Name | Description |
Abs(v128Param) | Returns a vector with the Abs function applied to all 4 elements. |
EqualWithinEpsilon(v128Param, v128Param, v128Param) | Returns true if all elements of a and b are within g_VecEpsilon of each other. |
GetV128FromString(const C *) | Parses a v128 from the given string. |
GetV128FromStringXYZ(const C *, float) | Parses a v128 from the given string, ignoring the W-component and instead setting it to the given value. |
IsFinite(v128Param) | Returns true if all of the 4 elements of v are finite. |
IsNan(v128Param) | Returns true if any of the 4 elements of v are NANs. |
Lerp(v128Param, v128Param, v128Param) | Linearly interpolated between the corresponding components of a and b. |
Max(const v128 &, const v128 &) | Returns a vector where each element has the maximum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well. |
Min(const v128 &, const v128 &) | Returns a vector where each element has the minimum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well. |
operator-(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | Operator - (component-wise subtraction) |
operator-(Geo::v128Param) | The unary - operator. Equivalent to (VZero() - v);. |
operator*(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | Operator * (component-wise multiplication) |
operator*=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param) | Inplace *. |
operator/(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | Operator / (component-wise division) |
operator/=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param) | Inplace /. |
operator+(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | Operator + (component-wise addition) |
operator+(Geo::v128Param) | The unary + operator (effectively a no-op) |
operator+=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param) | Inplace +. |
operator-=(Geo::v128 &, Geo::v128Param) | Inplace -. |
V128ToUtf8String(const Geo::v128 &) | Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated). |
V128ToUtf8StringXYZ(const Geo::v128 &) | Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated). |
VBroadcast(float) | Construct a v128 by broadcasting a float into all elements. |
VBroadcastInt(s32) | Construct a v128 by converting an integer to a float and broadcasting it into all elements. |
VCeil(v128Param) | Return ceil(v). |
VCompareEquals(v128Param, v128Param) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals). |
VCompareGE(v128Param, v128Param) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b. |
VCompareGT(v128Param, v128Param) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b. |
VCompareIsFinite(v128Param) | Tests all elements of v to see if they are finite or not. |
VCompareIsNan(v128Param) | Tests all elements of v to see if any of them are NANs. |
VCompareLE(v128Param, v128Param) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b. |
VCompareLT(v128Param, v128Param) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b. |
VCompareWithFlagsEquals(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals). |
VCompareWithFlagsGE(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b. |
VCompareWithFlagsGT(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b. |
VCompareWithFlagsLE(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b. |
VCompareWithFlagsLT(v128Param, v128Param, u32 &) | Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b. |
VConstruct(float, float, float, float) | Construct a v128 from 4 floats. Fairly slow. |
VConstructBitwise(u32, u32, u32, u32) | Re-intreprets 4 ints as floats and construct a vector from them. |
VCross3(v128Param, v128Param) | Cross the first 3 elements of each. |
VCross3ZeroW(v128Param, v128Param) | Cross the first 3 elements of each. |
VFrac(Geo::v128Param) | Returns the fractional part of each element of v. |
VGetMaskNotSignBit() | Returns a mask with everything but the 4 sign bits set. |
VGetMaskSignBit() | Returns a mask with just the 4 sign bits set. |
VLoadAligned(const float *) | Load a 4-float array from 16-byte aligned memory. |
VLoadUnaligned(const float *) | Load a 4-float array from arbitrarily aligned memory. Cannot be null. |
VMadd(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | This is a vector multiply accumulate operation returning (a * b) + c. |
VNegate(v128Param) | Return -v. You can use the operator overload instead if you prefer. |
VOpAnd(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | This is a bitwise & operation. |
VOpOnesCompl(Geo::v128Param) | This is a bitwise ~ operation. |
VOpOr(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | This is a bitwise | operation. |
VOpXor(Geo::v128Param, Geo::v128Param) | This is a bitwise ^ operation. |
VPackX4(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &) | Packs the X component from each of the four vectors into a single vector. |
VPerpendicular(v128Param, float) | Returns a vector perpendicular to v (with one of its components being zero). |
VRecip(v128Param) | Return 1.f / v. (inaccurate) |
VRecipFast(v128Param) | Return 1.f / v. (fast approximate where available. If not, implemented as VRecip) |
VRecipSqrt(v128Param) | Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate) |
VRecipSqrtAccurate(v128Param) | Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (more accurate) |
VRecipSqrtFast(v128Param) | Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate) |
VReverse(v128Param) | Reverses the order of the components from xyzw to wzyx. |
VShuffle(v128Param, int, int, int, int) | Returns the specified permutation of the parameter vector. Any permutation is valid. |
VSqrt(v128Param) | Return sqrt(v). (more inaccurate than the reciprocal version on non-sse hardware) |
VTestFlagsAllFalse(u32) | Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations. |
VTestFlagsAllTrue(u32) | Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations. |
VTestFlagsSomeFalse(u32) | Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations. |
VTestFlagsSomeTrue(u32) | Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations. |
VZero() | A fully-zeroed out vector. |
Name | Description |
const v128 g_VecEpsilon = VBroadcast(0.001f) | This has the value of g_VecEpsilonF broadcast into all elements. |
const float g_VecEpsilonF = 0.001f | A general epsilon for use with the IsUnitLength function. |
const u32 g_VecMaskFalse = 0x00000000 | A mask value of 'false' = 0x00000000. |
const u32 g_VecMaskTrue = 0xffffffff | A mask value of 'true' = 0xffffffff. |
const v128 g_VecNormaliseEpsilon = VBroadcast(1e-35f) | An internal epsilon used inside the vector normalisation functions. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFours | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VHalves | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VMinusOnes | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VMinusOneTwoEights | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverOneTwoSevens | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverPi | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverTwoFives | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOneOverTwoPi | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOnes | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VOneTwoSevens | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VPi | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VQuarters | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VThirds | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VThrees | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VTwoFiveFives | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VTwos | Some common useful constants. |
const Geo::v128 g_VZero | Some common useful constants. |
Name | Description |
eVShufflePosition | Shuffle constants for the GEO_VSHUFFLE macro. |
Name | Description |
GEO_VSHUFFLE VShuffle(v, x, y, z, w) | Returns the specified permutation of the parameter vector. |
public: v128 Abs
v128Param a
Returns a vector with the Abs function applied to all 4 elements.
public: bool EqualWithinEpsilon
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
v128Param epsilon
Returns true if all elements of a and b are within g_VecEpsilon of each other.
You may specify an epsilon vector that contains different epsilon values in each element if you wish.
public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetV128FromString
const C * str
Parses a v128 from the given string.
public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetV128FromStringXYZ
const C * str,
float w
Parses a v128 from the given string, ignoring the W-component and instead setting it to the given value.
public: bool IsFinite
v128Param v
Returns true if all of the 4 elements of v are finite.
TODO - this function doesn't detect INFs yet!
public: bool IsNan
v128Param v
Returns true if any of the 4 elements of v are NANs.
public: v128 Lerp
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
v128Param s
Linearly interpolated between the corresponding components of a and b.
s is the interpolation factor, typically having values between 0 -> 1.
public: v128 Max
const v128 & a,
const v128 & b
Returns a vector where each element has the maximum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.
public: v128 Min
const v128 & a,
const v128 & b
Returns a vector where each element has the minimum value of the corresponding values in a and b NOTE - the Min3 template function will work with the v128 type as well.
public: Geo::v128 operator-
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Operator - (component-wise subtraction)
public: Geo::v128 operator-
Geo::v128Param v
The unary - operator. Equivalent to (VZero() - v);.
public: Geo::v128 operator*
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Operator * (component-wise multiplication)
public: Geo::v128 & operator*=
Geo::v128 & lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Inplace *.
public: Geo::v128 operator/
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Operator / (component-wise division)
public: Geo::v128 & operator/=
Geo::v128 & lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Inplace /.
public: Geo::v128 operator+
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Operator + (component-wise addition)
public: Geo::v128 operator+
Geo::v128Param v
The unary + operator (effectively a no-op)
public: Geo::v128 & operator+=
Geo::v128 & lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Inplace +.
public: Geo::v128 & operator-=
Geo::v128 & lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
Inplace -.
public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL V128ToUtf8String
const Geo::v128 & v
Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).
The ..XYZ versions return a string containing only the X, Y and Z components of the vector, the others include W.
public: Geo::GeoString< char > GEO_CALL V128ToUtf8StringXYZ
const Geo::v128 & v
Creates a GeoString representation of the vector (space-separated).
The ..XYZ versions return a string containing only the X, Y and Z components of the vector, the others include W.
public: v128 VBroadcast
float x
Construct a v128 by broadcasting a float into all elements.
This is particularly handy when you want to use the vpu to do regular fpu operations.
public: v128 VBroadcastInt
s32 x
Construct a v128 by converting an integer to a float and broadcasting it into all elements.
public: v128 VCeil
v128Param v
Return ceil(v).
public: v128 VCompareEquals
v128Param a,
v128Param b
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.
public: v128 VCompareGE
v128Param a,
v128Param b
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.
public: v128 VCompareGT
v128Param a,
v128Param b
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.
public: v128 VCompareIsFinite
v128Param v
Tests all elements of v to see if they are finite or not.
It returns a mask with true/false mask values with the result of these 4 tests. TODO - this function isn't complete yet as it doesn't detect INF values yet!
public: v128 VCompareIsNan
v128Param v
Tests all elements of v to see if any of them are NANs.
It returns a mask with true/false mask values with the result of these 4 tests.
public: v128 VCompareLE
v128Param a,
v128Param b
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.
public: v128 VCompareLT
v128Param a,
v128Param b
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values.
public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsEquals
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
u32 & flags
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a == b (exact equals).
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.
public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsGE
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
u32 & flags
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a >= b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisions. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.
public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsGT
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
u32 & flags
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a > b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.
public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsLE
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
u32 & flags
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a <= b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.
public: v128 VCompareWithFlagsLT
v128Param a,
v128Param b,
u32 & flags
Compares all corresponding elements to see if a < b.
Returns a mask with the result of all comparisons as true/false mask values. It additionally sets flags to be a platform dependent value that encodes the result of the 4 comparisons. You can only use this flag value with the VTestFlags* functions. Do not assume any particular values of the flags as they vary between platforms. The flags enable you to branch from the result of a vpu comparison operation.
public: v128 VConstruct
float x,
float y,
float z,
float w
Construct a v128 from 4 floats. Fairly slow.
public: v128 VConstructBitwise
u32 x,
u32 y,
u32 z,
u32 w
Re-intreprets 4 ints as floats and construct a vector from them.
This is for building a mask if you need one that this file doesn't provide (see below). It's also quite slow, so if you use the mask regularly you might want to declare a static aligned bit of memory and load the vector from that.
public: v128 VCross3
v128Param lhs,
v128Param rhs
Cross the first 3 elements of each.
Providing the w element of both is finite the resulting w will be 0. If it is not finite the nan or inf will be passed through to the w. (NB: on PPU, w is just cleared.)
public: v128 VCross3ZeroW
v128Param lhs,
v128Param rhs
Cross the first 3 elements of each.
The w element will be set to zero. The w elements of the parameters are not considered. Prefer this if you are not sure if the w elements of your parameters are finite or not.
public: Geo::v128 VFrac
Geo::v128Param v
Returns the fractional part of each element of v.
public: v128 VGetMaskNotSignBit()
Returns a mask with everything but the 4 sign bits set.
public: v128 VGetMaskSignBit()
Returns a mask with just the 4 sign bits set.
public: v128 VLoadAligned
const float * vecToLoad
Load a 4-float array from 16-byte aligned memory.
Cannot be null. NOTE: the memory must be aligned or this will crash.
public: v128 VLoadUnaligned
const float * vecToLoad
Load a 4-float array from arbitrarily aligned memory. Cannot be null.
public: Geo::v128 VMadd
Geo::v128Param a,
Geo::v128Param b,
Geo::v128Param c
This is a vector multiply accumulate operation returning (a * b) + c.
public: v128 VNegate
v128Param v
Return -v. You can use the operator overload instead if you prefer.
public: Geo::v128 VOpAnd
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
This is a bitwise & operation.
You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including zeroing elements. For example: v128 xz = myVec & VGetMaskXZ();
public: Geo::v128 VOpOnesCompl
Geo::v128Param v
This is a bitwise ~ operation.
You can use this with masks generate the opposite mask.
public: Geo::v128 VOpOr
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
This is a bitwise | operation.
You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including combining vectors and setting sign bits. For example: v128 xyzw = xyonly | zwonly; v128 xznegated = myVec | (VGetMaskSignBit() & VGetMaskXZ());
public: Geo::v128 VOpXor
Geo::v128Param lhs,
Geo::v128Param rhs
This is a bitwise ^ operation.
You can use this with masks to perform a number of useful operations, including toggling sign bits and building masks. For example: v128 xySignsSwapped = myVec ^ (VGetMaskSignBit() & VGetMaskXY());
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEGeo::v128 VPackX4
const Geo::v128 & x,
const Geo::v128 & y,
const Geo::v128 & z,
const Geo::v128 & w
Packs the X component from each of the four vectors into a single vector.
public: v128 VPerpendicular
v128Param v,
float ep
Returns a vector perpendicular to v (with one of its components being zero).
Must pass a vector with at least one component > g_VecEpsilonF to avoid nasty interactions with VNormalise.
public: v128 VRecip
v128Param v
Return 1.f / v. (inaccurate)
public: v128 VRecipFast
v128Param v
Return 1.f / v. (fast approximate where available. If not, implemented as VRecip)
public: v128 VRecipSqrt
v128Param v
Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)
public: v128 VRecipSqrtAccurate
v128Param v
Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (more accurate)
public: v128 VRecipSqrtFast
v128Param v
Return 1.f / sqrt(v). (inaccurate)
public: v128 VReverse
v128Param v
Reverses the order of the components from xyzw to wzyx.
public: v128 VShuffle
v128Param v,
int x,
int y,
int z,
int w
Returns the specified permutation of the parameter vector. Any permutation is valid.
public: v128 VSqrt
v128Param v
Return sqrt(v). (more inaccurate than the reciprocal version on non-sse hardware)
public: bool VTestFlagsAllFalse
u32 flags
Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.
This returns true if all 4 comparisons were false.
public: bool VTestFlagsAllTrue
u32 flags
Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.
This returns true if all 4 comparisons were true.
public: bool VTestFlagsSomeFalse
u32 flags
Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.
This returns true if one or more of the 4 comparisons were false.
public: bool VTestFlagsSomeTrue
u32 flags
Tests the flags produced by the VCompareWithFlags* operations.
This returns true if one or more of the 4 comparisons were true.
public: v128 VZero()
A fully-zeroed out vector.
public: enum eVShufflePosition
VSHUF_X = 0,
VSHUF_Y = 1,
VSHUF_Z = 2,
Shuffle constants for the GEO_VSHUFFLE macro.