Name | Description |
Geo::ConvexHull | A convex hull of a set of points. |
Geo::ConvexHullBuilder | Builds ConvexHull objects. |
Geo::CovarianceMatrix | A covariance matrix. |
Geo::CovarianceMatrixBuilder | Used for building CovarianceMatrix. |
Geo::DebugLine | A line between two points. |
Geo::Geo2DTransform | A class representing a 2d linear transform between UVs. |
Geo::GeoBlueNoise | class GeoBlueNoise Adapted from: Bridson, Robert, "Fast Poisson Sampling in Arbitrary Dimensions", ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches |
Geo::GeoBlueNoiseDiskPalette | Builds a pallet of blue noise samples, each in a disk of radius 1. |
Geo::GeoBlueNoiseRayPalette | class GeoBlueNoiseRayPalette |
Geo::GeoBoundingBox | This class represents an axis aligned bounding box. |
Geo::GeoBoundingSphere | This class represents a bounding sphere. |
Geo::GeoIntRange | Represents a range of integers, e.g. between 10 and 20. |
Geo::GeoPoint2 | Single precision 2 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint2D | Integer 2 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint3 | Single precision 3 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoPoint3D | Integer 3 dimensional point class. |
Geo::GeoVector3 | Single precision 3 dimensional vector class. |
Geo::GeoVector4 | Single precision 4 dimensional vector class. |
Geo::GoodRNG | A Mersenne Twister RNG. |
Geo::Matrix4x4 | Single-precision 4x4 matrix class. |
Geo::SimpleRNG | The 'super-duper' random number generator with shuffle (an LCG). |
Geo::Statistics | Result structure used for comparing input lighting buffers. |
Geo::VectorD | Double precision vector class. |
Name | Description |
BloatTriangle(ConvexHull *, Geo::v128, Geo::v128, Geo::v128, float, Geo::s32) | Bloat a triangle by a specified amount. |
CalcCubeMapCoordinatesForDirection(Geo::v128, Geo::s32, Geo::s32 &, float &, float &) | Compute the cube map texel coordinate for a given direction and cubemap resolution. |
CalcDirectionForCubeMapCoordinate(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32) | Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel coordinate. |
CalcDirectionForCubeMapTexel(Geo::s32, float, float) | Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel UV coordinate. |
ClosestPointInBox(const Geo::v128 &) | Compute the closest point in the box to p. |
CombineStatistics(const Statistics &, const Statistics &) | Combine the values in statsA and statsB so that the properties of each member are retained over the whole set. |
ComputeStatistics(Statistics &, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::v128 *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::v128 &) | Computes the difference between two vector arrays. |
ContainsBox(const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &) | Is a box contained by the box? |
ContainsPoint(const Geo::v128 &) | Is a point in the box? |
ContainsPoint2D(const Geo::v128 &) | Is a point in the box? Only tests xy. |
Cross(VectorD, VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
Dot(VectorD, VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
EnclosePoint(const v128 &) | Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point. |
ExpandBy(const v128 &) | Expands this bounding box by the given amount in each of the three axes (in both directions). |
GenerateGuidFromString(GeoGuid &, const GeoString< char > &) | Convert a string to a GUID by hashing. |
GenerateGuidFromString(const GeoString< char > &) | Convert a string to a GUID by hashing. |
GenerateUnitSquareFastPoissonDistribution(const s32 &, GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > &, const u32 &) | Helper function to generate fast poisson samples in the 2D unit square. |
GenerateUnitSquareSobolDistribution(const s32 &, GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > &, const u32 &) | Helper function to generate sobol samples in the 2D unit square. |
GeoBoundingBox(float, float, float, float, float, float) | Create a bounding box defined by two extreme points. |
GeoBoundingBox(const GeoBoundingBox &) | Copy Constructor. |
GeoBoundingBox() | Constructor - makes an empty bounding box. |
GeoRectFromCoords(float, float, float, float) | Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates. |
GeoRectFromCoordsUnsafe(float, float, float, float) | Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates. |
GeoRectFromSize(float, float, float, float) | Function to construct a GeoRect from a minimum X and Y co-ordinate, a width and a height. |
GeoRectHeight(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GeoRectMaxX(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GeoRectMaxY(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GeoRectMinX(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GeoRectMinY(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GeoRectWidth(GeoRect) | Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect. |
GetCenter() | Return the center of this bounding box. |
GetDistanceFrom(const GeoBoundingBox &) | Distance between two bounding boxes (0 if they intersect) |
GetLargestFace() | Return the largest face of this bounding box. |
GetLongestSide() | Return the longest side of this bounding box. |
GetMax() | Return the maxumum in each axis of this bounding box. |
GetMin() | Return the minimum in each axis of this bounding box. |
GetShortestSide() | Return the shortest side of this bounding box. |
GetSize() | Return the size of this bounding box in each axis. |
GetSurfaceArea() | Return the surface area of this bounding box. |
GetVolume() | Return the volume of this bounding box. |
HashBig(const void *, size_t, u32) | This is the same as HashWord() on big-endian machines. |
HashLittle(const GeoString< char > &) | This will create a simple u32 hash from the (case-sensitive) string supplied. |
HashLittle(const void *, size_t, u32) | Hash a variable-length key of bytes into a 32-bit value. |
HashSHA1(const Geo::u8 *, Geo::s32) | Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1 and returns a string representing the hash. |
HashSHA1(const Geo::u8 *, Geo::s32, Geo::u8 *) | Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1. The outputBytes parameter must have at least HASH_SIZE_SHA1 bytes allocated. |
HashWord(const u32 *, size_t, u32) | Produce a hash from a string of Geo::u32 This works on all machines. |
IntersectsBoundingBox(const GeoBoundingBox &) | Returns true if the bounding boxes mutually olaps. |
IsEmpty() | Returns true if the bbox is empty (ie uninitialised) |
Length(VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
Max(const GeoPoint2D &, const GeoPoint2D &) | Gets the component-wise maximum of two points. |
MConstructCubeMapInvViewMatrix(Geo::s32) | Construct the inverse of the view matrix for a specific cubemap face. |
MConstructCubeMapViewMatrix(Geo::s32) | Construct a view matrix for a specific cubemap face. |
operator-(VectorD, VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
operator*(double, VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
operator/(VectorD, VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
operator[](Geo::u32) | Indexed access to the two extreme points that define this bounding box (index must be 0 or 1). |
operator+(const GeoBoundingBox &) | Compute and return the union of this bounding with another. |
operator+=(const v128 &) | Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point. |
operator+=(const GeoBoundingBox &) | Compute the inplace union of this bounding box and another. |
operator<(const GeoPoint3 &, const GeoPoint3 &) | |
operator<(const GeoPoint3D &, const GeoPoint3D &) | Allow GeoPoint3D to be used as a key for GeoMap. |
operator==(const GeoPoint3 &, const GeoPoint3 &) | Equality operator. |
ScaleRect(GeoRect, float) | Function to scale a bounding box. |
SetEmpty() | Resets the box to it's default empty state. |
TestSamplingDistributions(const char *, const s32 &) | Write out raysets representing the ray distributions for debugging and visualisation. |
UniformInteger(RNG &) | Random unsigned 32 bit integer, [0, 0xffffffff] (inclusive) |
UniformSignedUnitDouble(RNG &) | Random double, [-1, 1] (inclusive) |
UniformSignedUnitFloat(RNG &) | Random float, [-1, 1] (inclusive) |
UniformUnitClopenDouble(RNG &) | Random double, [0, 1) |
UniformUnitClopenFloat(RNG &) | Random float, [0, 1) |
UniformUnitDouble(RNG &) | Random double, [0, 1] (inclusive) |
UniformUnitFloat(RNG &) | Random float, [0, 1] (inclusive) |
UniformUnitOpenDouble(RNG &) | Random double, (0, 1) |
UniformUnitOpenFloat(RNG &) | Random float, (0, 1) |
UnionOfRects(GeoRect, GeoRect) | Union of two bounding boxes. |
VLeftOf2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &) | Determines if the point 'c' is to the left of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'. |
VLength(VectorD) | Double precision vector operators. |
VRightOf2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &) | Determines if the point 'c' is to the right of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'. |
VScaleAndAdd(const Geo::v128 &, float, const Geo::v128 &, float) | Calculates a * s + b * t. |
VSignedArea2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &) | Calculates the signed area of the given triangle in 2D space (z-coordinates ignored) |
VSlerp2(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, float) | Spherical linear interpolation between 'a' and 'b', with weight 't'. |
Name | Description |
v128 GeoRect | A GeoRect is actually just a 4-vector (Geo::v128). |
Name | Description |
const Geo::s32 HASH_SIZE_SHA1 = 20 | The size of an SHA-1 hash. |
public: Geo::s32 BloatTriangle
ConvexHull * out,
Geo::v128 a,
Geo::v128 b,
Geo::v128 c,
float bloat,
Geo::s32 cornerSmoothness
Bloat a triangle by a specified amount.
You can specify how refined you want the rounded corners to be, or 0 if you just want a single join point in the centre. The number correlates to how many segments the widest corner will have (and will scale from there). As this is a reasonably quick function, you should pass in a convex hull with the appropriate number of points allocated to it.
The number of points used, or -1 if there wasn't enough space.
Passing NULL for outIS VALID : this will return the number of points the final result will use. Winding order is irrelevant: it is corrected internally. |
public: void GEO_CALL CalcCubeMapCoordinatesForDirection
Geo::v128 direction,
Geo::s32 faceWidth,
Geo::s32 & faceIdx,
float & x,
float & y
Compute the cube map texel coordinate for a given direction and cubemap resolution.
x and y are returned as floats but in texel coordinates rather than normalised UVs. |
public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL CalcDirectionForCubeMapCoordinate
Geo::s32 faceIdx,
Geo::s32 x,
Geo::s32 y,
Geo::s32 faceWidth
Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel coordinate.
public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL CalcDirectionForCubeMapTexel
Geo::s32 faceIdx,
float u,
float v
Generate a direction vector for a cubemap texel UV coordinate.
public: Geo::v128 ClosestPointInBox
const Geo::v128 & p
) const
Compute the closest point in the box to p.
public: Statistics GEO_CALL CombineStatistics
const Statistics & statsA,
const Statistics & statsB
Combine the values in statsA and statsB so that the properties of each member are retained over the whole set.
public: bool GEO_CALL ComputeStatistics
Statistics & stats,
const Geo::v128 * vA,
const Geo::v128 * vB,
const Geo::s32 numValues,
const Geo::v128 & mask
Computes the difference between two vector arrays.
Returns TRUE on success. Vector array parameters must be valid non-null objects.
[inout] | stats | Statistics on the difference. |
[in] | vA | The first vector to compare. |
[in] | vB | The second vector to compare. |
[in] | numValues | Number of elements in the two vectors. |
[in] | mask | Vector for masking out certain elements of the input vectors. |
public: bool ContainsBox
const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const
Is a box contained by the box?
public: bool ContainsPoint
const Geo::v128 & p
) const
Is a point in the box?
public: bool ContainsPoint2D
const Geo::v128 & p
) const
Is a point in the box? Only tests xy.
public: VectorD Cross
VectorD u,
VectorD v
Double precision vector operators.
public: double Dot
VectorD lhs,
VectorD rhs
Double precision vector operators.
public: void EnclosePoint
const v128 & point
Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.
public: void ExpandBy
const v128 & expansion
Expands this bounding box by the given amount in each of the three axes (in both directions).
public: bool GenerateGuidFromString
GeoGuid & guidFromString,
const GeoString< char > & string
Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.
public: GeoGuid GenerateGuidFromString
const GeoString< char > & string
Convert a string to a GUID by hashing.
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnitSquareFastPoissonDistribution
const s32 & numSamples,
GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > & samples,
const u32 & seed
Helper function to generate fast poisson samples in the 2D unit square.
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnitSquareSobolDistribution
const s32 & numSamples,
GeoArray< GeoPoint2 > & samples,
const u32 & seed
Helper function to generate sobol samples in the 2D unit square.
public: GeoBoundingBox
float x1,
float y1,
float z1,
float x2,
float y2,
float z2
Create a bounding box defined by two extreme points.
public: GeoBoundingBox
const GeoBoundingBox & from
Copy Constructor.
public: GeoBoundingBox()
Constructor - makes an empty bounding box.
public: GeoRect GeoRectFromCoords
float minX,
float minY,
float maxX,
float maxY
Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.
public: GeoRect GeoRectFromCoordsUnsafe
float minX,
float minY,
float maxX,
float maxY
Function to construct a GeoRect from the minimum and maximum X and Y co-ordinates.
public: GeoRect GeoRectFromSize
float minX,
float minY,
float width,
float height
Function to construct a GeoRect from a minimum X and Y co-ordinate, a width and a height.
public: float GeoRectHeight
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: float GeoRectMaxX
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: float GeoRectMaxY
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: float GeoRectMinX
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: float GeoRectMinY
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: float GeoRectWidth
GeoRect rect
Functions to get various co-ordinates from a rect.
public: v128 GetCenter() const
Return the center of this bounding box.
public: float GetDistanceFrom
const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const
Distance between two bounding boxes (0 if they intersect)
public: float GetLargestFace() const
Return the largest face of this bounding box.
public: float GetLongestSide() const
Return the longest side of this bounding box.
public: v128 GetMax() const
Return the maxumum in each axis of this bounding box.
public: v128 GetMin() const
Return the minimum in each axis of this bounding box.
public: float GetShortestSide() const
Return the shortest side of this bounding box.
public: v128 GetSize() const
Return the size of this bounding box in each axis.
public: float GetSurfaceArea() const
Return the surface area of this bounding box.
public: float GetVolume() const
Return the volume of this bounding box.
public: u32 HashBig
const void * key,
size_t length,
u32 initval
This is the same as HashWord() on big-endian machines.
It is different from HashLittle() on all machines. HashBig() takes advantage of big-endian byte ordering.
public: u32 HashLittle
const GeoString< char > & string
This will create a simple u32 hash from the (case-sensitive) string supplied.
public: u32 HashLittle
const void * key,
size_t length,
u32 initval
Hash a variable-length key of bytes into a 32-bit value.
Every bit of the key affects every bit of the return value. Two keys differing by one or two bits will have totally different hash values.
The best hash table sizes are powers of 2. There is no need to do mod a prime (mod is sooo slow!). If you need less than 32 bits, use a bitmask. For example, if you need only 10 bits, do h = (h & hashmask(10)); In which case, the hash table should have hashsize(10) elements.
If you are hashing n strings (u8 **)k, do it like this: for (i=0, h=0; i<n; ++i) h = HashLittle( k[i], len[i], h);
By Bob Jenkins, 2006. You may use this code any way you wish, private, educational, or commercial. It's free.
Use for hash table lookup, or anything where one collision in 2^^32 is acceptable. Do NOT use for cryptographic purposes.
key | The key (the unaligned variable-length array of bytes) |
length | The length of the key, counting by bytes |
initval | Can be any 4-byte value |
Returns a 32-bit value.
public: Geo::GeoString< char > HashSHA1
const Geo::u8 * inputBytes,
Geo::s32 inputNumBytes
Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1 and returns a string representing the hash.
public: bool HashSHA1
const Geo::u8 * inputBytes,
Geo::s32 inputNumBytes,
Geo::u8 * outputBytes
Hashes the given array of bytes using SHA1. The outputBytes parameter must have at least HASH_SIZE_SHA1 bytes allocated.
public: u32 HashWord
const u32 * k,
size_t length,
u32 initval
Produce a hash from a string of Geo::u32 This works on all machines.
To be useful, it requires
That the key be an array of u32's, and
That all your machines have the same endianness, and
That the length be the number of u32's in the key The function HashWord() is identical to HashLittle() on little-endian machines, and identical to HashBig() on big-endian machines, except that the length has to be measured in u32s rather than in bytes. HashLittle() is more complicated than HashWord() only because HashLittle() has to dance around fitting the key bytes into registers.
public: bool IntersectsBoundingBox
const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const
Returns true if the bounding boxes mutually olaps.
public: bool IsEmpty() const
Returns true if the bbox is empty (ie uninitialised)
public: double Length
VectorD v
Double precision vector operators.
public: GeoPoint2D Max
const GeoPoint2D & a,
const GeoPoint2D & b
Gets the component-wise maximum of two points.
public: Matrix GEO_CALL MConstructCubeMapInvViewMatrix
Geo::s32 faceIdx
Construct the inverse of the view matrix for a specific cubemap face.
public: Matrix GEO_CALL MConstructCubeMapViewMatrix
Geo::s32 faceIdx
Construct a view matrix for a specific cubemap face.
public: VectorD operator-
VectorD lhs,
VectorD rhs
Double precision vector operators.
public: VectorD operator*
double lhs,
VectorD rhs
Double precision vector operators.
public: VectorD operator/
VectorD lhs,
VectorD rhs
Double precision vector operators.
public: const v128 & operator[]
Geo::u32 index
) const
Indexed access to the two extreme points that define this bounding box (index must be 0 or 1).
public: GeoBoundingBox operator+
const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const
Compute and return the union of this bounding with another.
public: GeoBoundingBox & operator+=
const v128 & rhs
Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.
public: GeoBoundingBox & operator+=
const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
Compute the inplace union of this bounding box and another.
public: bool operator<
const GeoPoint3 & lhs,
const GeoPoint3 & rhs
Allow GeoPoint3 to be used as a key for GeoMap.
Although this will not give any kind of sensible spatial organisation, it is at least a stable, usable ordering.
public: bool operator<
const GeoPoint3D & lhs,
const GeoPoint3D & rhs
Allow GeoPoint3D to be used as a key for GeoMap.
Although this will not give any kind of sensible spatial organisation, it is at least a stable, usable ordering.
public: bool operator==
const GeoPoint3 & lhs,
const GeoPoint3 & rhs
Equality operator.
public: GeoRect ScaleRect
GeoRect rect,
float scale
Function to scale a bounding box.
public: void SetEmpty()
Resets the box to it's default empty state.
public: bool GEO_CALL TestSamplingDistributions
const char * filename,
const s32 & numSamples
Write out raysets representing the ray distributions for debugging and visualisation.
public: u32 UniformInteger
RNG & rng
Random unsigned 32 bit integer, [0, 0xffffffff] (inclusive)
public: double UniformSignedUnitDouble
RNG & rng
Random double, [-1, 1] (inclusive)
public: float UniformSignedUnitFloat
RNG & rng
Random float, [-1, 1] (inclusive)
public: double UniformUnitClopenDouble
RNG & rng
Random double, [0, 1)
public: float UniformUnitClopenFloat
RNG & rng
Random float, [0, 1)
public: double UniformUnitDouble
RNG & rng
Random double, [0, 1] (inclusive)
public: float UniformUnitFloat
RNG & rng
Random float, [0, 1] (inclusive)
public: double UniformUnitOpenDouble
RNG & rng
Random double, (0, 1)
public: float UniformUnitOpenFloat
RNG & rng
Random float, (0, 1)
public: GeoRect UnionOfRects
GeoRect r1,
GeoRect r2
Union of two bounding boxes.
public: bool VLeftOf2
const Geo::v128 & a,
const Geo::v128 & b,
const Geo::v128 & c
Determines if the point 'c' is to the left of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.
public: VectorD VLength
VectorD v
Double precision vector operators.
public: bool VRightOf2
const Geo::v128 & a,
const Geo::v128 & b,
const Geo::v128 & c
Determines if the point 'c' is to the right of the line formed by joining 'a' and 'b'.
public: Geo::v128 VScaleAndAdd
const Geo::v128 & a,
float s,
const Geo::v128 & b,
float t
Calculates a * s + b * t.
public: float VSignedArea2
const Geo::v128 & a,
const Geo::v128 & b,
const Geo::v128 & c
Calculates the signed area of the given triangle in 2D space (z-coordinates ignored)
public: Geo::v128 VSlerp2
const Geo::v128 & a,
const Geo::v128 & b,
float t
Spherical linear interpolation between 'a' and 'b', with weight 't'.