Class representing the global state of the update manager worker.
Changes to the state can be enqueued so that they happen atomically between radiosity updates.
Name | Description |
float m_BounceQuality | Value in range [0..1] to determine the performance/quality of bounce resampling. |
float m_BounceScale | Global bounce scale (the scale applied to the output-to-next-input feedback loop) |
float m_CompressedProbeMaxValue | Maximum probe value to use in quantisation if using 8-bit probe output. |
Geo::u32 m_ComputeRadiosityOnlyCubeMaps | Whether to only include radiosity lighting when computing specular cube maps. |
Geo::u32 m_DisableStaticInputsOptimisation | Force the HLRT to disable optimisations based on the inputs being static. |
Geo::u32 m_DoInputLightingUpdates | Whether to do the input lighting computation. |
Geo::u32 m_DoRadiosityUpdates | Whether to do the radiosity output computation. |
Geo::u32 m_ExcludeEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce | Exclude solving environment to the lightmap. |
Geo::u32 m_ForceWhiteTextureAlbedo | Whether to override albedo with all-white values. |
float m_FpFormatRescale | Scale to apply before quantisation to [0,1] if using fixed point (LRB or RGBM) output format. |
Geo::u32 m_LegacyDirectionalIrradianceOutput | Whether the re-balancing coefficient used in the legacy surface re-lighting model is output to the alpha. |
Geo::u32 m_MaxEnqueuedUpdates | Maximum number of updates in the queue. |
float m_SolverScale | Global solve output scale for texture-based outputs, i.e. |
float m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold | Global temporal coherence threshold (used if no threshold is set on a system) |
Geo::u32 m_UseDynamicEnvironment | Whether to use the emissive environment in the radiosity computation. |
Name | Description |
GetHash() | Returns a hash of the current worker properties. |
operator!=(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &) | Compares two worker properties structures, return true if they do not match. |
public: Geo::u32 GetHash() const
Returns a hash of the current worker properties.
public: bool operator!=
const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties & p
) const
Compares two worker properties structures, return true if they do not match.