Name | Description |
Geo::ArrayRange | A range within an array [first, last). |
Geo::FixedSizeArray | A fixed size array. |
Geo::GeoAllocationPage | A storage unit for a page based allocation system. |
Geo::GeoAllocator | A type of std::allocator, that passes memory requests through to the Geo heap functions This is used as the default allocator argument for the STL-like GeoMap/GeoList containers. |
Geo::GeoAllocatorUnchecked | A custom std::allocator, that uses simple malloc/free. |
Geo::GeoArray | Basic templated dynamic array class. |
Geo::GeoArray_Stl | STL adaptor to make the GeoArray look like a proper STL container. |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteArray | Adaptor to allow storing of pointers in a container (calls GEO_DELETE on each pointer upon array destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteList | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoDeleteMap | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls GEO_DELETE() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoReleaseArray | Adaptor to allow storing of IGeoReleasable pointers in a container (calls Release() on each pointer upon array destruction) |
Geo::GeoAutoReleaseMap | Adaptor to allow container to own the pointed-to value data (calls Release() on each pointer upon container destruction) |
Geo::GeoBitStore | Container for a set of bits. |
Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator | iterator to a nonmodifiable GeoBitStore, allows reading data by the operator*() |
Geo::GeoEqualCString | A hash functor for a null-terminated string. |
Geo::GeoFixedBinarySearchMap | An associative container with performance OlogN and only one allocation. |
Geo::GeoFixedBinarySearchMapCompare | Default comparison functor for the GeoFixedBinarySearchMap. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolAllocator | A std::allocator that passes memory requests through to a single underlying GeoAllocationPage. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolList | To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get. |
Geo::GeoFixedPoolMap | To make usage of this pool class a bit less painful, create template holding classes for typedefs; since template typedefs do not exist, this is the closest you can get. |
Geo::GeoGenericTexture | A really simple texture where all elements are T. |
Geo::GeoHashConstHandle | A const handle into the hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashCString | A hash functor for a null-terminated string. |
Geo::GeoHashDefault | A generic hashing functor. |
Geo::GeoHashHandle | A non-const handle into the hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashMap | The hash table. |
Geo::GeoHashString | A functor which hashes a char string. |
Geo::GeoImmutableArray | Basic templated dynamic immutable array class. |
Geo::GeoKeyValueArray | A fast implementation of a set associative container, this one using a sorted array of key values to lookup a similar array of value pointers. |
Geo::GeoList | Our implementation of an STL list, with some modifications. |
Geo::GeoList::const_iterator | Iterator for nonmutable GeoList. |
Geo::GeoList::iterator | Iterator for mutable GeoList. |
Geo::GeoMap | Our implementation of an STL map, with some modifications. |
Geo::GeoMap::const_iterator | Iterator for nonmutable GeoMap. |
Geo::GeoMap::iterator | Iterator for mutable GeoMap. |
Geo::GeoPair | A generic pair class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types. |
Geo::GeoPriorityQueue | |
Geo::GeoQueue | Simple FIFO queue. |
Geo::GeoQueueEnumInterface | Any class which wishes to use the queue Walk function must inherit from this class to define its callback interface. |
Geo::GeoSpatialHash | The 3D hash table. |
Geo::GeoSpatialHash::GridCellBlock | The grid index box. |
Geo::GeoTriple | A generic triple class. Inherits things like CopyConstructible or Assignable from its argument types. |
Geo::GeoV128Texture | A really simple texture where all elements are float vectors. |
Geo::IdentDataCompare | Comparison class for std::sort. |
Geo::TextureWriter | Class that writes a 2D block of memory to disk as a texture file. |
Geo::TreeNode | A generic tree structure, where each node contains an item by value. |
Geo::TypeInfo | Provides a type id for the given type. |
Name | Description |
const Impl::Empty * TypeId | A value that uniquely identifies a type within a single executable or dynamic library. |
public: void Clear()
Removes all entries from the collection. Remember, this object did not take ownership.
public: bool Copy
const GeoList< T > & source,
GeoList< T > & dest
Appends the contents of the 'source' GeoList to the 'dest' GeoList.
public: TValue * Find
const TKey & key
) const
Find a value in the collection with TKey key.
O(logN) operation.
NULL on failure.
public: Geo::s32 FindIndex
const GeoArray< T > & lhs,
const T & data
Find array index for first element that matches data, returns -1 if no match.
This requires T to implement operator == (const T& rhs) const.
Make sure your operator == is a const function! |
public: s32 FindIndex
const TKey & key
) const
Find the index of a given key.
O(logN) operation.
-1 on failure.
public: s32 Insert
const TKey & key,
TValue * value
Insert an pointer to a TValue item into the container.
O(logN) operation.
-1 on failure.
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE ArrayRange< T > MakeArrayRange
T * first,
T * last
Returns an array range for first and last.
public: GeoPair< T1, T2 > MakeGeoPair
const T1 & t1,
const T2 & t2
Function to create a Geo::GeoPair, similar to the STL function std::make_pair.
public: GeoTriple< T1, T2, T3 > MakeGeoTriple
const T1 & t1,
const T2 & t2,
const T3 & t3
Function to create a Geo::GeoTriple, extended from MakeGeoPair.
public: bool operator!=
const GeoAllocator< T1 > & ,
const GeoAllocator< T2 > &
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator!=
const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > & ,
const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator!=
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: bool operator!=
const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > & lhs,
const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > & rhs
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator<
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: bool operator<=
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: bool operator==
const GeoArray< T > & lhs,
const GeoArray< T > & rhs
Array equality testing function.
This requires T to implement operator == (const T& rhs) const.
Make sure your operator == is a const function! |
public: bool operator==
const GeoAllocator< T1 > & ,
const GeoAllocator< T2 > &
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator==
const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T1 > & lhs,
const GeoFixedPoolAllocator< T2 > & rhs
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator==
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: bool operator==
const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T1 > & ,
const GeoAllocatorUnchecked< T2 > &
Comparison operators for allocator classes.
public: bool operator>
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: bool operator>=
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
const GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Operator overloads for GeoList.
public: TValue * Remove
const TKey & key,
s32 & removedIndex
Remove the entry referenced to by key.
removedIndex will be filled by previous index value (note that all indices are of course invalidated).
NULL if not found in collection, otherwise the value object.
public: void SafeDestructArrayContents
Geo::GeoArray< tType * > & a,
tTypeDestructor safeDestruct
Given a GeoArray of pointers, and a destruct function (or any type that has operator()), destroy the elements and clear the array.
For some irritating reason, you may need to help the compiler infer the template type of the destructor. For example:
SafeDestructArrayContents(m_RadCores, DeleteRadSystemCore); SafeDestructArrayContents(m_InputWorkspaces, DeleteInputWorkspace); SafeDestructArrayContents(m_SolverProperties, SafeRelease<BakeInputProperties*>); SafeDestructArrayContents(m_s32Array, GEO_DELETE_T<s32>); SafeDestructArrayContents(m_s32BufferArray, GEO_DELETE_ARRAY_T<s32>); |
public: void swap
GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Left,
GeoList< _Ty, _Alloc > & _Right
Optimised std::swap compatible function.
public: void swap
GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > & lhs,
GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > & rhs
Optimised std::swap compatible function.