
Name Description

Allow safe conversion between a float and its representative bit pattern.


Name Description

Constructs a float which is exactly equal to 1x2^exponent.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.


The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.


Extract the exponent of the given float, accounting for the bias (i.e. the result is in the range -127 to +128).


Extracts the mantissa of the given float.


Packs a single-precision floating point number into a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

PackFloatToRgbm(v128, bool)

Pack a v128 colour value into a u32 in RGBM format.


Packs a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers into a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.


Unacks a single-precision floating point number from a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.


Unpacks a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers from a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.


Unpack an rgbm colour into a v128.


Normalise the intensity of a colour vector to have unit luminance.


Name Description
u32 GeoColour

An 8-bit colour.


Name Description
const Geo::v128 g_LuminanceCoefficients = Geo::VConstruct(0.2126f, 0.7152f, 0.0722f, 0.0f)

The coefficients to calculate the luminance from a colour specified in linear sRGB space These values are determined by the CIE 1931 colour space standard and the definition of the sRGB primaries.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE float Geo::ConstructFloatPow2

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE float ConstructFloatPow2
    int exponent

Constructs a float which is exactly equal to 1x2^exponent.

v128 GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertColourToV

public: v128 GEO_CALL ConvertColourToV
    GeoColour colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

GeoColour GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertVToColour

public: GeoColour GEO_CALL ConvertVToColour
    v128 colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

float GEO_CALL Geo::ConvertVToIntensity

public: float GEO_CALL ConvertVToIntensity
    v128 colour

The 4 float components of v128 correspond to the native ordering of the 4 byte components of u32.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE int Geo::GetFloatExponent

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE int GetFloatExponent
    float f

Extract the exponent of the given float, accounting for the bias (i.e. the result is in the range -127 to +128).

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::GetFloatMantissa

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 GetFloatMantissa
    float f

Extracts the mantissa of the given float.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToFixedWidth

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 PackFloatToFixedWidth
    float in

Packs a single-precision floating point number into a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToRgbm

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 PackFloatToRgbm
    v128 inputValue,
    bool isRgbaByteOrder

Pack a v128 colour value into a u32 in RGBM format.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 Geo::PackFloatToSharedExponent999e5

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE u32 PackFloatToSharedExponent999e5
    v128 colour

Packs a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers into a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE float Geo::UnpackFloatFromFixedWidth

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE float UnpackFloatFromFixedWidth
    u32 in

Unacks a single-precision floating point number from a floating point number with the given number of exponent and mantissa bits.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::UnpackFloatFromSharedExponent999e5

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 UnpackFloatFromSharedExponent999e5
    u32 colour

Unpacks a 4-vector of single-precision floating point numbers from a "shared exponent" 999e5 format.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 Geo::UnpackRgbmToFloat

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE v128 UnpackRgbmToFloat
    u32 rgbm

Unpack an rgbm colour into a v128.

v128 Geo::VNormaliseLuminance

public: v128 VNormaliseLuminance
    v128 colour

Normalise the intensity of a colour vector to have unit luminance.

If colour has no luminance (black, or infs/nans) then this returns black The alpha is always preserved.