class Enlighten PppiWorld

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

class Enlighten PppiWorld

class Enlighten::PppiWorld

Updates output textures for all probe sets in the world.


Name Description
AddProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, Geo::u64 *, void *)

Add a probe set to the world.


Returns the number of blocks currently allocated within the atlas.


Returns the number of blocks currently allocated within the atlas.


Return the number of probe sets added to the world.


Returns the required textures. Always provide the same configuration to the constructor of PppiWorld.


Construct with an optional configuration.


Notify that the probe output changed for the given probe set.


Remove a probe set from the world.

SetOutputWorkspace(const PppiOutputWorkspace &, IPppiTextureUpdateHandler *)

Use the provided output textures.

SetProbeSetStateHandler(IPppiProbeSetStateHandler *)

Use the provided probe set state callback.

Update(UpdatePppiStats &, const Geo::v128 &, const IViewVolumeIntersector *, float)

Update indirection texture based on the view origin.

Update(UpdatePppiStats &, const Geo::v128 &, float, const PppiIrradiance16 *, IPppiComputeUpdateHandler *)

Update indirection texture based on the view origin.

UpdateBorder(const PppiIrradiance &)

Update the lighting for areas not covered by any probe set.

PppiProbeSetHandle Enlighten::PppiWorld::AddProbeSet

public: PppiProbeSetHandle AddProbeSet
    const RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
    Geo::u64 * probeOutput,
    void * userData

Add a probe set to the world.

[in] probeSet

The probe set to add

[in] probeOutput

The output buffer where this probe set's values will be written

[in] userData

User defined value passed to IPppiProbeSetStateHandler::ProbeSetStateChanged.

Geo::s32 Enlighten::PppiWorld::GetAtlasBlockCount

public: Geo::s32 GetAtlasBlockCount() const

Returns the number of blocks currently allocated within the atlas.

Use this to determine the appropriate size of the atlas.

Geo::s32 Enlighten::PppiWorld::GetAtlasTileCount

public: Geo::s32 GetAtlasTileCount() const

Returns the number of blocks currently allocated within the atlas.

Use this to determine the appropriate size of the atlas.

Geo::u32 Enlighten::PppiWorld::GetProbeSetCount

public: Geo::u32 GetProbeSetCount() const

Return the number of probe sets added to the world.

static PppiOutputTextureRequirements Enlighten::PppiWorld::GetRequiredOutputTextures

public: PppiOutputTextureRequirements GetRequiredOutputTextures
    PppiConfiguration configuration

Returns the required textures. Always provide the same configuration to the constructor of PppiWorld.


public: PppiWorld
    PppiConfiguration configuration

Construct with an optional configuration.

void Enlighten::PppiWorld::ProbeSetOutputChanged

public: void ProbeSetOutputChanged
    PppiProbeSetHandle handle

Notify that the probe output changed for the given probe set.

Call before Update()

[in] handle

The handle of the probe set that was solved.

void Enlighten::PppiWorld::RemoveProbeSet

public: void RemoveProbeSet
    PppiProbeSetHandle handle

Remove a probe set from the world.

[in] handle

The handle of the probe set to remove

void Enlighten::PppiWorld::SetOutputWorkspace

public: void SetOutputWorkspace
    const PppiOutputWorkspace & outputWorkspace,
    IPppiTextureUpdateHandler * updateHandler

Use the provided output textures.

Call before adding the first probe set.

[in] outputWorkspace

The output textures.

[in] updateHandler

If non-null, will be called after partial updates of the output textures. Owned by the caller. May be called at any time before PppiWorld is destroyed.

void Enlighten::PppiWorld::SetProbeSetStateHandler

public: void SetProbeSetStateHandler
    IPppiProbeSetStateHandler * stateHandler

Use the provided probe set state callback.

PppiShaderParameters Enlighten::PppiWorld::Update

public: PppiShaderParameters Update
    UpdatePppiStats & outStats,
    const Geo::v128 & viewOrigin,
    const IViewVolumeIntersector * viewVolume,
    float lodDistance

Update indirection texture based on the view origin.

Update atlas texture with output for all probe sets that changed since the last update.

[out] outStats

Profile numbers for the update.

[in] viewOrigin

The position in world units at which the greatest level of detail is required. This is usually the camera position.

[in] viewVolume

The view volume within which probe sets are updated.

[in] lodDistance

The distance in voxel units from the view origin at which to begin reduction of the level of detail, zero for maximum.

PppiShaderParameters Enlighten::PppiWorld::Update

public: PppiShaderParameters Update
    UpdatePppiStats & outStats,
    const Geo::v128 & viewOrigin,
    float lodDistance,
    const PppiIrradiance16 * border,
    IPppiComputeUpdateHandler * computeUpdateHandler

Update indirection texture based on the view origin.

Update atlas texture with output for all probe sets that changed since the last update.

[out] outStats

Profile numbers for the update.

[in] viewOrigin

The position in world units at which the greatest level of detail is required. This is usually the camera position.

[in] lodDistance

The distance in voxel units from the view origin at which to begin reduction of the level of detail, zero for maximum.

[in] border

If non-null, is the lighting for areas not covered by any probe set.

[in] computeUpdateHandler

If non-null, will be called during Update.

void Enlighten::PppiWorld::UpdateBorder

public: void UpdateBorder
    const PppiIrradiance & border

Update the lighting for areas not covered by any probe set.