Operations relating to input lighting generation for the Enlighten runtime.

This is the original input lighting api. Note that there is a new 'extended' input lighting api available on most platforms through EnlightenInputLighting.h.

There is a considerable amount of freedom in how you choose to provide input lighting to Enlighten and the design trade-offs involved can have a huge impact on the success of Enlighten in your product. Most games are unique in some respect, so please feel free to contact Enlighten support for help in choosing the best option for your game.

There are also now two apis for providing input lighting to Enlighten. This one (the original api) and a newer 'extended' input lighting api, available through EnlightenInputLighting.h. They both use the same InputWorkspace structure and have other elements in common, but differ in how the calculation is performed, and the extended api supports additional features.

Enlighten uses a physically realistic algorithm for bouncing indirect light around a scene (subject to the tweakable albedo and bounce scale values), but makes no particular assumptions about the direct lighting model.

In practice, it's often more convenient to use a non-physical fall-off model for spot and point lights. They can be simpler to work with, reduce artefacts, and given the limitations of output displays it's often the only way to produce the desired effect.

Because of this, Enlighten allows users to specify a custom distance fall-off for point and spot light using the Enlighten::InputLightFalloffTable. Now, it is worth emphasising that there needn't be an exact correspondence between the model used for direct, on-screen lighting and the model used for producing input lighting for Enlighten. The closer the two models correspond, the more self-consistent the lighting model as a whole; on the other hand, if the Enlighten input lighting uses a completely non-physical model, it can produce counter-intuitive effects. (One example would be that the amount of light in the scene could vary wildly as a light source of constant intensity is moved closer to or further away from geometry; as soon as the model is non-physical, energy is not necessarily conserved.)

For convenience, Enlighten provides two API functions for generating suitable fall-off tables: Enlighten::GenerateUnrealCompatibleLightFalloffTable(), Enlighten::GenerateUnityCompatibleLightFalloffTable() and Enlighten::GenerateInverseSquaredLightFalloffTable(). See also the Enlighten::InputLight class.


Name Description

A base class all light types must derive from to work with any input lighting API.


Class encapsulating the description of a light falloff curve.


A single frame of the InputWorkspace lighting (internal).


A structure for receiving the data held internally about a duster point for debugging visualisation purposes.


Runtime data storing precomputed visibility information (eg, for directional lights)


Runtime data allocated by end user that stores uncompressed precomputed visibility data.


Supported formats for visibility data.


Name Description
void *const LIGHT_VISIBILITY_DISABLED = (void*)1

Equivalent to light visibility data with all bits set to 0.


Name Description
AddCachedValuesToInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, InputLightingBuffer *, const InputLightingBuffer *)

Adds light values from one input lighting buffer to another.

AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, InputLightingBuffer *, const Geo::v128 *)

Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.

CalcInputLightingBufferSize(const InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold input lighting for a given system.

CalcLightVisibilitySize(const InputWorkspace *, eLightType)

Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.

CalcLightVisibilitySize(const InputWorkspace *, Enlighten::VisibilityFormat::Type)

Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.

CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize(const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *)

Determine how much memory is required for a precomputed visibility workspace.

ClearInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *, InputLightingBuffer *)

Clear the input lighting to black.

CompareInputLightingBuffers(Geo::Statistics &, const InputLightingBuffer *, const InputLightingBuffer *)

Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.

CreateInputLightingBuffer(void *, const InputWorkspace *, PrecisionHint::Value)

Construct an InputLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.

CreatePrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace(void *, const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *)

Construct an PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace inside the memory provided.

GenerateInverseSquaredLightFalloffTable(InputLightFalloffTable *, float, float)

Helper function that generates a Falloff Table using an inverse squared light falloff function, closely approximating real world light falloff.

GenerateUnityCompatibleLightFalloffTable(InputLightFalloffTable *)

Helper function that generates a falloff table compatible with the Unity light falloff model.

GenerateUnrealCompatibleLightFalloffTable(InputLightFalloffTable *, float)

Helper function that generates a Falloff Table compatible with the Unreal light falloff model.

GetInputLightingBufferLightValue(const InputLightingBuffer *, float, Geo::s32)

Fill the specified array with the current light value for the given cluster index.

GetInputLightingBufferSize(const InputLightingBuffer *)

Returns the size of the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

GetInputLightingBufferSystemId(const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *)

Get system id from InputLightingBuffer.

GetInputWorkspaceDebugIterator(const InputWorkspace *, Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugIterator &)

Return a debug iterator object in {debugIterator} which can be used to iterate through the systems debug points.

GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint(const InputWorkspace *, InputWorkspaceDebugPoint *, Geo::s32)

Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.

GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint(const InputWorkspace *, InputWorkspaceDebugPoint *, Geo::s32, const InputLightingBuffer *)

Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.

GetInputWorkspaceNormalArray(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::v128 *)

Fills an array with the normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.

GetInputWorkspaceNumPointsPerClusterArray(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::s32 *)

Fills the array with the number of points per cluster.

GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::v128 *, Geo::v128 *)

Fills arrays with the positions and normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.

GetInputWorkspacePositionArray(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::v128 *)

Fills an array with the positions of all of the input points in an input workspace.

GetInputWorkspaceSize(const InputWorkspace *)

Returns the size of the specified InputWorkspace object.

GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *)

Returns the total number of clusters in an input workspace.

GetNumberOfOutputBuckets(const RadSystemCore *)

Returns the total number of output buckets.

GetNumberOfOutputPixels(const RadSystemCore *)

Returns the total number of output pixels being lit.

GetNumberOfOutputPixelsInBucket(const RadSystemCore *, const Geo::s32 &)

Returns the total number of output pixels in the given bucket.

GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *)

Returns the total number of sample duster points in an input workspace.

GetNumberOfTreeClustersInInputWorkspace(const InputWorkspace *)

Returns the total number of tree clusters in an input workspace.

GetPrecomputedVisibilityDataSize(const PrecomputedVisibilityData *)

Returns the size of the specified PrecomputedVisibilityData object.

GetSystemBoundingBox(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the set of input points in the input workspace.

GetSystemBounds(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Retrieve the bounding volume of the system.

SetDirectionalVisibility(const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace *, void *, Geo::v128)

Set visibility in an input workspace for a directional light, using precomputed visibility data.

VerifyInputLightingBufferData(const InputLightingBuffer *)

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

WriteInputLightingBuffer(const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *, Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *)

Overwrite an InputLightingBuffer with another InputLightingBuffer.


Name Description

Different types of Enlighten input lights.


Name Description
Geo::s32 LightTypeId

LightTypeIds type.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::AddCachedValuesToInputWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL AddCachedValuesToInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    InputLightingBuffer * output,
    const InputLightingBuffer * cachedValues

Adds light values from one input lighting buffer to another.

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block used in the two buffers.

[in] output

The input lighting that is added to.

[in] cachedValues

The input lighting to add.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    InputLightingBuffer * output,
    const Geo::v128 * dusterValues

Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] output

The lighting buffer to fill with data.

[in] dusterValues

The linear light colour values for the duster array of point samples. The duster (its size, positions, normals etc.) must match the one originally passed to CreateInputWorkspace.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcInputLightingBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcInputLightingBufferSize
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint

Tells you the amount of memory required to hold input lighting for a given system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precisionHint

The hint to what floating point precision to use.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcLightVisibilitySize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcLightVisibilitySize
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    eLightType lightType

Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.

Directional lights store a byte per cluster, all other lights store a bit per input sample (duster).

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] lightType

Type of light; one of the Enlighten light type constants, e.g. LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcLightVisibilitySize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcLightVisibilitySize
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    Enlighten::VisibilityFormat::Type visibilityType

Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.

Directional lights store a byte per cluster, all other lights store a bit per input sample (duster).

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] visibilityType

Format of the visibility. Must be one of the types defined in VisibilityFormat


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData

Determine how much memory is required for a precomputed visibility workspace.

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] precomputedVisibilityData

The block of precomputed visibilty data.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::ClearInputWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL ClearInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    InputLightingBuffer * buffer

Clear the input lighting to black.

This wipes out all bounced light for all previous iterations. Used when "starting over".

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace this buffer is used in.

[in] buffer

The lighting buffer to clear.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::CompareInputLightingBuffers

public: bool GEO_CALL CompareInputLightingBuffers
    Geo::Statistics & res,
    const InputLightingBuffer * bufA,
    const InputLightingBuffer * bufB

Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.

[inout] res

- The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded.

[in] bufA

- The first InputLightingBuffer to compare.

[in] bufB

- The second InputLightingBuffer to compare.

InputLightingBuffer* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreateInputLightingBuffer

public: InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateInputLightingBuffer
    void * memory,
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint

Construct an InputLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcInputLightingBufferSize) to store the lighting buffer

[in] inputWorkspace

The InputWorkspace for the system.

[in] precisionHint

The hint to what floating point precision to use.

PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace* GEO_CALL Enlighten::CreatePrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace

public: PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreatePrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace
    void * memory,
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData

Construct an PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace inside the memory provided.

[in] memory

A block of memory (size determined by CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize) to store the visibility workspace

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] precomputedVisibilityData

The block of precomputed visibilty data.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GenerateInverseSquaredLightFalloffTable

public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateInverseSquaredLightFalloffTable
    InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable,
    float lightFalloffDistance,
    float lightRadius

Helper function that generates a Falloff Table using an inverse squared light falloff function, closely approximating real world light falloff.

Light falloff is smoothly biased to zero as it approaches the cutoff.

[out] lightTable

The Input Light Falloff Table to write to.

[in] lightFalloffDistance

The falloff distance the light table will represent, typically (m_Cutoff - m_Radius), must be > 0.

[in] lightRadius

The radius of the simulated light source, typically m_Radius or 1.0, must be > 0.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GenerateUnityCompatibleLightFalloffTable

public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnityCompatibleLightFalloffTable
    InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable

Helper function that generates a falloff table compatible with the Unity light falloff model.

[out] lightTable

The input light falloff table to write to.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GenerateUnrealCompatibleLightFalloffTable

public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnrealCompatibleLightFalloffTable
    InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable,
    float falloffExponent

Helper function that generates a Falloff Table compatible with the Unreal light falloff model.

[out] lightTable

The Input Light Falloff Table to write to.

[in] falloffExponent

The falloff exponent of the light, must be > 0.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputLightingBufferLightValue

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferLightValue
    const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
    float lightValue,
    Geo::s32 clusterIdx

Fill the specified array with the current light value for the given cluster index.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputLightingBufferSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferSize
    const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer

Returns the size of the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

The InputLightingBuffer to query.


Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::GeoGuid GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputLightingBufferSystemId

public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferSystemId
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer

Get system id from InputLightingBuffer.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

The InputLightingBuffer to query.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceDebugIterator

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceDebugIterator
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugIterator & debugIterator

Return a debug iterator object in {debugIterator} which can be used to iterate through the systems debug points.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    InputWorkspaceDebugPoint * debugPoint,
    Geo::s32 index

Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.

Does not include lighting.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    InputWorkspaceDebugPoint * debugPoint,
    Geo::s32 index,
    const InputLightingBuffer * lightValues

Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.

Does not include albedo information, as this is part of the various albedo workspaces.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceNormalArray

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNormalArray
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::v128 * normalsOut

Fills an array with the normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.

The array should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace().

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace to use.

[out] normalsOut

Pointer to an array of vectors to write the normals to.


bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceNumPointsPerClusterArray

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNumPointsPerClusterArray
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::s32 * numPointsPerClusterArray

Fills the array with the number of points per cluster.

The points inside an input workspace are ordered and grouped by cluster, so you can identify which point belongs it which cluster from this information. You can also produce this information from GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint() and GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint(), but this implementation would be more efficient.

[in] inputWorkspace

A valid input workspace.

[in] numPointsPerClusterArray

The array to fill. Must be at least as long as that returned by GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace()


False on error, true otherwise.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::v128 * positionsOut,
    Geo::v128 * normalsOut

Fills arrays with the positions and normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.

This array can then be used for visibility computations (eg on the GPU).

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace to use.

[out] positionsOut

Pointer to an array of vectors to write the positions to.

[out] normalsOut

Pointer to an array of vectors to write the normals to. Both arrays should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace().


bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionArray

public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspacePositionArray
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::v128 * positionsOut

Fills an array with the positions of all of the input points in an input workspace.

This array can then be used for visibility computations (eg on the GPU). The array should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace().

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace to use.

[out] positionsOut

Pointer to an array of vectors to write the positions to.


Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetInputWorkspaceSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceSize
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Returns the size of the specified InputWorkspace object.


Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Returns the total number of clusters in an input workspace.


Number of clusters, -1 upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfOutputBuckets

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputBuckets
    const RadSystemCore * radCore

Returns the total number of output buckets.


Number of buckets, -1 upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfOutputPixels

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputPixels
    const RadSystemCore * radCore

Returns the total number of output pixels being lit.


Number of pixels, -1 upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfOutputPixelsInBucket

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputPixelsInBucket
    const RadSystemCore * radSysCore,
    const Geo::s32 & bucketIdx

Returns the total number of output pixels in the given bucket.


Number of pixels in bucket, -1 upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Returns the total number of sample duster points in an input workspace.


Number of points, -1 upon error.

Geo::s32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetNumberOfTreeClustersInInputWorkspace

public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfTreeClustersInInputWorkspace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace

Returns the total number of tree clusters in an input workspace.


Number of tree clusters, -1 upon error.

Geo::u32 GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetPrecomputedVisibilityDataSize

public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetPrecomputedVisibilityDataSize
    const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData

Returns the size of the specified PrecomputedVisibilityData object.


Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetSystemBoundingBox

public: bool GEO_CALL GetSystemBoundingBox
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::GeoBoundingBox & bb

Returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the set of input points in the input workspace.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace to compute the bounding box for.

[out] bb

The bounding box object to receive the system bounds.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::GetSystemBounds

public: bool GEO_CALL GetSystemBounds
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::GeoBoundingBox & boundingBox

Retrieve the bounding volume of the system.

[in] inputWorkspace

The input workspace for the system

[out] boundingBox

The bounding box for the system

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::SetDirectionalVisibility

public: bool GEO_CALL SetDirectionalVisibility
    const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
    const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData,
    PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace * visibilityWorkspace,
    void * visibilityData,
    Geo::v128 lightDirection

Set visibility in an input workspace for a directional light, using precomputed visibility data.

[in] workspaceMemory

The input workspace memory block.

[in] precomputedVisibilityData

The block of precomputed visibility data.

[in] visibilityWorkspace

The visibility workspace memory block.

[in] visibilityData

The visibility data to set, one bit per duster.

[in] lightDirection

The direction of the light source.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::VerifyInputLightingBufferData

public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyInputLightingBufferData
    const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer

Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

The InputLightingBuffer to query.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputLightingBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * source,
    Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * destination

Overwrite an InputLightingBuffer with another InputLightingBuffer.

Fails if the system ids or sample counts do not match.

[in] source

- The InputLightingBuffer to read.

[inout] destination

- The InputLightingBuffer to write.


public: enum eLightType

Different types of Enlighten input lights.


Invalid light type.


Spot light.


Point light.


Directional light.


Rectangular area light (only available on PC)


Frustum light.


BoxSpot light.