class Enlighten ExporterInstanceParameters

This is the documentation for Enlighten.

class Enlighten ExporterInstanceParameters

class Enlighten::ExporterInstanceParameters

Recommended default values for parameters that affect the precompute for a subset of instances in the scene.


Name Description
float m_ClusterSize

The size of a radiosity patch in world units.

Geo::GeoFileString m_Name

The name of the instance to apply these parameters to.

Geo::u32 m_NumTerrainLodLevels

The number of lightmap LOD levels to generate for a terrain instance.

float m_OutputPixelSize

The output lightmap pixel size in world units.

bool m_RequiresTerrainLods

The number of lightmap LOD levels to generate for a terrain instance.

bool m_RequiresTerrainPackingPadding

When using terrain LOD: if true, half a pixel of padding is added around each chart.



public: ExporterInstanceParameters
    Geo::GeoFileString name,
    float clusterSize,
    float outputPixelSize


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