A class used to produce a sorted, culled list of lights.
Name | Description |
bool m_CanQuickShade | Can quick shade? |
Geo::u32 m_PointerArraySize | The size of the pointer array located at (this+1) |
bool m_RequiresUpdate | Requires update? |
Geo::u32 m_TotalLights | Total number of lights. |
LightTypeInfo m_TypeInfo[LIGHT_TYPE_NUM_TYPES] | Info for each light type. |
Name | Description |
GetSize() | Returns the size including post data. |
SortedLights(SortedLights *, const Culler &) | Construct from another SortedLights while applying culling. |
SortedLights(InputLightBase **, Geo::u32, void **) | Construct a sorted lights object from an unsorted list of lights. This culls lights which are disabled via the visibility pointer. |
public: size_t GetSize() const
Returns the size including post data.
public: SortedLights
SortedLights * sourceLights,
const Culler & culler
Construct from another SortedLights while applying culling.
Construct a SortedLights object from another SortedLights object while applying culling.
public: SortedLights
InputLightBase ** unsortedLights,
Geo::u32 numLights,
void ** visibility
Construct a sorted lights object from an unsorted list of lights. This culls lights which are disabled via the visibility pointer.