template<class, class, class, class>
class Geo::GeoMap


Our implementation of an STL map, with some modifications.


Name Description

Iterator for nonmutable GeoMap.


Iterator for mutable GeoMap.


Name Description
allocator_type::difference_type _DiffType

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc > _Myt

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoPair< const_iterator, const_iterator > _Paircc

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoPair< iterator, bool > _Pairib

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoPair< iterator, iterator > _Pairii

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type::pointer _PtrType

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type::reference _RefType

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Alloc allocator_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type::const_pointer const_pointer

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type::const_reference const_reference

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

std::reverse_iterator< const_iterator > const_reverse_iterator

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_DiffType difference_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Pr key_compare

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Kty key_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Ty mapped_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_PtrType pointer

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_RefType reference

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

std::reverse_iterator< iterator > reverse_iterator

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type::size_type size_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoPair< const _Kty, _Ty > value_type

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


Name Description
friend class const_iterator

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

friend class iterator

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


Name Description
const size_t max_allocation_size = sizeof(_Node)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


Name Description

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

count(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

equal_range(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

equal_range(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

erase(const key_type *, const key_type *)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

erase(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

erase(const_iterator, const_iterator)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

find(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

find(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoMap(const key_compare &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoMap(const allocator_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

GeoMap(const key_compare &, const allocator_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

insert(const key_type &, const mapped_type &)

One addition to the STL standard is the addition of an insert(key, value) function.

insert(const value_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

insert(const_iterator, const value_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

insert(InputIt, InputIt)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

lower_bound(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

lower_bound(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

swap(_Myt &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

upper_bound(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

upper_bound(const key_type &)

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).


All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::~GeoMap

public: ~GeoMap()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::begin

public: iterator begin()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::begin

public: const_iterator begin() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

void Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::clear

public: void clear()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

size_type Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::count

public: size_type count
    const key_type & _Keyval
) const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

bool Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::empty

public: bool empty() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::end

public: iterator end()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::end

public: const_iterator end() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Pairii Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::equal_range

public: _Pairii equal_range
    const key_type & _Keyval

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Paircc Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::equal_range

public: _Paircc equal_range
    const key_type & _Keyval
) const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

void Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::erase

public: void erase
    const key_type * _First,
    const key_type * _Last

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

size_type Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::erase

public: size_type erase
    const key_type & _Keyval

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::erase

public: iterator erase
    const_iterator _First,
    const_iterator _Last

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::erase

public: iterator erase
    const_iterator _Where

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::find

public: const_iterator find
    const key_type & _Keyval
) const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::find

public: iterator find
    const key_type & _Keyval

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::GeoMap

public: GeoMap()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::GeoMap

public: GeoMap
    const key_compare & _Pred

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::GeoMap

public: GeoMap
    const allocator_type & _Al

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::GeoMap

public: GeoMap
    const key_compare & _Pred,
    const allocator_type & _Al

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

allocator_type Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::get_allocator

public: allocator_type get_allocator() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

_Pairib Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::insert

public: _Pairib insert
    const key_type & key,
    const mapped_type & val

One addition to the STL standard is the addition of an insert(key, value) function.

This would usually be available as operator[], but without exception handling enabled we would have no way to detect a failure in the standard function. Therefore it was considered better to add a new function overload than to change the behaviour of an existing function.

_Pairib Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::insert

public: _Pairib insert
    const value_type & val

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::insert

public: iterator insert
    const_iterator hint,
    const value_type & val

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

bool Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::insert

public: bool insert
    InputIt first,
    InputIt last

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

key_compare Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::key_comp

public: key_compare key_comp() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::lower_bound

public: iterator lower_bound
    const key_type & _Keyval

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::lower_bound

public: const_iterator lower_bound
    const key_type & _Keyval
) const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

size_type Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::max_size

public: size_type max_size() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_reverse_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::rbegin

public: const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

reverse_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::rbegin

public: reverse_iterator rbegin()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_reverse_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::rend

public: const_reverse_iterator rend() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

reverse_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::rend

public: reverse_iterator rend()

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

size_type Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::size

public: size_type size() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

void Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::swap

public: void swap
    _Myt & rhs

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::upper_bound

public: iterator upper_bound
    const key_type & _Keyval

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

const_iterator Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::upper_bound

public: const_iterator upper_bound
    const key_type & _Keyval
) const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).

value_compare Geo::GeoMap< _Kty, _Ty, _Pr, _Alloc >::value_comp

public: value_compare value_comp() const

All functions and typedefs match those required by the C++0x standard (except where documented at class level).