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The extended input lighting api.


Name Description

A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the direct input lighting stage.


A buffer containing the incident lighting for a system's input sample points (internal).


A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the indirect input lighting stage.


Probe bounce workspace.


Workspace used for authored destruction of lightmapped geometry (internal).


Name Description
AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *, const Geo::v128 *)

Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.

ApplyVolumeTransparency(const InputWorkspace *, TransparencyWorkspace *, const SphereVolume &)

Mark the quads transparency value using a sphere volume.

ApplyVolumeTransparency(const InputWorkspace *, TransparencyWorkspace *, const BoxVolume &)

Mark the quads transparency value using a box volume.

CalcBounceBufferSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold bounce lighting for a given system.

CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold incident lighting for a given system.

CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32)

Tells you the amount of memory required for the probe bounce buffer for a given system.

CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Tells you the amount of memory required for the probe bounce buffer for a given system.

CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory(InputLightBase **, Geo::u32)

Calculate how much scratchspace memory will be required by the DoDirectInputLighting() function given the lights to be shaded.

CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, PrecisionHint::Value)

Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.

CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, PrecisionHint::Value)

Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.

CompareBounceBuffers(Geo::Statistics &, const Enlighten::BounceBuffer *, const Enlighten::BounceBuffer *)

Compares Returns true if the bounce buffers could be compared.

CompareIncidentLightingBuffers(Geo::Statistics &, const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *, const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *)

Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.

CreateBounceBuffer(void *, const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Construct a BounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

CreateIncidentLightingBuffer(void *, const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Construct an IncidentLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.

CreateProbeBounceWorkspace(void *, const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Construct a ProbeBounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

CreateProbeBounceWorkspace(void *, const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32)

Construct a ProbeBounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

CreateTransparencyWorkspace(void *, const InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, PrecisionHint::Value)

Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.

CreateTransparencyWorkspace(void *, const InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, PrecisionHint::Value)

Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.

DoDirectInputLighting(DirectInputLightingParameters *, void *, size_t, Geo::u32 &)

Do the Direct input lighting stage.

DoIndirectInputLighting(IndirectInputLightingParameters *, Geo::u32 &)

Do the indirect input lighting stage.

GetBounceBufferSize(const Enlighten::BounceBuffer *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Returns the size of the specified BounceBuffer object.

GetBounceBufferSystemId(const Enlighten::BounceBuffer *)

Get system id from BounceBuffer.

GetIncidentLightingBufferSize(const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Returns the size of the specified IncidentLightingBuffer object.

GetIncidentLightingBufferSystemId(const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *)

Get system id from IncidentLightingBuffer.

SetTransparency(const InputWorkspace *, TransparencyWorkspace *, float)

Set all transparency values of transparencyWorkspace to the given value.

UpdateProbeBounceBuffer(const InputWorkspace *, Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace *, Enlighten::BounceBuffer *, const InterpolationInputSet *, Geo::s32, bool, Geo::u32 &)

Update the probe bounce buffer with values calculated from interpolated probes.

UpdateProbeBounceBuffer(const InputWorkspace *, Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace *, Enlighten::BounceBuffer *, Enlighten::IProbeSetManager *, bool, Geo::u32 &)

Update the probe bounce buffer with values calculated from interpolated probes.

UpdateTransparencyWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, TransparencyWorkspace *, const InterpolationInputSet *, Geo::s32, bool)

Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.

UpdateTransparencyWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, TransparencyWorkspace *, Enlighten::IProbeSetManager *, bool)

Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.

VerifyBounceBufferData(const Enlighten::BounceBuffer *)

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified BounceBuffer object.

VerifyIncidentLightingBufferData(const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *)

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * output,
    const Geo::v128 * dusterValues

Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] output

The incident lighting buffer to fill with data.

[in] dusterValues

The linear light colour values for the duster array of point samples. The duster (its size, positions, normals etc.) must match the one originally passed to CreateInputWorkspace.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::ApplyVolumeTransparency

public: void GEO_CALL ApplyVolumeTransparency
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
    const SphereVolume & volume

Mark the quads transparency value using a sphere volume.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] transparencyWorkspace

The TransparencyWorkspace for the system

[in] volume

The volume primitive to use to mark the quads

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::ApplyVolumeTransparency

public: void GEO_CALL ApplyVolumeTransparency
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
    const BoxVolume & volume

Mark the quads transparency value using a box volume.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] transparencyWorkspace

The TransparencyWorkspace for the system

[in] volume

The volume primitive to use to mark the quads

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcBounceBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcBounceBufferSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold bounce lighting for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold incident lighting for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants

Tells you the amount of memory required for the probe bounce buffer for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcProbeBounceWorkspaceSize
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    Geo::s32 numLods

Tells you the amount of memory required for the probe bounce buffer for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] numLods

The number of LODs to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

size_t Enlighten::CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory

public: size_t CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory
    InputLightBase ** lights,
    Geo::u32 numLights

Calculate how much scratchspace memory will be required by the DoDirectInputLighting() function given the lights to be shaded.

[in] lights

An array of pointers to input lights.

[in] numLights

The number of light pointers in the array.


Required memory in bytes

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] precision

The floating point precision for intermediate values.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    Geo::s32 numLods,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] precision

The floating point precision for intermediate values.

[in] numLods

The number of LODs to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::CompareBounceBuffers

public: bool GEO_CALL CompareBounceBuffers
    Geo::Statistics & res,
    const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bufA,
    const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bufB

Compares Returns true if the bounce buffers could be compared.

[inout] res

- The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded.

[in] bufA

- The first BounceBuffer to compare.

[in] bufB

- The second BounceBuffer to compare.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::CompareIncidentLightingBuffers

public: bool GEO_CALL CompareIncidentLightingBuffers
    Geo::Statistics & res,
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * bufA,
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * bufB

Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.

[inout] res

- The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded.

[in] bufA

- The first IncidentLightingBuffer to compare.

[in] bufB

- The second IncidentLightingBuffer to compare.

Enlighten::BounceBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateBounceBuffer

public: Enlighten::BounceBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateBounceBuffer
    void * memory,
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Construct a BounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcBounceBufferSize) to store the bounce buffer

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.

Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateIncidentLightingBuffer

public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateIncidentLightingBuffer
    void * memory,
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Construct an IncidentLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize) to store the lighting buffer

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.

Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateProbeBounceWorkspace

public: Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateProbeBounceWorkspace
    void * memory,
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    Geo::s32 numLods

Construct a ProbeBounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcProbeBounceBufferSize) to store the workspace for a probe-lit system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] numLods

The number of LODs to use.

Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateProbeBounceWorkspace

public: Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateProbeBounceWorkspace
    void * memory,
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants

Construct a ProbeBounceBuffer inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcProbeBounceBufferSize) to store the workspace for a probe-lit system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

TransparencyWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateTransparencyWorkspace

public: TransparencyWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyWorkspace
    void * memory,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize) to store the workspace for pre-authored static destruction/transparency

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] precision

The floating point precision for intermediate values.

TransparencyWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateTransparencyWorkspace

public: TransparencyWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyWorkspace
    void * memory,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
    Geo::s32 numLods,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize) to store the workspace for pre-authored static destruction/transparency

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] numInterpolants

The maximum number of interpolants to use.

[in] precision

The floating point precision for intermediate values.

[in] numLods

The number of LODs to use.

bool Enlighten::DoDirectInputLighting

public: bool DoDirectInputLighting
    DirectInputLightingParameters * params,
    void * scratchspace,
    size_t scratchspacSize,
    Geo::u32 & timeUs

Do the Direct input lighting stage.

[in] params

A pointer to a complete DirectInputLightingParams object.

[in] scratchspace

A pointer to allocated scratchspace memory. This memory is only used for the duration of the call to this function.

[in] scratchspacSize

The size of the scratchspace memory calculated with CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory function.

[out] timeUs

Duration taken to solve the indirect input lighting phase.


true on success

bool Enlighten::DoIndirectInputLighting

public: bool DoIndirectInputLighting
    IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
    Geo::u32 & timeUs

Do the indirect input lighting stage.

[in] params

A pointer to a complete IndirectInputLightingParameters object.

[out] timeUs

Duration taken to solve the indirect input lighting phase.


true on success

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetBounceBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetBounceBufferSize
    const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Returns the size of the specified BounceBuffer object.

[in] bounceBuffer

The BounceBuffer to query.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::GeoGuid GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetBounceBufferSystemId

public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetBounceBufferSystemId
    const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer

Get system id from BounceBuffer.

[in] bounceBuffer

The BounceBuffer to query.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetIncidentLightingBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetIncidentLightingBufferSize
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
    PrecisionHint::Value precision

Returns the size of the specified IncidentLightingBuffer object.

[in] incidentLightingBuffer

The IncidentLightingBuffer to query.

[in] precision

The hint to what floating point precision to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::GeoGuid GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetIncidentLightingBufferSystemId

public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetIncidentLightingBufferSystemId
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer

Get system id from IncidentLightingBuffer.

[in] incidentLightingBuffer

The IncidentLightingBuffer to query.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::SetTransparency

public: bool GEO_CALL SetTransparency
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
    float transparencyValue

Set all transparency values of transparencyWorkspace to the given value.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] transparencyWorkspace

The TransparencyWorkspace for the system

[in] transparencyValue

The value to reset all the quads in this system to

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateProbeBounceBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateProbeBounceBuffer
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace * probeBounceWorkspace,
    Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBufferOutput,
    const InterpolationInputSet * interpolationInputs,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolationInputs,
    bool recomputeInterpolants,
    Geo::u32 & timeUs

Update the probe bounce buffer with values calculated from interpolated probes.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] probeBounceWorkspace

The buffer where intermediate probe interpolation calculations are stored

[out] bounceBufferOutput

The buffer where the bounce values are written to. This is the input buffer to the IndirectInputLighting stage.

[in] interpolationInputs

An array of probesets to interpolate from

[in] numInterpolationInputs

The number of probesets in the array

[in] recomputeInterpolants

Whether or not to recompute the interpolants

[out] timeUs

Duration taken to update the probe bounce buffer.


TRUE if successful, FALSE on error

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateProbeBounceBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateProbeBounceBuffer
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Enlighten::ProbeBounceWorkspace * probeBounceWorkspace,
    Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBufferOutput,
    Enlighten::IProbeSetManager * probeSetManager,
    bool recomputeInterpolants,
    Geo::u32 & timeUs

Update the probe bounce buffer with values calculated from interpolated probes.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] probeBounceWorkspace

The buffer where intermediate probe interpolation calculations are stored

[out] bounceBufferOutput

The buffer where the bounce values are written to. This is the input buffer to the IndirectInputLighting stage.

[in] probeSetManager

The Probe Set Manager object that provides interface for probe interpolation

[in] recomputeInterpolants

Whether or not to recompute the interpolants

[out] timeUs

Duration taken to update the probe bounce buffer.


TRUE if successful, FALSE on error

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateTransparencyWorkspace

public: void GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
    const InterpolationInputSet * interpolationInputs,
    Geo::s32 numInterpolationInputs,
    bool recomputeInterpolants

Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] transparencyWorkspace

The workspace where intermediate probe results and other calculation results are stored

[in] interpolationInputs

An array of probesets to interpolate from

[in] numInterpolationInputs

The number of probesets in the array

[in] recomputeInterpolants

Whether or not to recompute the interpolants

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::UpdateTransparencyWorkspace

public: void GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
    Enlighten::IProbeSetManager * probeSetManager,
    bool recomputeInterpolants

Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] transparencyWorkspace

The workspace where intermediate probe results and other calculation results are stored

[in] probeSetManager

The Probe Set Manager object that provides interface for probe interpolation

[in] recomputeInterpolants

Whether or not to recompute the interpolants

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::VerifyBounceBufferData

public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyBounceBufferData
    const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified BounceBuffer object.

[in] bounceBuffer

The BounceBuffer to query.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::VerifyIncidentLightingBufferData

public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyIncidentLightingBufferData
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] incidentLightingBuffer

The IncidentLightingBuffer to query.

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