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class Enlighten::UpdateManagerWorkerProperties

Class representing the global state of the update manager worker.

Changes to the state can be enqueued so that they happen atomically between radiosity updates.


Name Description
float m_BounceQuality

Value in range [0..1] to determine the performance/quality of bounce resampling.

float m_BounceScale

Global bounce scale (the scale applied to the output-to-next-input feedback loop)

float m_CompressedProbeMaxValue

Maximum probe value to use in quantisation if using 8-bit probe output.

Geo::u32 m_ComputeRadiosityOnlyCubeMaps

Whether to only include radiosity lighting when computing specular cube maps.

Geo::u32 m_DisableStaticInputsOptimisation

Force the HLRT to disable optimisations based on the inputs being static.

Geo::u32 m_DoInputLightingUpdates

Whether to do the input lighting computation.

Geo::u32 m_DoRadiosityUpdates

Whether to do the radiosity output computation.

Geo::u32 m_ExcludeEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce

Exclude solving environment to the lightmap.

Geo::u32 m_ForceWhiteTextureAlbedo

Whether to override albedo with all-white values.

float m_FpFormatRescale

Scale to apply before quantisation to [0,1] if using fixed point (LRB or RGBM) output format.

Geo::u32 m_LegacyDirectionalIrradianceOutput

Whether the re-balancing coefficient used in the legacy surface re-lighting model is output to the alpha.

Geo::u32 m_MaxEnqueuedUpdates

Maximum number of updates in the queue.

float m_SolverScale

Global solve output scale for texture-based outputs, i.e.

float m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold

Global temporal coherence threshold (used if no threshold is set on a system)

Geo::u32 m_UseDynamicEnvironment

Whether to use the emissive environment in the radiosity computation.


Name Description

Returns a hash of the current worker properties.

operator!=(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &)

Compares two worker properties structures, return true if they do not match.

Geo::u32 Enlighten::UpdateManagerWorkerProperties::GetHash

public: Geo::u32 GetHash() const

Returns a hash of the current worker properties.

bool Enlighten::UpdateManagerWorkerProperties::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties & p
) const

Compares two worker properties structures, return true if they do not match.

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