightmap or per pixel probe lighting.
- Added Set Enlighten Lighting Mode Override blueprint function to enable creation of a blueprint which exposes its Enlighten lighting mode as a variable.
- Fixed static albedo/emissive for mesh with a material that has a Base Color or Emissive Color output connected to a Tangent Basis node.
- Fixed error compiling material that uses a Vertex Interpolator node.
- Variable level of detail in Enlighten lighting is no longer supported on Nintendo Switch.
Known issues
- Mesh draw call merging is not available for meshes with Detail lighting mode.
- Mesh draw call merging is not available for static meshes which use per mesh single sample probe lighting.
- Mesh draw call merging may be disabled when UE4's Indirect Lighting Cache or Static Lighting are enabled, regardless of whether Enlighten is used. If you don't use Static or Stationary lights, set r.IndirectLightingCache=0 or r.AllowStaticLighting=0 to disable them.
- This release does not include support for iOS
- Support for Android will follow in a subsequent patch release.
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.21.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.21.
- Added support for Android arm64 architecture.
- Added Enlighten lighting for Landscape actor in High-End Mobile renderer.
- Per pixel probe sampling: Fall back to the sky lighting for samples outside the region covered by Adaptive Probe Volume actors.
- Fixed missing lighting for Movable Sky Light actor with Generate Mesh Distance Fields and r.Enlighten.ExcludePrimaryEnvironmentBounce=1.
- Fixed an assert: "Shader expected a uniform buffer" when updating Enlighten static albedo for a translucent material with a SceneColor node.
- Fixed an assert when the level contains a Rect light.
- Show the correct name for Enlighten Target LOD in the Static Mesh Editor LOD Picker.
- Fixed temporary disappearance of Foliage when the Enlighten properties of the Foliage Type are changed.
- Fixed a crash when switching to Mobile preview in a level which contains foliage with the Probe lighting mode.
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS
- The armv7 target is unavailable due to an issue with the Android NDK r14b. To work around this, please build UE4 for the arm64 target.
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.20.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.20
- Fixed a crash when loading a level in UE4 dedicated server configuration.
- Eliminated minor lighting artifacts when using per pixel probe sampling for surfaces exactly aligned with the probe grid.
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.19.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.19
- Optimized lightmap rendering using programmable vertex fetch for the Enlighten Lightmap UV buffer
- Fixed a crash during Build Lighting Only in the free version of UnrealEngine.
- Fixed linker warning L0280 in PS4Launch.cpp
- Fixed a crash during Update Static Albedo in a level containing a mesh with a very large number of vertices with Enlighten Lighting Mode set to Contribute Probe.
- Fixed a crash when running the Enlighten Precompute in a level containing a mesh with Enlighten Adaptive Probe Resolution set to 1/16.
- Fixed Cascaded Shadow Map rendering on Android
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS
Changes in 3.09.P1 (UE4.18.0)
Key features
- New beginner tutorials: "See what Enlighten can do in Unreal" and "Set up Enlighten in Unreal from scratch"
- Overhauled documentation to provide a much better experience for new users of Enlighten UE4.
- Changed some editor UI labels and tooltips to clarify their effect and purpose.
- Renamed Enlighten visualization show-flags to better communicate their purpose.
- When you distribute the precompute with IncrediBuild, precompute tasks now use the number of helper cores specified in the agent settings.
- When the precompute needs more memory than is available, it reports an error: "reached the maximum heap size limit". You can change the limit in Editor Preferences > Enlighten > Precompute Memory Limit.
- Manually placed probes using Enlighten Probe Volume actors are deprecated and will be disabled in the next release.
- Fixed incorrect warning about deprecated shadowFaces attribute which occurs after running the precompute.
- Fixed assert "WorldUnsafe" when saving after using Static Mesh Editor chart preview mode.
- Removed unnecessary warnings that realtime updates are disabled when using the Static Mesh Editor.
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS
Changes in 3.09.R (UE4.18.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.18.0.
- Fixed missing sky lighting in the Persona editor.
- Fixed warnings from UE4 about r.Enlighten.LightmapPixelFormat being searched many times per frame.
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS
Changes in 3.09.R (UE4.17.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.17.0
- Added support for Nintendo Switch.
- Experimental support for Visual Studio 2017.
Fixed a crash in RHICmdList.SetViewport after precomputing a level containing a Contribute Probe mesh with more than 10K triangles.
- Fixed missing editor preview lighting for small per-mesh probe-lit actors when the level contains no precomputed Enlighten data.
Fixed bug resulting in some marketplace assets (Kite Demo: SM_GroundRevealRock001) not being visible when in Lit mode.
Known issues
- This release does not include support for iOS.
Changes in 3.09.R (UE4.16.0)
Key features
- Added support for UE4.16.0
Known issues
- This release does not include support for Android or iOS
Changes in 3.09.R (UE4.15.0)
Key Features
- Added support for UE4.14.0
Known issues
- This release does not include support for Android or iOS
- Static mesh packages saved with an engine version prior to 4.9 may have their LOD screen sizes reset to 0 when loaded in 4.15. This is caused by a problem in stock 4.15 code that recalculates LOD screen sizes so they become resolution independent. A work-around is to resave the packages with an engine version greater than 4.8 before loading them in 4.15, or to modify the LOD screen sizes in the Static Mesh Editor, either manually or by enabling the 'Auto Compute LOD Distances' setting.
Changes in 3.09.R (UE4.14.0)
Key Features
- Added support for UE4.14.0
- Enlighten lighting features are available when using the DirectX 12 RHI (both PC and Xbox One)
- Enlighten lighting features are available when using the Vulkan Mobile RHI (ES3_1 feature level)
- Enlighten lighting features are available when using Forward Shading.
Major changes
- Improved loading times for instanced foliage in the game
- Improved per-object probe interpolation times for scenes using Enlighten Adaptive Probe Volumes
- Improved game data size and loading times related to albedo data
Minor changes
- Added 1/16 resolution to adaptive probe volume
- The Enlighten precompute commandlet sets
. This reduces peak memory usage during the precompute. - The editor is no longer compatible with DirectX 10 (feature level 10.0), due to the new method used when generating albedo for Contribute Probe primitives, required for DirectX 12 support. Please ensure the selected DirectX feature level is 11.0 when precomputing, or avoid using Contribute Probe primitives if targetting DirectX 10.
Fixed bugs
- Fixed asserts/broken rendering on iOS due to the shader compiler assuming more samplers were available than actually are on the platform. The fix has been submitted to Epic for inclusion in an Unreal Engine hotfix.
- Fixed issue where some shared pointers were not thread safe.
- Fixed a crash when using per-object probe interpolation and attaching a probe-lit actor to another probe-lit actor configured to light attachments as group, with both actors having different probe lighting settings (e.g. one of them having its 'Per-object Sample Count' property set to 'Force Single', and the other having the property set to 'Force Multiple').
- Fixed a crash when using per-pixel probe interpolation and loading a map whose levels have been precomputed separately with different Adaptive Probe Grid Spacing values.
, multiple selections available,
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