Transparency sampler reads the transparency for the cluster.
Name | Description |
BeginCluster() | Begins a cluster. |
EndCluster(const Geo::v128 &) | Ends a cluster. |
GetTransparency() | Get the transparency value. |
MaterialTransparencySampler(const IndirectInputLightingParameters &, const InputWorkspaceInternal &) | Constructor. |
operator++() | Prefix ++. |
operator++(int) | Postfix ++. |
SampleQuad() | Samples a quad. |
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void BeginCluster()
Begins a cluster.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void EndCluster
const Geo::v128 & normalizationVector
Ends a cluster.
public: float GetTransparency() const
Get the transparency value.
public: MaterialTransparencySampler
const IndirectInputLightingParameters & params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal & inputWorkspace
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINEMaterialTransparencySampler & operator++()
Prefix ++.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE const MaterialTransparencySampler operator++
Postfix ++.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void SampleQuad()
Samples a quad.