Enlighten SDK 3.09 Release Notes
This is the documentation for Enlighten.
Enlighten SDK 3.09 Release Notes
New features
- Form factor viewer is now available in GeoRadiosity. This shows what clusters contribute to a pixel/probe, and what other pixels/probes are in the same bucket.
- Added utility function to delete transparency buffers
- InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTexture now supports FP16 input data
- The face(s) of a triangle which cast direct light shadows can now be set per material.
- The new member function Enlighten::IProbeSetManager::OnAllLoadedProbeSetsArrayChanged() allows probe set managers to note the array of interpolation input sets maintained by the HLRT, enabling additional optimisation opportunities.
- Improved validation of the "name" attribute in .scene files.
Integration notes
- CodeBuildTool source code is included in the distribution
- EffectsBuildTool source code is included in the distribution
- Source code in the SDK will now match line numbers in the pdb's of prebuilt libraries/binaries.
- Console distributions of the Enlighten SDK now build separately and need to be copied on top of the base distribution
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where setting the update manager limiter to values greater than 0 produced incorrect reading of the input lighting buffers
- Fixed a bug preventing build errors when including DirectXMath and Enlighten headers in the same translation unit
- Implemented missing GeoEvent support for PSVita.
- Fixed a crash in IPrecompute::PackGeometry() when providing an input mesh with very large UVs
- Fixed a crash in IPrecompPackedGeometry::Load() when running out of memory
- Fixed uninitialised data being serialised in WriteDataBlockForInPlace() and related functions.
, multiple selections available,
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