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The base libraries used by the Enlighten SDK.

Helper functions for generating frequently used sample distributions.

Helper functions for storing points and lines for debugging.

This covers all of the code in GeoBase and GeoCore. GeoBase contains low level memory utilities, assertions, preprocessor definitions and debugging functions. GeoCore contains optimized math functionality, data structures and other generic utilities.


Name Description

Buffer that holds a chunk of rays and results.


Simple implementation of the MemoryAllocator class that forwards all requests to the malloc/free ANSI functions.


A range within an array [first, last).


A basic memory allocator.


A single edge of a bounding box.


A single face of a bounding box.


A finite ray with near and far clipping planes.


A convex hull of a set of points.


Builds ConvexHull objects.


A covariance matrix.


Used for building CovarianceMatrix.


A line between two points.


Winding order (clockwise/counterclockwise).


A fixed size array.


8-bit floating point.


A class representing a 2d linear transform between UVs.


A type for freeing objects using GEO_ALIGNED_FREE. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr.


A storage unit for a page based allocation system.


A type of std::allocator, that passes memory requests through to the Geo heap functions This is used as the default allocator argument for the STL-like GeoMap/GeoList containers.


A custom std::allocator, that uses simple malloc/free.


Basic templated dynamic array class.


STL adaptor to make the GeoArray look like a proper STL container.


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoAutoPtr with Array dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


Adaptor to allow storing of pointers in a container (calls GEO_DELETE on each pointer upon array destruction)


Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction)


Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction)


A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and bind its life-time to the scope of this class.


Adaptor to allow storing of IGeoReleasable pointers in a container (calls Release() on each pointer upon array destruction)


Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls Release() on each pointer upon container destruction)


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoAutoPtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


A simple bit array wrapper, stored in an array of u32s.


Container for a set of bits.


class GeoBlueNoise Adapted from: Bridson, Robert, "Fast Poisson Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches


Builds a pallet of blue noise samples, each in a disk of radius 1.


class GeoBlueNoiseRayPalette


This class represents an axis aligned bounding box.


This class represents a bounding sphere.


Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data into/from memory and performs all read/write operations on this copy.


An implementation of IGeoInputStream that uses another stream to fill an internal buffer.


Basic wrapper around a critical section object.


MemoryAllocator implementation which fills allocated memory with a given value.


A type for deleting objects of type T using specific delete function. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr.


A type for deleting objects of type T using DeleteArray().


A type for deleting objects of type T using GEO_DELETE.


A simple storage class for a floating point cube map.


An IGeoRayTracingContext that implements the Intel Embree raytracer.


A hash functor for a null-terminated string.


Description of a single error reported via an IGeoProgressProxy.


Event that can be manually triggered.


The file manager deals with locating resources given a path and a filename.


Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data from a file.


A std::allocator that passes memory requests through to a single underlying GeoAllocationPage.


To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get.


To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get.


This is a simple string class template that always uses a fixed amount of memory for a single string.


Allow safe conversion between a float and its representative bit pattern.


A (16 bit) floating point texture for input and output.


Sets the state of the floating point control word, and restores the original value when the object is destroyed.


This class measures frame rate and also computes a running average of the last n frames.


A type for freeing objects using GEO_FREE. This is for use in GeoAutoPtr.


A really simple texture where all elements are T.


A 128 bit identifier used to uniquely identify objects in the precompute.


Convenience value type for a half float.


A const handle into the hash table.


A hash functor for a null-terminated string.


A generic hashing functor.


A non-const handle into the hash table.


The hash table.


A functor which hashes a char string.


Basic templated dynamic immutable array class.


Represents a range of integers, e.g. between 10 and 20.


A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and handle calling AddRef() and Release().


A fast implementation of a set associative container, this one using a sorted array of key values to lookup a similar array of value pointers.


Debugging output representation of a line segment.


Our implementation of an STL list, with some modifications.


Our implementation of an STL map, with some modifications.


Fully featured MemoryAllocator implementation that handles memory tracking, leak detection, stack traces, reporting and more.


A memory pool.


Simple IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data to a block of memory.


Non axis aligned bounding box. Note the "m_Pos" of this class is the CORNER (origin), not the centre.


A type for not destroying anything.


A generic pair class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types.


A plane with an origin and two basis vectors in the plane.


Single precision 2 dimensional point class.


Integer 2 dimensional point class.


Single precision 3 dimensional point class.


Integer 3 dimensional point class.




Helper class to manage an IGeoProgressProxy.


Simple FIFO queue.


Any class which wishes to use the queue Walk function must inherit from this class to define its callback interface.


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoRefPtr with Array dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


Base class for reference counted resources.


A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and track a reference count between multiple instances of this class.


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoRefPtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


A type for deleting objects of type T using Release(). This is for use in GeoAutoPtr.


A simple CPU 8 bit per channel texture.


A simple CPU 8 bit per channel texture element.


A simple utility for aquiring a lock for the duration of a function.


Inherit from this class to add singleton behaviour to your class.


STL string replacement.


STL string_view replacement.


A simple task timer Construct a GeoTimer, then as each task begins simply create a local GeoTimer::Task object to automatically start and stop the clock.


A basic replacement for 'strtok'.


A very simple utility class that wraps some common parsing functionality around a GeoTokenList.


Simple representation of a triangle.


A generic triple class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types.


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoUniquePtr with Delegate dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


A value type to take ownership of a raw object allocated on the heap and bind its life-time to the scope of this class.


Given the lack of a template typedef, and how common it is to want a GeoUniquePtr with Release dtor, adding a new class to provide this destruction policy by default.


A really simple texture where all elements are float vectors.


Variant class for storing name/value pairs in a map, where the value is a subset of common value types.


Single precision 3 dimensional vector class.


Single precision 4 dimensional vector class.


Implementation of the MemoryAllocator class (on Windows) that uses VirtualAlloc and VirtualProtect to provide similar memory overwrite detection as the Application Verifier.


IGeoStream implementation that saves/loads data from a zlib compressed file.


A Mersenne Twister RNG.


Comparison class for std::sort.


A utility for identifying pairs of "identical" vertices in a vertex buffer.


A link between two vertices.


An IffReader allows you to use an IGeoStream to read Iff format binary files easily.


Presents an interface compatible with IffWriter, writes a text version of the binary IFF.


An IffWriter allows you to use an IGeoStream to create Iff format binary files easily.


Cross platform Event class.


An IGeoInputStream allows you to read memory/files in a consistent manner, and is an extension point for users wishing to control where data is stored.


An interface for informing a client about the current progress of an operation.


Ray-tracing context.


A class implementing IGeoReleasable is usually created by the Enlighten libraries and so must have Release() called in order to return the memory.


A class implementing IGeoSerialisable adds the ability to save and load instances of the type from an IGeoStream.


An IGeoStream allows you to read/write memory/files in a consistent manner, and is an extension point for users wishing to control where data is stored.


Small helper class to ensure init/cleanup are called when object is created/destroyed.


An interface used by the raytracers to fill their internal mesh data structures.


A class that provides this interface can process tty string commands.


Handles tty initialisation events.


Class providing this interface is a source of tty commands and may need polling.


A class that provides this interface can display tty output strings.


Matrix definition.


Single-precision 4x4 matrix class.


Class used to override memory allocation and freeing.


Base class for classes that are meant to be noncopyable.


Class allowing a value object (integer, string, etc) to be optional, by storing a current value, default value and a boolean to state which is valid.


An index value that may or may not be present.


Represents four unsigned integer values packed into a single 32-bit register and named XYZW.


Stores unsigned integer values packed into a 64-bit block.


Stores unsigned integer values packed into 64-bit blocks.


Scope control struct which instruments a block of code for performance analysis.


A leaf node in a kd-tree of points.


A splitting node in a kd-tree of points.


A bounding box for both branches of a PointSplit node.


Common construction state for a point kd-tree.


A little class to time a task.


stores a fragment of a triangle i.e. a triangle clipped to a pixel box


records details of the input triangle


stores a rasterization vertex, including barycentric coordinates


A single ray.


The result of a ray intersection test.


Base class for classes that are meant to be releasable.


Ring Buffer class.


A mesh container that can be stored to disk and used later as a ray tracing mesh.


A ray tracing mesh that is a collection of other meshes.


A class that times the interval between construction and destruction, adding this number of ticks to the counter provided.


A class that times the interval between construction and destruction, adding the number of milliseconds to the counter provided.


Simple scope control of a class with static Start() and Stop() functions.


SH Helper class.


The 'super-duper' random number generator with shuffle (an LCG).


Result structure used for comparing input lighting buffers.


A read-only view into an array with optional stride.


Wraps a string concatenation expression.


Inherit from this class to provide a specific tty command processing type.


Class that writes a 2D block of memory to disk as a texture file.


A generic tree structure, where each node contains an item by value.


Utility for doing vertex-based chart identification.


A simple implementation of an IGeoProgressProxy that uses printf to communicate with the user.


Provides a type id for the given type.


Double precision vector class.


Policy to write pointers as a range with the given element count.


Defines an N-byte block of padding which is zeroed on construction.


Name Description
const unsigned char g_Base64Table[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"

Maps numbers 0-63 onto ascii characters.

char g_ErrorBuffer[16 *1024]

Big static buffer for errors, as we may have run low on memory by the time we need to print stuff.

const char * g_FriendlyRTAPINames[RTAPI_NUM_API] = { "EMBREE" }

Names of the ray-tracing APIs.

bool g_isUnattended = false

Should we avoid showing message boxes etc., as there is no-one to deal with them?

const Geo::v128 g_LuminanceCoefficients = Geo::VConstruct(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f)

The coefficients to calculate the luminance from a colour specified in linear sRGB space These values are determined by the CIE 1931 colour space standard and the definition of the sRGB primaries.

const float g_MaxNegFloat = -FLT_MAX

Largest representable negative float.

const float g_MaxNegHalfFloat = -65504.0f

Largest representable negative half-float (=-(2 - 2^-10) * 2^15)

const float g_MaxPosFloat = FLT_MAX

Largest representable positive float.

const float g_MaxPosHalfFloat = 65504.0f

Largest representable positive half-float (=(2 - 2^-10) * 2^15)

const float g_MinFloat = FLT_MIN

Smallest representable positive float.


Stores the previous exception filter in InstallGeoErrorHandler(), so it can be restored in RemoveGeoErrorHandler().

const float g_UnitEpsilon = FLT_EPSILON

Smallest float such that 1.f + g_UnitEpsilon != 1.f.

const v128 g_VecEpsilon = VBroadcast(0.001f)

This has the value of g_VecEpsilonF broadcast into all elements.

const float g_VecEpsilonF = 0.001f

A general epsilon for use with the IsUnitLength function.

const u32 g_VecMaskFalse = 0x00000000

A mask value of 'false' = 0x00000000.

const u32 g_VecMaskTrue = 0xffffffff

A mask value of 'true' = 0xffffffff.

const v128 g_VecNormaliseEpsilon = VBroadcast(1e-35f)

An internal epsilon used inside the vector normalisation functions.

const Geo::v128 g_VFours

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VHalves

Some common useful constants.

const v128 g_VMaskNotSignBit

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskSignBit

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskX

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXY

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXYW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXYZ

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXYZW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXZ

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskXZW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskY

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskYW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskYZ

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskYZW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskZ

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const v128 g_VMaskZW

These are all the masks for the implementation Users should go through the API to access these.

const Geo::v128 g_VMinusOnes

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VMinusOneTwoEights

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverOneTwoSevens

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverPi

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverTwoFives

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverTwoPi

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOnes

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VOneTwoSevens

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VPi

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VQuarters

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VThirds

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VThrees

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VTwoFiveFives

Some common useful constants.

const Geo::v128 g_VTwos

Some common useful constants.

const v128 g_VUnitW

Unit vectors.

const v128 g_VUnitX

Unit vectors.

const v128 g_VUnitY

Unit vectors.

const v128 g_VUnitZ

Unit vectors.

const Geo::v128 g_VZero

Some common useful constants.

bool g_waitOnExit = false

Should we wait before exiting the process, when an unhandled exception is encountered.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_AVX = 0x00000100

This cpu supports AVX.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_F16C = 0x00000200

This cpu supports F16C.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_FMA3 = 0x00000400

This cpu supports FMA3.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_FMA4 = 0x00000080

This cpu supports FMA4.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_MMX = 0x00000001

This cpu supports mmx technology.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSE = 0x00000002

This cpu supports version 1 of SSE.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSE2 = 0x00000004

This cpu supports version 2 of SSE.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSE3 = 0x00000008

This cpu supports version 3 of SSE.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSE41 = 0x00000020

This cpu supports version 4.1 of SSE.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSE42 = 0x00000040

This cpu supports version 4.2 of SSE.

const Geo::u32 GEO_CPU_FEATURE_SSSE3 = 0x00000010

This cpu supports the Supplemental Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSSE3).


A thread handle value that is never valid.

const GeoLogHandlerCount GEO_LOG_MAX_HANDLERS_PER_TYPE = 4

The maximum number of log handlers that can be installed per log message type.

const s32 GEO_LOG_MAX_MSG_LENGTH = 8192

Maximum length of a log message.


Minimum required buffer size needed for GeoLogMsgType().


Define the order in which the message types are represented in internal data structures.

const u8 GEO_LOG_NUM_MSG_TYPES = 6

The number of types of log message.

const Geo::s32 HASH_SIZE_SHA1 = 20

The size of an SHA-1 hash.


A bit mask for containing all the valid message types.


Name Description

Return the absolute value of a number.


Return the absolute value of a number.


Return the absolute value of a number.


Return the absolute value of a number.


Returns a vector with the Abs function applied to all 4 elements.

ApplyBarycentricWeights(const Geo::BaryWeights &, const v128 &, const v128 &, const v128 &)

Apply barycentric weights to triangle vertex attributes.

ArrayToString(const Geo::GeoArray< T > &, const C *)

Function to make a string by concatenating an array of elements using IGeoStream::operator<< to convert each element to a string and placing the given separator between each element.

Base64Decode(const char *, size_t, Geo::u8 *)

Converts a C-string of Base64 into raw binary.

Base64Encode(const Geo::u8 *, size_t, char *)

Converts raw binary into Base64 for storage in text files.

BloatTriangle(ConvexHull *, Geo::v128, Geo::v128, Geo::v128, float, Geo::s32)

Bloat a triangle by a specified amount.

BuildPointKdTree(PointSplitState &)

Construct a kd-tree of points.


Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.


Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.


Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.


Fundamental byte-swapping macros.


Fundamental byte-swapping macros.


Fundamental byte-swapping macros.


Fundamental byte-swapping macros.

ByteSwapArray16(Geo::u16 *, Geo::u32)

Byte swap an array of 16-bit values.

ByteSwapArray32(Geo::u32 *, Geo::u32)

Byte swap an array of 32-bit values.

ByteSwapArray64(Geo::u64 *, Geo::u32)

Byte swap an array of 64-bit values.

ByteSwapArrayFloat(float *, Geo::u32)

Byte swap an array of 32-bit float values.

CalcCubeMapCoordinatesForDirection(Geo::v128, Geo::s32, Geo::s32 &, float &, float &)

Compute the cube map texel coordinate for a given direction and cubemap resolution.

CalcDirectionForCubeMapCoordinate(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel coordinate.

CalcDirectionForCubeMapTexel(Geo::s32, float, float)

Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel UV coordinate.


Compute the next whole number greater than a.

CheckPaddingZeroed(const T &)

Checks if the given object has all it's 'padding' fields set to zero.

Clamp(T &, const T &, const T &)

Clamp a numeric type T to the given range.

ClosestPointInTriangle(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Gives the closest point in triangle abc to point p.

CombineStatistics(const Statistics &, const Statistics &)

Combine the values in statsA and statsB so that the properties of each member are retained over the whole set.

Compatibility_ReadWideString(IffReader &, GeoString< char > &, Geo::s32)

Read a type that used to be GeoString<wchar_t>, and is now GeoString<char>

CompressStream(GeoMemoryStream &, GeoMemoryStream &)

Compress the input stream with the ZLib library, placing the result in the output stream.

ComputeKdTreeBounds(PointSplitBounds *, const PointSplit *, const PointLeaf *, const Geo::GeoBoundingBox *)

Compute a AABB bounds object for each split point in a kd-tree.

ComputeStatistics(Statistics &, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::v128 &)

Computes the difference between two vector arrays.

ConstructFloat8(Geo::u32, Geo::s32)

Return the float represented by the specified 4-bit mantissa and the specified exponent.


Constructs a float which is exactly equal to 1x2^exponent.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.


Convert a float to a half.

ConvertFloatToHalfArray(Geo::u16 *, const float *, Geo::u32)

Convert an array of floats to an array of halves.


Convert a half to a float.

ConvertHalfToFloatArray(const Geo::u16 *, float *, Geo::u32)

Convert an array of halves to an array of floats.

ConvertV128ToHalfVectorArray(Geo::u64 *, const Geo::v128 *, Geo::u32)

Convert an array of v128s to an array of half vectors.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

Copy(const GeoList< T > &, GeoList< T > &)

Appends the contents of the 'source' GeoList to the 'dest' GeoList.


Copies error data to the Windows clipboard.

CopyStreamToStream(IGeoStream &, GeoMemoryStream &)

Copy the contents of the source IGeoStream (src) to the destination GeoMemoryStream (dst).


Returns the number of consecutive trailing zero bits.

CropWhitespace(GeoString< T > &)

Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the provided string.

Cross(VectorD, VectorD)

Double precision vector operators.

DebugBreakAtStreamPosition(Geo::u64, const Geo::IGeoStream &, size_t)

Breaks into the debugger if the given current position would advance beyond the given target position after advancing by the given number of bytes.

Deserialise(GeoRaySet &, const char *)

Deserialises a list of line segments from a file.

DivideAndRoundUp(T, T)

Perform an integer division that rounds the result to the next integer.

Dot(VectorD, VectorD)

Double precision vector operators.

Equal(MatrixParam, MatrixParam)

Return true if all corresponding matrix elements are exactly equal.

EqualWithinEpsilon(float, float, float)

Returns true if Abs(a - b) is less than the epsilon.

EqualWithinEpsilon(MatrixParam, MatrixParam)

Return true if all corresponding matrix elements are within an epsilon.

EqualWithinEpsilon(v128Param, v128Param, v128Param)

Returns true if all elements of a and b are within g_VecEpsilon of each other.

EvaluateStringExpression(StringExpression< T >)

Concatenate and return all of the strings in the expression with a single allocation.


Converts a float into a signed integer using a faster method than the standard C truncation convention which requires a rounding mode change.

FileExists(const char *)

Checks that testFile exists.

FileExistsAndIsNewer(const char *, const char *)

Checks that testFile exists and is newer than exemplarFile.

FileIsWritable(const char *)

Checks that the file named filename can be written to.

FindIndex(const GeoArray< T > &, const T &)

Find array index for first element that matches data, returns -1 if no match.


Compute the next whole number smaller than a.

FreeLoadedFile(void *)

Free a previously loaded file.

FromVector(const v128 &)

Convert from a vector.

GenerateGuidFromString(const GeoString< char > &)

Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.

GenerateGuidFromString(GeoGuid &, const GeoString< char > &)

Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.

GenerateUnitSquareFastPoissonDistribution(const s32 &, GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > &, const u32 &)

Helper function to generate fast poisson samples in the 2D unit square.

GenerateUnitSquareSobolDistribution(const s32 &, GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > &, const u32 &)

Helper function to generate sobol samples in the 2D unit square.

Geo__itt_domain_create(const char *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_id_create(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_id_destroy(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_relation_add(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_relation, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_string_handle_create(const char *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_begin(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_id, __itt_string_handle *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_end(const __itt_domain *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_group(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_id, __itt_string_handle *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)


Templated function equivalent of GEO_DELETE_ARRAY A handy template so you don't have to enter the type param (and potentially get it wrong)


Templated function equivalent of GEO_DELETE A handy template so you don't have to enter the type param (and potentially get it wrong)

GeoAlign(T *, s32)

Align the supplied pointer to the supplied boundary.

GeoAlign(T, s32)

Align the supplied value to the supplied boundary.

GeoAToF(const char *)

Equivalent to atof.

GeoAToI(const char *)

Equivalent to atoi.

GeoAttachLogger(GeoLogHandler, eGeoLogMsgTypeMask)

Attach a log handler which will be passed messages of the requested types.

GeoConstructAPIFilename(const char *, char *)

Construct a filename for use in the underlying platform filesystem API.

GeoCreateThread(GeoThreadStartRoutine, void *)

Platform specific thread creation function.

GeoDeleteFile(const char *)

Delete a file.

GeoDestruct(T &)

Calls destructor on object.

GeoDestruct(v128 &)

Calls destructor on object.


Detach all log handlers for the specified message types.

GeoDetachLogger(GeoLogHandler, eGeoLogMsgTypeMask)

Detach a previously attached log handler, it if was previously attached.

GeoDirectoryCreate(const char *)

Creates a directory and all the directories leading up to it.

GeoFClose(FILE *)

A safe alternative to fclose.

GeoFEof(FILE *)

A safe alternative to feof.

GeoFError(FILE *)

A safe alternative to ferror. Returns a non-zero value to indicate an error.

GeoFOpen(const char *, const char *)


GeoFRead(void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *)

A safe alternative to fread.

GeoFSeek(offset_t, GeoFSeekOrigin, FILE *)

A safe alternative to fseek.

GeoFTell(FILE *)

A safe alternative to ftell.

GeoFWrite(const void *, size_t, size_t, FILE *)

A safe alternative to fwrite.


Get the platform this code was compiled for.


Platform specific thread accessor function.


Returns a text string containing the platform name.

GeoInterlockedAdd32(GeoAtomic< u32 > &, u32)

Atomically add amount to value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

GeoInterlockedAdd64(GeoAtomic< s64 > &, s64)

Atomically add amount to value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

GeoInterlockedDec32(GeoAtomic< u32 > &)

Atomically decrement value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

GeoInterlockedExchange32(GeoAtomic< u32 > &, u32)

Atomically sets a value, and returns its previous value.

GeoInterlockedExchange64(GeoAtomic< u64 > &, u64)

Atomically sets a value, and returns its previous value.

GeoInterlockedInc32(GeoAtomic< u32 > &)

Atomically increment value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

GeoInterlockedInc64(GeoAtomic< s64 > &)

Atomically increment value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

GeoInterlockedSub32(GeoAtomic< u32 > &, u32)

Atomically subtract amount to value pointed to by addend, returns new value.

GeoIsAligned(T, s32)

Check if the supplied value is aligned to the given alignment.

GeoIsAligned(T *, s32)

Check if the supplied address is aligned to the given alignment.


Return true if at least one logger is attached for all of the specified message types.

GeoLogHandler_Debugger(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, const char *)

A log message handler for writing messages to the debugger output channel.

GeoLogHandler_Popup(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, const char *)

A log message handler for displaying messages in a popup box.

GeoLogHandler_Stdout(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, const char *)

A log message handler for writing messages to stdout.

GeoLogHandler_Stdout_SetOrigin(const char *)

To support the MS error message format (see allow user to set an Origin, otherwise just leave empty.

GeoLogMsgType(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, char *)

It is convenient to have a textual label for a given channel easily available.

GeoPrintf(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, const char *, ...)

Messages are passed through the logger using a "printf()" like function.

GeoPrintf(eGeoLogMsgType, const char *, ...)

Messages are passed through the logger using a "printf()" like function.

GeoRectFromCoords(float, float, float, float)

Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.

GeoRectFromCoordsUnsafe(float, float, float, float)

Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.

GeoRectFromSize(float, float, float, float)

Function to construct a GeoRect from a minimum X and Y co-ordinate, a width and a height.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.


Platform specific thread release function.

GeoRenameFile(const char *, const char *)

Rename a file.


Platform specific thread resume function.

GeoSetThreadAffinity(GeoThreadHandle, Geo::u64)

Platform specific set thread affinity function.


Platform specific thread sleep function.

GeoSPrintf(char *, size_t, const char *, ...)

Equivalent to sprintf.

GeoStageBegin(const char *)

Begin a statistics block.


End a statistics block.

GeoStatistic(const char *, const char *)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, Geo::u64)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, Geo::s64)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, Geo::s32)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, Geo::u32)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, double)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatistic(const char *, float)

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

GeoStatisticsBegin(const char *, const char *, const char *)

Begin a StatusXml file.


End the StatusXml file (note that you may wish to set the filename to NULL after this)

GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile(eGeoLogMsgType, u32, const char *)

The event handler for the StatusXml file.

GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile_SetName(const char *, bool)

Set the name of the StatusXml file writer. If not called, no file is created.

GeoStrCat(char *, size_t, const char *)

Equivalent to strcat.

GeoStrCmp(const char *, const char *)

Equivalent to strcmp.

GeoStrCpy(char *, size_t, const char *)

Equivalent to strcpy.

GeoStrICmp(const char *, const char *)

Equivalent to stricmp.

GeoStrLen(const char *)

Equivalent to strlen.

GeoStrLwr(char *)

Equivalent to strlwr.

GeoStrNCat(char *, size_t, const char *, size_t)

Equivalent to strncat.

GeoStrNCmp(const char *, const char *, size_t)

Equivalent to strncmp.

GeoStrNCpy(char *, size_t, const char *, size_t)

Equivalent to strncpy.

GeoStrToS16(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s16.

GeoStrToS32(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s32.

GeoStrToS64(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s64.

GeoStrToU16(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u16.

GeoStrToU32(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u32.

GeoStrToU64(const char *)

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u64.

GeoThreadEqual(GeoThreadHandle, GeoThreadHandle)

Platform specific thread comparison function.


Unhandled exception filter, registered by InstallGeoErrorHandler()

GeoVSCPrintf(const char *, va_list)

Equivalent to vscprintf.

GeoVSPrintf(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list)

Equivalent to vsprintf.


Platform specific thread wait function.


Platform specific thread yield function.

GetBarycentricWeights(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Compute the barycentric weights in a triangle given a position.


Retrieve the processors features as a set of flags.


Get the PC CPU vendor.


Get the PC CPU vendor as a string.


====================================================================== Given an exception code, returns a pointer to a static string with a

description of the exception


Get the previously set file system prefix for the current platform.


Extract the exponent of the given float, accounting for the bias (i.e. the result is in the range -127 to +128).


Extracts the mantissa of the given float.


Gets the name of the given ray-tracing API.


Returns the path to the application Documents directory on the current iOS device/simulator.

GetLogicalAddress(PVOID, LPCH, DWORD, DWORD &, DWORD &)

============================================================================= Given a linear address, locates the module, section, and offset containing that address.


Get the number of logical cores.

GetMatrixFromString(const C *)

Read 16 float values from a string and build a Matrix. Same argument order as the 16 float constructor.


Gets the currently set memory allocator, or NULL if none has been set yet.

GetNormal(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, eWindingOrder::Value)

Compute a normal from three vertices. The windingOrder parameter determines which side of the triangle the normal is for.


The number of page faults that occurred during the process life.


The peak amount of memory allocated by the process.


The total amount of memory currently allocated (allocations minus deallocations)


The total amount of memory currently allocated by the process.


Get the total amount of system physical memory.

GetV128FromString(const C *)

Parses a v128 from the given string.

GetV128FromStringXYZ(const C *, float)

Parses a v128 from the given string, ignoring the W-component and instead setting it to the given value.

HalfVectorToV128(const Geo::u16 *)

Convert a 4-element array of half floats to a v128.

HalfVectorToV128_Portable(const Geo::u16 *)

Convert a 4-element array of half floats to a v128.

HashBig(const void *, size_t, u32)

This is the same as HashWord() on big-endian machines.

HashLittle(const void *, size_t, u32)

Hash a variable-length key of bytes into a 32-bit value.

HashLittle(GeoStringView< char >)

This will create a simple u32 hash from the (case-sensitive) string supplied.

HashSHA1(const Geo::u8 *, Geo::s32, Geo::u8 *)

Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1. The outputBytes parameter must have at least HASH_SIZE_SHA1 bytes allocated.

HashSHA1(const Geo::u8 *, Geo::s32)

Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1 and returns a string representing the hash.


Hashes the given string using SHA1 and returns a GUID representing the hash.

HashWord(const u32 *, size_t, u32)

Produce a hash from a string of Geo::u32 This works on all machines.


Sets up program-wide error handling behaviour, including the unhandled exception handler.

IntersectTriangle(BaryWeights &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, bool, eWindingOrder::Value)

Intersect a triangle by a ray. If ignoreBackFaces is true then the windingOrder parameter determines which side of the triangle is the front.

InvokeFileOpenCallback(const char *, const char *)

Invoke the file open callback, if set.


Returns true if all of the 16 elements of m are finite.


Returns true if all of the 4 elements of v are finite.

IsFinite(const BaryWeights &)

Check that the weights are finite.

IsInsideInclusive(const BaryWeights &)

Test if barycentric weights encode a position inside the triangle.


Returns true if little endian.

IsMultiplePower2(const void *, u64)

Returns true if p is multiple of the specified power of 2.

IsMultiplePower2(u64, u64)

Returns true if u is multiple of the specified power of 2.


Returns true if any of the 4 elements of v are NANs.


Returns true if all of the 16 elements of m are finite.


Returns true if the matrix is a valid permutation matrix, where each column and each row consists of a single positive or negative "1" and the rest "0".


Return true is unsignedInt is a power of 2 or not.


Returns whether the given character is a whitespace character.


Double precision vector operators.

Lerp(v128Param, v128Param, v128Param)

Linearly interpolated between the corresponding components of a and b.

Lerp(float, float, float)

Linearly interpolate between a and b with factor s.

LoadFile(const char *, u32 &, u32, u32)

A safe alternative to ferror.

LoadFileStr(const char *, u32 &, u32)

Load a file and append a null terminator.


Load the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer Dll and initialise all utilised function pointers.

LoadInterface(IGeoInputStream &, u32)

Load an Interface object from a stream. Interface must have same functional API as an IGeoSerialisable.

LoadInterface(const char *, u32, bool)

Load a Precompute interface from disk, using the given filename.

LoadInterfaceCompressed(const char *, u32, bool)

Load an IGeoSerialisable interface from disk, using the given compressed or uncompressed file.

LocateLeafForPoint(const Geo::v128 *, const PointSplit *, const Geo::v128 &)

Locate the leaf index for a given point in a kd-tree.

LocateLeavesOverlappingBox(Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > &, const Geo::PointSplitBounds *, const PointSplit *, const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Locate a set of leaf indices that overlap a box.

LocateLeavesOverlappingPoint(Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > &, const Geo::PointSplitBounds *, const PointSplit *, const Geo::v128 &)

Locate a set of leaf indices that overlap a point.

LocateLeavesWithinBox(Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > &, const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &, const Geo::v128 *, const PointSplit *)

Locate a set of leaf indices that intersect a box.

Log(float, float)

Calculate the logarithm with specified base of the given number;.

LogStatistics(const IGeoRayTracingContext *, const double &)

Log ray tracing timings.

MakeArrayRange(T *, T *)

Returns an array range for first and last.

MakeFileStream(const char *, IGeoStream::EStreamMode, GeoFileStream::EStreamFormat)

Factory method to create appropriate file stream like object.

MakeGeoArray(const T *, s32)

Create a GeoArray which is a copy of the specified array.

MakeGeoArray(StridedArrayView< T >)

Create a GeoArray which is a copy of the specified strided array view.

MakeGeoError(const char *, TPayload *)

Creates a GeoError struct by filling in the given error code, textual message and payload data.

MakeGeoError(const ErrorType &)

Creates a GeoError struct by filling in the given error code, textual message and payload data.

MakeGeoPair(const T1 &, const T2 &)

Function to create a Geo::GeoPair, similar to the STL function std::make_pair.

MakeGeoTriple(const T1 &, const T2 &, const T3 &)

Function to create a Geo::GeoTriple, extended from MakeGeoPair.

MakeStridedArrayView(const GeoArray< T > &)

Create a StridedArrayView which refers to the entire of the specified array.

MakeStridedArrayView(const T *, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Create a read-only view into an array with optional stride.


Return a string concatenation expression consisting of the specified string.


Creates a GeoString containing the 16 elements of the matrix (space-separated) in a form compatible with GetMatrixFromString.


Creates a GeoString containing the 16 elements of the matrix (space-separated) in a form compatible with GetMatrixFromString.

Max(const GeoPoint2D &, const GeoPoint2D &)

Gets the component-wise maximum of two points.

Max(const T &, const T &)

Return the Max of a and b.

Max(const GeoPoint3D &, const GeoPoint3D &)

Gets the component-wise maximum of two points.

Max(const v128 &, const v128 &)

Returns a vector where each element has the maximum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.

Max3(const T &, const T &, const T &)

Return the Max of {a,b,c}.


Construct the inverse of the view matrix for a specific cubemap face.


Construct a view matrix for a specific cubemap face.


Construct a matrix from a quaternion.


Determinant (returned as a broadcast float)

MemoryTrackerReport(s16, bool)

This will generate a report on memory leaks, and attempt to release the leaks.


Deconstruct the matrix to retrieve the rotation part as a quaternion.


Deconstruct the matrix to retrieve the translation part as a vector.

Min(const v128 &, const v128 &)

Returns a vector where each element has the minimum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.

Min(const T &, const T &)

Return the Max of a and b.

Min(const GeoPoint3D &, const GeoPoint3D &)

Gets the component-wise minimum of two points.

Min3(const T &, const T &, const T &)

Return the Min of {a,b,c}.


Generalised inverse.

MInverse(MatrixParam, v128)

with a precomputed 1/determinant


Inverts assuming only rotation and translation.

Mod(float, float)

Return a modulo b.

MortonDecode(Geo::u64, Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &)

Map from a linear z-order space filling curve back to x, y and z components.

MortonDecode(Geo::u64, Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &)

Map from a linear z-order space filling curve back to x and y components.

MortonEncode(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Map from x, y and z components to a linear z-order space filling curve.

MortonEncode(Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Map from x and y components to a linear z-order space filling curve.


Determinant (returned as a broadcast float)


Safer static cast that 'protects' against underflow/overflow.

operator-(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

Operator - (component-wise subtraction)

operator-(VectorD, VectorD)

Double precision vector operators.


The unary - operator. Equivalent to (VZero() - v);.

operator!=(const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > &, const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator!=(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.

operator!=(const GeoAllocator< T1 > &, const GeoAllocator< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator!=(const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > &, const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator*(double, VectorD)

Double precision vector operators.

operator*(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

Operator * (component-wise multiplication)

operator*=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param)

Inplace *.

operator/(VectorD, VectorD)

Double precision vector operators.

operator/(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

Operator / (component-wise division)

operator/=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param)

Inplace /.


The unary + operator (effectively a no-op)

operator+(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

Operator + (component-wise addition)

operator+=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param)

Inplace +.

operator<(const GeoPoint3 &, const GeoPoint3 &)

Allow GeoPoint3 to be used as a key for GeoMap.

operator<(const GeoPoint3D &, const GeoPoint3D &)

Allow GeoPoint3D to be used as a key for GeoMap.

operator<(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, s32)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, double)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, float)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, GeoStringView< char >)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const char *)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, u32)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const GeoVariant &)

Writes a GeoVariant to an IGeoStream as text, commonly used to write properties in Xml.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const GeoString< char > &)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const Matrix &)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const GeoGuid &)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<<(IGeoStream &, const v128 &)

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

operator<=(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.

operator-=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param)

Inplace -.

operator==(const GeoArray< T > &, const GeoArray< T > &)

Array equality testing function.

operator==(const GeoPoint3 &, const GeoPoint3 &)

Equality operator.

operator==(const GeoAllocator< T1 > &, const GeoAllocator< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator==(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.

operator==(const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > &, const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator==(const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > &, const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > &)

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

operator>(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.

operator>=(const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Operator overloads for GeoList.


Packs a single-precision floating point number into a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

PackFloatToRgbm(v128, bool)

Pack a v128 colour value into a u32 in RGBM format.


Packs a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers into a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.

PrintError(const GeoError &)

Sends a GeoError object to the listeners attached to the GeoPrintf handlers.

PrintExceptionMessage(const char *, ...)

Since printf(...) in an exception handler seems to disappear into the ether when the process opened in a pipe We will print to both the screen and the shared memory block of OutputDebugString()

PrintExceptionMessage(const WCHAR *, ...)

Since printf(...) in an exception handler seems to disappear into the ether when the process opened in a pipe We will print to both the screen and the shared memory block of OutputDebugString()

PrintTotalMemorySummaryForMarker(const char *, const char *, s32)

Print a basic report to the LOG_INFO stream.

QApplyToVec(Quat, v128)

Assumes q is unit.

QBuildFromEulerAngles(float, float, float)

Converts quaternion into euler angles in XYZ order, stored in those components.


Construct a matrix from a quaternion.

QClosestSlerp(Quat, Quat, v128)

Flips inputs to be on the same hyper-hemisphere. Use QFullSlerp if desired.


q* = -xyz, +w

QFullSlerp(Quat, Quat, v128)

Does not flip inputs to be on the same hyper-hemisphere. Use QClosestSlerp if desired.


q* = -xyz, +w

QLerp(Quat, Quat, v128)

Assumes a and b are unit.

QMul(Quat, Quat)

quat multiply.


Assumes q is unit.

RasterizeTriangle(float, float, float, float, float, float, RasterizationClient, void *)

rasterize a triangle

RasterizeWindingAgnosticTriangle(float, float, float, float, float, float, RasterizationClient, void *)

rasterize a triangle regardless of winding order

ReadArray(IGeoInputStream &, GeoArray< T > &)

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

ReadArray(IGeoInputStream &, GeoArray< T * > &)

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

ReadArray(IGeoInputStream &, Geo::GeoArray< T * > &, TCreateAndLoadFunction)

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream.

ReadMap(IGeoInputStream &, GeoMap< K, T > &)

Helper function to read a GeoMap from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

ReadObject(IGeoInputStream &, GeoString< char > &)

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

ReadObject(IGeoInputStream &, bool &)

Ensure that boolean values are read/written 'efficiently' and portably.

ReadObject(Reader &, T &)

default implementation of overloadable reader function

ReadObject(IGeoInputStream &, Geo::GeoArray< T > &)

ReadObject adapter for ReadArray.


Unregister the unhandled exception handler.

RoundToNextMultiplePower2(u32, u32)

This will round the number u to the next multiple of a power of 2 if the number isn't already a multiple of the power of 2.


Round a 32bit unsigned int to the next power of 2.


Round a 64bit unsigned int to the next power of 2.

RoundToPrevMultiplePower2(u32, u32)

This will round the number u down to the previous multiple of a power of 2 if the number isn't already a multiple of the power of 2.

SafeDestructArrayContents(Geo::GeoArray< tType * > &, tTypeDestructor)

Given a GeoArray of pointers, and a destruct function (or any type that has operator()), destroy the elements and clear the array.

SafeRelease(T &)

Scoped safe release function.

SaveFile(const char *, const void *, u32)

Save a file.

SaveInterface(const Interface *, const char *, Geo::u32)

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk, using the given filename.

SaveInterfaceCompressed(const Interface *, const char *, Geo::u32)

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk in compressed format, using the given filename.

SaveInterfaceDebug(const Interface *, const char *, u32)

Save the object in both binary and text form with the given filename.

SaveInterfaceIfChanged(const Interface *, const char *, Geo::u32)

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk, using the given filename.

ScaleRect(GeoRect, float)

Function to scale a bounding box.

Serialise(const GeoRaySet &, const char *)

Serialises a list of line segments to a file.


Set the function to be called when a file is opened, or a null pointer to disable the callback.

SetFileSystemPrefix(const char *)

Set a file system prefix for the current platform.

SetMemoryAllocator(MemoryAllocator *)

Set the memory allocator.


Sets whether the program will wait before exiting when an unhandled exception is encountered.

SplitStringToFloats(const C *)

Function to parse incoming string into an array of floats.

SplitStringToIntegers(const C *)

Function to parse incoming string into an array of integers.


Drop into the debugger.


Return an empty string concatenation expression.

swap(GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > &, GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > &)

Optimised std::swap compatible function.

swap(GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &, GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > &)

Optimised std::swap compatible function.

Swap(T &, T &)

A generic swap function. Template parameter T must be CopyConstructable and Assignable.


Initialise platform-specific OS basics.


Return the current system time in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.


Returns the current performance counter.


Returns the number of system performance counter ticks in a second.


Tidyup platform-specific OS basics.

TestSamplingDistributions(const char *, const s32 &)

Write out raysets representing the ray distributions for debugging and visualisation.

ToVector(const BaryWeights &)

Convert to a vector.

UncompressStream(GeoMemoryStream &, GeoMemoryStream &)

Uncompress a stream created by the CompressStream function above into a new stream.

UniformInteger(RNG &)

Random unsigned 32 bit integer, [0, 0xffffffff] (inclusive)

UniformSignedUnitDouble(RNG &)

Random double, [-1, 1] (inclusive)

UniformSignedUnitFloat(RNG &)

Random float, [-1, 1] (inclusive)

UniformUnitClopenDouble(RNG &)

Random double, [0, 1)

UniformUnitClopenFloat(RNG &)

Random float, [0, 1)

UniformUnitDouble(RNG &)

Random double, [0, 1] (inclusive)

UniformUnitFloat(RNG &)

Random float, [0, 1] (inclusive)

UniformUnitOpenDouble(RNG &)

Random double, (0, 1)

UniformUnitOpenFloat(RNG &)

Random float, (0, 1)

UnionOfRects(GeoRect, GeoRect)

Union of two bounding boxes.


Unacks a single-precision floating point number from a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.


Unpacks a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers from a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.


Unpack an rgbm colour into a v128.

V128ToHalfVector(Geo::v128, Geo::u16 *)

Convert a v128 to a 4-element array of half floats.

V128ToHalfVector_Portable(Geo::v128, Geo::u16 *)

Convert a v128 to a 4-element array of half floats.

V128ToUtf8String(const Geo::v128 &)

Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).

V128ToUtf8StringXYZ(const Geo::v128 &)

Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).


Construct a v128 by broadcasting a float into all elements.


Construct a v128 by converting an integer to a float and broadcasting it into all elements.


Return ceil(v).

VCompareEquals(v128Param, v128Param)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).

VCompareGE(v128Param, v128Param)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.

VCompareGT(v128Param, v128Param)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.


Tests all elements of v to see if they are finite or not.


Tests all elements of v to see if any of them are NANs.

VCompareLE(v128Param, v128Param)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.

VCompareLT(v128Param, v128Param)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.

VCompareWithFlagsEquals(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).

VCompareWithFlagsGE(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.

VCompareWithFlagsGT(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.

VCompareWithFlagsLE(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.

VCompareWithFlagsLT(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &)

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.

VConstruct(float, float, float, float)

Construct a v128 from 4 floats. Fairly slow.

VConstructBitwise(u32, u32, u32, u32)

Re-intreprets 4 ints as floats and construct a vector from them.

VConstructU32(u32, u32, u32, u32)

Construct a uint32x4_t from 4 uint32s, without reinterpreting as floats. Result is a vector of uint32s.

VCross3(v128Param, v128Param)

Cross the first 3 elements of each.

VCross3ZeroW(v128Param, v128Param)

Cross the first 3 elements of each.


Converts quaternion into euler angles in XYZ order, stored in those components.


Returns the fractional part of each element of v.


Returns a mask with everything but the 4 sign bits set.


Returns a mask with just the 4 sign bits set.

VLeftOf2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Determines if the point 'c' is to the left of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.


Double precision vector operators.

VLoadAligned(const float *)

Load a 4-float array from 16-byte aligned memory.

VLoadUnaligned(const float *)

Load a 4-float array from arbitrarily aligned memory. Cannot be null.

VMadd(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

This is a vector multiply accumulate operation returning (a * b) + c.


Return -v. You can use the operator overload instead if you prefer.


Normalise the intensity of a colour vector to have unit luminance.

VOpAnd(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

This is a bitwise & operation.


This is a bitwise ~ operation.

VOpOr(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

This is a bitwise | operation.

VOpXor(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param)

This is a bitwise ^ operation.

VPackX4(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Packs the X component from each of the four vectors into a single vector.

VPerpendicular(v128Param, float)

Returns a vector perpendicular to v (with one of its components being zero).


Return 1.f / v. (inaccurate)


Return 1.f / v. (fast approximate where available. If not, implemented as VRecip)


Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)


Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)


Reverses the order of the components from xyzw to wzyx.

VRightOf2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Determines if the point 'c' is to the right of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.

VScaleAndAdd(const Geo::v128 &, float, const Geo::v128 &, float)

Calculates a * s + b * t.

VShuffle(v128Param, int, int, int, int)

Returns the specified permutation of the parameter vector. Any permutation is valid.

VSignedArea2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &)

Calculates the signed area of the given triangle in 2D space (z-coordinates ignored)

VSlerp2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, float)

Spherical linear interpolation between 'a' and 'b', with weight 't'.


Return sqrt(v). (more inaccurate than the reciprocal version on non-sse hardware)


Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.


Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.


Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.


Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.


A fully-zeroed out vector.


Will a conversion of mode result in moving to the current platform? If the result is true, the (incoming) data should be swapped before use.

WithinClosed(const T &, const T &, const T &)

A generic within function.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const Geo::GeoArray< T * > &, TSaveFunction)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const GeoArray< T * > &)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const GeoImmutableArray< T > &)

Helper function to write a GeoImmutableArray to an IGeoStream. Deals with arrays of values.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const GeoArray< T > &)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream. Deals with arrays of values.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const GeoArray< T * > &, Geo::u32)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

WriteArrayImpl(Writer &, const T *, const T *)

Write an array to the stream.

WriteFileIfChanged(GeoMemoryStream &, const char *)

Save a GeoMemoryStream to disk, modifying the file only if the contents change (or the file didn't exist).

WriteMap(IGeoStream &, const GeoMap< K, T > &)

Helper function to write a GeoMap to an IGeoStream.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, GeoString< char > const &)

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, const Geo::GeoImmutableArray< T > &)

WriteObject adapter for WriteArray.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, const Geo::GeoArray< T > &)

WriteObject adapter for WriteArray.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, ArrayRange< T >)

Write a blittable range object to the stream.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, bool const &)

Ensure that boolean values are read/written 'efficiently' and portably.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, const Geo::GeoPair< T1, T2 > &)

Write a GeoPair that is not blittable because it contains padding.

WriteObject(Writer &, const T &)

default implementation of overloadable writer function

WriteObjectBinary(const char *, const T &, WritePolicy)

Write the object using the policy in binary form with the given filename.

WriteObjectDebug(const char *, const T &, WritePolicy)

Write the object using the policy in both binary and text form with the given filename.

WriteProperty(Geo::IGeoStream &, const char *, const T &, bool)

Write a blittable property.

WriteProperty(IGeoStream &, const char *, ArrayRange< T >)

Write a range property to the stream.

WriteRange(IGeoStream &, ArrayRange< T >)

Write a blittable range object to the stream.

WriteRange(IGeoStream &, Iterator, Iterator)

Write a range property to the stream.

WriteRangeImpl(Writer &, const T *, const T *, GeoStd::FalseType)

Write a non-blittable range to the stream.

WriteStackDetails(PCONTEXT, bool)


Walks the stack, and writes the results to the report file


Name Description

An enumeration of the dimensions of 3D space.


Location of a box relative to a plane.


Enumeration used to control behaviour of various endian swapping functions.


Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data.


PC CPU vendors.


The severity of an error.


enum eGeoLogMsgType


Enumeration for those cases at runtime that we need to do separate functionality for each platform.


Location of a point relative to a plane.


Ray-tracing APIs.


Shuffle constants for the GEO_VSHUFFLE macro.


To avoid pulling in the entire stdio header, use our own values for GeoFSeek.


The number of bits into which an integer is packed.


A sign bit.


Name Description
Geo::GeoTriple< double, double, double > BaryWeights

Container for barycentric weights expanded to a triplet for convenience.

AbstractRayChunk< ClippedRay > ClippedRayChunk

A chunk of clipped rays.

u8 eGeoLogMsgTypeMask

A bit mask containing one or more message type flags.

void(* FileOpenCallback)(const char *path, const char *mode)

path: path to the file being opened.

u32 GeoColour

An 8-bit colour.

GeoString< char > GeoFileString

String type used for file paths.

GeoStringView< char > GeoFileStringView

String type used for file paths.

GeoString< char > GeoGuidString

String type that can contain a textual GeoGuid representation.

bool(* GeoLogHandler)(eGeoLogMsgType msgType, u32 code, const char *msgText)

A log handler is a function which gets called when messages are passed using GeoPrintf().

s8 GeoLogHandlerCount

An internal handler count variable; signed because -1 is used to indicate an empty handler list.

GeoString< char > GeoNetworkString

String type used for networking.

v128 GeoPlane3

A plane in 3D. xyz are the ABC coefficients for the plane normal and w satisfies Ax + By + Cz + D = 0.

v128 GeoRect

A GeoRect is actually just a 4-vector (Geo::v128).

GeoString< char > GeoSymbolString

String type used for internal symbol matching.

void * GeoThreadHandle

When threading is unavailable, just use a void* as the unsupported type.

u32 GeoThreadResult

Return type of a thread function.

GeoThreadResult(GEO_THREAD_CALLING_CONV * GeoThreadStartRoutine)(void *lpThreadParameter)

Thread start function prototype.

GeoString< char > GeoUIString

String type used for user interface and feedback.

GeoString< char > GeoUtf8FileString

String type used for file paths when ASCII is required (rare).

const Matrix & MatrixParam

The type to pass with a function argument so that the compiler does the minimum amount of work.

bool(* MemoryLimitCallback)(s64 delta)

Called when memory is allocated or deallocated. Returns false when memory exceeds the limit.

__int64 offset_t

A offset type, similar to size_t (off_t is not supported on all used platforms)

v128 Quat

Quaternion definition.

void(* RasterizationClient)(const RastFragment *fragment, void *user)

callback function for rasterization

AbstractRayChunk< Rayf > RayChunk

A chunk of rays.

GeoEmbreeContext RayTracingContext

The default ray tracing context to use when casting single rays.

short s16

Signed 16-bit integer.

int s32

Signed 32-bit integer.

s32 s32a

Signed 32-bit integer.

__int64 s64

Signed 64-bit integer.

s64 s64a

Signed 64-bit integer.

char s8

Signed 8-bit integer.

const Impl::Empty * TypeId

A value that uniquely identifies a type within a single executable or dynamic library.

unsigned short u16

Unsigned 16-bit integer.

unsigned int u32

Unsigned 32-bit integer.

u32 u32a

Unsigned 32-bit integer.

unsigned __int64 u64

Unsigned 64-bit integer.

u64 u64a

Unsigned 64-bit integer.

unsigned char u8

Unsigned 8-bit integer.

__m128 v128

A 4-float intrinsic vector type laid out as {x,y,z,w} - the same way you would lay out a structure.

v128 v128Param

Type that should be used for passing v128s as parameters.

v128 v128ParamAfterThird

On x86 you can't pass more than 3 v128s by value, so we need an extra typedef for the 4th and above vector parameters to make them by-ref on x86.

s64 Geo::Abs

public: s64 Abs
    s64 a

Return the absolute value of a number.

float Geo::Abs

public: float Abs
    float a

Return the absolute value of a number.

double Geo::Abs

public: double Abs
    double a

Return the absolute value of a number.

s32 Geo::Abs

public: s32 Abs
    s32 a

Return the absolute value of a number.


public: v128 Abs
    v128Param a

Returns a vector with the Abs function applied to all 4 elements.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::ApplyBarycentricWeights

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL ApplyBarycentricWeights
    const Geo::BaryWeights & bary,
    const v128 & a,
    const v128 & b,
    const v128 & c

Apply barycentric weights to triangle vertex attributes.

Geo::GeoString<C> Geo::ArrayToString

public: Geo::GeoString< C > ArrayToString
    const Geo::GeoArray< T > & arr,
    const C * separator

Function to make a string by concatenating an array of elements using IGeoStream::operator<< to convert each element to a string and placing the given separator between each element.

Geo::u8* Geo::Base64Decode

public: Geo::u8 * Base64Decode
    const char * data,
    size_t input_length,
    Geo::u8 * buffer

Converts a C-string of Base64 into raw binary.

char* Geo::Base64Encode

public: char * Base64Encode
    const Geo::u8 * data,
    size_t input_length,
    char * buffer

Converts raw binary into Base64 for storage in text files.

Geo::s32 Geo::BloatTriangle

public: Geo::s32 BloatTriangle
    ConvexHull * out,
    Geo::v128 a,
    Geo::v128 b,
    Geo::v128 c,
    float bloat,
    Geo::s32 cornerSmoothness

Bloat a triangle by a specified amount.

You can specify how refined you want the rounded corners to be, or 0 if you just want a single join point in the centre. The number correlates to how many segments the widest corner will have (and will scale from there). As this is a reasonably quick function, you should pass in a convex hull with the appropriate number of points allocated to it.


The number of points used, or -1 if there wasn't enough space.


Passing NULL for outIS VALID

: this will return the number of points the final result will use.

Winding order is irrelevant: it is corrected internally.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::BuildPointKdTree

public: bool GEO_CALL BuildPointKdTree
    PointSplitState & commonState

Construct a kd-tree of points.

The points in commonState.m_PointArray will be sorted inplace into a balanced kd-tree, and the corresponding leaf nodes and split nodes (aka internal or branch nodes) will be pushed into commonState.m_Splits and commonState.m_Leaves. The root node of the tree is always the first element in commonState.m_Splits. This call will always succeed under normal operation, but could fail internally if we run out of memory. However, because we build a balanced tree it's possible to pre-allocate an upper bound on all memory. We also assume all points are finite, but do not check this explicitly. If we do run into memory allocation issues, we return false. Otherwise this returns true.

float Geo::ByteSwap

public: float ByteSwap
    float x

Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.

double Geo::ByteSwap

public: double ByteSwap
    double x

Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.

T Geo::ByteSwap

public: T ByteSwap
    T x

Generic swap that works for any built-in type <= 8 bytes.

u16 Geo::ByteSwap16

public: u16 ByteSwap16
    u16 x

Fundamental byte-swapping macros.

u32 Geo::ByteSwap32

public: u32 ByteSwap32
    u32 x

Fundamental byte-swapping macros.

float Geo::ByteSwap32F

public: float ByteSwap32F
    float x

Fundamental byte-swapping macros.

u64 Geo::ByteSwap64

public: u64 ByteSwap64
    u64 x

Fundamental byte-swapping macros.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ByteSwapArray16

public: void GEO_CALL ByteSwapArray16
    Geo::u16 * pArray,
    Geo::u32 elementCount

Byte swap an array of 16-bit values.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ByteSwapArray32

public: void GEO_CALL ByteSwapArray32
    Geo::u32 * pArray,
    Geo::u32 elementCount

Byte swap an array of 32-bit values.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ByteSwapArray64

public: void GEO_CALL ByteSwapArray64
    Geo::u64 * pArray,
    Geo::u32 elementCount

Byte swap an array of 64-bit values.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ByteSwapArrayFloat

public: void GEO_CALL ByteSwapArrayFloat
    float * pArray,
    Geo::u32 elementCount

Byte swap an array of 32-bit float values.

void GEO_CALL Geo::CalcCubeMapCoordinatesForDirection

public: void GEO_CALL CalcCubeMapCoordinatesForDirection
    Geo::v128 direction,
    Geo::s32 faceWidth,
    Geo::s32 & faceIdx,
    float & x,
    float & y

Compute the cube map texel coordinate for a given direction and cubemap resolution.


x and y are returned as floats but in texel coordinates rather than normalised UVs.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::CalcDirectionForCubeMapCoordinate

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL CalcDirectionForCubeMapCoordinate
    Geo::s32 faceIdx,
    Geo::s32 x,
    Geo::s32 y,
    Geo::s32 faceWidth

Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel coordinate.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::CalcDirectionForCubeMapTexel

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL CalcDirectionForCubeMapTexel
    Geo::s32 faceIdx,
    float u,
    float v

Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel UV coordinate.

float Geo::Ceil

public: float Ceil
    float a

Compute the next whole number greater than a.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE void Geo::CheckPaddingZeroed

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE void CheckPaddingZeroed
    const T & object

Checks if the given object has all it's 'padding' fields set to zero.

Padding fields are identified by their name.

void Geo::Clamp

public: void Clamp
    T & toClamp,
    const T & lowerLimit,
    const T & upperLimit

Clamp a numeric type T to the given range.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::ClosestPointInTriangle

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL ClosestPointInTriangle
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c,
    const Geo::v128 & p

Gives the closest point in triangle abc to point p.

Statistics GEO_CALL Geo::CombineStatistics

public: StatisticsGEO_CALL CombineStatistics
    const Statistics & statsA,
    const Statistics & statsB

Combine the values in statsA and statsB so that the properties of each member are retained over the whole set.

bool Geo::Compatibility_ReadWideString

public: bool Compatibility_ReadWideString
    IffReader & reader,
    GeoString< char > & object,
    Geo::s32 lastWideVersion

Read a type that used to be GeoString<wchar_t>, and is now GeoString<char>

bool GEO_CALL Geo::CompressStream

public: bool GEO_CALL CompressStream
    GeoMemoryStream & input,
    GeoMemoryStream & output

Compress the input stream with the ZLib library, placing the result in the output stream.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ComputeKdTreeBounds

public: void GEO_CALL ComputeKdTreeBounds
    PointSplitBounds * splitBounds,
    const PointSplit * splitArray,
    const PointLeaf * leafArray,
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox * leafBounds

Compute a AABB bounds object for each split point in a kd-tree.

This uses an additional array of bounding boxes for each leaf and recursively combines them up the existing tree structure to build bounds for each PointSplit node. This effectively augments an existing point based kd-tree with range information. No parameter may be null. Only xyz coordinates are considered. The w components are ignored.

[out] splitBounds

Contains the resulting bounds information. This must be at least as long as splitArray.

[in] splitArray

The kd-tree split nodes, as built by BuildPointKdTree().

[in] leafArray

The kd-tree leaf nodes, as built by BuildPointKdTree().

[in] leafBounds

An array of bounding boxes to match the ranges of the corresponding leaf nodes in leafArray. The array length and layout must match leafArray.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::ComputeStatistics

public: bool GEO_CALL ComputeStatistics
    Statistics & stats,
    const Geo::v128 * vA,
    const Geo::v128 * vB,
    const Geo::s32 numValues,
    const Geo::v128 & mask

Computes the difference between two vector arrays.

Returns TRUE on success. Vector array parameters must be valid non-null objects.

[inout] stats

Statistics on the difference.

[in] vA

The first vector to compare.

[in] vB

The second vector to compare.

[in] numValues

Number of elements in the two vectors.

[in] mask

Vector for masking out certain elements of the input vectors.

constexpr float Geo::ConstructFloat8

public: constexpr float ConstructFloat8
    Geo::u32 mantissa,
    Geo::s32 exponent

Return the float represented by the specified 4-bit mantissa and the specified exponent.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE float Geo::ConstructFloatPow2

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE float ConstructFloatPow2
    int exponent

Constructs a float which is exactly equal to 1x2^exponent.

v128 GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertColourToV

public: v128GEO_CALL ConvertColourToV
    GeoColour colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

Geo::u16 GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertFloatToHalf

public: Geo::u16GEO_CALL ConvertFloatToHalf
    float value

Convert a float to a half.

Currently using the portable implementation on all platforms.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertFloatToHalfArray

public: void GEO_CALL ConvertFloatToHalfArray
    Geo::u16 * halves,
    const float * floats,
    Geo::u32 count

Convert an array of floats to an array of halves.

On SSE platforms a faster implementation is used if:

  • halves is 8-byte aligned.

  • floats is 16-byte aligned.

  • count is a multiple of 4.

float GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertHalfToFloat

public: float GEO_CALL ConvertHalfToFloat
    Geo::u16 value

Convert a half to a float.

Currently using the portable implementation on all platforms.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertHalfToFloatArray

public: void GEO_CALL ConvertHalfToFloatArray
    const Geo::u16 * halves,
    float * floats,
    Geo::u32 count

Convert an array of halves to an array of floats.

Currently using the portable implementation on all platforms.

void GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertV128ToHalfVectorArray

public: void GEO_CALL ConvertV128ToHalfVectorArray
    Geo::u64 * vHalves,
    const Geo::v128 * v,
    Geo::u32 count

Convert an array of v128s to an array of half vectors.

GeoColour GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertVToColour

public: GeoColourGEO_CALL ConvertVToColour
    v128 colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

float GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertVToIntensity

public: float GEO_CALL ConvertVToIntensity
    v128 colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

bool Geo::Copy

public: bool Copy
    const GeoList< T > & source,
    GeoList< T > & dest

Appends the contents of the 'source' GeoList to the 'dest' GeoList.

void Geo::CopyGlobalBufferToClipboard

public: void CopyGlobalBufferToClipboard()

Copies error data to the Windows clipboard.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::CopyStreamToStream

public: bool GEO_CALL CopyStreamToStream
    IGeoStream & src,
    GeoMemoryStream & dst

Copy the contents of the source IGeoStream (src) to the destination GeoMemoryStream (dst).

u32 Geo::CountTrailingZeroBits

public: u32 CountTrailingZeroBits
    u32 v

Returns the number of consecutive trailing zero bits.

void GEO_CALL Geo::CropWhitespace

public: void GEO_CALL CropWhitespace
    GeoString< T > & str

Removes leading and trailing whitespace characters from the provided string.

VectorD Geo::Cross

public: VectorD Cross
    VectorD u,
    VectorD v

Double precision vector operators.

void Geo::DebugBreakAtStreamPosition

public: void DebugBreakAtStreamPosition
    Geo::u64 targetPosition,
    const Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    size_t numBytesToBeProcessed

Breaks into the debugger if the given current position would advance beyond the given target position after advancing by the given number of bytes.

This is a no-op on non-devel builds.

bool Geo::Deserialise

public: bool Deserialise
    GeoRaySet & list,
    const char * filename

Deserialises a list of line segments from a file.

The previous contents of the list is deleted. Returns TRUE on success.

[in] list

- The list of line segments to read.

[in] filename

- Name of the file to read line segment list from.

T Geo::DivideAndRoundUp

public: T DivideAndRoundUp
    T dividend,
    T divisor

Perform an integer division that rounds the result to the next integer.

double Geo::Dot

public: double Dot
    VectorD lhs,
    VectorD rhs

Double precision vector operators.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::Equal

public: bool GEO_CALL Equal
    MatrixParam a,
    MatrixParam b

Return true if all corresponding matrix elements are exactly equal.

bool Geo::EqualWithinEpsilon

public: bool EqualWithinEpsilon
    float a,
    float b,
    float epsilon

Returns true if Abs(a - b) is less than the epsilon.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::EqualWithinEpsilon

public: bool GEO_CALL EqualWithinEpsilon
    MatrixParam a,
    MatrixParam b

Return true if all corresponding matrix elements are within an epsilon.

bool Geo::EqualWithinEpsilon

public: bool EqualWithinEpsilon
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    v128Param epsilon

Returns true if all elements of a and b are within g_VecEpsilon of each other.

You may specify an epsilon vector that contains different epsilon values in each element if you wish.

GeoFileString Geo::EvaluateStringExpression

public: GeoFileString EvaluateStringExpression
    StringExpression< T > s

Concatenate and return all of the strings in the expression with a single allocation.

s32 Geo::FastFloatToInt

public: s32 FastFloatToInt
    float a

Converts a float into a signed integer using a faster method than the standard C truncation convention which requires a rounding mode change.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::FileExists

public: bool GEO_CALL FileExists
    const char * testFile

Checks that testFile exists.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::FileExistsAndIsNewer

public: bool GEO_CALL FileExistsAndIsNewer
    const char * testFile,
    const char * exemplarFile

Checks that testFile exists and is newer than exemplarFile.

Returns true iff both files exist and the testFile has been modified more recently than exemplarFile.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::FileIsWritable

public: bool GEO_CALL FileIsWritable
    const char * filename

Checks that the file named filename can be written to.

Returns true for a writable existing file, or if a file with that name could be created.

Geo::s32 Geo::FindIndex

public: Geo::s32 FindIndex
    const GeoArray< T > & lhs,
    const T & data

Find array index for first element that matches data, returns -1 if no match.

This requires T to implement operator == (const T& rhs) const.


Make sure your operator == is a const function!

float Geo::Floor

public: float Floor
    float a

Compute the next whole number smaller than a.

void GEO_CALL Geo::FreeLoadedFile

public: void GEO_CALL FreeLoadedFile
    void * file

Free a previously loaded file.

BaryWeights GEO_CALL Geo::FromVector

public: BaryWeightsGEO_CALL FromVector
    const v128 & w

Convert from a vector.

GeoGuid Geo::GenerateGuidFromString

public: GeoGuid GenerateGuidFromString
    const GeoString< char > & string

Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.

bool Geo::GenerateGuidFromString

public: bool GenerateGuidFromString
    GeoGuid & guidFromString,
    const GeoString< char > & string

Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::GenerateUnitSquareFastPoissonDistribution

public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnitSquareFastPoissonDistribution
    const s32 & numSamples,
    GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > & samples,
    const u32 & seed

Helper function to generate fast poisson samples in the 2D unit square.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::GenerateUnitSquareSobolDistribution

public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnitSquareSobolDistribution
    const s32 & numSamples,
    GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > & samples,
    const u32 & seed

Helper function to generate sobol samples in the 2D unit square.

__itt_domain* GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_domain_create

public: __itt_domain *GEO_CALL Geo__itt_domain_create
    const char * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_id_create

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_id_create
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id id

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_id_destroy

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_id_destroy
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id id

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_relation_add

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_relation_add
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id head,
    __itt_relation relation,
    __itt_id tail

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id groupid

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

__itt_string_handle* GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_string_handle_create

public: __itt_string_handle *GEO_CALL Geo__itt_string_handle_create
    const char * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_begin

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_begin
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id taskid,
    __itt_id parentid,
    __itt_string_handle * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_end

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_end
    const __itt_domain * domain

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_group

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_group
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id taskid,
    __itt_id parentid,
    __itt_string_handle * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)


public: void GEO_DELETE_ARRAY_T
    T *& p

Templated function equivalent of GEO_DELETE_ARRAY A handy template so you don't have to enter the type param (and potentially get it wrong)


Make sure the pointer you are deleting is actually the allocated type and not a super class!

void Geo::GEO_DELETE_T

public: void GEO_DELETE_T
    T *& p

Templated function equivalent of GEO_DELETE A handy template so you don't have to enter the type param (and potentially get it wrong)


Make sure the pointer you are deleting is actually the allocated type and not a super class!

T* Geo::GeoAlign

public: T * GeoAlign
    T * ptr,
    s32 align

Align the supplied pointer to the supplied boundary.

T Geo::GeoAlign

public: T GeoAlign
    T value,
    s32 align

Align the supplied value to the supplied boundary.

double GEO_CALL Geo::GeoAToF

public: double GEO_CALL GeoAToF
    const char * str

Equivalent to atof.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoAToI

public: int GEO_CALL GeoAToI
    const char * str

Equivalent to atoi.

bool Geo::GeoAttachLogger

public: bool GeoAttachLogger
    GeoLogHandler logHandler,
    eGeoLogMsgTypeMask typeMask

Attach a log handler which will be passed messages of the requested types.

It returns true if it was successfully registered for all message types, otherwise a warning message is raised, and it returns false.

bool Geo::GeoConstructAPIFilename

public: bool GeoConstructAPIFilename
    const char * inFilename,
    char * outFilename

Construct a filename for use in the underlying platform filesystem API.

GeoThreadHandle Geo::GeoCreateThread

public: GeoThreadHandle GeoCreateThread
    GeoThreadStartRoutine function,
    void * data

Platform specific thread creation function.

bool Geo::GeoDeleteFile

public: bool GeoDeleteFile
    const char * filename

Delete a file.

void Geo::GeoDestruct

public: void GeoDestruct
    T & object

Calls destructor on object.

void Geo::GeoDestruct

public: void GeoDestruct
    v128 &

Calls destructor on object.

void Geo::GeoDetachAllLoggers

public: void GeoDetachAllLoggers
    eGeoLogMsgTypeMask typeMask

Detach all log handlers for the specified message types.

bool Geo::GeoDetachLogger

public: bool GeoDetachLogger
    GeoLogHandler logHandler,
    eGeoLogMsgTypeMask typeMask

Detach a previously attached log handler, it if was previously attached.

Returns true it if was detached, and false otherwise.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::GeoDirectoryCreate

public: bool GEO_CALL GeoDirectoryCreate
    const char * directory

Creates a directory and all the directories leading up to it.

Used often in the pipeline tools


Does nothing (and returns false) on a console

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFClose

public: int GEO_CALL GeoFClose
    FILE * stream

A safe alternative to fclose.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFEof

public: int GEO_CALL GeoFEof
    FILE * stream

A safe alternative to feof.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFError

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GeoFError
    FILE * file

A safe alternative to ferror. Returns a non-zero value to indicate an error.


public: FILE *GEO_CALL GeoFOpen
    const char * filename,
    const char * mode


Calls the operating system's fopen() method, and returns a FILE* in the usual fashion, however it takes account of any local system convension for file paths, and transparently manages these behind the scenes.

size_t GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFRead

public: size_t GEO_CALL GeoFRead
    void * input,
    size_t size,
    size_t count,
    FILE * file

A safe alternative to fread.

This guarantees (unless there is an error) to load the entire data. If the number returned does not match the count specified for input, there was a file IO problem.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFSeek

public: int GEO_CALL GeoFSeek
    offset_t offset,
    GeoFSeekOrigin origin,
    FILE * file

A safe alternative to fseek.

offset_t GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFTell

public: offset_tGEO_CALL GeoFTell
    FILE * file

A safe alternative to ftell.

size_t GEO_CALL Geo::GeoFWrite

public: size_t GEO_CALL GeoFWrite
    const void * output,
    size_t size,
    size_t count,
    FILE * file

A safe alternative to fwrite.

ePlatform Geo::GeoGetCurrentPlatform

public: ePlatform GeoGetCurrentPlatform()

Get the platform this code was compiled for.

GeoThreadHandle Geo::GeoGetCurrentThreadHandle

public: GeoThreadHandle GeoGetCurrentThreadHandle()

Platform specific thread accessor function.

const char* GEO_CALL Geo::GeoGetPlatformName

public: const char *GEO_CALL GeoGetPlatformName
    ePlatform platform

Returns a text string containing the platform name.

s32 Geo::GeoInterlockedAdd32

public: s32 GeoInterlockedAdd32
    GeoAtomic< u32 > & addend,
    u32 amount

Atomically add amount to value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

s64 Geo::GeoInterlockedAdd64

public: s64 GeoInterlockedAdd64
    GeoAtomic< s64 > & addend,
    s64 amount

Atomically add amount to value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

s32 Geo::GeoInterlockedDec32

public: s32 GeoInterlockedDec32
    GeoAtomic< u32 > & addend

Atomically decrement value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

u32 Geo::GeoInterlockedExchange32

public: u32 GeoInterlockedExchange32
    GeoAtomic< u32 > & target,
    u32 value

Atomically sets a value, and returns its previous value.

u64 Geo::GeoInterlockedExchange64

public: u64 GeoInterlockedExchange64
    GeoAtomic< u64 > & target,
    u64 value

Atomically sets a value, and returns its previous value.

s32 Geo::GeoInterlockedInc32

public: s32 GeoInterlockedInc32
    GeoAtomic< u32 > & addend

Atomically increment value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

s64 Geo::GeoInterlockedInc64

public: s64 GeoInterlockedInc64
    GeoAtomic< s64 > & addend

Atomically increment value pointed to by addend, returns the new value.

s32 Geo::GeoInterlockedSub32

public: s32 GeoInterlockedSub32
    GeoAtomic< u32 > & addend,
    u32 amount

Atomically subtract amount to value pointed to by addend, returns new value.

bool Geo::GeoIsAligned

public: bool GeoIsAligned
    T value,
    s32 align

Check if the supplied value is aligned to the given alignment.

[in] value

Value to check alignment of.

[in] align

Must be a power of two.

bool Geo::GeoIsAligned

public: bool GeoIsAligned
    T * ptr,
    s32 align

Check if the supplied address is aligned to the given alignment.

[in] ptr

Address to check. A NULL address will be classified as aligned regardless of alignment.

[in] align

Must be a power of two.

bool Geo::GeoIsLoggerAttached

public: bool GeoIsLoggerAttached
    eGeoLogMsgTypeMask typeMask

Return true if at least one logger is attached for all of the specified message types.

bool Geo::GeoLogHandler_Debugger

public: bool GeoLogHandler_Debugger
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    u32 code,
    const char * msgText

A log message handler for writing messages to the debugger output channel.

bool Geo::GeoLogHandler_Popup

public: bool GeoLogHandler_Popup
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    u32 code,
    const char * msgText

A log message handler for displaying messages in a popup box.

bool Geo::GeoLogHandler_Stdout

public: bool GeoLogHandler_Stdout
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    u32 code,
    const char * msgText

A log message handler for writing messages to stdout.

void Geo::GeoLogHandler_Stdout_SetOrigin

public: void GeoLogHandler_Stdout_SetOrigin
    const char * filename

To support the MS error message format (see allow user to set an Origin, otherwise just leave empty.

void Geo::GeoLogMsgType

public: void GeoLogMsgType
    eGeoLogMsgType type,
    u32 code,
    char * buffer

It is convenient to have a textual label for a given channel easily available.

The given buffer must be at least as long as GEO_LOG_MSG_TYPE_MAX_LENGTH.

bool Geo::GeoPrintf

public: bool GeoPrintf
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    u32 code,
    const char * fmtStr,

Messages are passed through the logger using a "printf()" like function.

This function will always return true, unless any of the registered handlers return false. This is useful, for instance in the assert handler, where returning false indicates that the debugger should be entered.

bool Geo::GeoPrintf

public: bool GeoPrintf
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    const char * fmtStr,

Messages are passed through the logger using a "printf()" like function.

This function will always return true, unless any of the registered handlers return false. This is useful, for instance in the assert handler, where returning false indicates that the debugger should be entered.

GeoRect Geo::GeoRectFromCoords

public: GeoRect GeoRectFromCoords
    float minX,
    float minY,
    float maxX,
    float maxY

Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.

GeoRect Geo::GeoRectFromCoordsUnsafe

public: GeoRect GeoRectFromCoordsUnsafe
    float minX,
    float minY,
    float maxX,
    float maxY

Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.

GeoRect Geo::GeoRectFromSize

public: GeoRect GeoRectFromSize
    float minX,
    float minY,
    float width,
    float height

Function to construct a GeoRect from a minimum X and Y co-ordinate, a width and a height.

float Geo::GeoRectHeight

public: float GeoRectHeight
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

float Geo::GeoRectMaxX

public: float GeoRectMaxX
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

float Geo::GeoRectMaxY

public: float GeoRectMaxY
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

float Geo::GeoRectMinX

public: float GeoRectMinX
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

float Geo::GeoRectMinY

public: float GeoRectMinY
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

float Geo::GeoRectWidth

public: float GeoRectWidth
    GeoRect rect

Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.

void Geo::GeoReleaseThread

public: void GeoReleaseThread
    GeoThreadHandle thread

Platform specific thread release function.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::GeoRenameFile

public: bool GEO_CALL GeoRenameFile
    const char * oldName,
    const char * newName

Rename a file.

void Geo::GeoResumeThread

public: void GeoResumeThread
    GeoThreadHandle thread

Platform specific thread resume function.

void Geo::GeoSetThreadAffinity

public: void GeoSetThreadAffinity
    GeoThreadHandle thread,
    Geo::u64 affinity

Platform specific set thread affinity function.

void Geo::GeoSleepThread

public: void GeoSleepThread
    u32 ms

Platform specific thread sleep function.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoSPrintf

public: int GEO_CALL GeoSPrintf
    char * buffer,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * format,

Equivalent to sprintf.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStageBegin

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStageBegin
    const char * name

Begin a statistics block.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStageEnd

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStageEnd()

End a statistics block.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    const char * value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    Geo::u64 value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    Geo::s64 value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    Geo::s32 value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    Geo::u32 value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    double value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatistic

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatistic
    const char * name,
    float value

Log a single statistic, as a name/value pair.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatisticsBegin

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatisticsBegin
    const char * taskName,
    const char * output,
    const char * version

Begin a StatusXml file.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatisticsEnd

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatisticsEnd()

End the StatusXml file (note that you may wish to set the filename to NULL after this)

bool GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile

public: bool GEO_CALL GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile
    eGeoLogMsgType msgType,
    u32 code,
    const char * msgText

The event handler for the StatusXml file.

void GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile_SetName

public: void GEO_CALL GeoStatusLogHandler_XmlFile_SetName
    const char * filename,
    bool logInputOutput

Set the name of the StatusXml file writer. If not called, no file is created.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrCat

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrCat
    char * strDestination,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * strSource

Equivalent to strcat.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrCmp

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrCmp
    const char * strA,
    const char * strB

Equivalent to strcmp.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrCpy

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrCpy
    char * strDestination,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * strSource

Equivalent to strcpy.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrICmp

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrICmp
    const char * strA,
    const char * strB

Equivalent to stricmp.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrLen

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrLen
    const char * strSource

Equivalent to strlen.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrLwr

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrLwr
    char * strSrcDest

Equivalent to strlwr.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrNCat

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrNCat
    char * strDestination,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * strSource,
    size_t count

Equivalent to strncat.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrNCmp

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrNCmp
    const char * strA,
    const char * strB,
    size_t count

Equivalent to strncmp.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrNCpy

public: int GEO_CALL GeoStrNCpy
    char * strDestination,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * strSource,
    size_t count

Equivalent to strncpy.

s16 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToS16

public: s16GEO_CALL GeoStrToS16
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s16.

s32 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToS32

public: s32GEO_CALL GeoStrToS32
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s32.

s64 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToS64

public: s64GEO_CALL GeoStrToS64
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::s64.

u16 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToU16

public: u16GEO_CALL GeoStrToU16
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u16.

u32 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToU32

public: u32GEO_CALL GeoStrToU32
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u32.

u64 GEO_CALL Geo::GeoStrToU64

public: u64GEO_CALL GeoStrToU64
    const char * str

Simple interpretation of the strtoXXX family of functions, returning a Geo::u64.

bool Geo::GeoThreadEqual

public: bool GeoThreadEqual
    GeoThreadHandle a,
    GeoThreadHandle b

Platform specific thread comparison function.

LONG WINAPI Geo::GeoUnhandledExceptionFilter

public: LONG WINAPI GeoUnhandledExceptionFilter

Unhandled exception filter, registered by InstallGeoErrorHandler()

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoVSCPrintf

public: int GEO_CALL GeoVSCPrintf
    const char * format,
    va_list argptr

Equivalent to vscprintf.

int GEO_CALL Geo::GeoVSPrintf

public: int GEO_CALL GeoVSPrintf
    char * buffer,
    size_t numberOfElements,
    const char * format,
    va_list argptr

Equivalent to vsprintf.

void Geo::GeoWaitThread

public: void GeoWaitThread
    GeoThreadHandle thread

Platform specific thread wait function.

void Geo::GeoYieldThread

public: void GeoYieldThread()

Platform specific thread yield function.

BaryWeights GEO_CALL Geo::GetBarycentricWeights

public: BaryWeightsGEO_CALL GetBarycentricWeights
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c,
    const Geo::v128 & position

Compute the barycentric weights in a triangle given a position.

u32 GEO_CALL Geo::GetCpuFeatures

public: u32GEO_CALL GetCpuFeatures()

Retrieve the processors features as a set of flags.

See Also


eCpuVendor GEO_CALL Geo::GetCpuVendor

public: eCpuVendorGEO_CALL GetCpuVendor()

Get the PC CPU vendor.

const char* GEO_CALL Geo::GetCpuVendorAsString

public: const char *GEO_CALL GetCpuVendorAsString()

Get the PC CPU vendor as a string.

const char * Geo::GetExceptionString

public: const char * GetExceptionString
    DWORD dwCode

====================================================================== Given an exception code, returns a pointer to a static string with a

description of the exception

const char* GEO_CALL Geo::GetFileSystemPrefix

public: const char *GEO_CALL GetFileSystemPrefix()

Get the previously set file system prefix for the current platform.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE int Geo::GetFloatExponent

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE int GetFloatExponent
    float f

Extract the exponent of the given float, accounting for the bias (i.e. the result is in the range -127 to +128).

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::GetFloatMantissa

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEu32 GetFloatMantissa
    float f

Extracts the mantissa of the given float.

const char* Geo::GetFriendlyName

public: const char * GetFriendlyName
    eRTAPI api

Gets the name of the given ray-tracing API.

GeoFileString Geo::GetiOSAppDocumentsDir

public: GeoFileString GetiOSAppDocumentsDir()

Returns the path to the application Documents directory on the current iOS device/simulator.

BOOL Geo::GetLogicalAddress

public: BOOL GetLogicalAddress
    PVOID addr,
    LPCH szModule,
    DWORD len,
    DWORD & section,
    DWORD & offset

============================================================================= Given a linear address, locates the module, section, and offset containing that address.

Note: the szModule paramater buffer is an output buffer of length specified

by the len parameter (in characters!)

s32 GEO_CALL Geo::GetLogicalCpuCoreCount

public: s32GEO_CALL GetLogicalCpuCoreCount()

Get the number of logical cores.

Geo::Matrix GEO_CALL Geo::GetMatrixFromString

public: Geo::MatrixGEO_CALL GetMatrixFromString
    const C * str

Read 16 float values from a string and build a Matrix. Same argument order as the 16 float constructor.

MemoryAllocator* GEO_CALL Geo::GetMemoryAllocator

public: MemoryAllocator *GEO_CALL GetMemoryAllocator()

Gets the currently set memory allocator, or NULL if none has been set yet.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::GetNormal

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetNormal
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c,
    eWindingOrder::Value windingOrder

Compute a normal from three vertices. The windingOrder parameter determines which side of the triangle the normal is for.

Geo::s64 GEO_CALL Geo::GetNumPageFaults

public: Geo::s64GEO_CALL GetNumPageFaults()

The number of page faults that occurred during the process life.

Geo::s64 GEO_CALL Geo::GetPeakProcessMemoryInfo

public: Geo::s64GEO_CALL GetPeakProcessMemoryInfo()

The peak amount of memory allocated by the process.

Geo::s64 GEO_CALL Geo::GetTotalMemoryInUse

public: Geo::s64GEO_CALL GetTotalMemoryInUse()

The total amount of memory currently allocated (allocations minus deallocations)

Geo::s64 GEO_CALL Geo::GetTotalProcessMemoryInfo

public: Geo::s64GEO_CALL GetTotalProcessMemoryInfo()

The total amount of memory currently allocated by the process.

Geo::u64 GEO_CALL Geo::GetTotalSystemMemory

public: Geo::u64GEO_CALL GetTotalSystemMemory()

Get the total amount of system physical memory.


0 on error or if unsupported, otherwise the total system physical memory in bytes

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::GetV128FromString

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetV128FromString
    const C * str

Parses a v128 from the given string.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::GetV128FromStringXYZ

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetV128FromStringXYZ
    const C * str,
    float w

Parses a v128 from the given string, ignoring the W-component and instead setting it to the given value.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::HalfVectorToV128

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEGeo::v128GEO_CALL HalfVectorToV128
    const Geo::u16 * vHalf

Convert a 4-element array of half floats to a v128.

This version acts as a switch board to the optimized versions (where available)

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::HalfVectorToV128_Portable

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL HalfVectorToV128_Portable
    const Geo::u16 * vHalf

Convert a 4-element array of half floats to a v128.

Currently using the portable implementation on all platforms.

u32 Geo::HashBig

public: u32 HashBig
    const void * key,
    size_t length,
    u32 initval

This is the same as HashWord() on big-endian machines.

It is different from HashLittle() on all machines. HashBig() takes advantage of big-endian byte ordering.

u32 Geo::HashLittle

public: u32 HashLittle
    const void * key,
    size_t length,
    u32 initval

Hash a variable-length key of bytes into a 32-bit value.

Every bit of the key affects every bit of the return value. Two keys differing by one or two bits will have totally different hash values.

The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits, use a bitmask. For example, if you need only 10 bits, do h = (h & hashmask(10)); In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.

If you are hashing n strings (u8 **)k, do it like this: for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = HashLittle( k[i], len[i], h);

By Bob Jenkins, 2006. You may use this code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. It's free.

Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^^32 is acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes.


The key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes)


The length of the key, counting by bytes


Can be any 4-byte value


Returns a 32-bit value.

u32 Geo::HashLittle

public: u32 HashLittle
    GeoStringView< char > string

This will create a simple u32 hash from the (case-sensitive) string supplied.

bool Geo::HashSHA1

public: bool HashSHA1
    const Geo::u8 * inputBytes,
    Geo::s32 inputNumBytes,
    Geo::u8 * outputBytes

Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1. The outputBytes parameter must have at least HASH_SIZE_SHA1 bytes allocated.

Geo::GeoString<char> Geo::HashSHA1

public: Geo::GeoString< char > HashSHA1
    const Geo::u8 * inputBytes,
    Geo::s32 inputNumBytes

Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1 and returns a string representing the hash.

GeoGuid Geo::HashSHA1

public: GeoGuid HashSHA1
    GeoFileStringView string

Hashes the given string using SHA1 and returns a GUID representing the hash.

u32 Geo::HashWord

public: u32 HashWord
    const u32 * k,
    size_t length,
    u32 initval

Produce a hash from a string of Geo::u32 This works on all machines.

To be useful, it requires

  • That the key be an array of u32's, and

  • That all your machines have the same endianness, and

  • That the length be the number of u32's in the key The function HashWord() is identical to HashLittle() on little-endian machines, and identical to HashBig() on big-endian machines, except that the length has to be measured in u32s rather than in bytes. HashLittle() is more complicated than HashWord() only because HashLittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers.

void Geo::InstallGeoErrorHandler

public: void InstallGeoErrorHandler
    bool isUnattended

Sets up program-wide error handling behaviour, including the unhandled exception handler.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::IntersectTriangle

public: bool GEO_CALL IntersectTriangle
    BaryWeights & bary,
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c,
    const Geo::v128 & origin,
    const Geo::v128 & direction,
    bool ignoreBackFaces,
    eWindingOrder::Value windingOrder

Intersect a triangle by a ray. If ignoreBackFaces is true then the windingOrder parameter determines which side of the triangle is the front.

void Geo::InvokeFileOpenCallback

public: void InvokeFileOpenCallback
    const char * path,
    const char * mode

Invoke the file open callback, if set.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::IsFinite

public: bool GEO_CALL IsFinite
    MatrixParam m

Returns true if all of the 16 elements of m are finite.

bool Geo::IsFinite

public: bool IsFinite
    v128Param v

Returns true if all of the 4 elements of v are finite.

TODO - this function doesn't detect INFs yet!

bool GEO_CALL Geo::IsFinite

public: bool GEO_CALL IsFinite
    const BaryWeights & w

Check that the weights are finite.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::IsInsideInclusive

public: bool GEO_CALL IsInsideInclusive
    const BaryWeights & w

Test if barycentric weights encode a position inside the triangle.

bool Geo::IsLittleEndian

public: bool IsLittleEndian

Returns true if little endian.

bool Geo::IsMultiplePower2

public: bool IsMultiplePower2
    const void * p,
    u64 power2

Returns true if p is multiple of the specified power of 2.

NOTE - this function will incorrectly report 0 as a power of two. If this is important you will need to handle that case separately i.e. IsMultiplePower2(myPtr) && myPtr

bool Geo::IsMultiplePower2

public: bool IsMultiplePower2
    u64 u,
    u64 power2

Returns true if u is multiple of the specified power of 2.

NOTE - this function will incorrectly report 0 as a power of two. If this is important you will need to handle that case separately i.e. IsMultiplePower2(myInt) && myInt

bool Geo::IsNan

public: bool IsNan
    v128Param v

Returns true if any of the 4 elements of v are NANs.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::IsNan

public: bool GEO_CALL IsNan
    MatrixParam m

Returns true if all of the 16 elements of m are finite.

bool Geo::IsPermutationMatrix

public: bool IsPermutationMatrix
    MatrixParam m

Returns true if the matrix is a valid permutation matrix, where each column and each row consists of a single positive or negative "1" and the rest "0".

bool Geo::IsPower2

public: bool IsPower2
    u64 unsignedInt

Return true is unsignedInt is a power of 2 or not.

NOTE - this function will incorrectly report 0 as a power of two. If this is important you will need to handle that case separately i.e. IsPower2(myInt) && myInt

bool Geo::IsWhitespace

public: bool IsWhitespace
    char elem

Returns whether the given character is a whitespace character.

double Geo::Length

public: double Length
    VectorD v

Double precision vector operators.

v128 Geo::Lerp

public: v128 Lerp
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    v128Param s

Linearly interpolated between the corresponding components of a and b.

s is the interpolation factor, typically having values between 0 -> 1.

float Geo::Lerp

public: float Lerp
    float a,
    float b,
    float s

Linearly interpolate between a and b with factor s.

void* GEO_CALL Geo::LoadFile

public: void *GEO_CALL LoadFile
    const char * filename,
    u32 & length,
    u32 align,
    u32 extra_alloc

A safe alternative to ferror.

Load a file returns 0 if this fails the loaded file must be freed using FreeLoadedFile

char* GEO_CALL Geo::LoadFileStr

public: char *GEO_CALL LoadFileStr
    const char * filename,
    u32 & length,
    u32 align

Load a file and append a null terminator.

The loaded file must be freed using FreeLoadedFile.


Null if this fails

bool GEO_CALL Geo::LoadIntelGPALibrary

public: bool GEO_CALL LoadIntelGPALibrary()

Load the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer Dll and initialise all utilised function pointers.

Interface* Geo::LoadInterface

public: Interface * LoadInterface
    IGeoInputStream & stream,
    u32 section

Load an Interface object from a stream. Interface must have same functional API as an IGeoSerialisable.

Interface* Geo::LoadInterface

public: Interface * LoadInterface
    const char * filename,
    u32 section,
    bool warnError

Load a Precompute interface from disk, using the given filename.

Interface * Geo::LoadInterfaceCompressed

public: Interface * LoadInterfaceCompressed
    const char * filename,
    u32 section,
    bool warnError

Load an IGeoSerialisable interface from disk, using the given compressed or uncompressed file.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Geo::LocateLeafForPoint

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL LocateLeafForPoint
    const Geo::v128 * pointArray,
    const PointSplit * splitArray,
    const Geo::v128 & position

Locate the leaf index for a given point in a kd-tree.

This returns the index into the m_Leaves array given to the BuildPointKDTree() function. There is always at least one leaf and every finite point can be classified into a leaf, so this call will never fail under normal operation. All arrays and values are assume to be non-null and finite.

void GEO_CALL Geo::LocateLeavesOverlappingBox

public: void GEO_CALL LocateLeavesOverlappingBox
    Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > & leafIndices,
    const Geo::PointSplitBounds * splitBounds,
    const PointSplit * splitArray,
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & searchBox

Locate a set of leaf indices that overlap a box.

Given a kd-tree structure and bounds information, find and push all leaf indices that overlap searchBox. Only xyz coordinates are considered. The w components are ignored.

void GEO_CALL Geo::LocateLeavesOverlappingPoint

public: void GEO_CALL LocateLeavesOverlappingPoint
    Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > & leafIndices,
    const Geo::PointSplitBounds * splitBounds,
    const PointSplit * splitArray,
    const Geo::v128 & position

Locate a set of leaf indices that overlap a point.

Given a kd-tree structure and bounds information, find and push all leaf indices that overlap position. Only xyz coordinates are considered. The w components are ignored.

void GEO_CALL Geo::LocateLeavesWithinBox

public: void GEO_CALL LocateLeavesWithinBox
    Geo::GeoArray< Geo::s32 > & leafIndices,
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & searchBox,
    const Geo::v128 * pointArray,
    const PointSplit * splitArray

Locate a set of leaf indices that intersect a box.

Pushed indices that reference into the m_Leaves array into leafIndices for every leaf that intersects searchBox. The bounding box is assumed to have volume. If you need a point location function, use LocateLeafForPoint().

float Geo::Log

public: float Log
    float number,
    float base

Calculate the logarithm with specified base of the given number;.

void GEO_CALL Geo::LogStatistics

public: void GEO_CALL LogStatistics
    const IGeoRayTracingContext * rtCtx,
    const double & time

Log ray tracing timings.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE ArrayRange<T> Geo::MakeArrayRange

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEArrayRange< T > MakeArrayRange
    T * first,
    T * last

Returns an array range for first and last.

IGeoStream* Geo::MakeFileStream

public: IGeoStream * MakeFileStream
    const char * filename,
    IGeoStream::EStreamMode mode,
    GeoFileStream::EStreamFormat format

Factory method to create appropriate file stream like object.

GeoArray<T> Geo::MakeGeoArray

public: GeoArray< T > MakeGeoArray
    const T * p,
    s32 n

Create a GeoArray which is a copy of the specified array.

GeoArray<T> Geo::MakeGeoArray

public: GeoArray< T > MakeGeoArray
    StridedArrayView< T > a

Create a GeoArray which is a copy of the specified strided array view.

GeoError Geo::MakeGeoError

public: GeoError MakeGeoError
    const char * message,
    TPayload * pPayload

Creates a GeoError struct by filling in the given error code, textual message and payload data.

The severity of the error is automatically set using the severity defined in the payload class.

GeoError Geo::MakeGeoError

public: GeoError MakeGeoError
    const ErrorType & error

Creates a GeoError struct by filling in the given error code, textual message and payload data.

The severity of the error is automatically set using the severity defined in the error class.

GeoPair<T1, T2> Geo::MakeGeoPair

public: GeoPair< T1, T2 > MakeGeoPair
    const T1 & t1,
    const T2 & t2

Function to create a Geo::GeoPair, similar to the STL function std::make_pair.

GeoTriple<T1, T2, T3> Geo::MakeGeoTriple

public: GeoTriple< T1, T2, T3 > MakeGeoTriple
    const T1 & t1,
    const T2 & t2,
    const T3 & t3

Function to create a Geo::GeoTriple, extended from MakeGeoPair.

StridedArrayView<T> Geo::MakeStridedArrayView

public: StridedArrayView< T > MakeStridedArrayView
    const GeoArray< T > & a

Create a StridedArrayView which refers to the entire of the specified array.

StridedArrayView<T> Geo::MakeStridedArrayView

public: StridedArrayView< T > MakeStridedArrayView
    const T * first,
    Geo::s32 count,
    Geo::s32 stride

Create a read-only view into an array with optional stride.

StringExpression< T > Geo::MakeStringExpression

public: StringExpression< T > MakeStringExpression
    T value

Return a string concatenation expression consisting of the specified string.

Geo::GeoString<char> GEO_CALL Geo::MatrixToString

public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL MatrixToString
    MatrixParam m

Creates a GeoString containing the 16 elements of the matrix (space-separated) in a form compatible with GetMatrixFromString.

Geo::GeoString<char> GEO_CALL Geo::MatrixToUtf8String

public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL MatrixToUtf8String
    MatrixParam m

Creates a GeoString containing the 16 elements of the matrix (space-separated) in a form compatible with GetMatrixFromString.

GeoPoint2D Geo::Max

public: GeoPoint2D Max
    const GeoPoint2D & a,
    const GeoPoint2D & b

Gets the component-wise maximum of two points.

T Geo::Max

public: T Max
    const T & a,
    const T & b

Return the Max of a and b.

GeoPoint3D Geo::Max

public: GeoPoint3D Max
    const GeoPoint3D & a,
    const GeoPoint3D & b

Gets the component-wise maximum of two points.


public: v128 Max
    const v128 & a,
    const v128 & b

Returns a vector where each element has the maximum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.

T Geo::Max3

public: T Max3
    const T & a,
    const T & b,
    const T & c

Return the Max of {a,b,c}.

Matrix GEO_CALL Geo::MConstructCubeMapInvViewMatrix

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MConstructCubeMapInvViewMatrix
    Geo::s32 faceIdx

Construct the inverse of the view matrix for a specific cubemap face.

Matrix GEO_CALL Geo::MConstructCubeMapViewMatrix

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MConstructCubeMapViewMatrix
    Geo::s32 faceIdx

Construct a view matrix for a specific cubemap face.

Matrix Geo::MConstructQuaternion

public: Matrix MConstructQuaternion
    Quat q

Construct a matrix from a quaternion.

v128 GEO_CALL Geo::MDet

public: v128GEO_CALL MDet
    MatrixParam m

Determinant (returned as a broadcast float)

void GEO_CALL Geo::MemoryTrackerReport

public: void GEO_CALL MemoryTrackerReport
    s16 exitCode,
    bool pauseOnError

This will generate a report on memory leaks, and attempt to release the leaks.

It should be called when an application has shut down just before it exits completely. Because it attempts to release any leaks this must be the very last thing an application does.


This doesn't do anything in a release build.

v128 GEO_CALL Geo::MGetRotation

public: v128GEO_CALL MGetRotation
    Geo::MatrixParam m

Deconstruct the matrix to retrieve the rotation part as a quaternion.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::MGetTranslation

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL MGetTranslation
    Geo::MatrixParam m

Deconstruct the matrix to retrieve the translation part as a vector.


public: v128 Min
    const v128 & a,
    const v128 & b

Returns a vector where each element has the minimum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.

T Geo::Min

public: T Min
    const T & a,
    const T & b

Return the Max of a and b.

GeoPoint3D Geo::Min

public: GeoPoint3D Min
    const GeoPoint3D & a,
    const GeoPoint3D & b

Gets the component-wise minimum of two points.

T Geo::Min3

public: T Min3
    const T & a,
    const T & b,
    const T & c

Return the Min of {a,b,c}.

Matrix Geo::MInverse

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MInverse
    MatrixParam m

Generalised inverse.

Matrix Geo::MInverse

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MInverse
    MatrixParam m,
    v128 idet

with a precomputed 1/determinant

Matrix GEO_CALL Geo::MInverseSimple

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MInverseSimple
    MatrixParam m

Inverts assuming only rotation and translation.

float Geo::Mod

public: float Mod
    float a,
    float b

Return a modulo b.

void Geo::MortonDecode

public: void MortonDecode
    Geo::u64 morton,
    Geo::s32 & x,
    Geo::s32 & y,
    Geo::s32 & z

Map from a linear z-order space filling curve back to x, y and z components.

void Geo::MortonDecode

public: void MortonDecode
    Geo::u64 morton,
    Geo::s32 & x,
    Geo::s32 & y

Map from a linear z-order space filling curve back to x and y components.

Geo::u64 Geo::MortonEncode

public: Geo::u64 MortonEncode
    Geo::s32 x,
    Geo::s32 y,
    Geo::s32 z

Map from x, y and z components to a linear z-order space filling curve.

x, y and z must be in the range [0, 2^21)

Geo::u64 Geo::MortonEncode

public: Geo::u64 MortonEncode
    Geo::s32 x,
    Geo::s32 y

Map from x and y components to a linear z-order space filling curve.

x and y must be in the range [0, 2^31)

Matrix Geo::MTranspose

public: MatrixGEO_CALL MTranspose
    MatrixParam m

Determinant (returned as a broadcast float)

T Geo::numeric_cast

public: T numeric_cast
    Y numval

Safer static cast that 'protects' against underflow/overflow.

Template Parameters

Type being cast to


Type being cast from


Numeric value being cast


numval as type Y, asserts if the range of Y is exceeded

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator-

public: Geo::v128 operator-
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Operator - (component-wise subtraction)

VectorD Geo::operator-

public: VectorD operator-
    VectorD lhs,
    VectorD rhs

Double precision vector operators.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator-

public: Geo::v128 operator-
    Geo::v128Param v

The unary - operator. Equivalent to (VZero() - v);.

bool Geo::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > & lhs,
    const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > & rhs

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

bool Geo::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

bool Geo::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const GeoAllocator< T1 > & ,
    const GeoAllocator< T2 > &

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

bool Geo::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > & ,
    const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

VectorD Geo::operator*

public: VectorD operator*
    double lhs,
    VectorD rhs

Double precision vector operators.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator*

public: Geo::v128 operator*
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Operator * (component-wise multiplication)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 & Geo::operator*=

public: Geo::v128 & operator*=
    Geo::v128 & lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Inplace *.

VectorD Geo::operator/

public: VectorD operator/
    VectorD lhs,
    VectorD rhs

Double precision vector operators.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator/

public: Geo::v128 operator/
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Operator / (component-wise division)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 & Geo::operator/=

public: Geo::v128 & operator/=
    Geo::v128 & lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Inplace /.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator+

public: Geo::v128 operator+
    Geo::v128Param v

The unary + operator (effectively a no-op)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::operator+

public: Geo::v128 operator+
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Operator + (component-wise addition)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 & Geo::operator+=

public: Geo::v128 & operator+=
    Geo::v128 & lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Inplace +.

bool Geo::operator<

public: bool operator<
    const GeoPoint3 & lhs,
    const GeoPoint3 & rhs

Allow GeoPoint3 to be used as a key for GeoMap.

Although this will not give any kind of sensible spatial organisation, it is at least a stable, usable ordering.

bool Geo::operator<

public: bool operator<
    const GeoPoint3D & lhs,
    const GeoPoint3D & rhs

Allow GeoPoint3D to be used as a key for GeoMap.

Although this will not give any kind of sensible spatial organisation, it is at least a stable, usable ordering.

bool Geo::operator<

public: bool operator<
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    s32 value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    double value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    float value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    GeoStringView< char > value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const char * string

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    u32 value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const GeoVariant & value

Writes a GeoVariant to an IGeoStream as text, commonly used to write properties in Xml.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const GeoString< char > & value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const Matrix & value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const GeoGuid & value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

IGeoStream& Geo::operator<<

public: IGeoStream & operator<<
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const v128 & value

Functions to write items to a stream as text.

bool Geo::operator<=

public: bool operator<=
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 & Geo::operator-=

public: Geo::v128 & operator-=
    Geo::v128 & lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

Inplace -.

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoArray< T > & lhs,
    const GeoArray< T > & rhs

Array equality testing function.

This requires T to implement operator == (const T& rhs) const.


Make sure your operator == is a const function!

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoPoint3 & lhs,
    const GeoPoint3 & rhs

Equality operator.

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoAllocator< T1 > & ,
    const GeoAllocator< T2 > &

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > & ,
    const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

bool Geo::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > & lhs,
    const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > & rhs

Comparison operators for allocator classes.

bool Geo::operator>

public: bool operator>
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

bool Geo::operator>=

public: bool operator>=
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Operator overloads for GeoList.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToFixedWidth

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEu32 PackFloatToFixedWidth
    float in

Packs a single-precision floating point number into a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToRgbm

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEu32 PackFloatToRgbm
    v128 inputValue,
    bool isRgbaByteOrder

Pack a v128 colour value into a u32 in RGBM format.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToSharedExponent999e5

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEu32 PackFloatToSharedExponent999e5
    v128 colour

Packs a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers into a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.

void Geo::PrintError

public: void PrintError
    const GeoError & error

Sends a GeoError object to the listeners attached to the GeoPrintf handlers.

This is the simplest response you can have to a GeoError being raised.

void Geo::PrintExceptionMessage

public: void PrintExceptionMessage
    const char * format,

Since printf(...) in an exception handler seems to disappear into the ether when the process opened in a pipe We will print to both the screen and the shared memory block of OutputDebugString()

void Geo::PrintExceptionMessage

public: void PrintExceptionMessage
    const WCHAR * format,

Since printf(...) in an exception handler seems to disappear into the ether when the process opened in a pipe We will print to both the screen and the shared memory block of OutputDebugString()

bool GEO_CALL Geo::PrintTotalMemorySummaryForMarker

public: bool GEO_CALL PrintTotalMemorySummaryForMarker
    const char * name,
    const char * filename,
    s32 lineNumber

Print a basic report to the LOG_INFO stream.


Returns true if a log was printed. It will only be printed if IsTotalMemorySummarySupported() returns true.

v128 Geo::QApplyToVec

public: v128 QApplyToVec
    Quat q,
    v128 v

Assumes q is unit.

Quat Geo::QBuildFromEulerAngles

public: Quat QBuildFromEulerAngles
    float x,
    float y,
    float z

Converts quaternion into euler angles in XYZ order, stored in those components.

Quat Geo::QBuildMatrix

public: Quat QBuildMatrix
    MatrixParam m

Construct a matrix from a quaternion.

Quat Geo::QClosestSlerp

public: Quat QClosestSlerp
    Quat a,
    Quat b,
    v128 s

Flips inputs to be on the same hyper-hemisphere. Use QFullSlerp if desired.

Quat Geo::QConjugate

public: Quat QConjugate
    Quat q

q* = -xyz, +w

Quat Geo::QFullSlerp

public: Quat QFullSlerp
    Quat a,
    Quat b,
    v128 s

Does not flip inputs to be on the same hyper-hemisphere. Use QClosestSlerp if desired.

Quat Geo::QIdentity

public: Quat QIdentity()

q* = -xyz, +w

Quat Geo::QLerp

public: Quat QLerp
    Quat a,
    Quat b,
    v128 s

Assumes a and b are unit.

Quat Geo::QMul

public: Quat QMul
    Quat a,
    Quat b

quat multiply.

Quat Geo::QSqrt

public: Quat QSqrt
    Quat q

Assumes q is unit.

void Geo::RasterizeTriangle

public: void RasterizeTriangle
    float x1,
    float y1,
    float x2,
    float y2,
    float x3,
    float y3,
    RasterizationClient emitter,
    void * user

rasterize a triangle

void Geo::RasterizeWindingAgnosticTriangle

public: void RasterizeWindingAgnosticTriangle
    float x1,
    float y1,
    float x2,
    float y2,
    float x3,
    float y3,
    RasterizationClient emitter,
    void * user

rasterize a triangle regardless of winding order

bool Geo::ReadArray

public: bool ReadArray
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    GeoArray< T > & objects

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

Deals with arrays of values, the contained type must be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

bool Geo::ReadArray

public: bool ReadArray
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    GeoArray< T * > & objects

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the storage type must support IGeoSerialisable and have a static Create() method.

bool Geo::ReadArray

public: bool ReadArray
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    Geo::GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    TCreateAndLoadFunction loader

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the user must provide a TCreateAndLoadFunction callable entity that creates a new object and reads the data from the stream.

bool Geo::ReadMap

public: bool ReadMap
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    GeoMap< K, T > & map

Helper function to read a GeoMap from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

Deals with arrays of values, the contained type must be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

void Geo::ReadObject

public: void ReadObject
    IGeoInputStream & stream,
    GeoString< char > & object

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

void Geo::ReadObject

public: void ReadObject
    IGeoInputStream & stream,
    bool & object

Ensure that boolean values are read/written 'efficiently' and portably.

void Geo::ReadObject

public: void ReadObject
    Reader & ,
    T &

default implementation of overloadable reader function

void Geo::ReadObject

public: void ReadObject
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    Geo::GeoArray< T > & objects

ReadObject adapter for ReadArray.

void Geo::RemoveGeoErrorHandler

public: void RemoveGeoErrorHandler()

Unregister the unhandled exception handler.

u32 Geo::RoundToNextMultiplePower2

public: u32 RoundToNextMultiplePower2
    u32 u,
    u32 power2

This will round the number u to the next multiple of a power of 2 if the number isn't already a multiple of the power of 2.

power2 must be a power2. This is asserted on but not verified.

u32 Geo::RoundToNextPower2

public: u32 RoundToNextPower2
    u32 u

Round a 32bit unsigned int to the next power of 2.

NOTE - This function will round 0 to 0, which isn't a power of 2. If this is important you will need to handle that case separately.

u64 Geo::RoundToNextPower2

public: u64 RoundToNextPower2
    u64 u

Round a 64bit unsigned int to the next power of 2.

NOTE - This function will round 0 to 0, which isn't a power of 2. If this is important you will need to handle that case separately.

u32 Geo::RoundToPrevMultiplePower2

public: u32 RoundToPrevMultiplePower2
    u32 u,
    u32 power2

This will round the number u down to the previous multiple of a power of 2 if the number isn't already a multiple of the power of 2.

power2 must be a power2. This is asserted on but not verified.

void Geo::SafeDestructArrayContents

public: void SafeDestructArrayContents
    Geo::GeoArray< tType * > & a,
    tTypeDestructor safeDestruct

Given a GeoArray of pointers, and a destruct function (or any type that has operator()), destroy the elements and clear the array.

For some irritating reason, you may need to help the compiler infer the template type of the destructor. For example:

SafeDestructArrayContents(m_RadCores, DeleteRadSystemCore);
SafeDestructArrayContents(m_InputWorkspaces, DeleteInputWorkspace);
SafeDestructArrayContents(m_SolverProperties, SafeRelease<BakeInputProperties*>);
SafeDestructArrayContents(m_s32Array, GEO_DELETE_T<s32>);
SafeDestructArrayContents(m_s32BufferArray, GEO_DELETE_ARRAY_T<s32>);

void Geo::SafeRelease

public: void SafeRelease
    T & a

Scoped safe release function.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::SaveFile

public: bool GEO_CALL SaveFile
    const char * filename,
    const void * data,
    u32 length

Save a file.


False if this fails.

bool Geo::SaveInterface

public: bool SaveInterface
    const Interface * pInterface,
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 section

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk, using the given filename.

bool Geo::SaveInterfaceCompressed

public: bool SaveInterfaceCompressed
    const Interface * pInterface,
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 section

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk in compressed format, using the given filename.

bool Geo::SaveInterfaceDebug

public: bool SaveInterfaceDebug
    const Interface * pInterface,
    const char * filename,
    u32 section

Save the object in both binary and text form with the given filename.

bool Geo::SaveInterfaceIfChanged

public: bool SaveInterfaceIfChanged
    const Interface * pInterface,
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 section

Save an IGeoSerialisable interface to disk, using the given filename.

GeoRect Geo::ScaleRect

public: GeoRect ScaleRect
    GeoRect rect,
    float scale

Function to scale a bounding box.

bool Geo::Serialise

public: bool Serialise
    const GeoRaySet & list,
    const char * filename

Serialises a list of line segments to a file.

Returns TRUE on success.

[in] list

- The list of line segments to write.

[in] filename

- Name of the file to write line segment list to.

void Geo::SetFileOpenCallback

public: void SetFileOpenCallback
    FileOpenCallback callback

Set the function to be called when a file is opened, or a null pointer to disable the callback.

This has no effect unless GEO_DEVEL is defined!

void GEO_CALL Geo::SetFileSystemPrefix

public: void GEO_CALL SetFileSystemPrefix
    const char * prefix

Set a file system prefix for the current platform.

For example, "/app_home" then GeoFOpen "/filename" will open e.g. "/app_home/filename"

void GEO_CALL Geo::SetMemoryAllocator

public: void GEO_CALL SetMemoryAllocator
    MemoryAllocator * allocator

Set the memory allocator.

You must call this before ANY other Geo calls are made. It can only be set once and cannot be unset. No Geo-derived module is robust to incomplete, slow or buggy MemoryAllocators so be careful!

void Geo::SetWaitOnExit

public: void SetWaitOnExit
    bool wait

Sets whether the program will wait before exiting when an unhandled exception is encountered.

GeoArray<float> Geo::SplitStringToFloats

public: GeoArray< float > SplitStringToFloats
    const C * str

Function to parse incoming string into an array of floats.

The floats can be separated by any number of space characters, but no other characters should be present.

[in] str

Source string.


Resulting floats.

GeoArray<T> Geo::SplitStringToIntegers

public: GeoArray< T > SplitStringToIntegers
    const C * str

Function to parse incoming string into an array of integers.

The integers can be separated by any number of space characters, but no other characters should be present.

[in] str

Source string.


Resulting integers.

void Geo::StopAndEnterDebugger

public: void StopAndEnterDebugger()

Drop into the debugger.

StringExpression<GeoFileStringView> Geo::StringConcatenator

public: StringExpression< GeoFileStringView > StringConcatenator()

Return an empty string concatenation expression.

E.g. EvaluateStringExpression(StringConcatenator() + "a" + "b" + "c") -> "abc"

void Geo::swap

public: void swap
    GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > & lhs,
    GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > & rhs

Optimised std::swap compatible function.

void Geo::swap

public: void swap
    GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
    GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right

Optimised std::swap compatible function.

void Geo::Swap

public: void Swap
    T & a,
    T & b

A generic swap function. Template parameter T must be CopyConstructable and Assignable.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::SysInitialise

public: bool GEO_CALL SysInitialise()

Initialise platform-specific OS basics.

u64 GEO_CALL Geo::SysQueryCurrentTime

public: u64GEO_CALL SysQueryCurrentTime()

Return the current system time in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00.

s64 GEO_CALL Geo::SysQueryPerformanceCounter

public: s64GEO_CALL SysQueryPerformanceCounter()

Returns the current performance counter.

s64 GEO_CALL Geo::SysQueryPerformanceFrequency

public: s64GEO_CALL SysQueryPerformanceFrequency()

Returns the number of system performance counter ticks in a second.

void GEO_CALL Geo::SysTidyup

public: void GEO_CALL SysTidyup()

Tidyup platform-specific OS basics.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::TestSamplingDistributions

public: bool GEO_CALL TestSamplingDistributions
    const char * filename,
    const s32 & numSamples

Write out raysets representing the ray distributions for debugging and visualisation.

Geo::v128 GEO_CALL Geo::ToVector

public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL ToVector
    const BaryWeights & w

Convert to a vector.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::UncompressStream

public: bool GEO_CALL UncompressStream
    GeoMemoryStream & input,
    GeoMemoryStream & output

Uncompress a stream created by the CompressStream function above into a new stream.

u32 Geo::UniformInteger

public: u32 UniformInteger
    RNG & rng

Random unsigned 32 bit integer, [0, 0xffffffff] (inclusive)

double Geo::UniformSignedUnitDouble

public: double UniformSignedUnitDouble
    RNG & rng

Random double, [-1, 1] (inclusive)

float Geo::UniformSignedUnitFloat

public: float UniformSignedUnitFloat
    RNG & rng

Random float, [-1, 1] (inclusive)

double Geo::UniformUnitClopenDouble

public: double UniformUnitClopenDouble
    RNG & rng

Random double, [0, 1)

float Geo::UniformUnitClopenFloat

public: float UniformUnitClopenFloat
    RNG & rng

Random float, [0, 1)

double Geo::UniformUnitDouble

public: double UniformUnitDouble
    RNG & rng

Random double, [0, 1] (inclusive)

float Geo::UniformUnitFloat

public: float UniformUnitFloat
    RNG & rng

Random float, [0, 1] (inclusive)

double Geo::UniformUnitOpenDouble

public: double UniformUnitOpenDouble
    RNG & rng

Random double, (0, 1)

float Geo::UniformUnitOpenFloat

public: float UniformUnitOpenFloat
    RNG & rng

Random float, (0, 1)

GeoRect Geo::UnionOfRects

public: GeoRect UnionOfRects
    GeoRect r1,
    GeoRect r2

Union of two bounding boxes.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE float Geo::UnpackFloatFromFixedWidth

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE float UnpackFloatFromFixedWidth
    u32 in

Unacks a single-precision floating point number from a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::UnpackFloatFromSharedExponent999e5

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEv128 UnpackFloatFromSharedExponent999e5
    u32 colour

Unpacks a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers from a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::UnpackRgbmToFloat

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEv128 UnpackRgbmToFloat
    u32 rgbm

Unpack an rgbm colour into a v128.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE void GEO_CALL Geo::V128ToHalfVector

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE void GEO_CALL V128ToHalfVector
    Geo::v128 fp32,
    Geo::u16 * vOutHalf

Convert a v128 to a 4-element array of half floats.

This version acts as a switch board to the optimized versions (where available)

void GEO_CALL Geo::V128ToHalfVector_Portable

public: void GEO_CALL V128ToHalfVector_Portable
    Geo::v128 fp32,
    Geo::u16 * vOutHalf

Convert a v128 to a 4-element array of half floats.

Currently using the portable implementation on all platforms.

Geo::GeoString<char> GEO_CALL Geo::V128ToUtf8String

public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL V128ToUtf8String
    const Geo::v128 & v

Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).

The ..XYZ versions return a string containing only the X, Y and Z components of the vector, the others include W.

Geo::GeoString<char> GEO_CALL Geo::V128ToUtf8StringXYZ

public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL V128ToUtf8StringXYZ
    const Geo::v128 & v

Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).

The ..XYZ versions return a string containing only the X, Y and Z components of the vector, the others include W.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VBroadcast

public: v128 VBroadcast
    float x

Construct a v128 by broadcasting a float into all elements.

This is particularly handy when you want to use the vpu to do regular fpu operations.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VBroadcastInt

public: v128 VBroadcastInt
    s32 x

Construct a v128 by converting an integer to a float and broadcasting it into all elements.


public: v128 VCeil
    v128Param v

Return ceil(v).

v128 Geo::VCompareEquals

public: v128 VCompareEquals
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.

v128 Geo::VCompareGE

public: v128 VCompareGE
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.

v128 Geo::VCompareGT

public: v128 VCompareGT
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.

v128 Geo::VCompareIsFinite

public: v128 VCompareIsFinite
    v128Param v

Tests all elements of v to see if they are finite or not.

It returns a mask with true/false mask values with the result of these 4 tests. TODO - this function isn't complete yet as it doesn't detect INF values yet!

v128 Geo::VCompareIsNan

public: v128 VCompareIsNan
    v128Param v

Tests all elements of v to see if any of them are NANs.

It returns a mask with true/false mask values with the result of these 4 tests.

v128 Geo::VCompareLE

public: v128 VCompareLE
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.

v128 Geo::VCompareLT

public: v128 VCompareLT
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.

v128 Geo::VCompareWithFlagsEquals

public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsEquals
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    u32 & flags

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.

v128 Geo::VCompareWithFlagsGE

public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsGE
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    u32 & flags

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisions. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.

v128 Geo::VCompareWithFlagsGT

public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsGT
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    u32 & flags

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.

v128 Geo::VCompareWithFlagsLE

public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsLE
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    u32 & flags

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.

v128 Geo::VCompareWithFlagsLT

public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsLT
    v128Param a,
    v128Param b,
    u32 & flags

Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.

Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VConstruct

public: v128 VConstruct
    float x,
    float y,
    float z,
    float w

Construct a v128 from 4 floats. Fairly slow.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VConstructBitwise

public: v128 VConstructBitwise
    u32 x,
    u32 y,
    u32 z,
    u32 w

Re-intreprets 4 ints as floats and construct a vector from them.

This is for building a mask if you need one that this file doesn't provide (see below). It's also quite slow, so if you use the mask regularly you might want to declare a static aligned bit of memory and load the vector from that.

uint32x4_t Geo::VConstructU32

public: uint32x4_t VConstructU32
    u32 x,
    u32 y,
    u32 z,
    u32 w

Construct a uint32x4_t from 4 uint32s, without reinterpreting as floats. Result is a vector of uint32s.

v128 Geo::VCross3

public: v128 VCross3
    v128Param lhs,
    v128Param rhs

Cross the first 3 elements of each.

Providing the w element of both is finite the resulting w will be 0. If it is not finite the nan or inf will be passed through to the w. (NB: on PPU, w is just cleared.)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VCross3ZeroW

public: v128 VCross3ZeroW
    v128Param lhs,
    v128Param rhs

Cross the first 3 elements of each.

The w element will be set to zero. The w elements of the parameters are not considered. Prefer this if you are not sure if the w elements of your parameters are finite or not.

v128 Geo::VEulerAnglesFromQuaternion

public: v128 VEulerAnglesFromQuaternion
    Quat q

Converts quaternion into euler angles in XYZ order, stored in those components.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE Geo::v128 Geo::VFrac

public: Geo::v128 VFrac
    Geo::v128Param v

Returns the fractional part of each element of v.

v128 Geo::VGetMaskNotSignBit

public: v128 VGetMaskNotSignBit()

Returns a mask with everything but the 4 sign bits set.

v128 Geo::VGetMaskSignBit

public: v128 VGetMaskSignBit()

Returns a mask with just the 4 sign bits set.

bool Geo::VLeftOf2

public: bool VLeftOf2
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c

Determines if the point 'c' is to the left of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.

VectorD Geo::VLength

public: VectorD VLength
    VectorD v

Double precision vector operators.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VLoadAligned

public: v128 VLoadAligned
    const float * vecToLoad

Load a 4-float array from 16-byte aligned memory.

Cannot be null. NOTE: the memory must be aligned or this will crash.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VLoadUnaligned

public: v128 VLoadUnaligned
    const float * vecToLoad

Load a 4-float array from arbitrarily aligned memory. Cannot be null.


public: Geo::v128 VMadd
    Geo::v128Param a,
    Geo::v128Param b,
    Geo::v128Param c

This is a vector multiply accumulate operation returning (a * b) + c.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VNegate

public: v128 VNegate
    v128Param v

Return -v. You can use the operator overload instead if you prefer.

v128 Geo::VNormaliseLuminance

public: v128 VNormaliseLuminance
    v128 colour

Normalise the intensity of a colour vector to have unit luminance.

If colour has no luminance (black, or infs/nans) then this returns black The alpha is always preserved.


public: Geo::v128 VOpAnd
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

This is a bitwise & operation.

You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including zeroing elements. For example: v128 xz = myVec & VGetMaskXZ();

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VOpOnesCompl

public: Geo::v128 VOpOnesCompl
    Geo::v128Param v

This is a bitwise ~ operation.

You can use this with masks generate the opposite mask.


public: Geo::v128 VOpOr
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

This is a bitwise | operation.

You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including combining vectors and setting sign bits. For example: v128 xyzw = xyonly | zwonly; v128 xznegated = myVec | (VGetMaskSignBit() & VGetMaskXZ());


public: Geo::v128 VOpXor
    Geo::v128Param lhs,
    Geo::v128Param rhs

This is a bitwise ^ operation.

You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including toggling sign bits and building masks. For example: v128 xySignsSwapped = myVec ^ (VGetMaskSignBit() & VGetMaskXY());


public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEGeo::v128 VPackX4
    const Geo::v128 & x,
    const Geo::v128 & y,
    const Geo::v128 & z,
    const Geo::v128 & w

Packs the X component from each of the four vectors into a single vector.

v128 Geo::VPerpendicular

public: v128 VPerpendicular
    v128Param v,
    float ep

Returns a vector perpendicular to v (with one of its components being zero).

Must pass a vector with at least one component > g_VecEpsilonF to avoid nasty interactions with VNormalise.

v128 Geo::VRecip

public: v128 VRecip
    v128Param v

Return 1.f / v. (inaccurate)

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::VRecipFast

public: v128 VRecipFast
    v128Param v

Return 1.f / v. (fast approximate where available. If not, implemented as VRecip)

v128 Geo::VRecipSqrt

public: v128 VRecipSqrt
    v128Param v

Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)

v128 Geo::VRecipSqrtFast

public: v128 VRecipSqrtFast
    v128Param v

Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)

v128 Geo::VReverse

public: v128 VReverse
    v128Param v

Reverses the order of the components from xyzw to wzyx.

bool Geo::VRightOf2

public: bool VRightOf2
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c

Determines if the point 'c' is to the right of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.

Geo::v128 Geo::VScaleAndAdd

public: Geo::v128 VScaleAndAdd
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    float s,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    float t

Calculates a * s + b * t.

v128 Geo::VShuffle

public: v128 VShuffle
    v128Param v,
    int x,
    int y,
    int z,
    int w

Returns the specified permutation of the parameter vector. Any permutation is valid.

float Geo::VSignedArea2

public: float VSignedArea2
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    const Geo::v128 & c

Calculates the signed area of the given triangle in 2D space (z-coordinates ignored)

Geo::v128 Geo::VSlerp2

public: Geo::v128 VSlerp2
    const Geo::v128 & a,
    const Geo::v128 & b,
    float t

Spherical linear interpolation between 'a' and 'b', with weight 't'.


public: v128 VSqrt
    v128Param v

Return sqrt(v). (more inaccurate than the reciprocal version on non-sse hardware)

bool Geo::VTestFlagsAllFalse

public: bool VTestFlagsAllFalse
    u32 flags

Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.

This returns true if all 4 comparisons were false.

bool Geo::VTestFlagsAllTrue

public: bool VTestFlagsAllTrue
    u32 flags

Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.

This returns true if all 4 comparisons were true.

bool Geo::VTestFlagsSomeFalse

public: bool VTestFlagsSomeFalse
    u32 flags

Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.

This returns true if one or more of the 4 comparisons were false.

bool Geo::VTestFlagsSomeTrue

public: bool VTestFlagsSomeTrue
    u32 flags

Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.

This returns true if one or more of the 4 comparisons were true.


public: v128 VZero()

A fully-zeroed out vector.

bool Geo::WillConvertToCurrentEndian

public: bool WillConvertToCurrentEndian
    EConvertEndianMode mode

Will a conversion of mode result in moving to the current platform? If the result is true, the (incoming) data should be swapped before use.

If the result is false, the (outgoing) data should be used before swapped. If the mode is ecemNone, the result is undefined.

bool Geo::WithinClosed

public: bool WithinClosed
    const T & x,
    const T & a,
    const T & b

A generic within function.

Template parameter T must be Comparable (i.e. totally ordered). This function returns true if x lies within the closed interval [a,b], false otherwise.

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const Geo::GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    TSaveFunction saver

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the user must provide a TSaveFunction callable entity that writes the content of an object.

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoArray< T * > & objects

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the storage type must implement IGeoSerialisable (or at least have same function prototype)

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoImmutableArray< T > & objects

Helper function to write a GeoImmutableArray to an IGeoStream. Deals with arrays of values.

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoArray< T > & objects

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream. Deals with arrays of values.

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    Geo::u32 sections

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the storage type must implement IGeoSerialisable (or at least have same function prototype)

bool Geo::WriteArrayImpl

public: bool WriteArrayImpl
    Writer & writer,
    const T * first,
    const T * last

Write an array to the stream.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::WriteFileIfChanged

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteFileIfChanged
    GeoMemoryStream & ms,
    const char * filename

Save a GeoMemoryStream to disk, modifying the file only if the contents change (or the file didn't exist).

bool Geo::WriteMap

public: bool WriteMap
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoMap< K, T > & map

Helper function to write a GeoMap to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of values, the contained type must be considered blittable (see IsBlittable<T>).

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & stream,
    GeoString< char > const & object

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const Geo::GeoImmutableArray< T > & objects

WriteObject adapter for WriteArray.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const Geo::GeoArray< T > & objects

WriteObject adapter for WriteArray.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & stream,
    ArrayRange< T > range

Write a blittable range object to the stream.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & stream,
    bool const & object

Ensure that boolean values are read/written 'efficiently' and portably.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const Geo::GeoPair< T1, T2 > & p

Write a GeoPair that is not blittable because it contains padding.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    Writer & ,
    const T &

default implementation of overloadable writer function

bool Geo::WriteObjectBinary

public: bool WriteObjectBinary
    const char * filename,
    const T & object,
    WritePolicy writePolicy

Write the object using the policy in binary form with the given filename.

bool Geo::WriteObjectDebug

public: bool WriteObjectDebug
    const char * filename,
    const T & object,
    WritePolicy writePolicy

Write the object using the policy in both binary and text form with the given filename.

void Geo::WriteProperty

public: void WriteProperty
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    const char * name,
    const T & value,
    bool isFlaky

Write a blittable property.

void Geo::WriteProperty

public: void WriteProperty
    IGeoStream & stream,
    const char * name,
    ArrayRange< T > range

Write a range property to the stream.

void Geo::WriteRange

public: void WriteRange
    IGeoStream & stream,
    ArrayRange< T > range

Write a blittable range object to the stream.

void Geo::WriteRange

public: void WriteRange
    IGeoStream & stream,
    Iterator first,
    Iterator last

Write a range property to the stream.

bool Geo::WriteRangeImpl

public: bool WriteRangeImpl
    Writer & writer,
    const T * first,
    const T * last,
    GeoStd::FalseType isBlittable

Write a non-blittable range to the stream.

Write a blittable range to the stream.

void Geo::WriteStackDetails

public: void WriteStackDetails
    PCONTEXT pContext,
    bool bWriteVariables


Walks the stack, and writes the results to the report file


public: enum Dimension3
    DIMENSION3_X = 0,
    DIMENSION3_Y = 1,
    DIMENSION3_Z = 2

An enumeration of the dimensions of 3D space.



public: enum eBoxLocation

Location of a box relative to a plane.



public: enum EConvertEndianMode
    ecemNone = 0,
    ecemLittleToBig = 1,
    ecemBigToLittle = 2,
    ecemLittleToNative = ecemNone,
    ecemBigToNative = ecemBigToLittle,
    ecemNativeToLittle = ecemNone,
    ecemNativeToBig = ecemLittleToBig

Enumeration used to control behaviour of various endian swapping functions.

Determines the direction of the conversion operation.



public: enum ECpuGpuMode
    ertCpuShared = 0,
    ertDefault = ertCpuShared

Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data.


Use CPU only. Allow multiple concurrent tasks between separate processes.


Use CPU only. Block task if another Enlighten precompute task is running.


Default is to use CPU only.


public: enum eCpuVendor

PC CPU vendors.



public: enum eGeoErrorSeverity
    ES_WARNING = 0,
    ES_FATAL = 1

The severity of an error.



public: enum eGeoLogMsgType
    LOG_INFO = 1,
    LOG_DEBUG = 2,
    LOG_STATUS = 4,
    LOG_WARN = 8,
    LOG_FATAL = 16,
    LOG_ASSERT = 32

enum eGeoLogMsgType

The message logger knows about different kinds of log message.

Messages are expected to be formatted for output, and in particular should contain trailing line feed characters ("\n") where necessary. It is up to a particular logger handler to translate these into the correct convention for it's use, for example replacing "\n" with "\r\n" when writing to Windows files.

Note: If you add new message remember to preinitialise the LastLogHandler[] array as this will be missed by the compiler! Note: These should be arranged in the order of the frequency at which each message type is expected to be generated, with more frequent first.


General messages: general information, and other output messages.


Debug messages: specifically to aid development, usually stripped from release code.


Status messages: specific formatting to enable later processing, used for timing/etc.


Warning messages: should be paid attention to, but the program usually continues.


Critical messages: error messages, usually generated to indicate why the program cannot proceed.


Assert message text: caused by an assertion failure.


public: enum ePlatform

Enumeration for those cases at runtime that we need to do separate functionality for each platform.


Windows-based PCs (x86, x64, vista, 7, etc)


Mac OSX (x86, x64)


Linux-based desktop PC.


Xbox One.


Xbox Series X.


PlayStation 4.




Android (ARM)


Linux-based ARM device.


Android (x86)


Nintendo Switch.


Google Stadia.


Unknown platform.


public: enum ePointLocation

Location of a point relative to a plane.



public: enum eRTAPI

Ray-tracing APIs.



public: enum eVShufflePosition
    VSHUF_X = 0,
    VSHUF_Y = 1,
    VSHUF_Z = 2,
    VSHUF_W = 3

Shuffle constants for the GEO_VSHUFFLE macro.



public: enum GeoFSeekOrigin
    GEO_SEEK_SET = 0,
    GEO_SEEK_CUR = 1,
    GEO_SEEK_END = 2

To avoid pulling in the entire stdio header, use our own values for GeoFSeek.


Seek from beginning of file (SEEK_SET)


Seek from current position (SEEK_CUR)


Seek from end of file (SEEK_END)


public: enum PackedIntegerSize

The number of bits into which an integer is packed.



public: enum Sign

A sign bit.

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