class Enlighten::RadCubeMapMetaData

A data block that describes essential properties of a cube map.

This data is effectively a header to any cube map data.


Name Description
Geo::GeoGuid m_CubeMapId

The globally unique ID of this cube map, assigned during the precompute.

Geo::s32 m_EnvironmentResolution

Resolution of environment radiosity data.

Geo::s32 m_FaceWidth

The width of the output texture in pixels.

Geo::s32 m_MaxIrradianceBudget

The maximum budget used by the cube map (determines lighting quality) Mainly for reporting purposes, and is used internally to adjust buffer sizes.

Geo::u8 m_Padding[4]

Unused padding.


Name Description

Little helper function to get the id of a cube map.


Default constructor just clears values to a safe invalid state.

Geo::GeoGuid Enlighten::RadCubeMapMetaData::GetCubeMapId

public: Geo::GeoGuid GetCubeMapId() const

Little helper function to get the id of a cube map.


public: RadCubeMapMetaData()

Default constructor just clears values to a safe invalid state.