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class Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox

Non axis aligned bounding box. Note the "m_Pos" of this class is the CORNER (origin), not the centre.


Name Description
ContainsPoint(const Geo::v128 &)

Returns true if the supplied point is inside the box.

DistanceToPoint(const Geo::v128 &)

Returns the shortest distance from the supplied point to the box. NOTE: Returns a negative distance for points inside the box.



GeoNonAABoundingBox(const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)


GeoNonAABoundingBox(const Geo::v128, const Geo::v128, const Geo::v128)



Gets the minimum axis-aligned bounding box that contains this box.


Gets the basis vector defining the X, Y or Z principal axis of this box (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z).


Returns the position at the centre of the box.


Fills in the given array with the 8 corner points.


Fills in the given array with the 12 edges.


Fills in the given array with the 6 faces. Each face's vertices will be ordered counter-clockwise when viewed from the outside of the bbox.


From world space to cube map space.


Gets the corner of this box.


Gets a vector containing the edge lengths of this box in each of X, Y and Z.


From cubemap space to world space.

IntersectsBoundingBox(const Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox &)

Determines if this box intersects the given box.

Load(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Load this object from an IGeoStream.

MapFromLocalUnitCube(const Geo::v128 &)

Map a point in the local unit coordinate system of the volume box to WC.

MapToLocalUnitCube(const Geo::v128 &)

Map a WC point to the local unit coordinate system of the volume box.

Save(Geo::IGeoStream &)

Save this object to an IGeoStream.


Initialise a non axis aligned bounding box given an origin, an orthonormal basis of 3 unit vectors and the extent size of the the basis vectors.


Name Description
Geo::v128 m_Basis[3]

An orthonormal basis (of unit vectors) describing the orientation of the box.

Geo::Matrix m_LU2WC

Matrix mapping from local to world coordinates.

Geo::v128 m_Pos

Origin (corner) of the axis aligned box.

Geo::v128 m_Size

Size of the bounding volume (in the basis).

Geo::Matrix m_WC2LU

Matrix mapping from world to local coordinates.

bool Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::ContainsPoint

public: bool ContainsPoint
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Returns true if the supplied point is inside the box.

float Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::DistanceToPoint

public: float DistanceToPoint
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Returns the shortest distance from the supplied point to the box. NOTE: Returns a negative distance for points inside the box.


public: GeoNonAABoundingBox()



public: GeoNonAABoundingBox
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & axisAlignedBox



public: GeoNonAABoundingBox
    const Geo::v128 position,
    const Geo::v128 size,
    const Geo::v128 basis


GeoBoundingBox Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox

public: GeoBoundingBox GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox() const

Gets the minimum axis-aligned bounding box that contains this box.

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetBasis

public: Geo::v128 GetBasis
    s32 axis
) const

Gets the basis vector defining the X, Y or Z principal axis of this box (0 = X, 1 = Y, 2 = Z).

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetCentre

public: Geo::v128 GetCentre() const

Returns the position at the centre of the box.

void Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetCorners

public: void GetCorners
    v128 corners
) const

Fills in the given array with the 8 corner points.

void Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetEdges

public: void GetEdges
    BboxEdge edges
) const

Fills in the given array with the 12 edges.

void Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetFaces

public: void GetFaces
    BboxFace faces
) const

Fills in the given array with the 6 faces. Each face's vertices will be ordered counter-clockwise when viewed from the outside of the bbox.

Geo::Matrix Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetInvWorldMatrix

public: Geo::Matrix GetInvWorldMatrix() const

From world space to cube map space.

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetPosition

public: Geo::v128 GetPosition() const

Gets the corner of this box.

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetSize

public: Geo::v128 GetSize() const

Gets a vector containing the edge lengths of this box in each of X, Y and Z.

Geo::Matrix Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::GetWorldMatrix

public: Geo::Matrix GetWorldMatrix() const

From cubemap space to world space.

bool Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::IntersectsBoundingBox

public: bool IntersectsBoundingBox
    const Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox & box
) const

Determines if this box intersects the given box.

bool Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::Load

public: bool Load
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Load this object from an IGeoStream.

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::MapFromLocalUnitCube

public: Geo::v128 MapFromLocalUnitCube
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Map a point in the local unit coordinate system of the volume box to WC.

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::MapToLocalUnitCube

public: Geo::v128 MapToLocalUnitCube
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Map a WC point to the local unit coordinate system of the volume box.

bool Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::Save

public: bool Save
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream
) const

Save this object to an IGeoStream.

bool Geo::GeoNonAABoundingBox::SetMatrices

public: bool SetMatrices()

Initialise a non axis aligned bounding box given an origin, an orthonormal basis of 3 unit vectors and the extent size of the the basis vectors.

NOTE: The basis should be orthonormal, thus forming a valid box.

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