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class Geo::GeoAllocationPage

A storage unit for a page based allocation system.

Despite looking like a std::allocator, you cannot fully implement an allocator using this kind of class alone (as allocators do not have state, and clearly, a page has state). As a result, this class is used by the GeoFixedPoolAllocator class, which is a std::allocator.


This class knows nothing of the types of object that it may be storing, it is just raw memory. Hence no constructors or destructors are called, that is the responsibility of the allocator.


Name Description
Geo::s32 TIndexer

The indexing type for the pool.


Name Description

Assign a slot in this pool, and return a pointer to it.

Create(size_t, TIndexer)

Create a pool big enough to hold maxObjects, of size objectSize.

Deallocate(void *)

Release a single slot back to the pool.


Free the contents of the pool.


Returns maximum number of objects that can be held.

void* Geo::GeoAllocationPage::Allocate

public: void * Allocate()

Assign a slot in this pool, and return a pointer to it.

bool Geo::GeoAllocationPage::Create

public: bool Create
    size_t objectSize,
    TIndexer maxObjects

Create a pool big enough to hold maxObjects, of size objectSize.

void Geo::GeoAllocationPage::Deallocate

public: void Deallocate
    void * pStorage

Release a single slot back to the pool.

void Geo::GeoAllocationPage::Destroy

public: void Destroy()

Free the contents of the pool.

TIndexer Geo::GeoAllocationPage::MaxObjects

public: TIndexer MaxObjects() const

Returns maximum number of objects that can be held.

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