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class Enlighten::BakeInputMeshInfo

Data about a mesh, used as a parameter to IBakeInputSystem::AddMesh.


Name Description
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * bakeUVs

bakeUVs UVs to use for the baked light map. If NULL, the chart UVs of the passed in IPrecompInputMesh are used.

bool detectSmoothBevels

detectSmoothBevels Set this to true if the added mesh is to have bevels auto detected.

Geo::Geo2DTransform enlightenUVTransform

enlightenUVTransform UV transform for radiosity UVs for given instance of the geometry the mesh is part of

Geo::GeoGuid geomGuid

geomGuid The guid of the geometry the mesh belongs to

const char * inputMeshName

inputMeshName Name of given input mesh. This is currently only used for diagnostic messages

Geo::s32 instId

instId ID for given instance

bool isSSD

isSSD Set this to true if the added mesh is part of an SSD

bool isTarget

isTarget Set this to true if the added mesh is a target mesh

const IBakeInputGeometryLightingNormals * lightingNormals

lightingNormals If directional light maps are used, the extra lighting normals needs be passed in. Can be NULL otherwise.

Geo::Matrix location

location Location of the instance of the geometry the mesh is part of

Geo::GeoGuid lodGroupId

lodGroupId GUID of lod group. Set this to a uniq value for each different lod group, e.g. every instance.

Geo::s32 lodLevel

lodLevel Lod-level of instance. Rays originating from given mesh will not intersect other meshes of the same geometry with different LoD values

const IBakeInputMaterial * materials

materials Materials referenced in meshes. This is required for transparent meshes, but can be NULL otherwise.

const IPrecompInputMesh * mesh

mesh The actual mesh to add

Geo::s32 meshIdx

meshIdx Index for given mesh in geometry

const Geo::s32 * outputChartIds

outputChartIds Chart Ids (per vertex) generated by Enlighten. Can be NULL if adding a SSD.

const Geo::GeoPoint2 * packedUVs

packedUVs UVs generated by Enlighten for use with the radiosity light map. Can be NULL if adding a SSD.

Geo::GeoGuid systemId

systemId Id of system that the mesh is part of (or rather the containing instance)

const IBakeInputGeometryTangents * tangents

tangents If normals maps should be baked into the light map, the extra tangent information needs be passed in. Can be NULL otherwise.

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