Data about a mesh, used as a parameter to IBakeInputSystem::AddMesh.
Name | Description |
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * bakeUVs | bakeUVs UVs to use for the baked light map. If NULL, the chart UVs of the passed in IPrecompInputMesh are used. |
bool detectSmoothBevels | detectSmoothBevels Set this to true if the added mesh is to have bevels auto detected. |
Geo::Geo2DTransform enlightenUVTransform | enlightenUVTransform UV transform for radiosity UVs for given instance of the geometry the mesh is part of |
Geo::GeoGuid geomGuid | geomGuid The guid of the geometry the mesh belongs to |
const char * inputMeshName | inputMeshName Name of given input mesh. This is currently only used for diagnostic messages |
Geo::s32 instId | instId ID for given instance |
bool isSSD | isSSD Set this to true if the added mesh is part of an SSD |
bool isTarget | isTarget Set this to true if the added mesh is a target mesh |
const IBakeInputGeometryLightingNormals * lightingNormals | lightingNormals If directional light maps are used, the extra lighting normals needs be passed in. Can be NULL otherwise. |
Geo::Matrix location | location Location of the instance of the geometry the mesh is part of |
Geo::GeoGuid lodGroupId | lodGroupId GUID of lod group. Set this to a uniq value for each different lod group, e.g. every instance. |
Geo::s32 lodLevel | lodLevel Lod-level of instance. Rays originating from given mesh will not intersect other meshes of the same geometry with different LoD values |
const IBakeInputMaterial * materials | materials Materials referenced in meshes. This is required for transparent meshes, but can be NULL otherwise. |
const IPrecompInputMesh * mesh | mesh The actual mesh to add |
Geo::s32 meshIdx | meshIdx Index for given mesh in geometry |
const Geo::s32 * outputChartIds | outputChartIds Chart Ids (per vertex) generated by Enlighten. Can be NULL if adding a SSD. |
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * packedUVs | packedUVs UVs generated by Enlighten for use with the radiosity light map. Can be NULL if adding a SSD. |
Geo::GeoGuid systemId | systemId Id of system that the mesh is part of (or rather the containing instance) |
const IBakeInputGeometryTangents * tangents | tangents If normals maps should be baked into the light map, the extra tangent information needs be passed in. Can be NULL otherwise. |