Name | Description |
Enlighten::A8CpuTextureSampler | A8 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::AllFilter | Return all light types. |
Enlighten::Alpha8Normalised | Class to store a normalised single channel value in 1 byte. |
Enlighten::AsyncTaskThreadGroup | A thread group which executes Enlighten tasks by calling the AsyncTaskCallback a given number of times, and uses GeoEvent signalling to wait until all threads have completed execution. |
Enlighten::BakedProbeOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetBakedProbeOutput() command The pointer contents will be copied; when the command has executed the original data may be released. |
Enlighten::BakeInputLight | The input light type for baking. |
Enlighten::BakeInputMeshInfo | Data about a mesh, used as a parameter to IBakeInputSystem::AddMesh. |
Enlighten::BakeInputTexture | Texture object for the Baking. |
Enlighten::BakeMaterialInfo | The material description for baking. |
Enlighten::BaseAlbedoHandler | Base Albedo Handler. |
Enlighten::BaseCubeMap | Base class used by the update manager to hold all of the resources for a cube map (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject | Base class which holds everything a dynamic object must have (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseEnvironment | Trivial base class used to lend a base type to environment maps. |
Enlighten::BaseProbeSet | Class used by the update manager to hold all of the resources for a probe set together. |
Enlighten::BaseSystem | Base class which holds everything a system must have (regardless of where the solving happens). |
Enlighten::BaseSystemSolutionSpace | Base implementation of ISystemSolutionSpace. |
Enlighten::BaseWorker | Base implementation of the worker class, containing functionality common to all platforms. |
Enlighten::BoundingBox2D | Bounding box in 2D. |
Enlighten::BoxSpotlight | BoxSpotlight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::BoxVolume | Box volume primitive. |
Enlighten::CachedLightSelector | Selects the Cached type for the input light. |
Enlighten::CachedLightWriter | Cached Lights writer. |
Enlighten::CallableEnqueueFunctorCommand | An object that can be called to enqueue a command. |
Enlighten::CanQuickShade | By default, light types do not support quickshade. |
Enlighten::CanQuickShade< LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT > | Specialization to enable QuickShade on this light type. |
Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData | Constitutes the precomputed material data for a system. |
Enlighten::ClusterMaterialComponent | Enlighten internal class for per material dynamic updates. |
Enlighten::ClusterMaterials | Enlighten internal implementation for cluster albedo materials. |
Enlighten::ClusterProbeTransparencySampleData | Precompute data block detailing probe transparency sample data (internal). |
Enlighten::ClusterRange | The ClusterRange describes a range of leaf clusters that belong to a certain cluster in the tree. |
Enlighten::Command | Basic interface for commands to be executed on the worker thread. |
Enlighten::ConstLightValueIterator | Const LightValue iterator. This contains the logic for iterating over LightValue64 or LightValue128 arrays. |
Enlighten::CopyAlbedoBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyBounceBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyEmissiveBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the CopyEmissiveEnvironment() command. |
Enlighten::CopyInputLightingBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyInputLightingBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyProbeOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyProbeOutputInfo() command. |
Enlighten::CopyRawOutputInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyRawOutput() command. |
Enlighten::CopyTransparencyBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer() or CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CopyVisibilityBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a CopyVisibilityBuffer() command. |
Enlighten::CountLightSizeVisitor | Count light size. |
Enlighten::CpuAlbedoHandler | Implementation of BaseAlbedoHandler for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuCubeMap | Derived class of BaseCubeMap used by the CPU and console update managers. |
Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject | Implementation of BaseDynamicObject for Cpu Solving. |
Enlighten::CpuEnvironment | Class used by the CPU and console update managers to represent an environment map. |
Enlighten::CpuSystem | System for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuSystemSolutionSpace | System solution space for the CPU solver. |
Enlighten::CpuTextureSamplerBase | CPU texture sampler base class. |
Enlighten::CpuWorker | Implementation of the worker class, containing functionality common to all platforms which solve radiosity on a CPU or SPU. |
Enlighten::CullCluster | A class used to apply cluster-light level culling. |
Enlighten::CullClusterGroup | A class used to apply clustergroup-light level culling. |
Enlighten::CullingIterator | Struct to iterate over the lights of a particular type, applying the culling operation. |
Enlighten::CullingIterator< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID, Culler > | Terminator for CullingIterator. |
Enlighten::CullSystem | A class used to apply system-light level culling. |
Enlighten::DefaultGeometryTransparencySampler | The default transparency sampler. |
Enlighten::DefaultThreadGroup | Default implementation of IThreadGroup which executes tasks serially on the calling thread (the worker thread). |
Enlighten::DirectInputLightingParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the direct input lighting stage. |
Enlighten::DirectionalLight | DirectionalLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::Dx11TextureUpdater | Implementation for managing solver output and Dx11 GPU textures. |
Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace | Enlighten object used for dynamic material updates at runtime. |
Enlighten::DynamicObject | Class representing the local bounding box and corresponding output probe resolution of a dynamic object, so that it can be lit with volume textures of SH probe data. |
Enlighten::EnlightenProfile | A container for Enlighten runtime profile statistics. |
Enlighten::EnlightenTask | A task to be executed by a TaskProcessor. It consists of a task type and an object pointer. |
Enlighten::EntireProbeSetTask | An EntireProbeSetTask solves an entire set of probes as an atomic block. |
Enlighten::ExcludeQuickShadeFilter | Return all types except quick shade lights. |
Enlighten::FitModel | This is a model class, which can currently only be a plane or a cylinder. |
Enlighten::FixedTimeLimiter | Simple implementation of ILimiter which prevents new tasks from starting after a fixed time has elapsed from the start of UpdateRadiosity(). |
Enlighten::Fp16CpuTextureSampler | FP16 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::FrustumLight | FrustumLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::FunctorCommand | Callable object (incl. lambda expressions) commands. |
Enlighten::GenericColourBuffer | Generic class to store an array of values for a given system. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNode | Debugging output representation of a value in the clustering metric. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNodeForest | Debugging output representation of a set of clustering metric hierarchies. |
Enlighten::GeoClusterNodeTree | Debugging output representation of a hierarchy of clustering metrics. |
Enlighten::GeoDirectionalPoint | Debugging output representation of a point with a normal. |
Enlighten::GeoRayOrigin | Debugging output representation of a ray origin. |
Enlighten::GlTextureUpdater | Implementation for managing solver output and OpenGL GPU textures. |
Enlighten::GpuTextureWrapper | Concrete implementation of IGpuTexture. |
Enlighten::HashLightVisitor | Hash lights functor. |
Enlighten::IAsyncTask | Async task interface. |
Enlighten::IBake | The Low Level Enlighten Baking API. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputGeometryLightingNormals | Interface for providing lighting normals for the geometry. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputGeometryTangents | Interface for providing tangents for the geometry. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputGeometryUvs | Interface for providing tangents for the geometry. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputLighting | Input lighting for the offline baking; mainly a collection of EnlightenLight structures. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputMaterial | The material descriptions for a bake system. This will have a BakeMaterialInfo for each facegroup in each mesh in each geometry, with optional overrides per-instance. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputMeshLightingNormals | Interface for providing lighting normals for the mesh. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputMeshTangents | Interface for providing tangents for the mesh. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputMeshUvs | Interface for providing tangents for the mesh. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputProperties | Bake properties class, used by calculation tasks to hold global and task specific data. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputRayOriginPositions | The ray origin positions for all systems. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputRuntime | The Enlighten runtime objects; RadDataCore, InputWorkspace, et al. |
Enlighten::IBakeInputSystem | A triangle list and GBuffer of the incoming system. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputProbeSet | Baking output for a probe set. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputProbeSetVisibility | Baking output for per light visibility. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemAO | Baking output for ambient occlusion. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemDirect | Baking output for direct lighting. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemFinalGather | Baking output for indirect lighting from Final Gather. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemIndirect | Baking output for indirect lighting. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemRadiosityNormal | Baking output for radiosity normal texture. |
Enlighten::IBakeOutputSystemVisibility | Baking output for per light visibility. |
Enlighten::IBakeRuntimeLighting | Material textures for the albedo and emissive channels, in Enlighten UV space. |
Enlighten::IBakeSolvedRuntime | Interface for providing radiosity output for systems and probesets for baking. |
Enlighten::IBakeSystemResource | System data for baking. |
Enlighten::IBakeTextureManager | Interface for providing and caching textures. |
Enlighten::IBakeVisibilityBuffer | Visibility information for a light map. |
Enlighten::IClusteringOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the clustering process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::IGpuTexture | IGpuTexture is the main interface used by the HLRT to keep track of output textures. |
Enlighten::IGpuTextureAllocator | Interface which enables Enlighten to allocate GPU textures to hold the solved output. |
Enlighten::IGpuTextureUpdater | IGpuTextureUpdater is the interface used by the HLRT to manage Enlighten solver output and associated GPU texture resources. |
Enlighten::ILightTransportOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the light transport process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::ILimiter | Interface which can prevent Enlighten tasks from starting in the current call to UpdateRadiosity. |
Enlighten::IMeshSimpOutput | An interface for diagnosing the quality and any issues with the mesh simplification process in EnlightenPrecomp2. |
Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer | A buffer containing the incident lighting for a system's input sample points (internal). |
Enlighten::IndirectInputLightingInternalParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the internal indirect input lighting stage. |
Enlighten::IndirectInputLightingParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the indirect input lighting stage. |
Enlighten::IndirectionTextureRegions | A set of regions of the indirection texture, one per clipmap level. |
Enlighten::InputLightBase | A base class all light types must derive from to work with any input lighting API. |
Enlighten::InputLightFalloffTable | Class encapsulating the description of a light falloff curve. |
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer | A single frame of the InputWorkspace lighting (internal). |
Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the albedo/emissive/transparency sampling stage. |
Enlighten::InputWorkspace | Constitutes the core precomputed data for the input lighting generation for a system. |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugIterator | This class is used to iterate through the duster samples in order to get a InputWorkspaceDebugPoint. |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugPoint | A structure for receiving the data held internally about a duster point for debugging visualisation purposes. |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDynamicInternal | Runtime data about the quad approximations to clusters used for radiosity computations for dynamic systems (internal). |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceInternal | Runtime data about the dusters (internal). |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceMetaData | A data block that describes essential properties of an input workspace. |
Enlighten::InstanceDescMinimal | Minimal description of an instance. |
Enlighten::InternalLightFalloffTable | The light table stores the falloff model of a light. |
Enlighten::InterpolatedPoint | Data structure describing a point in space to receive interpolated probe output. |
Enlighten::InterpolationInputSet | Data structure describing the inputs and outputs of a probe set to be used as input data for interpolation. |
Enlighten::IPppiComputeUpdateHandler | User callbacks to handle updates to pppi textures using a compute shader. |
Enlighten::IPppiProbeSetStateHandler | User callback to handle changes to probe set state. |
Enlighten::IPppiTextureUpdateHandler | User callbacks to handle updates to pppi textures. |
Enlighten::IPrecompBuildParameters | A class containing various parameters and dials for the system level precompute process. |
Enlighten::IPrecompCubeMapBuildParameters | Precompute parameters for cube maps. |
Enlighten::IPrecompCubeMapCore | A class containing a data block that is used by the run-time to generate cube maps. |
Enlighten::IPrecompDepthCubeMap | Handle to the depth cube map data. |
Enlighten::IPrecompGeneratedSystems | Result of the the IPrecompute::CreateSystemsByVoxelisation() call. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputCubeMap | A class representing a cube map object which the run-time can generate dynamically. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputGeometry | Handle to the InputGeometry. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputItemDependencies | A collection of item dependencies. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputMesh | The standard precompute mesh input class. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputProbeOctree | Represents a region of 3D space within which sets of probe positions are adaptively generated. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputProbeRegion | Represents a region of 3D space voxelized at various resolutions. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputProbeSet | A class representing a set of sample points for which the run-time can generate spherical harmonic representations of the diffuse light incident on each sample point. |
Enlighten::IPrecompInputSystem | Handle to the InputSystem. |
Enlighten::IPrecompMeshValidation | An interface containing methods for analyzing meshes. |
Enlighten::IPrecompOutputCubeMap | Handle to the precompute output data for cube maps. |
Enlighten::IPrecompOutputProbeOctree | An octree of probe positions grouped into probe sets. |
Enlighten::IPrecompOutputProbeSet | Handle to the LightTransport data for probesets. |
Enlighten::IPrecompPackedGeometry | Handle to the PackedGeometry. |
Enlighten::IPrecompPackedInstance | Handle to the PackedInstance. |
Enlighten::IPrecompPackedSystem | Class encapsulating the geometry and additional data for a system, light-mapped or otherwise. |
Enlighten::IPrecompProbeAtlasMaxima | Maximum values across the entire world, used to determine the resources required at runtime. |
Enlighten::IPrecompProbeOctree | A class representing an octree which defines sets of probe positions within a volume. |
Enlighten::IPrecompProbeOctreeLayout | The layout of an octree. |
Enlighten::IPrecompProbeSetBuildParameters | A class defining parameters for SH sample probe building. |
Enlighten::IPrecompProbeSetRadiosity | A class containing a set of data blocks that are used by the run-time to generate SH representations for the related IPrecompInputProbeSet. |
Enlighten::IPrecompRadiosityNormalTexture | Handle to the radiosity normal texture. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemClustering | Handle to the SystemClustering. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemCompressedLightTransport | Handle to a compressed SystemLightTransport. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemDependencies | Handle to the SystemDependencies. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemDuster | Handle to the platform-agnostic input sample points (dusters). |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemLightTransport | Handle to the SystemLightTransport. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemPreClustering | Handle to the SystemPreClustering. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemRadiosity | Handle to the SystemRadiosity. |
Enlighten::IPrecompSystemsDependencies | Holds IPrecompSystemDependencies for multiple systems. |
Enlighten::IPrecompute | The Low Level Enlighten Precompute API. |
Enlighten::IPrecompVolumeQuery | A class representing a region of 3D space which can be tested for intersection against an axis-aligned box. |
Enlighten::IProbeSetManager | Probe Set Manager interface class. |
Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc | Irradiance and directional irradiance output capture. |
Enlighten::ISystemSolutionSpace | A solution space for a system. |
Enlighten::IThreadGroup | Interface through which MultithreadCpuWorker runs tasks on multiple threads in parallel. |
Enlighten::IUpdateManager | This class is the base interface for the singleton object which manages all of the Enlighten updates for the systems and lights in the world, according to the current update strategy, solve type and albedo type. |
Enlighten::IUpdateManagerWorker | Interface of the update manager worker. |
Enlighten::IViewVolumeIntersector | A view volume implemented by the application. |
Enlighten::LightMethodSelector | Light Method Selector. |
Enlighten::LightSelector | Selects the input light type. |
Enlighten::LightTransportPixel | Debugging output representation of an output pixel. |
Enlighten::LightTypeInfo | A class which represents a group of a particular type of lights. |
Enlighten::LightValue64 | Convenience value type for a half precision lighting value. |
Enlighten::LightValueIterator | LightValue iterator. This contains the logic for iterating over LightValue64 or LightValue128 arrays. |
Enlighten::Line2D | A line in 2D defined by two points. |
Enlighten::LrbCpuTextureSampler | LRB texture sampler. |
Enlighten::MaterialAlbedoSampler | Albedo sampler read the cluster albedo after all the quads have been sampled. |
Enlighten::MaterialComponentBuffer | MaterialComponentBuffer type interface. |
Enlighten::MaterialEmissiveSampler | Emissive sampler reads the emissive for the cluster. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids | Storage of mappings between "old" u64 material IDs and "new" instance, mesh and material GUIDs. |
Enlighten::MaterialSampler | Material sampler reads albedo, emissive and transparency for the cluster. |
Enlighten::MaterialTransparencySampler | Transparency sampler reads the transparency for the cluster. |
Enlighten::MergeGeometry | This is the very basic geometry description we operate on. |
Enlighten::MergeGeometryCache | This is a cache of some various group-related data for use while merging charts. |
Enlighten::MergeMap | Details of how the old groups have been merged into new groups. |
Enlighten::MergeProcessParams | Parameters controlling the model fitting. |
Enlighten::MergeStats | Stats from the result of the merge. |
Enlighten::MergeTriGroupParams | Parameters controlling the merge behaviour of a particular tri group. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuUpdateManager | An update manager for Enlighten that does CPU updates. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorker | Worker for the mulithreaded CPU update manager. |
Enlighten::MultithreadCpuWorkerCommon | Implementation of the worker class, containing functionality for platforms which run tasks on a multithreaded CPU. |
Enlighten::NullGeometryTransparencySampler | A transparency sampler which samples the transparency as opaque. |
Enlighten::NullMaterialEmissiveSampler | An emissive material sampler which returns black. |
Enlighten::NullMaterialTransparencySampler | A transparency sampler which samples the transparency as opaque. |
Enlighten::NullSampler | A base implementation for a sampler that does nothing. |
Enlighten::NullSurroundingsSampler | Surroundings sampler that always returns zero. |
Enlighten::OctreeSearchResult | Result of an octree search. |
Enlighten::PackedDusterPoint | This class contains the positions and normals of 4 duster points (internal). |
Enlighten::PipelineBoxSetProbeRegion | A probe region object, corresponding to a <probeRegion> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineCubemap | A cubemap object, corresponding to a <cubeMap> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineError | An exception thrown to indicate a violation of the API contract, such as: |
Enlighten::PipelineExcludedInstance | An instance object, corresponding to an <instance> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineGeom | A geometry object, corresponding to a single .geom file. |
Enlighten::PipelineGeometryProperties | The properties of a .geom that are relevant to the precompute. |
Enlighten::PipelineGlobalParameters | The parameters that affect the precompute for all instances in the scene. |
Enlighten::PipelineInstanceParameters | Recommended default values for parameters that affect the precompute for a subset of instances in the scene. |
Enlighten::PipelineMaterial | The properties of an Enlighten material that are relevant to radiosity. |
Enlighten::PipelineMesh | A mesh object, corresponding to a single <mesh> element within the .geom file. |
Enlighten::PipelinePaths | The paths to the Enlighten scene and runtime data generated by the pipeline. |
Enlighten::PipelinePointSetProbeRegion | A probe region object, corresponding to a <probeRegion> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineProbeVolume | A probe volume object, corresponding to a <probeVolume> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineProgressBase | Implements Geo::IGeoProgressProxy::ReportError. |
Enlighten::PipelineRadiosityInstance | An instance object, corresponding to an <instance> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineRadiosityProperties | The properties of a radiosity instance that are relevant to the precompute. |
Enlighten::PipelineScene | The scene to be precomputed. |
Enlighten::PipelineTransform | The transform used by each instance object. |
Enlighten::PipelineVolumeProbeRegion | A probe region object, corresponding to a <probeRegion> element in the .scene file. |
Enlighten::PipelineWorldAxes | The permutation of the "axes" attribute of the <scene> element of the .scene file Use this to enable the Enlighten debugging tools to display your scene correctly. |
Enlighten::PixelBarycentricWeights | Data about a given pixel in the lightmap. |
Enlighten::PixelCoord | Enlighten internal class for storing a pixel index within an albedo or emissive texture. |
Enlighten::PointLight | PointLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::PointProjection | Utility class for projecting points into a triangle surface, and optionally 'pushing up'. |
Enlighten::PointProjectionOptions | Projection options for the point projection functionality. |
Enlighten::PointProjectionScratchMem | Reusable search scratch memory while projecting points. |
Enlighten::PointProjectionSurface | A surface we can project points onto. |
Enlighten::PointProjectionVersion | Description of the point projection of one instance to a set of surfaces. |
Enlighten::PointProjectionVertex | Simple position & normal structure. |
Enlighten::PppiAtlasFootprint | A measure of the space required to update the PPPI atlas. |
Enlighten::PppiAtlasMaxima | The maximum number of atlas tiles and probes that may be concurrently allocated for the given combination of probe sets. |
Enlighten::PppiAtlasOutputWorkspace | The output texture data for the atlas texture. |
Enlighten::PppiAtlasUpdateData | The data that must be copied into the atlas update buffers. |
Enlighten::PppiAtlasUpdateRequirements | The required size of the atlas update buffers. |
Enlighten::PppiClipmapUpdateData | The data that must be copied into the clipmap update buffers. |
Enlighten::PppiClipmapUpdateRequirements | The required size of the clipmap update buffers. |
Enlighten::PppiClipmapVolumeTextureInfo | Description of a volume texture written to by the per-pixel probe interpolation runtime which represents a clipmap, where each level of the clipmap is stacked along the Z-axis of the volume texture. |
Enlighten::PppiConfiguration | |
Enlighten::PppiIndirectionOutputWorkspace | The output texture data for the indirection texture. |
Enlighten::PppiIrradiance | L1 SH RGB representation of irradiance. |
Enlighten::PppiIrradiance16 | L1 SH RGB representation of irradiance. |
Enlighten::PppiOutputTextureRequirements | The size and format of the required output textures. |
Enlighten::PppiOutputWorkspace | The output texture data for the atlas and indirection textures. |
Enlighten::PppiProbeSetState | The state of a probe set. |
Enlighten::PppiShaderParameters | The shader parameters required to sample per pixel probe lighting. |
Enlighten::PppiUpdateData | A sequence of data blocks that map to a single target buffer. |
Enlighten::PppiVolumeTextureInfo | Description of a volume texture written to by the per-pixel probe interpolation runtime. |
Enlighten::PppiWorld | Updates output textures for all probe sets in the world. |
Enlighten::PrecisionHint | Enumeration for the precision hint. The hint is used depending on whether the option is supported on the platform. |
Enlighten::PrecompInputFace | A face (triangle) in EnlightenPrecomp input geometry. |
Enlighten::PrecompInputInstance | A simple class housing the data required with each stand-alone instance of some geometry. |
Enlighten::PrecompInputVertex | A vertex in EnlightenPrecomp input geometry. |
Enlighten::PrecompMaterialInfo | Material precompute properties. Assign these to specific instance, mesh and material GUIDs using SetMaterialInfo on an IPrecompInputSystem object. |
Enlighten::PrecompMeshIdentifier | Simple struct to identify an IPrecompInputMesh with the name and GUID of the geom and the index and GUID of the mesh. |
Enlighten::PrecompMeshInstanceView | A view into the mesh data associated with an instance. |
Enlighten::PrecompMeshProperties | Properties of input meshes. |
Enlighten::PrecompOctreeNode | A serialisable representation of an octree node. |
Enlighten::PrecompOctreeProbeKey | Provides an ordering of probe voxel positions by their depth within the octree. |
Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData | Runtime data storing precomputed visibility information (eg, for directional lights) |
Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace | Runtime data allocated by end user that stores uncompressed precomputed visibility data. |
Enlighten::PrecomputeParameters | The arguments to the HLBS precompute process. |
Enlighten::PrecomputePipeline | Exports the scene and runs the precompute process. |
Enlighten::PrecompVolumeQueryBox | An example implementation of IPrecompVolumeQuery which defines a region of 3D space as a set of boxes. |
Enlighten::PrecompVoxelId | Unique ID of a voxel. |
Enlighten::PrecompVoxelOctree | A voxel in an octree. |
Enlighten::PrecompVoxelOctreePath | A path to a voxel. |
Enlighten::PrecompVoxelOctreeVolume | A volume voxel in an octree. |
Enlighten::ProbeInterpolant | Data structure identifying a probe and associated weight (influence) which forms part of a set to be interpolated. |
Enlighten::ProbeInterpolationTask | Task describing a set of probe sets to be used as inputs for interpolation, and a set of points which require interpolated outputs. |
Enlighten::ProbeSetManagerOctree | An implementation of IProbeSetManager with a fast path for scenes which contain only octree probe sets. |
Enlighten::ProbeSetOctreeNode | The data associated with each non-empty octree node. |
Enlighten::ProbeSetVirtualProbe | A pair of probes which can be averaged to produce a 'virtual' probe output. |
Enlighten::ProfileHistory | A simple class for recording a history of double valued stats. |
Enlighten::QuadIterator | Quad iterator class applies the samplers to a set of quads for a given cluster. |
Enlighten::QuadShader | The QuadShader class is responsible for unpacking the quad positions and normal during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted quad. |
Enlighten::QuickFlatClusterShader | The QuickFlatClusterShader class is responsible for unpacking a single normal during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted normal. |
Enlighten::QuickQuadShader | The QuickQuadShader class is responsible for unpacking four quad normals during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted normals. |
Enlighten::QuickShadeOnlyFilter | Return only quick shade light types. |
Enlighten::R11G11B10CpuTextureSampler | R11G11B10 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::R9G9B9E5CpuTextureSampler | R9G9B9E5 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore | Constitutes the core precomputed data for a cube map. |
Enlighten::RadCubeMapMetaData | A data block that describes essential properties of a cube map. |
Enlighten::RadCubeMapTask | Structure describing a task to generate a cube map. |
Enlighten::RadDataBlock | Facilitates storage of core Enlighten data. |
Enlighten::RadDebugBucketSelectionTask | Structure describing an internal debugging task to colour output pixels according to debug data. |
Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask | Structure describing a task to colour output pixels according to debug data. |
Enlighten::RadDebugPixelInfo | Extended information about a pixel in the Enlighten output for internal debugging purposes. |
Enlighten::RadiosityInputTree | Compressed description of the input cluster tree. |
Enlighten::RadIrradianceTask | Structure describing a task using the irradiance technique. |
Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore | Constitutes the core precomputed data for a probe set. |
Enlighten::RadProbeSetMetaData | A data block that describes essential properties of a run-time probe set. |
Enlighten::RadProbeTask | A Probe task specifies a list of probe points whose lighting values will be calculated when the task is solved. |
Enlighten::RadSystemCore | Constitutes the core precomputed data for a system. |
Enlighten::RadSystemMetaData | A data block that describes essential properties of a rad system, including it's id, output and input textures sizes, budget, pixel utilisation and other debugging data. |
Enlighten::RawBuffer | A range of bytes. |
Enlighten::ReadInputLightingBufferInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a ReadInputLightingBufferInfo() command. |
Enlighten::RectangleLight | RectangleLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::RefTextureAllocator | Texture allocator for creating CPU solution spaces for Enlighten without any associated GPU resources. |
Enlighten::RefTextureUpdater | Reference texture updater. |
Enlighten::ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces() command. |
Enlighten::RemoveInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a RemoveSystem(), RemoveProbeSet(), RemoveCubeMap() or RemoveDynamicObject() command. |
Enlighten::ResampleBounceParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the bounce resampling stage. |
Enlighten::ResampleTextureParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used if sampling from a texture is required. |
Enlighten::Rgba32Gamma | Class to store 32-bit colour values in gamma space. |
Enlighten::Rgba64Linear | Class to store a HDR value using FP16 precision. |
Enlighten::RgbaCpuTextureSampler | RGBA texture sampler. |
Enlighten::RgbmCpuTextureSampler | RGBM texture sampler. |
Enlighten::SelectAll | Selector which selects all lights. |
Enlighten::SelectCulled | Selector which selects culled lights. |
Enlighten::SelectUnculled | Selector which selects unculled lights. |
Enlighten::SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetLightBankUpdateCounter() command. |
Enlighten::SetParameterCommand | Command to set a parameter on an object. |
Enlighten::SetProbeSetTransformInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetProbeSetTransform() command. |
Enlighten::SetSystemSolutionSpacesCommand | Command to set solutions spaces for given system. |
Enlighten::SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset() command. |
Enlighten::SetVisibilityBitsInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for a SetVisibilityBits() command. |
Enlighten::ShadeFourSamplesOperator | Visitor operator used to shade four samples for each light type. |
Enlighten::ShadeQuadOperator | Visitor operator used to shade the quad for each light type. |
Enlighten::SolveBounceTask | Structure describing a task which solves directly to the bounce buffer and does not update any textures. |
Enlighten::SortedLights | A class used to produce a sorted, culled list of lights. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsOperator | Sorted lights operator interface. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisibilityIdxWriter | Sorted lights visibility index writer. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisitor | Visitor construct to apply each operator to the relevant light types. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisitor< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID, Op, LightTypeFilter > | Terminator condition for light visitor. |
Enlighten::SphereVolume | Sphere volume primitive. |
Enlighten::Spotlight | Spotlight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::SurfaceColourDynamicity | A set of initialisers for the dynamicity of surface colours. |
Enlighten::SystemAlbedoData | Class representing the albedo data for a system (or dynamic object which contributes to radiosity). |
Enlighten::SystemDependencies | A list of system dependencies. |
Enlighten::SystemGrouping | A groupings of instances into systems. |
Enlighten::TaskProcessor | TaskProcessor runs a loop for pulling tasks off the current queue until either the whole list is done, or an ILimiter tells it to stop. |
Enlighten::TextureResolutionScale | Specify the albedo/emissive texture resolution relative to the light map resolution. |
Enlighten::TextureSubSection | Defines a sub-section of a texture, specified in texels. |
Enlighten::TransformedBounds | A struct used to apply a transform to a bounding box. |
Enlighten::TransparencySurroundingsSampler | Surroundings sampler for transparency. |
Enlighten::TransparencyVolumeBase | Base class for transparency volumes. |
Enlighten::TransparencyWorkspace | Workspace used for authored destruction of lightmapped geometry (internal). |
Enlighten::Triangle2D | A triangle in 2D defined by three points. |
Enlighten::TriggerVolumeTransparencyGeneric | Command to trigger a transprency volume. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType | Convert from type enum to concrete type Put this above the light type includes so the specialisations can go in the same file. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_BOXSPOT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_FRUSTUM_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_POINT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_RECTANGLE_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT_FUNCTION > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_ISFALLOFF > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_RECTLIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_UNREALFALLOFF > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::UpdateEnvironmentInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the UpdateEmissiveEnvironment() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightCommandGeneric | Command to update a light. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightInfo | Parameters to be enqueued for the UpdateLight() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateLightOptions | Optional parameters to the UpdateLight() command. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerLight | Class which extends the Enlighten input light class with extra data used only by the high level runtime, and not by Enlighten itself. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerProperties | This class contains the properties of an Update Manager which must be supplied on creation and can't be changed. |
Enlighten::UpdateManagerWorkerProperties | Class representing the global state of the update manager worker. |
Enlighten::UpdatePppiAtlasStats | Statistics reported by the atlas texture update. |
Enlighten::UpdatePppiIndirectionStats | Statistics reported by the indirection texture update. |
Enlighten::UpdatePppiStats | Stats reported by PppiWorld::Update(). |
Enlighten::Vertex2D | Vertex in 2D. |
Enlighten::VisibilityBuffer | Encapsulation of light visibility information. |
Enlighten::VisibilityFormat | Supported formats for visibility data. |
Enlighten::VisitLightsGeneric | Visit the lights of a particular type. Do this recursively. |
Enlighten::VisitLightsGeneric< TypeSelector, Visitor, LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID > | Visitor terminator. |
Enlighten::VisitSelectedLightsGeneric | Visitor for selected lights. |
Enlighten::VisitSelectedLightsGeneric< TypeSelector, Visitor, LightSelector, LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID > | Visitor for selected lights. |
Enlighten::VolumeTextureRegion | A region of a volume texture defined by two corners. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdaetManagerWorker interface with no input arguments. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionParameterCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdateManagerWorker interface with one input argument. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctionTwoParametersCommand | Command to execute a function in the IUpdateManagerWorker interface with two parameters. |
Enlighten::WorkerFunctorCommand | Callable object (incl. lambda expressions) worker commands. |
Enlighten::WorkerObjectFunctionCommand | Command to execute paramless method on an an object specified by the guid. |
Enlighten::WorkerThreadData | Helper class for holding per-thread working data. |
Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator | A specialised circular/stack allocator hybrid for allocating solve workspace memory. |
Name | Description |
MaterialComponentBuffer< Rgba32Gamma > AlbedoBuffer | Albedo buffer type used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage of the runtime. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > AlbedoBufferPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
void(GEO_CALL * AsyncTaskCallback)(IAsyncTask *Task, const char *Name) | Function pointer type for the callback for executing tasks asynchronously. |
Geo::GeoPair< double, double > BaryCoords | Barycentric coordinates. |
IncidentLightingBuffer BounceBuffer | BounceBuffer type used for re-sampling the bounce for feedback into the input lighting. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData, DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData > CAWMaterialDataPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoMap< Geo::s32, const GeoClusterNodeTree * > ClusterIdLookup | Lookup from linear cluster ID to node. |
Geo::GeoArray< ClusterRange > ClusterRangeArray | Collection of cluster ranges. |
void(* CommandCompletedCallback)(void *) | Callback signature for when a command is completed. |
Geo::GeoRGBXTextureElement CpuTextureElement | Structure defining the memory layout of CPU texture data used by Enlighten for texture albedo and emissive. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > DynamicMaterialWorkspacePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
MaterialComponentBuffer< Rgba64Linear > EmissiveBuffer | Emissive buffer type used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage of the runtime. |
Geo::GeoUniquePtr< Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer, Geo::GeoAlignedFreeDestructor > EmissiveBufferPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
ProfileHistory< NUM_AGGREGATE_PROFILE_ITEMS > EnlightenAggregateProfile | History profile for aggregate stats. |
ProfileHistory< NUM_CUBE_MAP_PROFILE_ITEMS > EnlightenCubeMapProfile | History profile for cube maps. |
ProfileHistory< NUM_PROBE_SET_PROFILE_ITEMS > EnlightenProbeSetProfile | History profile for probesets. |
ProfileHistory< NUM_SYSTEM_PROFILE_ITEMS > EnlightenSystemProfile | History profile for systems. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompGeneratedSystems > GeneratedSystemsPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoDirectionalPoint > GeoDirectionalPointList | Collection of points with normals for debugging. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoRayOrigin > GeoRayOriginList | Collection of ray origins for debugging. |
Geo::GeoArray< GeoRayOrigin * > GeoRayOriginListPtr | Collection of ray origins for debugging. |
Geo::GeoFileString GeoTextureString | Texture filename string. |
Geo::GeoArray< Geo::GeoTriangle > GeoTriangleList | Collection of triangles for debugging. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompInputProbeSet > InputProbeSetPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< InputWorkspace, DeleteInputWorkspace > InputWorkspacePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::s32 LightTypeId | LightTypeIds type. |
Geo::v128 LightValue128 | Convenience value type for a full precision lighting value. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< AlbedoBuffer::ColourType > MaterialAlbedoComponent | Material component for albedo. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< EmissiveBuffer::ColourType > MaterialEmissiveComponent | Material component for emissive. |
Geo::GeoPair< Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::u32 > MaterialGuidMapping | A mapping between a material GUID and a 32-bit material ID. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< TransparencyBuffer::ColourType > MaterialTransparencyComponent | Material component for transparency. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompOutputProbeOctree > OutputProbeOctreePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompPackedGeometry > PackedGeometryPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompPackedSystem > PackedSystemPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::u16 PppiProbeSetHandle | A handle which uniquely identifies a probe set. |
Geo::FixedSizeArray< Geo::s32, 3 > PrecompIndex3 | An array of three indices. |
Geo::FixedSizeArray< Geo::StridedArrayView< PrecompMeshInstanceView >, PROBEOCTREERESOLUTIONCOUNT > PrecompMeshProbeRegion | A region of 3D space defined by a set of meshes transformed and voxelized at various resolutions. |
Geo::u64 PrecompOctreeCode | Identifies a block within the octree. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< PrecomputedVisibilityData, DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData > PrecompVisDataPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompProbeAtlasMaxima > ProbeAtlasMaximaPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoString< char > ProfileDescription | String for describing a profile, used by EnlightenProfile. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadCubeMapCore, DeleteRadCubeMapCore > RadCubeMapCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadProbeSetCore, DeleteRadProbeSetCore > RadProbeSetCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueDelegatePtr< RadSystemCore, DeleteRadSystemCore > RadSystemCorePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< Geo::GeoRGBXTexture > RGBXTexturePtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::u64 SurfaceSelection | Selects a set of surfaces within a system. |
Geo::GeoUniqueReleasePtr< IPrecompSystemDuster > SystemDusterPtr | A unique pointer which controls the lifetime of the object. |
Geo::GeoMap< Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32 > TGuidIndexMap | GeoGuid-to-s32 map used by EnlightenProfile. |
MaterialComponentBuffer< Alpha8Normalised > TransparencyBuffer | Transparency buffer type used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage of the runtime. |
Vertex2D Vector2D | Vector in 2D. |
Name | Description |
const Geo::u64 DEFAULT_WORKER_THREAD_AFFINITY = Geo::g_MaxU64 | Constant defining the default affinity for the worker thread of a MultithreadCpuWorker. |
const float g_DependencyVisibilityThresholdDefault = 1.f / (1 << 8) | By default, do not consider a system as a dependency if its visibility is smaller than this threshold. |
const Geo::s32 g_MaxLightDataStackDepth = 6 | This is the number of copies of lightcount pointers we have in the LightDataStack member of InputWorkspaceData in the lighting internals. |
const Geo::u32 g_OctreeProbeBorder = 0xfffffffe | This probe index refers to a border probe. |
const Geo::u32 g_OctreeProbeCulled = 0xffffffff | This probe index refers to a culled probe. |
const Geo::u32 g_OctreeProbeIndexMask = 0x7fffffff | Mask the bits which contain an index into the probe set. |
const Geo::u32 g_RadMagicNumber = 0xAD105174 | Arbitrary number that is used to check that the object is of correct type (and endian-ness). |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffInvSamples = Geo::VBroadcast(1.0f / (InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 2.0f)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffNumSamples = Geo::VBroadcast(float(InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffSampleFraction = Geo::VBroadcast((InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 1.0f) / (InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 2.0f)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
const Geo::s32 INFINITE_UPDATES = -1 | Set the update counter for a system to this value to request continuous updates. |
void *const LIGHT_VISIBILITY_DISABLED = (void*)1 | Equivalent to light visibility data with all bits set to 0. |
const PppiProbeSetHandle PppiProbeSetHandleInvalid = PppiProbeSetHandle(-1) | A special handle value indicating an invalid handle. |
const WorldAxis WorldAxisInvalid = WorldAxis(6) | A special value indicating an invalid world axis. |
Name | Description |
AggregateProfileItem | Items we record for totals. |
CubeMapProfileItem | Items we record against cube maps. |
eAutoSimpMode | The UV auto generation / simplification mode for a mesh. |
eBakeLightType | Different types of baking input lights. |
EBakeType | Bake output format. |
eCubemapFilterMode | Enumeration of the different types of cubemap mip filter. |
eLightType | Different types of Enlighten input lights. |
eMeshClassificationLightingType | Enumeration for reporting results of the first step of Mesh Classification (lightmap-lit or probe-lit). |
EnlightenTaskType | The MultithreadCpuWorker works by putting tasks in a list, and then executing TaskProcessors on several threads in parallel. |
eOutputFormat | Output formats. |
eOutputFormatByteOrder | To support both DX9 and DX11 rendering with the same shader code, the solve functions can output 8-bit-per-pixel texture data in either byte order. |
ePppiVolumeTextureFormat | Volume texture formats used by the per-pixel probe interpolation runtime. |
ePrecompCubeMapQuality | Quality levels for the raytracing in the cube map precompute. |
ePrecompMaterialBackfaceBehaviourType | Determines how to treat back faces when precomputing light transport. |
ePrecompMaterialShadowfaceBehaviourType | Determines which faces cast shadows when precomputing directional visibility. |
ePrecompQuality | Quality levels for majority of raytracing in the precompute, except cube maps. |
eProbeOutputFormat | Probe Interpolation output formats. |
eRadDataType | Valid data types for use with the RadDataBlock class. |
eSHOrder | Supported Spherical Harmonic types. |
eSolverType | Valid solver types for use with the RadDataBlock class. |
GeometryBuildResult | Enumeration for reporting geometry build success/fail. |
OutputTextureType | Enumeration of the different output textures produced by the Enlighten solvers. |
PipelineEnvironmentResolution | The allowed values for Environment resolution. |
PipelineFormFactorBudget | The recommended values for Irradiance Budget. |
PipelineRadiosityGroupType | Whether the instance group can be automatically split by the precompute. |
PipelineRadiosityLightingType | The way a radiosity instance is lit by Enlighten indirect lighting. |
PipelineRadiosityShadowType | Whether an instance casts an indirect shadow. |
PipelineWorldAxis | The direction in which a world axis points. |
PrecomputeDistribute | The way the precompute process should be distributed. |
PrecomputeResult | The result of the precompute process. |
ProbeOctreeResolution | The resolution at which probes should be placed. |
ProbeSetProfileItem | Items we record against probe sets. |
ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType | Enumeration of the different probe volume output textures. |
SolveType | Enumeration of the different types of solve. |
SystemProfileItem | Items we record against systems. |
TextureFormat | Enumeration of output texture formats used by the high level run-time. |
VolumeQueryResult | The result of a volume query. |
WorldAxis | An unit vector aligned with one of vectors of the 3D standard basis, encoded in the range [0, 6). |
public: bool GEO_CALL AddCachedValuesToInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
InputLightingBuffer * output,
const InputLightingBuffer * cachedValues
Adds light values from one input lighting buffer to another.
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block used in the two buffers. |
[in] | output | The input lighting that is added to. |
[in] | cachedValues | The input lighting to add. |
public: bool GEO_CALL AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
InputLightingBuffer * output,
const Geo::v128 * dusterValues
Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | output | The lighting buffer to fill with data. |
[in] | dusterValues | The linear light colour values for the duster array of point samples. The duster (its size, positions, normals etc.) must match the one originally passed to CreateInputWorkspace. |
public: bool GEO_CALL AddDusterValuesToInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * output,
const Geo::v128 * dusterValues
Adds light values laid out in a duster block to an Enlighten input workspace.
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | output | The incident lighting buffer to fill with data. |
[in] | dusterValues | The linear light colour values for the duster array of point samples. The duster (its size, positions, normals etc.) must match the one originally passed to CreateInputWorkspace. |
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL AllLightingInputsStatic
const InputLightingBuffer ** lightingBuffers,
Geo::s32 numLightingBuffers,
const InputLightingBuffer * emissiveEnvironment
Returns the number of frames since the last update that changed any of the given light inputs.
[in] | lightingBuffers | The list of input lighting buffers to check for changes (individual entries can be NULL). |
[in] | numLightingBuffers | The number of input lighting buffers in the list (can be zero). |
[in] | emissiveEnvironment | The (optional) emissive environment to check for changes. |
Returns the number of updates since the last change to any input.
public: void AllocateDataBlockContents
RadDataBlock * block
Allocate memory for a RadDataBlock based on the block's m_Length member and required alignment.
public: void GEO_CALL ApplyVolumeTransparency
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
const BoxVolume & volume
Mark the quads transparency value using a box volume.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | transparencyWorkspace | The TransparencyWorkspace for the system |
[in] | volume | The volume primitive to use to mark the quads |
public: void GEO_CALL ApplyVolumeTransparency
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
const SphereVolume & volume
Mark the quads transparency value using a sphere volume.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | transparencyWorkspace | The TransparencyWorkspace for the system |
[in] | volume | The volume primitive to use to mark the quads |
public: double GEO_CALL Area
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b,
const Vertex2D & c
Computes the unsigned area of a triangle defined by three Vertex2D.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL AreaSign
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b,
const Vertex2D & c
Determines the sign of the area of a triangle defined by three Vertex2D.
-1 if the vertices are given in clockwise order, otherwise 1.
public: double GEO_CALL AreaTimesTwo
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b,
const Vertex2D & c
Computes the unsigned area of a triangle defined by three Vertex2D multiplied by two.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcAlbedoBufferSize
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Calculate the size of the AlbedoBuffer for a system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
The size in bytes of the AlbedoBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcBounceBufferSize
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Tells you the amount of memory required to hold bounce lighting for a given system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcDirectionalIrradianceMemory
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radCore
Tells you how much memory in a RadSystemCore is used by the directional irradiance technique.
This is provided for information purposes only (it doesn't relate to any memory buffer requirement).
[in] | radCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadSystemCore object. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcDirectionPaletteSize()
Tells you how much memory is required to create a DirectionPalette, which is a required input to an Enlighten::EntireProbeSetTask.
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize
const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Calculate the size of the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
[in] | materialData | Pointer to the precompute material data. |
The size of the DynamicMaterialWorkspace in bytes. Returns 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcEmissiveBufferSize
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Calculate the size of the EmissiveBuffer for a system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
The size in bytes of the EmissiveBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcEnvironmentInputLightingBufferSize
Geo::s32 environmentResolution,
PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint
Tells you the amount of memory required to hold input lighting for a given environment resolution.
[in] | environmentResolution | The resolution of the emissive environment. |
[in] | precisionHint | A hint as to the preferred precision, if available on the platform. |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Tells you the amount of memory required to hold incident lighting for a given system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcInputLightingBufferSize
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint
Tells you the amount of memory required to hold input lighting for a given system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precisionHint | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcIrradianceMemory
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radCore
Tells you how much memory in a RadSystemCore is used by the irradiance technique.
This is provided for information purposes only (it doesn't relate to any memory buffer requirement).
[in] | radCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadSystemCore object. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32 CalcLightTableMem
Geo::u32 numLights
Calculate the maximum memory required to hold the lights table.
[in] | numLights | Number of lights in the world |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcLightValueSize
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Return the size of the light value given the precision hint.
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcLightVisibilitySize
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
Enlighten::VisibilityFormat::Type visibilityType
Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.
Directional lights store a byte per cluster, all other lights store a bit per input sample (duster).
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | visibilityType | Format of the visibility. Must be one of the types defined in VisibilityFormat |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcLightVisibilitySize
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
eLightType lightType
Determine how much memory is required for a light visibility block.
Directional lights store a byte per cluster, all other lights store a bit per input sample (duster).
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | lightType | Type of light; one of the Enlighten light type constants, e.g. LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL CalcNumEnvironmentLightValues
Geo::s32 environmentResolution
Returns the total number of values in the emissive environment cluster tree.
The cluster tree is formed by one root node plus six faces with a perfect tree of 4 children per node. A perfect tree is a tree where each node has the same number of children, and all leaf nodes are on the same level. The formula for the number of nodes per face for a perfect tree is: (number_of_children_per_node * num_leaf_nodes - 1) / (number_of_children_per_node - 1);
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData
Determine how much memory is required for a precomputed visibility workspace.
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | precomputedVisibilityData | The block of precomputed visibilty data. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcRadCubeMapCoreTotalMemory
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * radCubeMapCore
Tells you how much memory in total is used by a RadCubeMapCore.
This is provided for information purposes only (it doesn't relate to any memory buffer requirement). It is simply the sum of the memory used by each of the RadDataBlocks and the RadCubeMapCore itself.
[in] | radCubeMapCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadCubeMapCore object. |
Memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcRadProbeSetCoreTotalMemory
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * radProbeSetCore
Tells you how much memory in total is used by a RadProbeSetCore.
This is provided for information purposes only (it doesn't relate to any memory buffer requirement). It is simply the sum of the memory used by each of the RadDataBlocks and the RadProbeSetCore itself.
[in] | radProbeSetCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadProbeSetCore object. |
Memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcRadSystemCoreTotalMemory
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radCore
Tells you how much memory in total is used by a RadSystemCore.
This is provided for information purposes only (it doesn't relate to any memory buffer requirement). It is simply the sum of the memory used by each of the RadDataBlocks and the RadSystemCore itself.
[in] | radCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadSystemCore object. |
Memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFF upon error.
public: float GEO_CALL CalcRectangleLightAreaNormalisation
float initialWidth,
float initialHeight,
float unitScale
Returns an intensity normalisation factor for area lights.
By default, the apparent brightness of rectangular lights changes with their size - larger rectangles emit more light. It can be convenient to instead adjust the brightness so that changing the lights size does not affect the brightness by normalising the light intensity. This function computes a factor that normalises to a 100x100 unit light source (1m^2 in Enlighten units).
Will return -1 for invalid input (nans, infs, and tiny unitScales) and 0 for zero area lights.
InputLight |
public: float GEO_CALL CalcRectangleLightMinEdgeLength
float unitScale
Returns a minimum edge length for rectangular lights that should minimise noise from float precision.
The default unitScale for a scene is 1.
Will return -1 for invalid input (nans, infs, and tiny unitScales)
InputLight |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcRequiredPersistentDataSize
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radCore
Tells you how much memory is required for the intermediate bounce output data for this radiosity core.
The bounce data is an output of SolveIrradianceTask, and an input to DoEndInputLightingTask and DoInputLightingTask.
[in] | radCore | A pointer to a RadSystemCore to compute the bounce output size for. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: size_t CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory
InputLightBase ** lights,
Geo::u32 numLights
Calculate how much scratchspace memory will be required by the DoDirectInputLighting() function given the lights to be shaded.
[in] | lights | An array of pointers to input lights. |
[in] | numLights | The number of light pointers in the array. |
Required memory in bytes
public: size_t CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemoryInternal
InputLightBase ** lights,
Geo::u32 numLights,
Geo::s32 numLevelsOfCulling
Calculate how much scratchspace memory will be required by the DoDirectInputLighting() function given the lights to be shaded.
[in] | lights | An array of pointers to input lights. |
[in] | numLights | The number of light pointers in the array. |
[in] | numLevelsOfCulling | each level of culling requires an additional copy of the SortedLights structure. |
Required memory in bytes
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcRequiredWorkspaceMemory
const RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore
Tells you how much workspace memory is required by SolveCubeMapTask to solve a specific cube map.
[in] | cubeMapCore | A non-null pointer to a valid RadCubeMapCore |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyBufferSize
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Calculate the size of the TransparencyBuffer for a system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
The size in bytes of the TransparencyBuffer. Return 0xFFFFFFFF if an error occurred.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | numInterpolants | The maximum number of interpolants to use. |
[in] | precision | The floating point precision for intermediate values. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
Geo::s32 numLods,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Tells you the amount of memory required for the transparency workspace for a given system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | numInterpolants | The maximum number of interpolants to use. |
[in] | precision | The floating point precision for intermediate values. |
[in] | numLods | The number of LODs to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void CalculateCoordLinearShiftedByHalfPixel
float u,
float v,
Geo::s32 width,
Geo::s32 height,
Geo::s32 & xi,
Geo::s32 & yi,
float & fracX,
float & fracY
Shift by half pixel is needed so that the interpolation code (SampleBilinear) interpolates between correct pixels.
public: size_t CalculateLightsCachedDataSize
InputLightBase ** lights,
Geo::u32 numLights
Calculate the size of the cached lighting data.
public: double GEO_CALL CalculateUvMappingError
Geo::s32 newGroupIndex,
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * uVs,
const Enlighten::MergeMap * mergeMap,
const Enlighten::MergeGeometry * mergeGeometry
Calculate an error of the UV mapping for a given group.
Error is based on angle distortion caused to each triangle by UV mapping The uVs array contains UVs per vertex index
public: void GEO_CALL CalculateUvOverlap
Geo::s32 newGroupIndex,
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * uVs,
const Enlighten::MergeMap * mergeMap,
const Enlighten::MergeGeometry * mergeGeometry,
Geo::s32 rasterisationTextureSize,
float & totalArea,
float & totalOverlappingArea,
float & ratioOverlaps,
float & ratioEmpty
Calculate an overlap of the UV mapping for a given group.
Overlap is calculated by rasterising the triangles
public: void GEO_CALL CalculateUvScaleAndWorldOutputPixelSize
float geomOutputPixelSize,
const Geo::Matrix & instanceTransform,
bool scaleUvsWithInstanceSize,
float instanceAdditionalUvScale,
Geo::s32 & outUvScale,
float & outWorldOutputPixelSize
Utility to calculate the correct UV scaling and world-space output pixel size for a given instance of a given geometry.
This depends on the instance transform, the "ScaleUvsWithInstanceSize" flag on the instance, the "AdditionalUvScale" value on the instance and the output pixel size on the geom.
[in] | geomOutputPixelSize | The unscaled pixel size |
[in] | instanceTransform | The transform matrix for the instance |
[in] | scaleUvsWithInstanceSize | Should the scaling of the transform of the instance be taken into account when generating the per-instance lightmap UVs (i.e. should the output pixel size specified for this instance be in world units (true) or in local geometry units (false)) |
[in] | instanceAdditionalUvScale | Specifies an additional scale that should be applied to the lightmap UVs for the geometry instance instance (to change the output pixel size). This is applied in addition to any scaling related to the ScaleUvsWithInstanceSize flag. |
[out] | outUvScale | The UV scale for that instance |
[out] | outWorldOutputPixelSize | The pixel size after instance UV scaling is applied |
public: const Geo::GeoPoint2 *GEO_CALL ChooseUVSet
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * uVSet1,
const Geo::GeoPoint2 * uVSet2,
Geo::s32 newGroupIndex,
const Enlighten::MergeMap * mergeMap,
const Enlighten::MergeGeometry * mergeGeometry
Use the above functions to determine which set of uv is better.
public: bool GEO_CALL ClearInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
InputLightingBuffer * buffer
Clear the input lighting to black.
This wipes out all bounced light for all previous iterations. Used when "starting over".
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace this buffer is used in. |
[in] | buffer | The lighting buffer to clear. |
public: bool GEO_CALL CombineGroups
MergeMap * mergeMap,
MergeStats * mergeStats,
const MergeGeometry * mergeGeometry,
const MergeProcessParams * mergeParams,
Geo::GeoProgress & progress
The tri group merge finding algorithm.
This is a ransac-like algorithm that builds a merge map indicating where and how charts could be merged together. The merge itself is not performed by this call. All pointers except the progress object must be non-null. The progress proxy is optional.
public: bool GEO_CALL CompareBounceBuffers
Geo::Statistics & res,
const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bufA,
const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bufB
Compares Returns true if the bounce buffers could be compared.
[inout] | res | - The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[in] | bufA | - The first BounceBuffer to compare. |
[in] | bufB | - The second BounceBuffer to compare. |
public: bool GEO_CALL CompareIncidentLightingBuffers
Geo::Statistics & res,
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * bufA,
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * bufB
Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.
[inout] | res | - The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[in] | bufA | - The first IncidentLightingBuffer to compare. |
[in] | bufB | - The second IncidentLightingBuffer to compare. |
public: bool GEO_CALL CompareInputLightingBuffers
Geo::Statistics & res,
const InputLightingBuffer * bufA,
const InputLightingBuffer * bufB
Compares Returns true if the lighting buffers could be compared.
[inout] | res | - The result of the comparison. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[in] | bufA | - The first InputLightingBuffer to compare. |
[in] | bufB | - The second InputLightingBuffer to compare. |
public: bool GEO_CALL CompareIrradianceOutputBuffers
Geo::Statistics & irrResult,
Geo::Statistics & dirResult,
const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc & descA,
const Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc & descB
Compares a pair of Enlighten irradiance outputs.
Returns true if the output buffers could be compared.
[inout] | irrResult | - The result of comparing irradiance. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[inout] | dirResult | - The result of comparing directional element. Only written if the function succeeded. |
[in] | descA | - The first irradiance output to compare. |
[in] | descB | - The second irradiance output to compare. |
public: PppiAtlasMaximaGEO_CALL ComputePppiAtlasMaxima
Geo::u32 probeSetCount,
const PrecompOctreeCode * octreeCodes,
const PppiAtlasFootprint * footprints
Return the maximum number of atlas tiles and probes that may be concurrently allocated for the given combination of probe sets.
[in] | probeSetCount | The number of probe sets in the world. |
[in] | octreeCodes | The octree code associated with each probe set. |
[in] | footprints | The result of GetOctreePppiAtlasFootprint for each probe set. |
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadCubeMapMetaData * data
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadProbeSetMetaData * data
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceMetaData * data
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radCore
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadDataBlock & radDataBlock
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void GEO_CALL ConvertEndian
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
Enlighten::RadSystemMetaData * data
Converts the endian format of a runtime object.
All data generated by the precompute is in little endian format and before use on big endian machines (i.e. consoles) it must be converted to the native endian format using these functions. This conversion may be done on load, or by some user-defined content generation step. Note that the loader functions in EnlightenUtils assume the data files to be in little endian format, and call these functions at load time to flip them to the native format.
public: void ConvertEndianDataBlock
Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode,
RadDataBlock & block
Byte-swap the members of RadDataBlock depending on the specified endian mode.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL ConvertInputSystemToIPrecompGeneratedSystem
Enlighten::IPrecompInputSystem * inputSystem,
const IPrecompInputGeometry *const * pInputGeoms,
Geo::s32 numGeoms,
Enlighten::IPrecompGeneratedSystems *& generatedSystem
Create an IPrecompGeneratedSystems object from inputSystem.
The generatedSystem object will have only one system in it (inputSystem) Note that the output object (generatedSystem) owns the input system, e.g. inputSystem will be destroyed when generatedSystem is destroyed.
[in] | inputSystem | InputSystem to be converted to PrecompGeneratedSystem |
[in] | pInputGeoms | array of geoms referenced by inputsystem |
[in] | numGeoms | num of geoms in pInputGeoms |
[out] | generatedSystem | IPrecompGeneratedSystems with one system in it. |
0 if successful, otherwise a non-zero value.
public: DXGI_FORMAT ConvertToDxgiFormat
TextureFormat format
Helper function to convert from platform independent Enlighten::TextureFormat to DXGI texture format.
public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyAlbedoBufferBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * sourceAlbedoBuffer
Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer. |
[in] | sourceAlbedoBuffer | - The AlbedoBuffer to copy from. |
public: void GEO_CALL CopyDataBlock
const RadDataBlock * from,
RadDataBlock * to
Copy contents of a RadDataBlock.
public: Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL CopyDynamicMaterialWorkspaceBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace
Copy an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer. |
[in] | materialWorkspace | - The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to copy from. |
public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyEmissiveBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * sourceEmissiveBuffer
Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The InputWorkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer. |
[in] | sourceEmissiveBuffer | - The EmissiveBuffer to copy from. |
public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyIncidentLightingBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * sourceIncidentLightingBuffer
Copy an IncidentLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer. |
[in] | sourceIncidentLightingBuffer | - TheIncidentLightingBuffer to copy from. |
public: Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyInputLightingBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * sourceInputLightingBuffer
Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer. |
[in] | sourceInputLightingBuffer | - The InputLightingBuffer to copy from. |
public: void GEO_CALL CopyRadCubeMapCore
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * from,
Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * to
Copies a RadCubeMapCore.
[in] | from | - The core to copy from. |
[in] | to | - The core to copy to. |
public: void GEO_CALL CopyRadSystemCore
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * from,
Enlighten::RadSystemCore * to
Copies a RadSystemCore.
[in] | from | - The core to copy from. |
[in] | to | - The core to copy to. |
public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateAlbedoBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
void * mem
Create an AlbedoBuffer for a system.
This AlbedoBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
[in] | mem | A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcAlbedoBufferSize() |
The complete and valid AlbedoBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
public: IBake * CreateBake()
Create an instance of Enlighten Bake interface.
public: Enlighten::BounceBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateBounceBuffer
void * memory,
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Construct a BounceBuffer inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcBounceBufferSize) to store the bounce buffer |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
public: Geo::u64 CreateCompositeMaterialId
Geo::u16 instanceId,
Geo::u16 meshIdx,
Geo::u32 baseMaterialId
Determine the specific material ID for a given instance, mesh and 32-bit material ID.
See the Material IDs & GUIDs page in the User Guide for further details.
public: Enlighten::IClusteringOutput *GEO_CALL CreateDebugEnvironmentClustering
Geo::s32 environmentResolution
Creates a debug IClusteringOutput interface representing the clustering of an environment at the given resolution.
public: DirectionPalette *GEO_CALL CreateDirectionPalette
const Geo::v128 & BasisX,
const Geo::v128 & BasisY,
const Geo::v128 & BasisZ,
const Geo::s8 * coefficientOutputOrder,
void * mem
Create a Direction Palette for use with an EntireProbeSetTask.
The returned DirectionPalette can be used with any probeset with matching SH order, axis permutation and coefficient output order. The RadProbeSetMetaData class contains the shOrder, basis and coefficient output order for any given probeset.
[in] | BasisX | The first of the basis directions. Must be a unit vector along either the X, Y, or Z axis. |
[in] | BasisY | The second of the basis directions. Must be a unit vector along either the X, Y, or Z axis. |
[in] | BasisZ | The third of the basis directions. Must be a unit vector along either the X, Y, or Z axis. |
[in] | coefficientOutputOrder | The output order of the SH coefficients. Must be 9 elements long. |
[in] | mem | A non-null pointer to a 16-byte aligned block of memory of size calculated with CalcDirectionPaletteSize. |
Pointer to created DirectionPalette, NULL if error.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateDynamicMaterialWorkspace
const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
void * mem
Create a DynamicMaterialWorkspace which is used for dynamic updates of material colours at runtime.
Each system with dynamic materials will require one of these objects.
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | mem | A pointer to the memory where the DynamicAlbedoWorkspace will be constructed. This block of memory must be at least CalcDynamicMaterialWorkspaceSize() bytes. |
A valid DynamicMaterialWorkspace object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateEmissiveBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
void * mem
Create an EmissiveBuffer for a system.
This EmissiveBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
[in] | mem | A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcEmissiveBufferSize() |
The complete and valid EmissiveBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
public: InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateEnvironmentInputLightingBuffer
void * memory,
Geo::s32 environmentResolution,
PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint
Construct an InputLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcInputLightingBufferSize) to store the lighting buffer |
[in] | environmentResolution | The resolution of the emissive environment. |
[in] | precisionHint | A hint as to the preferred precision, if available on the platform. |
public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateIncidentLightingBuffer
void * memory,
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Construct an IncidentLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcIncidentLightingBufferSize) to store the lighting buffer |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
public: InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateInputLightingBuffer
void * memory,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
PrecisionHint::Value precisionHint
Construct an InputLightingBuffer inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcInputLightingBufferSize) to store the lighting buffer |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | precisionHint | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
public: IPrecompute * CreatePrecompute()
Create an instance of the Precompute.
public: PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreatePrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace
void * memory,
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData
Construct an PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcPrecomputedVisibilityWorkspaceSize) to store the visibility workspace |
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | precomputedVisibilityData | The block of precomputed visibilty data. |
public: SortedLights * CreateSortedLights
InputLightBase ** lights,
void ** visibilityPointers,
Geo::s32 numTotalLights,
void * bankScratchspace,
size_t bankScratchspaceSize,
Geo::u32 & requiredLightsBufferSize
Create the buffer of lights sorted by type.
Lights banks are controlled through the visibilityPointers parameter.
[in] | lights | An unsorted array of pointers to lights |
[in] | visibilityPointers | An unsorted array of pointers to visbility buffers. The pointers must correspond to their respective lights in the lights array. |
[in] | numTotalLights | The number of entries in the lights and visibilityPointers arrays. |
[in] | bankScratchspace | A pointer to memory where the SortedLights buffer will be constructed. |
[in] | bankScratchspaceSize | The size of the bankScratchspace memory. (Reserved for future use) |
[out] | requiredLightsBufferSize | The size of the buffer required to hold the CachedData objects for the given array of lights. |
public: Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyBuffer
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
void * mem
Create a TransparencyBuffer for a system.
This TransparencyBuffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLightingStage.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid InputWorkspace for a system |
[in] | mem | A pointer to 16 byte aligned memory of size returned by CalcTransparencyBufferSize() |
The complete and valid TransparencyBuffer object. Returns NULL if an error occurred.
public: TransparencyWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyWorkspace
void * memory,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
Geo::s32 numLods,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize) to store the workspace for pre-authored static destruction/transparency |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | numInterpolants | The maximum number of interpolants to use. |
[in] | precision | The floating point precision for intermediate values. |
[in] | numLods | The number of LODs to use. |
public: TransparencyWorkspace *GEO_CALL CreateTransparencyWorkspace
void * memory,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 numInterpolants,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Construct an TransparencyWorkspace inside the memory provided.
[in] | memory | A block of memory (size determined by CalcTransparencyWorkspaceSize) to store the workspace for pre-authored static destruction/transparency |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The InputWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | numInterpolants | The maximum number of interpolants to use. |
[in] | precision | The floating point precision for intermediate values. |
public: Geo::TriGroupSelection *GEO_CALL CreateTriGroupsForPrecompInputMesh
const IPrecompInputMesh * inputMesh
Utility to create the tri group structure defined by the input mesh.
This can be used to generate the same tri groups the precompute will generate when given this mesh. The tri groups are determined by the connectivity in the index buffer (ie. shared vertices) and the links (Geo::IdxLink) specified or generated by the user.
[in] | inputMesh | The input mesh. |
A valid tri group if successful, else null.
public: double CyclesToMillisecond
Geo::s64 cycles
Helper function to convert CPU cycles to milliseconds.
public: double CyclesToSeconds
Geo::s64 cycles
Helper function to convert CPU cycles to seconds.
public: constexpr Geo::Dimension3 DecodeWorldAxisDimension
WorldAxis direction
Return the index of the axis to which the specified axis aligned unit vector is oriented.
public: constexpr Geo::Sign DecodeWorldAxisSign
WorldAxis direction
Return the sign of the axis to which the specified axis aligned unit vector is oriented.
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteAlbedoBuffer
Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *& albedoBuffer
Free an AlbedoBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | albedoBuffer | - The AlbedoBuffer to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *& materialData
Free an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
This is intended to be used to delete objects created with one of the ReadCluster* functions.
[in] | materialData | - The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteDynamicMaterialWorkspace
Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *& materialWorkspace
Free an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | materialWorkspace | - The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteEmissiveBuffer
Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *& emissiveBuffer
Free an EmissiveBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | emissiveBuffer | - The EmissiveBuffer to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteIncidentLightingBuffer
Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *& incidentLightingBuffer
Free an IncidentLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | incidentLightingBuffer | - The IncidentLightingBuffer to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteInputLightingBuffer
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *& inputLightingBuffer
Free an InputLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | - The InputLightingBuffer to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteInputWorkspace
Enlighten::InputWorkspace *& inputWorkspace
Free an InputWorkspace object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The InputWorkspace to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData
Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *& visibilityData
Free a PrecomputedVisibilityData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
[in] | visibilityData | - The PrecomputedVisibilityData to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadCubeMapCore
Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *& cubeMapCore
Free a RadCubeMapCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
[in] | cubeMapCore | - The RadCubeMapCore to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadProbeSetCore
Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *& probeSet
Free a RadProbeSetCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
[in] | probeSet | - The RadProbeSetCore to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadSystemCore
Enlighten::RadSystemCore *& system
Free a RadSystemCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.
[in] | system | - The RadSystemCore to free. |
public: void GEO_CALL DeleteTransparencyBuffer
Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *& transparencyBuffer
Free a TransparencyBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.
[in] | transparencyBuffer | - The TransparencyBuffer to free. |
public: double GEO_CALL Distance
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b
Computes the distance between two Vertex2D.
public: double GEO_CALL DistanceSquare
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b
Computes the squared distance between two Vertex2D.
public: bool GEO_CALL DoDebugColouring
const Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask * task
Write debugging colours to an output texture.
The default is to colour naughty pixels in red, and wings in blue in an irradiance output. To use this function with SH-style output, call it three times (once for each output texture), with appropriate debugging values. Or to say if differently: If you clear the texture to zero (including alpha) in advance you could render with the results as an additive overlay, but it will also work just as well if you want to add the results on top of the usual radiosity output.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to a RadDebugColouringTask to perform. |
public: bool DoDirectInputLighting
DirectInputLightingParameters * params,
void * scratchspace,
size_t scratchspacSize,
Geo::u32 & timeUs
Do the Direct input lighting stage.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete DirectInputLightingParams object. |
[in] | scratchspace | A pointer to allocated scratchspace memory. This memory is only used for the duration of the call to this function. |
[in] | scratchspacSize | The size of the scratchspace memory calculated with CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory function. |
[out] | timeUs | Duration taken to solve the indirect input lighting phase. |
The number of light affecting the system after culling.
public: Geo::u32 DoDirectInputLightingInternal
DirectInputLightingParameters * params,
void * scratchspace,
size_t scratchspaceSize,
TransformOp transform
Do the internal direct input lighting stage.
Called from DoDirectInputLighting() function.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete DirectInputLightingParameters object. |
[in] | scratchspace | A pointer to allocated scratchspace memory. |
[in] | scratchspaceSize | The size of the scratchspace memory calculated with CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory function. |
[in] | transform | An internal transformation operand. |
The number of lights that affect the system after culling.
public: bool GEO_CALL DoesInputWorkspaceHaveProjectionData
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Simple test to see if projection data is available.
Returns true if the inputWorkspace has data in its point projection RadDataBlock, otherwise false. This does quick and simple checks only and assumes that if the data exists it is well formed. Note that it can still have a valid RadDataBlock, but that block can be empty. You can test whether GetInputWorkspaceMaxProjectedPointsInAnyInstance() == 0 to check if the block is empty.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
public: bool DoIndirectInputLighting
IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
Geo::u32 & timeUs
Do the indirect input lighting stage.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete IndirectInputLightingParameters object. |
[out] | timeUs | Duration taken to solve the indirect input lighting phase. |
true on success
public: bool DoIndirectInputLightingInternal
IndirectInputLightingInternalParameters< MaterialSamplerType, InputLightingSurroundingsType, GeometryTransparencySamplerType > * params
Do the internal indirect input lighting stage.
Called from DoIndirectInputLighting() function.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete IndirectInputLightingParameters object. |
true on success
public: CpuTextureElementGEO_CALL EncodeRGBM
float * rgb,
float MaxRange
Utility function for converting floating point values to the RGBM format.
public: constexpr WorldAxis EncodeWorldAxis
Geo::Dimension3 axis,
Geo::Sign sign
Return the axis aligned unit vector oriented with the specified axis and sign.
public: void EnqueueCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
CommandType && command
Enqueues a command.
The command will be executed on the worker thread if one exists, otherwise it will be executed immediately on the calling thread. CommandType is expected to be derived from the Command class - see Command.h
public: void EnqueueFunctorCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
Functor && functor
Enqueue a functor object or lambda expression as a command with no arguments.
public: void EnqueueSetObjectParameter
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
Geo::GeoGuid objectId,
void(ObjectType::*)(ParamType) function,
ArgType && value
Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread.
ObjectType may be BaseSystem, BaseDynamicObject, BaseCubeMap or Probes.
public: void EnqueueSetObjectParameter
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
ObjectType * object,
void(ObjectType::*)(ParamType) function,
ArgType && value
Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread.
ObjectType may be BaseSystem, BaseDynamicObject, BaseCubeMap or Probes.
public: void EnqueueSetObjectParameter
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
ObjectType * object,
void(ObjectType::*)(const ParamType &) function,
ArgType && value
Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread.
ObjectType may be BaseSystem, BaseDynamicObject, BaseCubeMap or Probes.
public: void EnqueueSetObjectParameter
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
Geo::GeoGuid objectId,
void(ObjectType::*)(const ParamType &) function,
ArgType && value
Enqueues a command to set a parameter on an object on the worker thread.
ObjectType may be BaseSystem, BaseDynamicObject, BaseCubeMap or Probes.
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
typename FunctionPointer1< Param1Type >::CallbackType callback,
Param1Type input1
Enqueue function pointer 1 param.
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
typename FunctionPointer3< Param1Type, Param2Type, Param3Type >::CallbackType callback,
Param1Type input1,
Param2Type input2,
Param3Type input3
Enqueue function pointer 3 param.
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
typename FunctionPointer4< Param1Type, Param2Type, Param3Type, Param4Type >::CallbackType callback,
Param1Type input1,
Param2Type input2,
Param3Type input3,
Param4Type input4
Enqueue function pointer 4 param.
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
typename FunctionPointer5< Param1Type, Param2Type, Param3Type, Param4Type, Param5Type >::CallbackType callback,
Param1Type input1,
Param2Type input2,
Param3Type input3,
Param4Type input4,
Param5Type input5
Enqueue function pointer 5 param.
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
FunctionPointer0::CallbackType callback
A command that holds a reference to its movable parameter.
Enqueue function pointer 0 param
public: void EnqueueWorkerCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
typename FunctionPointer2< Param1Type, Param2Type >::CallbackType callback,
Param1Type input1,
Param2Type input2
Enqueue function pointer 2 param.
public: void EnqueueWorkerFunctorCommand
IUpdateManager * updateManager,
Functor && functor
Enqueue a functor object or lambda expression as a worker command.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL EstimateSystemDependencies
const Enlighten::InstanceDescMinimal< IPrecompPackedGeometry > * instances,
Geo::s32 numInstances,
const Enlighten::SystemGrouping * iSystemGrouping,
Enlighten::SystemDependencies *& oSystemDependencies
Estimate the dependencies between a set of systems.
Uses the instance bounding boxes to determine the system bounding boxes, and a collection of bounding box/sphere intersection tests to determine the dependencies. The function can be given either IPrecompInputGeometry or IPrecompPackedGeometry. Results will be identical.
[in] | instances | The instances in the systems. |
[in] | numInstances | The number of instances. |
[in] | iSystemGrouping | A list of system groups. Each group contains indices into the input array of instances. |
[out] | oSystemDependencies | The system dependencies. |
0 if successful, otherwise a non-zero value.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL EstimateSystemDependencies
const Enlighten::InstanceDescMinimal< IPrecompInputGeometry > * instances,
Geo::s32 numInstances,
const Enlighten::SystemGrouping * iSystemGrouping,
Enlighten::SystemDependencies *& oSystemDependencies
Estimate the dependencies between a set of systems.
Uses the instance bounding boxes to determine the system bounding boxes, and a collection of bounding box/sphere intersection tests to determine the dependencies. The function can be given either IPrecompInputGeometry or IPrecompPackedGeometry. Results will be identical.
[in] | instances | The instances in the systems. |
[in] | numInstances | The number of instances. |
[in] | iSystemGrouping | A list of system groups. Each group contains indices into the input array of instances. |
[out] | oSystemDependencies | The system dependencies. |
0 if successful, otherwise a non-zero value.
public: bool GEO_CALL ExtractOctreeProbePositions
const RadProbeSetCore * core,
Geo::v128 * positions,
Geo::u32 count
Extract the first n probe positions within the specified RadProbeSetCore.
For debugging only. Use GetOctreeProbePositionCount to obtain the total number of probe positions that can be extracted. Real probes appear first in the array, followed by virtual probes, followed by nonexistent probes. The W coordinate of a nonexistent probe indicates its type:
The position of a culled probe has W == -1
The position of a border probe has W == -2
The position of a referenced probe stores the index of the real or virtual probe to which it refers.
[in] | core | A RadProbeSetCore containing a probe set created by automatic probe placement. |
[in] | positions | An array large enough to store the desired subset of probes. |
[in] | count | The number of entries in the positions array. |
public: bool GEO_CALL FindDebugClusterInfo
RadDebugPixelInfo * infoOut,
Geo::s32 clusterIndex,
const RadSystemCore * radCore
Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified leaf cluster index (for internal debugging purposes).
Given a cluster index, find the pixel and related indices that the cluster index corresponds to. Returns false if nothing was found at the location.
public: bool GEO_CALL FindDebugPixelInfo
RadDebugPixelInfo * infoOut,
float u,
float v,
const RadSystemCore * radCore,
const ILightTransportOutput * ltOutput
Fill in a RadDebugPixelInfo for a specified UV coordinate (for internal debugging purposes).
Given a UV coordinate find the pixel and related indices that the UV coordinate corresponds to. The ltOutput parameter is optional, but the other arguments are not. Returns false if nothing was found at the location.
public: OctreeSearchResultGEO_CALL FindProbeSetOctreeNode
const RadProbeSetCore * core,
Geo::v128 point,
Geo::u32 lod
Returns a search result containing information about the node containing the specified point.
[in] | core | A RadProbeSetCore containing a probeset created by automatic probe placement. |
[in] | point | The world space location at which to search. |
[in] | lod | LOD to use when searching the octree nodes. |
public: void GEO_CALL FreeDataBlockContents
RadDataBlock * block
Free a RadDataBlock object, and all the memory it owns.
public: bool GEO_CALL FreezeEntireProbeSetTask
const Enlighten::EntireProbeSetTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedProbes
The temporal coherence optimization - if used - requires that all probe sets are kept in sync, so that no changes in lighting are missed.
Nevertheless, some probe sets can be updated less frequently than others by using the Freeze functions in place of a solve. FreezeEntireProbeSetTask performs the minimal housekeeping required to keep track of light changes for the temporal optimization - no output SH coefficients are updated. The input parameters are exactly the same as for SolveEntireProbeSetTask.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the probe task structure to freeze. |
[in] | workspace | A valid pointer to a block of memory to use as a workspace which must be at least as big as m_RequiredWorkspaceSize in the core meta data. |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to freeze the task. |
[out] | numSolvedProbes | Number of probes solved in the task. This will always be 0. |
public: bool GEO_CALL FreezeInputLightingBuffer
InputLightingBuffer * lightingBuffer
The temporal coherence optimisation - if used - requires that all systems are kept in sync, so that no changes in lighting are missed.
Nevertheless, some systems can be updated less frequently than others by using the Freeze functions in place of a solve. FreezeInputLightingBuffer marks an input lighting buffer as frozen. Other systems reading this buffer then recognise that the input hasn't changed. (Neglecting to freeze buffers won't cause visual artefacts, but will result in performing more recalculations than necessary.)
[in] | lightingBuffer | The input lighting buffer to mark as frozen. |
public: bool GEO_CALL FreezeIrradianceTask
const Enlighten::RadIrradianceTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedPixels,
const InputLightingBuffer * environmentOnly
The temporal coherence optimization - if used - requires that all systems are kept in sync, so that no changes in lighting are missed.
Nevertheless, some systems can be updated less frequently than others by using the Freeze functions in place of a solve. FreezeIrradianceTask performs the minimal housekeeping required to keep track of light changes for the temporal optimization - no output textures are updated. The input parameters are exactly the same as for SolveIrradianceTask.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the irradiance task structure to freeze. |
[in] | workspace | A valid pointer to a block of memory to use as a workspace which must be at least as big as m_RequiredWorkspaceSize in the core meta data. |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to freeze the task. |
[out] | numSolvedPixels | Number of output pixels solved in the task. This will always be 0. |
[out] | environmentOnly | Use in combination with environment only bounce solve. |
public: void * GenerateCachedData
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Go through all the sorted lights generating the CachedData for each. Also modifies sortedLights to point to the cached data.
public: void * GenerateCachedDataGeneric
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Generate the CacheData for a specific light type.
public: void * GenerateCachedDataGeneric< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID >
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Specialisation for invalid light types - does nothing.
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateInverseSquaredLightFalloffTable
InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable,
float lightFalloffDistance,
float lightRadius
Helper function that generates a Falloff Table using an inverse squared light falloff function, closely approximating real world light falloff.
Light falloff is smoothly biased to zero as it approaches the cutoff.
[out] | lightTable | The Input Light Falloff Table to write to. |
[in] | lightFalloffDistance | The falloff distance the light table will represent, typically (m_Cutoff - m_Radius), must be > 0. |
[in] | lightRadius | The radius of the simulated light source, typically m_Radius or 1.0, must be > 0. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnityCompatibleLightFalloffTable
InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable
Helper function that generates a falloff table compatible with the Unity light falloff model.
[out] | lightTable | The input light falloff table to write to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUnrealCompatibleLightFalloffTable
InputLightFalloffTable * lightTable,
float falloffExponent
Helper function that generates a Falloff Table compatible with the Unreal light falloff model.
[out] | lightTable | The Input Light Falloff Table to write to. |
[in] | falloffExponent | The falloff exponent of the light, must be > 0. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GenerateUvsFromMergeMap
Geo::GeoPoint2 * outUvs,
const Enlighten::MergeMap * mergeMap,
const Enlighten::MergeGeometry * mergeGeometry
Generate UVs for merged geometry.
Takes the MergeMap (which includes the models that were fitted) and the original geometry and writes the generated uvs to the outUvs array. This uv array should have the same number of vertices as the geometry.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetBounceBufferSize
const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Returns the size of the specified BounceBuffer object.
[in] | bounceBuffer | The BounceBuffer to query. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetBounceBufferSystemId
const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer
Get system id from BounceBuffer.
[in] | bounceBuffer | The BounceBuffer to query. |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataSize
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Returns the size of the specified ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object.
Note that this includes the size of the two child RadDataBlocks.
Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: const Geo::u64 *GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialIds
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Returns a list of all material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.
The length of the returned array can be found using GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials().
[in] | materialData | The albedo workspace material data to query. |
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetClusterAlbedoWorkspaceNumMaterials
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Returns the number of material Ids referenced by this albedo workspace.
[in] | materialData | The albedo workspace material data to query. |
The number of materials referenced, -1 upon error.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugAlbedoValue
const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
const AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
Geo::v128 & outValue
Get the cluster albedo value of a debug point from an AlbedoBuffer.
[in] | debugClusterIdx | Index of the cluster |
[in] | albedoBuffer | The input AlbedoBuffer to query. |
[out] | outValue | The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugEmissiveValue
const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
const EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
Geo::v128 & outValue
Get the cluster emissive value of a debug point from an EmissiveBuffer.
[in] | debugClusterIdx | Index of the cluster |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | The input EmissiveBuffer to query. |
[out] | outValue | The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetDebugTransparencyValue
const Geo::u32 debugClusterIdx,
const TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer,
float & outValue
Get the cluster transparency value of a debug point from an TransparencyBuffer.
[in] | debugClusterIdx | Index of the cluster |
[in] | transparencyBuffer | The input TransparencyBuffer to query. |
[out] | outValue | The value in the buffer for the given debug point. returns true on success or false if an error occured. |
public: Geo::s32 GetDxgiFormatBytesPerPixel
Helper function to calculate the number of texture bytes per pixel for DXGI texture formats supported by Enlighten.
public: const char *GEO_CALL GetEnlightenFormatFriendlyName
Geo::u32 format
Helper function for getting irradiance output format friendly name.
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINEGeo::s32GEO_CALL GetEnlightenOutputFormatBytesPerPixel
Geo::u32 outputFormat
Helper function to get the number of bytes/pixel per texture for a given output format.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetForceDisableFma4()
Get the state of the force disable FMA4 support flag.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetIncidentLightingBufferSize
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
PrecisionHint::Value precision
Returns the size of the specified IncidentLightingBuffer object.
[in] | incidentLightingBuffer | The IncidentLightingBuffer to query. |
[in] | precision | The hint to what floating point precision to use. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetIncidentLightingBufferSystemId
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer
Get system id from IncidentLightingBuffer.
[in] | incidentLightingBuffer | The IncidentLightingBuffer to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferLightValue
const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
float lightValue,
Geo::s32 clusterIdx
Fill the specified array with the current light value for the given cluster index.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferSize
const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer
Returns the size of the specified InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | The InputLightingBuffer to query. |
Required memory in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputLightingBufferSystemId
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer
Get system id from InputLightingBuffer.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | The InputLightingBuffer to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceDebugIterator
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugIterator & debugIterator
Return a debug iterator object in {debugIterator} which can be used to iterate through the systems debug points.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
InputWorkspaceDebugPoint * debugPoint,
Geo::s32 index
Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.
Does not include lighting.
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceGUID
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
Geo::s32 index
Returns the GUID of a specific entry in the expected input lighting buffer list.
[in] | coreData | The core data to query. |
[in] | index | The index of the system to query. Must be >= 0 and less than the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength. |
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceGUID
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * coreData,
Geo::s32 index
Returns the GUID of a specific entry in the expected input lighting buffer list.
[in] | coreData | The core data to query. |
[in] | index | The index of the system to query. Must be >= 0 and less than the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength. |
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceGUID
const Enlighten::RadDataBlock * dataBlock,
Geo::s32 index
Returns the GUID of a specific entry in the expected input lighting buffer list.
[in] | dataBlock | The precomputed data block for the task. This should be RadSystemCore::m_RadiosityPrecomp (for RadIrradianceTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_ProbeSetPrecomp (for RadProbeTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_EntireProbeSetPrecomp (for EntireProbeSetTask; or RadCubeMapCore::m_ClusterCubeMapPrecomp (for RadCubeMapTask). |
[in] | index | The index of the system to query. Must be >= 0 and less than the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength. |
The GUID of the entry, or GeoGuid::Invalid if out of range, or input invaild.
public: Geo::GeoGuidGEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceGUID
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * coreData,
Geo::s32 index
Returns the GUID of a specific entry in the expected input lighting buffer list.
[in] | coreData | The core data to query. |
[in] | index | The index of the system to query. Must be >= 0 and less than the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceInstanceGuids
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoGuid * instanceIdsOut
Get all the instance GUIDs in this system.
This reports all the instance GUIDs this system saw and recorded during the precompute. You must pass an array that is at least as large as the number reported by GetInputWorkspaceInstanceGuids(). Note that it can succeed not have written anything out if there is a valid projection block, but it's empty. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | instanceIdsOut | A pointer to an array of GeoGuid to receive the instance GUIDs. Must not be null and at least as long as GetInputWorkspaceNumInstanceGuids(). |
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceListLength
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the length of the input lighting buffer list expected when solving radiosity using this core data.
E.g. the number of pointers in m_InputLighting in RadIrradianceTask, or RadProbeTask. (In older versions of the API, the input lighting data was part of the input workspace object, which has resulted in some confusing terminology.)
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceListLength
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * coreSystem
Returns the length of the input lighting buffer list expected when solving radiosity using this core data.
E.g. the number of pointers in m_InputLighting in RadIrradianceTask, or RadProbeTask. (In older versions of the API, the input lighting data was part of the input workspace object, which has resulted in some confusing terminology.)
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceListLength
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * coreCubeMap
Returns the length of the input lighting buffer list expected when solving radiosity using this core data.
E.g. the number of pointers in m_InputLighting in RadIrradianceTask, or RadProbeTask. (In older versions of the API, the input lighting data was part of the input workspace object, which has resulted in some confusing terminology.)
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceListLength
const Enlighten::RadDataBlock * dataBlock
Returns the length of the input lighting buffer list expected when solving radiosity using this core data.
E.g. the number of pointers in m_InputLighting in RadIrradianceTask, RadProbeTask, EntireProbeSetTask or RadCubeMapTask.
[in] | dataBlock | The precomputed data block for the task. This should be RadSystemCore::m_RadiosityPrecomp (for RadIrradianceTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_ProbeSetPrecomp (for RadProbeTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_EntireProbeSetPrecomp (for EntireProbeSetTask; or RadCubeMapCore::m_ClusterCubeMapPrecomp (for RadCubeMapTask). |
The length of the input lighting buffer list, or -1 if the input is invalid.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
InputWorkspaceDebugPoint * debugPoint,
Geo::s32 index,
const InputLightingBuffer * lightValues
Fill the specified debug data structure with the current values for the given input workspace sample point.
Does not include albedo information, as this is part of the various albedo workspaces.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceMaxProjectedPointsInAnyInstance
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 * maxPointsOut
Get the maximum number of projected points associated with any instance.
This is effectively the largest number that can be returned by GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance() Useful if you want to allocate one buffer up front that will always be large enough to accept results. Note that it can succeed and return 0 if there is a valid projection block, but it's empty. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | maxPointsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of points. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceMaxVersionsInAnyInstance
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 * maxVersionsOut
Get the maximum number of versions of projected points associated with any instance.
This is effectively the largest number that can be returned by GetInputWorkspaceNumVersionsInInstance() Useful if you want to allocate one buffer up front that will always be large enough to accept results. Note that it can succeed and return 0 if there is a valid projection block, but it's empty. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | maxVersionsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of versions. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNormalArray
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::v128 * normalsOut
Fills an array with the normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.
The array should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace().
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | normalsOut | Pointer to an array of vectors to write the normals to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNumInstanceGuids
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 * numInstanceGuidsOut
Get the number of instance GUIDs in this system.
This is a record of all the instance GUIDs this system saw and recorded during the precompute. It's also the length of the array required by GetInputWorkspaceInstanceGuids() Note that it can succeed and set numInstanceGuidsOut to 0 if there is a valid projection block, but it's empty. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | numInstanceGuidsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of instance GUIDs. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNumPointsPerClusterArray
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::s32 * numPointsPerClusterArray
Fills the array with the number of points per cluster.
The points inside an input workspace are ordered and grouped by cluster, so you can identify which point belongs it which cluster from this information. You can also produce this information from GetInputWorkspaceDebugPoint() and GetInputWorkspaceLitDebugPoint(), but this implementation would be more efficient.
[in] | inputWorkspace | A valid input workspace. |
[in] | numPointsPerClusterArray | The array to fill. Must be at least as long as that returned by GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace() |
False on error, true otherwise.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoGuid instanceGuid,
Geo::s32 * numPointsOut
Get the number of points associated with the specified instance.
If the instanceGuid is recognised (i.e. it was seen by the precompute), and versions exist for it, then numPointsOut will be set to the number of points associated with this instance. Note numPointsOut can be zero if there were no associated points. If the instanceGuid is recognised, but no versions exist for it, then numPointsOut will be set to 0. If the instanceGuid is not recognised or invalid, then numPointsOut will be set to -1, but the function still returns true. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[in] | instanceGuid | The instance GUID to lookup. |
[out] | numPointsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of points. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceNumVersionsInInstance
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoGuid instanceGuid,
Geo::s32 * numVersionsOut
Get the number of versions associated with the specified instance.
If the instanceGuid is recognised (i.e. it was seen by the precompute), then numVersionsOut will be the number of versions associated with this instance. Note that it is valid for an instance to have no versions associated with it, in which case numVersionsOut will be 0. If the instanceGuid is not recognised or invalid, then numVersionsOut will be set to -1, but the function still returns true. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[in] | instanceGuid | The instance GUID to lookup. |
[out] | numVersionsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of versions. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::v128 * positionsOut,
Geo::v128 * normalsOut
Fills arrays with the positions and normals of all of the input points in an input workspace.
This array can then be used for visibility computations (eg on the GPU).
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | positionsOut | Pointer to an array of vectors to write the positions to. |
[out] | normalsOut | Pointer to an array of vectors to write the normals to. Both arrays should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace(). |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspacePositionArray
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::v128 * positionsOut
Fills an array with the positions of all of the input points in an input workspace.
This array can then be used for visibility computations (eg on the GPU). The array should be big enough to hold one vector for each point in the input workspace. The number of points is returned by GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace().
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[out] | positionsOut | Pointer to an array of vectors to write the positions to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceProjectedPointVersion
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoGuid instanceGuid,
Geo::s32 versionId,
Geo::s32 * pointIdxArrayOut,
Geo::v128 * pointPosArrayOut,
Geo::s32 * numProjectedPointsOut
Get the projected points for a specified version and instance.
pointIdxArrayOut and pointPosArrayOut should each point to arrays and will be filled with corresponding pairs of indices and positions associated with the specified instance and version. The values of pointIdxArrayOut are the indices into the duster point position array. The values of pointPosArrayOut are the corresponding projected positions of the point at that index.
numProjectedPointsOut should point to a single s32 and will be set to the same value as returned through GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance() if both the instanceId and versionId are recognised.
If both the instanceGuid and versionId are recognised, then numProjectedPointsOut will be the number of items written to each array. If the instanceGuid is not recognised or is invalid, numProjectedPointsOut will be -1, and no values will be written to the arrays. If the instanceGuid is recognised by versionId is not, numProjectedPointsOut will be 0, and no values will be written to the arrays.
The arrays should be at least as large as the maximum value that may be written, which can be found by calling GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance() in advance, or by using the system-wide num points maximum returned by GetInputWorkspaceMaxProjectedPointsInAnyInstance(). The system wide maximum may be helpful if you wish to allocate a single block of memory and re-use it for other instances. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[in] | instanceGuid | The instance GUID to lookup. |
[in] | versionId | The version ID to lookup. |
[out] | pointIdxArrayOut | A pointer to an array of s32 to receive the point indices. Must not be null and at least as long as GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance(). |
[out] | pointPosArrayOut | A pointer to an array of v128 to receive the point positions. Must not be null and at least as long as GetInputWorkspaceNumProjectedPointsInInstance(). |
[out] | numProjectedPointsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of points written. Must not be null. |
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceSize
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Returns the size of the specified InputWorkspace object.
Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetInputWorkspaceVersionsInInstance
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoGuid instanceId,
Geo::s32 * versionIdsOut,
Geo::s32 * numVersionsOut
Get the list of version ids stored for a specified instance.
numVersionsOut should point to a single s32 and will be set to the same value as returned through GetInputWorkspaceNumVersionsInInstance(). versionIdsOut should point to an array of s32s and will be filled with the version ids associated with instanceGuid.
If the instanceGuid is recognised, then numVersionsOut will be the number of items written to versionIdsOut. If the instanceGuid is not recognised or is invalid, numVersionsOut will be -1, and no values will be written to versionIdsOut. The versionIdsOut array should be at least as large as the maximum value that may be written, which can be found by calling GetInputWorkspaceNumVersionsInInstance() in advance, or by using the system-wide num versions maximum returned by GetInputWorkspaceMaxVersionsInAnyInstance(). The system wide maximum may be helpful if you wish to allocate a single block of memory and re-use it for other instances. If there is no valid data (the block or input workspace is missing or corrupt) this call will return false, otherwise true.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to use. |
[in] | instanceId | The instance GUID to lookup. |
[out] | versionIdsOut | A pointer to an array of s32 to receive the version IDs. Must not be null and at least as long as GetInputWorkspaceNumVersionsInInstance(). |
[out] | numVersionsOut | A pointer to an s32 to receive the number of versions. Must not be null. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetLineIntersection
Vertex2D & intersection,
const Line2D & p,
const Line2D & q
Computes the intersection between two Line2D.
[out] | intersection | The intersection point of the two lines. |
[in] | p | One line. |
[in] | q | Other line. |
true if the lines intersect, and false if they are parallel
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfClustersInInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Returns the total number of clusters in an input workspace.
Number of clusters, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputBuckets
const RadSystemCore * radCore
Returns the total number of output buckets.
Number of buckets, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputPixels
const RadSystemCore * radCore
Returns the total number of output pixels being lit.
Number of pixels, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfOutputPixelsInBucket
const RadSystemCore * radSysCore,
const Geo::s32 & bucketIdx
Returns the total number of output pixels in the given bucket.
Number of pixels in bucket, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Returns the total number of sample duster points in an input workspace.
Number of points, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumberOfTreeClustersInInputWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace
Returns the total number of tree clusters in an input workspace.
Number of tree clusters, -1 upon error.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumOctreeNodes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the number of octree nodes within the specified octree probe set.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL GetNumVirtualProbes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the number of virtual probes within the specified probe set.
public: Geo::v128GEO_CALL GetOctreeCodeWorldPositionAndSize
PrecompOctreeCode octreeCode,
float voxelSize
Return the world space position (xyz) and size (w) of the octree block identified by the specified octree code with the specified voxel size.
public: const Geo::u16 *GEO_CALL GetOctreeInterpolatedProbeIndices
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of interpolated probe indices within the specified octree probe set.
public: const Geo::u32 *GEO_CALL GetOctreeInterpolatedProbeWidths
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of interpolated probe widths within the specified octree probe set.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetOctreeLevel
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the level with the probe set hierarchy of this octree probe set.
public: const Enlighten::ProbeSetOctreeNode *GEO_CALL GetOctreeNodes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of octree nodes within the specified octree probe set.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetOctreeNumVirtualProbes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the number of virtual probes within the specified octree probe set.
public: PppiAtlasFootprintGEO_CALL GetOctreePppiAtlasFootprint
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the PPPI atlas footprint of the specified octree probe set.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetOctreePppiInstanceCount
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the number of PPPI instances within the specified octree probe set.
public: const Geo::u16 *GEO_CALL GetOctreePppiInstanceProbeIds
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of PPPI instance probe ids within the specified octree probe set.
public: const Geo::u8 *GEO_CALL GetOctreePppiNodes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of PPPI nodes within the specified octree probe set.
public: const Geo::u32 *GEO_CALL GetOctreePppiProbeInstances
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of PPPI probe instances within the specified octree probe set.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetOctreeProbePositionCount
const RadProbeSetCore * core
Return the total number of probe positions within the specified RadProbeSetCore.
For debugging only. The total includes virtual and nonexistent probes.
[in] | core | A RadProbeSetCore containing a probe set created by automatic probe placement. |
public: const Geo::u32 *GEO_CALL GetOctreeRootProbes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the root probes in the specified octree probe set.
The lower 2x2x2 entries of the flattened 3x3x3 array contain the 8 corner probes.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetOctreeSampledProbeCount
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the number of sampled probes within the specified octree probe set.
public: const Geo::u64 *GEO_CALL GetOctreeSampledProbes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of sampled probes within the specified octree probe set.
public: float GEO_CALL GetOctreeVoxelSize
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns the voxel size used when the specified octree probe set was precomputed.
public: eSolverType GetOptimisedSolverForPlatform
Geo::ePlatform platform
Function returning the correct optimised solver based on the compilation environment.
public: OutputTextureType GetOutputTextureRangeEnd
const RadSystemCore & core,
SolveType solveType
Return the end of the range of output texture types that can be updated for this combination of solve type and radiosity core.
public: Geo::GeoPoint2D GetOutputTextureSize
const RadSystemCore & core
Returns the size of the output texture required for this radiosity data.
public: Geo::s32 GetOutputTextureSize
const RadCubeMapCore & core
Returns the size of the output texture required for this radiosity data.
public: PppiAtlasUpdateRequirements GetPppiMaximumAtlasUpdateRequirements
PppiAtlasFootprint atlasMaxima
Return the maximum required size of the atlas update workspace for the atlas footprint determined by the precompute.
public: PppiClipmapUpdateRequirements GetPppiMaximumClipmapUpdateRequirements
PppiAtlasFootprint atlasMaxima
Return the maximum required size of the clipmap update workspace for the atlas footprint determined by the precompute.
public: PppiOutputTextureRequirementsGEO_CALL GetPppiRequiredOutputTextures
PppiConfiguration configuration
Returns the required output textures for the specified configuration.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL GetPrecomputedVisibilityDataSize
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData
Returns the size of the specified PrecomputedVisibilityData object.
Memory used in bytes, 0xFFFFFFFF upon error.
public: const float *GEO_CALL GetProbeEnvironmentVisibility
Geo::s32 probeId,
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Retrieves the light probe environment visibility for the given probe in the volume probe data.
The visibility data is encoded as a spherical harmonic with a number of coefficients depending on the precompute settings used to create the probe set. The number of coefficients can be retrieved from the probeSetCore metadata. The visibility pointer must point to a buffer that is large enough to accommodate the coefficients. Returns a pointer to the visibility data, this pointer will be NULL if the environment visibility is disabled or the probe has been culled by the precompute.
[in] | probeId | The volumetric probe to query. |
[in] | probeSetCore | The volumetric probe data to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetProbeVisibility
Geo::s32 probeId,
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore,
float * visibility
Retrieves the light probe visibility for the given probe in the volume probe data.
Returns TRUE on success.
[in] | probeId | The volumetric probe to query. |
[in] | probeSetCore | The volumetric probe data to query. |
[out] | visibility | The volumetric probe visibility. |
public: Geo::u32 GetRequiredProbeOutputCount
const RadProbeSetCore * core,
eProbeOutputFormat outputFormat
Return the required number of probes output by the low level API for the specified probe set.
public: const char * GetSolverSuffix
eSolverType solverType
Defines a platform specific extension for some files, such as the InputWorkspace, that differ in content between platforms.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetSystemBoundingBox
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoBoundingBox & bb
Returns the axis-aligned bounding box of the set of input points in the input workspace.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace to compute the bounding box for. |
[out] | bb | The bounding box object to receive the system bounds. |
public: bool GEO_CALL GetSystemBounds
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::GeoBoundingBox & boundingBox
Retrieve the bounding volume of the system.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | boundingBox | The bounding box for the system |
public: Geo::s32 GetTextureBytesPerPixel
TextureFormat format
Gets the number of bytes required for each pixel of the given texture format.
public: Geo::s32 GetTextureBytesPerPixel
GLint format,
GLenum type
Returns the size of a pixel in bytes for the specified format and type, if supported.
public: void GetTextureSize
const TextureResolutionScale::Value scale,
Geo::s32 widthIn,
Geo::s32 heightIn,
Geo::s32 & widthOut,
Geo::s32 & heightOut
Inline function that returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given a texture width and height.
public: bool GEO_CALL GetTextureSize
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * radSystemCoreIn,
const TextureResolutionScale::Value scale,
Geo::s32 & widthOut,
Geo::s32 & heightOut
Returns the required dimensions of the albedo and emissive textures for a given radiosity core.
This is a replacement for GetTextureAlbedoSize()
[in] | radSystemCoreIn | The radiosity core to compute the texture dimensions for. |
[in] | scale | The desired texture resolution scale. |
[out] | widthOut | The width of the albedo and emissive textures, -1 upon error. |
[out] | heightOut | The height of the albedo and emissive textures, -1 upon error. returns true on success or false if an error occurred. |
public: const Enlighten::ProbeSetVirtualProbe *GEO_CALL GetVirtualProbes
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns a pointer to the array of virtual probes within the specified probe set.
This data can be used to produce the output for virtual probe indices in a single pass. A probe index is virtual when it is greater than the number of probes in the probe set. To find the corresponding index within the virtual probe array, subtract the number of probes in the probe set. The first entry in the array always refers to a pair of real probes. Later entries may be virtual probe indices which refer to virtual probes that appear earlier in the same array.
public: ValueType GetZeroValue()
Helper template to get the zero value of different types.
public: float GetZeroValue< float >()
Helper template to get the zero value of floats.
public: Geo::v128 GetZeroValue< Geo::v128 >()
Helper template to get the zero value of v128s.
public: Geo::u32GEO_CALL HashInputLightingElements
const InputLightingBuffer ** inputLightingArray,
Geo::s32 numBuffers
Hash the guids and pointers of the InputLightingBuffer array.
[in] | inputLightingArray | An array of InputLightingBuffers to hash. This hash included the pointer values. |
[in] | numBuffers | The number of InputLightingBuffers in the array. |
The hash of the inputs.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromColoursPerPoint
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Geo::v128 * pointAlbedoColours,
const Geo::s32 numPoints,
AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer
Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer based on the individual sample points.
You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system. |
[in] | pointAlbedoColours | The albedo colours to set for the points. Each colour component should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space. |
[in] | numPoints | Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of points in the input workspace. |
[in] | albedoBuffer | The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer
Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from a materialWorkspace.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | albedoBuffer | The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromTexture
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer
Sets the albedo colours for an AlbedoBuffer from an albedo texture expected in RGBA format in gamma-2 colour space.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | textureParams | Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU. |
[in] | resolutionScale | An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale. |
[in] | albedoBuffer | The AlbedoBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromColoursPerPoint
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const Geo::v128 * pointEmissiveColours,
const Geo::s32 numPoints,
EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer
Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer based on the individual sample points.
You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system. |
[in] | pointEmissiveColours | The albedo colours to set for the points. Each colour component should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space. |
[in] | numPoints | Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of points in the input workspace. |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer
Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from a materialWorkspace.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTexture
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
float fixedPointMaximum,
const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer
Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in RGBM format in linear colour space.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | textureParams | Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU. |
[in] | fixedPointMaximum | The maximum value representable by the fixed point RGBM format. |
[in] | resolutionScale | An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale. |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromTextureFp16
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer
Sets the emissive colours for an EmissiveBuffer from an emissive texture expected in FP16 format in linear colour space.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | textureParams | Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU. |
[in] | resolutionScale | An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale. |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | The EmissiveBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseInstanceEmissiveAsDynamic
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Geo::u16 instanceId
Initialise all the materials of an instance in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.
This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material albedo component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | instanceId | The instance ID to set the emissive for. |
True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the instance was found.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseIntelGPA()
If you are using the Intel Graphical Performance Analyzer, call this function at application startup.
There is a function of the same name in the Geo namespace that loads the Dll, this function also creates domains, registers string handles and creates group ids for tasks.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseMaterialDynamicity
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const SurfaceSelection & selection,
SurfaceColourDynamicity dynamicity
Initialise a material component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as static or dynamic.
This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the AlbedoBuffer. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic albedo, any calls to SetMaterialAlbedoColour() will require the AlbedoBuffer to be re-initialised. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic emissive, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised. If a material component is not initialised as dynamic transparency, any calls to SetMaterialTransparency() will require the TransparencyBuffer to be re-initialised.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | selection | The selection of surfaces to set the state for. |
[in] | dynamicity | The dynamicity to initialise the material component with. |
True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the material was found.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Geo::u64 & materialId
Initialise a material emissive component in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.
This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material emissive component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | materialId | The material 64 bit material ID to set the emissive for. |
True on success or false if an error occurred. This does not imply whether or not the material was found.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseSystemEmissiveAsDynamic
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData
Initialise all the materials in the DynamicMaterialWorkspace as dynamic.
This is used to distinguish dynamic material values from static values when initialising or reconstructing the EmissiveBuffer. If a material albedo component is not initialised as dynamic, any calls to SetMaterialEmissiveColour() will require the EmissiveBuffer to be re-initialised.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromColoursPerPoint
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const float * pointTransparencyValues,
const Geo::s32 numPoints,
TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer
Sets the transparency for a TransparencyBuffer based on the individual sample points.
You can use Enlighten::GetNumberOfPointsInInputWorkspace() to get the number of points in a system, and Enlighten::GetInputWorkspacePositionAndNormalArray() to get their positions and normals.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system. |
[in] | pointTransparencyValues | The transparency values to set for the points. Each value should be between [0..1]. Values outside this range will be clamped internally. The size of this array must be equal to or larger than the value in numPoints. These values are expected in linear colour space. |
[in] | numPoints | Number of sample points provided. It must match the number of pointsg in the input workspace. |
[in] | transparencyBuffer | The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer
Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a materialWorkspace.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | transparencyBuffer | The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromTexture
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const Enlighten::InputTextureSamplerParameters * textureParams,
const Geo::s32 pixelStrideInBytes,
const Geo::s32 alphaOffsetInBytes,
const TextureResolutionScale::Value resolutionScale,
TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer
Sets the values for a TransparencyBuffer from a the alpha channel in the albedo texture in RGBA format.
In the alpha channel 0 represents fully transparent and 255 represents fully opaque in linear space.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | textureParams | Parameters used for sampling the albedo texture on the CPU. |
[in] | pixelStrideInBytes | The stride between pixels in the texture. |
[in] | alphaOffsetInBytes | The byte offset to the first alpha element. |
[in] | resolutionScale | An enumeration representing the size of the albedo texture relative to the lightmap resolution. Can be FullResolutionScale or HalfResolutionScale. |
[in] | transparencyBuffer | The TransparencyBuffer which is being initialised. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL InsideAABBExclusive
const Vertex2D & v,
const Vertex2D & min,
const Vertex2D & max
Tests if a Vertex2D is within a bounding box defined by two Vertex2D.
[in] | v | Vertex that gets tested |
[in] | min | Vertex that defines the bounding box minimum |
[in] | max | Vertex that defines the bounding box maximum |
true if the vertex is truly inside the bounding box excluding the bounding box walls
public: bool GEO_CALL InsideAABBInclusive
const Vertex2D & v,
const Vertex2D & min,
const Vertex2D & max
Tests if a Vertex2D is within a bounding box defined by two Vertex2D.
[in] | v | Vertex that gets tested |
[in] | min | Vertex that defines the bounding box minimum |
[in] | max | Vertex that defines the bounding box maximum |
true if the vertex is truly inside the bounding box or coincides with the bounding box walls
public: bool GEO_CALL IsAlbedoBufferInitialiseRequired
const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace
Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.
An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
True if the buffer needs to be initialised.
public: bool IsClosedMesh
Geo::StridedArrayView< PrecompIndex3 > faces
Return true if the mesh is closed.
public: bool GEO_CALL IsEmissiveBufferInitialiseRequired
const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace
Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.
An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
True if the buffer needs to be initialised.
public: bool IsFinite
const BaryCoords & c
Tests if barycentric coordinates are valid.
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool GEO_CALL IsFixedPointFormat
eOutputFormat format
Returns true for formats with a fixed range (0-1).
To retain HDR output the user should set the irradiance scale to a value < 1.0, and scale the output back up in the shader code.
public: Geo::s32GEO_CALL IsInputLightingBufferStatic
const InputLightingBuffer * lightingBuffer
Returns the number of frames since the last update that changed the given input lighting buffer.
[in] | lightingBuffer | The lighting buffer to check for changes. |
Returns the number of updates since the last change.
public: bool IsInsideInclusive
const BaryCoords & c
Tests if a set of barycentric coordinates define a point within a triangle.
Here, 'within' includes the edges of the triangle.
public: bool GEO_CALL IsOctreeProbeSet
const RadProbeSetCore * core
Returns true if the specified probe set core is a ProbeOctree.
[in] | core | A valid RadProbeSetCore object |
public: bool GEO_CALL IsProbeCulled
Geo::s32 probeId,
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore
Returns TRUE if the probe was culled during precompute.
[in] | probeId | The volumetric probe to query. |
[in] | probeSetCore | The volumetric probe data to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL IsTransparencyBufferInitialiseRequired
const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace
Determine if the buffer needs to be initialised.
An initialised buffer can require re-initialisation if a static colour changes or the dynamic-ness of a material changes.
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
True if the buffer needs to be initialised.
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * cawData,
const char * functionName,
bool requireMaterialGuids
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const ResamplingData * resamplingData,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const InterpolationInputSet * inputSet,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace * visWorkspace,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visData,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const char * functionName,
bool requireProjectedPoints
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadProbeSetCore * probeSetCore,
Geo::u32 sectionMask,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: bool GEO_CALL IsValid
const RadSystemCore * radCore,
const char * functionName
Function that tests if the data object provided is valid (pointer checks, metadata, etc).
public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE bool GEO_CALL IsValidOutputFormat
Geo::u32 outputFormat
Checks if the given output format enumeration is valid.
public: Geo::v128 LightFalloffFunction
const InternalLightFalloffTable & light,
const Geo::v128 & lightRadius,
const Geo::v128 & lightDistances
public: void MakeEnvironmentConstants
Geo::u32 faceSize,
float * areas,
float * normals
Compute the area and directional normalization factors for each texel of a single environment cubemap face.
faceSize The number of texels in x and y for the cubemap face. areas An array of size faceSize^2 to which the areas are output. normals An array of size faceSize^2 to which the directional normalization factors are output.
public: SurfaceSelection MakeInstanceSurfaceSelection
Geo::u16 instanceId
All surfaces matching the specified instance.
public: PppiIrradiance16 MakePppiIrradiance16
const PppiIrradiance & irradiance
Return the specified irradiance value converted to 16-bit floating point.
public: SurfaceSelection MakeSingleSurfaceSelection
Geo::u16 instanceId,
Geo::u16 meshIndex,
Geo::u32 materialId
The surface matching the instanceId, meshIndex and materialId combination.
public: SurfaceSelection MakeSystemSurfaceSelection()
All surfaces in the system.
public: WorldAxis MakeWorldAxis
PipelineWorldAxis worldAxis
The world space axis in which a given axis points.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL MaxVertex
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b
Returns a Vertex2D as the componentwise minimum of two Vertex2D.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL MinVertex
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b
Returns a Vertex2D as the componentwise minimum of two Vertex2D.
public: Vector2DGEO_CALL Normalise
const Vector2D & v
Normalises a Vector2D to a length of one.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL operator-
const Vertex2D & lhs,
const Vertex2D & rhs
Componentwise subtraction operator for two Vertex2D.
public: bool operator!=
const PrecompVoxelOctreePath & l,
const PrecompVoxelOctreePath & r
Returns true if the paths are not equal.
public: bool operator!=
const PrecompVoxelId & l,
const PrecompVoxelId & r
Returns true if the arguments are not equal.
public: bool operator!=
const PrecompOctreeNode & l,
const PrecompOctreeNode & r
Returns true if the nodes are not equal.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator&
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a,
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status b
Bitwise AND of two dynamic material workspace statuses.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL operator*
const Vertex2D & lhs,
const double & rhs
Componentwise multiplication by scalar for Vertex2D.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL operator*
const double & lhs,
const Vertex2D & rhs
Componentwise multiplication by scalar for Vertex2D.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator|
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a,
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status b
Bitwise OR of two dynamic material workspace statuses.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator~
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a
Bitwise NOT of a dynamic material workspace status.
public: Vertex2DGEO_CALL operator+
const Vertex2D & lhs,
const Vertex2D & rhs
Componentwise addition operator for two Vertex2D.
public: Triangle2D &GEO_CALL operator+=
Triangle2D & t,
Vector2D v
Moves a triangle by a given Vector2D.
public: bool operator<
const PrecompVoxelId & l,
const PrecompVoxelId & r
Returns true if the left argument is ordered before the right argument.
public: Triangle2D &GEO_CALL operator-=
Triangle2D & t,
Vector2D v
Moves a triangle by a given Vector2D into it's opposite direction.
public: Vertex2D &GEO_CALL operator-=
Vertex2D & lhs,
Vertex2D rhs
Componentwise subtraction and assignment operator for two Vertex2D.
public: bool operator==
const PrecompVoxelOctreePath & l,
const PrecompVoxelOctreePath & r
Returns true if the paths are equal.
public: bool operator==
const PrecompOctreeNode & l,
const PrecompOctreeNode & r
Returns true if the nodes are equal.
public: bool operator==
const PrecompVoxelId & l,
const PrecompVoxelId & r
Returns true if the arguments are equal.
public: WorldAxis ParseWorldAxis
const char * s
Return the axis aligned unit vector matching one of the following input strings: +x, +X, +y, +Y, +z, +Z, -x, -X, -y, -Y, -z, -Z.
public: bool GEO_CALL PrepareInputLightingList
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** inputLightingBuffers,
Geo::s32 numLightingBuffers,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** listILBOut
Places the unordered list of lighting buffers into the correct order for the solver.
RadIrradianceTask, RadProbeTask and RadCubeMapTask all expect a pointer to an ordered
[in] | coreData | The core data to prepare the input list for. |
[in] | inputLightingBuffers | The unordered list of lighting buffers. |
[in] | numLightingBuffers | The number of lighting buffers provided. |
[in] | listILBOut | The location to write the new list to. This array of pointers must be the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength(). |
public: bool GEO_CALL PrepareInputLightingList
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * coreData,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** inputLightingBuffers,
Geo::s32 numLightingBuffers,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** listILBOut
Places the unordered list of lighting buffers into the correct order for the solver.
RadIrradianceTask, RadProbeTask and RadCubeMapTask all expect a pointer to an ordered
[in] | coreData | The core data to prepare the input list for. |
[in] | inputLightingBuffers | The unordered list of lighting buffers. |
[in] | numLightingBuffers | The number of lighting buffers provided. |
[in] | listILBOut | The location to write the new list to. This array of pointers must be the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength(). |
public: bool GEO_CALL PrepareInputLightingList
const Enlighten::RadDataBlock * dataBlock,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** inputLightingBuffers,
Geo::s32 numLightingBuffers,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** listILBOut
Places the unordered list of lighting buffers into the correct order for the solver.
RadIrradianceTask, RadProbeTask, EntireProbeSetTask and RadCubeMapTask all expect a pointer to an ordered
[in] | dataBlock | The precomputed data block for the task. This should be RadSystemCore::m_RadiosityPrecomp (for RadIrradianceTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_ProbeSetPrecomp (for RadProbeTask); RadProbeSetCore::m_EntireProbeSetPrecomp (for EntireProbeSetTask; or RadCubeMapCore::m_ClusterCubeMapPrecomp (for RadCubeMapTask). |
[in] | inputLightingBuffers | The unordered list of lighting buffers. |
[in] | numLightingBuffers | The number of lighting buffers provided. |
[in] | listILBOut | The location to write the new list to. This array of pointers must be the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength(). |
public: bool GEO_CALL PrepareInputLightingList
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * coreData,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** inputLightingBuffers,
Geo::s32 numLightingBuffers,
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer ** listILBOut
Places the unordered list of lighting buffers into the correct order for the solver.
RadIrradianceTask, RadProbeTask and RadCubeMapTask all expect a pointer to an ordered
[in] | coreData | The core data to prepare the input list for. |
[in] | inputLightingBuffers | The unordered list of lighting buffers. |
[in] | numLightingBuffers | The number of lighting buffers provided. |
[in] | listILBOut | The location to write the new list to. This array of pointers must be the length returned by GetInputWorkspaceListLength(). |
public: PppiIrradiance ProjectEnvironmentProbeL1
Geo::u32 faceSize,
const Geo::v128 * texels,
const float * areas,
const float * normals
Project the environment cubemap irradiance values to L1 SH coefficients.
faceSize The number of texels in x and y for each cubemap face. texels An array of size faceSize^2 * 6 containing the environment cubemap irradiance RGB values. areas An array of size faceSize^2 to which the areas are output. normals An array of size faceSize^2 to which the directional normalization factors are output.
public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadAlbedoBuffer
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read an AlbedoBuffer from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
public: AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadAlbedoBufferInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
Geo::u32 sections
Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialGuidsSection to load the optional material guids data |
Non-null if successful - remember to delete the pointer using DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData.
public: Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataFromFile
const char * filename,
Geo::u32 sections
Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from file.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialGuidsSection to load the optional material guids data |
Non-null if successful - remember to delete the pointer using DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData.
public: ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: void GEO_CALL ReadDataBlock
RadDataBlock * block,
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read a RadDataBlock from a Geo::IGeoInputStream. Will return an object that should be released with FreeDataBlockContents().
Always returns a relocatable data block.
public: void ReadDataBlockInPlace
RadDataBlock & block,
char *& ptr
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspace
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read an DynamicMaterialWorkspace from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspaceInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadEmissiveBuffer
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read an EmissiveBuffer from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
public: EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadEmissiveBufferInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadIncidentLightingBuffer
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read an IncidentLightingBuffer from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
public: IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadIncidentLightingBufferInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadInputLightingBuffer
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read an InputLightingBuffer from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
public: InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadInputLightingBufferInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspace
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
Geo::u32 sections
Read an InputWorkspace from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional dynamic data and/or Enlighten::Iff::ProjectedPointsInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional duster projection data and/or Enlighten::Iff::HighQualityBounceCoordinateDataSection to load the optional high quality bounce data |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteInputWorkspace.
public: Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspaceFromFile
const char * filename,
Geo::u32 sections
Read an InputWorkspace from file.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional dynamic data and/or Enlighten::Iff::ProjectedPointsInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional duster projection data and/or Enlighten::Iff::HighQualityBounceCoordinateDataSection to load the optional high quality bounce data |
public: InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspaceInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: void GEO_CALL ReadOptionalDataBlock
RadDataBlock * dataBlock,
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
Geo::u32 sections,
Geo::u32 optionalBlock
Read or skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoInputStream, depending on the sections requested and the id of the block.
public: Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityData
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a stream.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read |
public: Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataFromFile
const char * filename
Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a file.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read |
public: PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL ReadProbeTaskOutput
Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.
The caller takes ownership of the loaded data, which includes deleting m_NumIndexesToSolve, m_OutputPointers and m_OutputPointers[0] (which is the main block of floats) |
public: bool GEO_CALL ReadProbeTaskOutputFromFile
Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
const char * filename
Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.
The caller takes ownership of the loaded data, which includes deleting m_NumIndexesToSolve, m_OutputPointers and m_OutputPointers[0] (which is the main block of floats) |
public: Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCore
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read a RadCubeMapCore from a stream.
The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read. |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadCubeMapCore.
the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadCubeMapCore is always relocatable after load. |
public: Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCoreFromFile
const char * filename
Read a RadCubeMapCore from file.
The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read. |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadCubeMapCore.
the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadCubeMapCore is always relocatable after load. |
public: RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCoreInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCore
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
Geo::u32 sections
Read run-time probeset data from a file.
The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to read |
[in] | sections | - Pass 0 to load no optional data or any combination of the following: Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::EntireProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetInterpolationDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetVisibilityDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetDebugDataSection |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadProbeSetCore.
the returned RadDataBlock is always relocatable. |
public: Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCoreFromFile
const char * filename,
Geo::u32 sections
Read run-time probe set data from a file.
The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms. Note this doesn't do any endian swapping. It assumes you are reading/writing the file on the same platform.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read |
[in] | sections | - Pass 0 to load no optional data or any combination of the following: Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::EntireProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetInterpolationDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetVisibilityDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetDebugDataSection |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadProbeSetCore.
the returned RadDataBlock is always relocatable. |
public: RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCoreInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Enlighten::RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCore
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
Geo::u32 sections
Read a RadSystemCore from a stream.
The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoInputStream to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or a combination of Enlighten::Iff::ProjectionDataSection and/or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicRadiosityDataSection |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadSystemCore.
the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadSystemCore is always relocatable after load. |
public: Enlighten::RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCoreFromFile
const char * filename,
Geo::u32 sections
Read a RadSystemCore from file.
The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to read. |
[in] | sections | - Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or a combination of Enlighten::Iff::ProjectionDataSection and/or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicRadiosityDataSection |
Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadSystemCore.
the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadSystemCore is always relocatable after load. |
public: RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCoreInPlace
char * data,
size_t Size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL ReadRadTaskOutput
Geo::s32 & outputWidth,
Geo::s32 & outputHeight,
eOutputFormat & outputFormat,
eOutputFormatByteOrder & outputFormatByteOrder,
void * irradianceOutput64,
void * irradianceOutput32,
void * directionalOutput,
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file/stream.
If the output width or height are set to zero, then only the header of the file is read, and the width, height outputFormat and outputFormatByteOrder are filled in. The function then returns true. If the output size is non-zero, the function assumes that the various output pointers are large enough to hold the incoming data. In general, users should not have to call these functions in their integration. |
[out] | outputWidth | - The width of the output texture |
[out] | outputHeight | - The height of the output texture |
[out] | outputFormat | - The format of the output texture |
[out] | outputFormatByteOrder | - The byte order of the LRB irradiance/directional output texture |
[in] | irradianceOutput64 | - pointer large enough to hold 64-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. FP16). Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | irradianceOutput32 | - pointer large enough to hold 32-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. LRB). Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | directionalOutput | - pointer large enough to hold directional output data. Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | stream | - The file stream from which to read the rad task data from |
public: bool GEO_CALL ReadRadTaskOutputFromFile
Geo::s32 & outputWidth,
Geo::s32 & outputHeight,
eOutputFormat & outputFormat,
eOutputFormatByteOrder & outputFormatByteOrder,
void * irradianceOutput64,
void * irradianceOutput32,
void * directionalOutput,
const char * filename
Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file.
Please see ReadRadTaskOutput for details.
[out] | outputWidth | - The width of the output texture |
[out] | outputHeight | - The height of the output texture |
[out] | outputFormat | - The format of the output texture |
[out] | outputFormatByteOrder | - The byte order of the LRB irradiance/directional output texture |
[in] | irradianceOutput64 | - pointer large enough to hold 64-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. FP16). Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | irradianceOutput32 | - pointer large enough to hold 32-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. LRB). Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | directionalOutput | - pointer large enough to hold directional output data. Pass NULL if not required |
[in] | filename | - The name of the rad task output file to read data from |
public: TransparencyBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadTransparencyBufferInPlace
char * data,
size_t size
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: Geo::GeoArray< PrecompIndex3 > RepairHoles
Geo::StridedArrayView< PrecompIndex3 > faces
Return the faces which must be added to the mesh to repair holes.
Each hole is filled with a triangle fan. The mesh cannot be repaired if any two holes share a common vertex.
public: bool ReportPipelineError
Geo::GeoUIString message
Report a fatal PipelineError.
public: bool GEO_CALL ResampleBounce
const Enlighten::ResampleBounceParameters & params,
Geo::u32 & timeUs
After SolveIrradianceTask is run, the ResampleBounce() function populates an Enlighten::BounceBuffer with bounce data.
This BounceBuffer is then used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage for the next solve iteration.
[in] | params | A complete and valid ResampleBounceParameters |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to Resample the bounce |
public: bool GEO_CALL RunDebugBucketSelectionTask
const Enlighten::RadDebugBucketSelectionTask * task
Generate a texture that highlights the information specified in the task object.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to a RadDebugBucketSelectionTask to perform. |
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINEGeo::v128 SampleBilinear
const tIrradianceTexture * texture,
float u,
float v
Samples the given texture at the given co-ordinates, using bilinear filtering.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectAlbedoEmissiveTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects albedo, emissive, transparency and surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectEmissiveTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects emissive, transparency and surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectSamplersAndDoIndirectInputLighting
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects samplers and does indirect input lighting.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects transparency and surroundings.
public: bool GEO_CALL SetDirectionalVisibility
const InputWorkspace * workspaceMemory,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * precomputedVisibilityData,
PrecomputedVisibilityWorkspace * visibilityWorkspace,
void * visibilityData,
Geo::v128 lightDirection
Set visibility in an input workspace for a directional light, using precomputed visibility data.
[in] | workspaceMemory | The input workspace memory block. |
[in] | precomputedVisibilityData | The block of precomputed visibility data. |
[in] | visibilityWorkspace | The visibility workspace memory block. |
[in] | visibilityData | The visibility data to set, one bit per duster. |
[in] | lightDirection | The direction of the light source. |
public: bool GEO_CALL SetEnvironmentLightValues
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * env,
const Geo::v128 * values,
Geo::s32 resolution
Sets the environment light values.
The required input is an N x N cube map of environment light values where N is the resolution. The values are laid out in the standard D3D cube map ordering, in v128 format (ie 4 x 32-bit float per value). More explicitly, this means the input buffer should contain 6 * N * N base values with 16 bytes each. The remaining values in the buffer are hierarchical averages for each face and an overall average for the entire cube map. These averages are computed internally by the SetValues function. All light values are in linear space.
Direct3D DDS cube maps use the following face order and XYZ to UV transformation:
face major axis uc vc ma ---------- ---------- --- --- --- POSITIVE_X +rx -rz -ry rx NEGATIVE_X -rx +rz -ry rx POSITIVE_Y +ry +rx +rz ry NEGATIVE_Y -ry +rx -rz ry POSITIVE_Z +rz +rx -ry rz NEGATIVE_Z -rz -rx -ry rz u = (uc/|ma| + 1) / 2 v = (vc/|ma| + 1) / 2
public: void GEO_CALL SetForceDisableFma4
bool disableFma4
Set whether to force disable FMA4 support.
This only affects the SSE solver, and has no effect on other architectures. By default, if FMA4 support is detected in the hardware and OS it will be used by the solver. This function allows you to override the automatic detection and force FMA4 support off. There is no way to force it on if Enlighten cannot detect it.
public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialAlbedoColour
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const SurfaceSelection & selection,
const Geo::v128 & newAlbedoColour
Set the colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialAlbedoAsDynamic()), the AlbedoBuffer will need updating using UpdateAlbedoBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the AlbedoBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseAlbedoBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | selection | The selection of surfaces to set the albedo for. |
[in] | newAlbedoColour | The colour to set the material to. This is expected to be in linear colour space. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialEmissiveColour
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const SurfaceSelection & selection,
const Geo::v128 & newEmissiveColour
Set the emissive colour of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialEmissiveAsDynamic()), the EmissiveBuffer will need updating using UpdateEmissiveBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the EmissiveBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseEmissiveBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | selection | The selection of surfaces to set the emissive for. |
[in] | newEmissiveColour | The colour to set to the emissive component of the material. This is expected to be in linear colour space. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL SetMaterialTransparency
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const SurfaceSelection & selection,
float newTransparency
Set the transparency of a material selection within the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
If the selection has been previously setup as dynamic (using InitialiseMaterialTransparencyAsDynamic()), the TransparencyBuffer will need updating using UpdateTransparencyBuffer(). If the selection is static however, the TransparencyBuffer will need re-initialising using InitialiseTransparencyBufferFromMaterialWorkspace().
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | selection | The selection of surfaces to set the transparency for. |
[in] | newTransparency | The transparency to set the material to. This is expected to be in linear space. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL SetTransparency
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
float transparencyValue
Set all transparency values of transparencyWorkspace to the given value.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | transparencyWorkspace | The TransparencyWorkspace for the system |
[in] | transparencyValue | The value to reset all the quads in this system to |
public: void GEO_CALL SkipDataBlock
Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream
Skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoStream. Will advance the stream past a RadDataBlock without reading the contents.
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveBounceBufferTask
const Enlighten::SolveBounceTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedClusters
Solve the radiosity directly to a bounce buffer only.
This does not update the lightmap. All parameters must be valid non-null objects.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the RadIrradianceTaskLod structure to complete. |
[in] | workspace | A valid pointer to a block of memory to use as a workspace which must be at least as big as m_RequiredWorkspaceSize in the core meta data. |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to solve the task. |
[out] | numSolvedClusters | Number of output pixels solved in the task. |
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveCubeMapTask
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedPixels
Solve the specified cube map task using a given workspace.
Returns TRUE on success. All parameters must be valid non-null objects.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the cube map task structure to complete. |
[in] | workspace | A valid pointer to a block of memory to use as a workspace which must be at least as big as the amount returned from CalcRequiredWorkspaceMemory(). |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to solve the task. |
[out] | numSolvedPixels | Number of output pixels solved in the task. |
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveEntireProbeSetTask
const Enlighten::EntireProbeSetTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedProbes
Solve the specified EntireProbeSetTask.
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveIrradianceTask
const Enlighten::RadIrradianceTask * task,
void * workspace,
Geo::u32 & timeUs,
Geo::u32 & numSolvedPixels
Solve the specified irradiance task using a given workspace.
Returns TRUE on success. All parameters must be valid non-null objects.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the irradiance task structure to complete. |
[in] | workspace | A valid pointer to a block of memory to use as a workspace which must be at least as big as m_RequiredWorkspaceSize in the core meta data. |
[out] | timeUs | Number of microseconds it took to solve the task. |
[out] | numSolvedPixels | Number of output pixels solved in the task. |
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveProbeTaskL1
const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * task,
Geo::u32 & timeUs
Solve the specified L1 probe task.
Returns TRUE on success. Returns FALSE if the input task is precomputed as L2.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the probe task structure to complete. |
[out] | timeUs | Returns the number of microseconds taken to perform the compute |
public: bool GEO_CALL SolveProbeTaskL2
const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * task,
Geo::u32 & timeUs
Solve the specified L2 probe task.
Returns TRUE on success. Returns FALSE if the input task is precomputed as L1.
[in] | task | A valid pointer to the probe task structure to complete. |
[out] | timeUs | Returns the number of microseconds taken to perform the compute |
public: void GEO_CALL StoreTemporaryScaleAndTranslation
Enlighten::PrecompOutputInstance * outputInstance,
Geo::s32 uvScale,
Geo::s32 precompBlockSize
Utility to temporarily pack scale and translation into the PrecompOutputInstance object.
This later gets overridden
[in] | outputInstance | The output instance |
[in] | uvScale | The UV scaling to apply to the instance chart |
[in] | precompBlockSize | The block size used when testing charts in the packing |
public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateAlbedoBuffer
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer
Update an AlbedoBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | albedoBuffer | A valid AlbedoBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateEmissiveBuffer
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer
Update an EmissiveBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | emissiveBuffer | A valid EmissiveBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: bool GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyBuffer
DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer
Update a TransparencyBuffer from the DynamicMaterialWorkspace.
This will preserve values that were initialised with static data (ie ColourPerPoint or Texture).
[in] | materialWorkspace | A pointer to the DynamicMaterialWorkspace for the system. |
[in] | materialData | A pointer to the precompute material data. |
[in] | transparencyBuffer | A valid TransparencyBuffer where the results will be written to. This buffer is used as input to the IndirectInputLighting stage. |
True on success or false if an error occurred.
public: void GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
Enlighten::IProbeSetManager * probeSetManager,
bool recomputeInterpolants
Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | transparencyWorkspace | The workspace where intermediate probe results and other calculation results are stored |
[in] | probeSetManager | The Probe Set Manager object that provides interface for probe interpolation |
[in] | recomputeInterpolants | Whether or not to recompute the interpolants |
public: void GEO_CALL UpdateTransparencyWorkspace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
TransparencyWorkspace * transparencyWorkspace,
const InterpolationInputSet * interpolationInputs,
Geo::s32 numInterpolationInputs,
bool recomputeInterpolants
Update the transparency workspace with values calculated from interpolated probes.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace for the system |
[out] | transparencyWorkspace | The workspace where intermediate probe results and other calculation results are stored |
[in] | interpolationInputs | An array of probesets to interpolate from |
[in] | numInterpolationInputs | The number of probesets in the array |
[in] | recomputeInterpolants | Whether or not to recompute the interpolants |
public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyBounceBufferData
const Enlighten::BounceBuffer * bounceBuffer
Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified BounceBuffer object.
[in] | bounceBuffer | The BounceBuffer to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyIncidentLightingBufferData
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer
Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | incidentLightingBuffer | The IncidentLightingBuffer to query. |
public: bool GEO_CALL VerifyInputLightingBufferData
const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer
Returns true if there are no NaN's or non-finite numbers in the specified InputLightingBuffer object.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | The InputLightingBuffer to query. |
public: void VisitLights
SortedLights * sortedLights,
Visitor & visitor
Visitor function to apply the visitor functor to each light.
public: void VisitSelectedLights
const SortedLights * sortedLights,
Visitor & visitor,
LightSelector & lightSelector,
SortedLightsOperator * optionalSortedLightsOperator
Visits the selected lights with the given visitor.
public: const char * WorldAxisToString
WorldAxis direction
Return the string representation of the specified axis aligned unit vector.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteAlbedoBuffer
const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an AlbedoBuffer to a stream.
[in] | albedoBuffer | - The AlbedoBuffer to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteAlbedoBufferForInPlace
const AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | materialData | - The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataForInPlace
const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataToFile
const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
const char * filename
Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | materialData | - The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDataBlock
const RadDataBlock & data,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write a RadDataBlock to a Geo::IGeoStream.
public: void * WriteDataBlockForInPlace
const RadDataBlock & block,
char *& ptr
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspace
const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an DynamicMaterialWorkspace to a stream.
[in] | materialWorkspace | - The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspaceForInPlace
const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * workspace,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteEmissiveBuffer
const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an EmissiveBuffer to a stream.
[in] | emissiveBuffer | - The EmissiveBuffer to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteEmissiveBufferForInPlace
const EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteIncidentLightingBuffer
const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an IncidentLightingBuffer to a stream.
[in] | incidentLightingBuffer | - The IncidentLightingBuffer to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteIncidentLightingBufferForInPlace
const IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBuffer
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an InputLightingBuffer to a stream.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | - The InputLightingBuffer to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBuffer
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * source,
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * destination
Overwrite an InputLightingBuffer with another InputLightingBuffer.
Fails if the system ids or sample counts do not match.
[in] | source | - The InputLightingBuffer to read. |
[inout] | destination | - The InputLightingBuffer to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBufferForInPlace
const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBufferToFile
const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
const char * filename
Write an InputLightingBuffer to file.
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | - The InputLightingBuffer to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspace
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write an InputWorkspace to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The InputWorkspace to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspaceForInPlace
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspaceToFile
const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const char * filename
Write an InputWorkspace to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | inputWorkspace | - The InputWorkspace to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityData
const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a stream.
[in] | visibilityData | - The PrecomputedVisibilityData structure data to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataForInPlace
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataToFile
const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
const char * filename
Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a file.
[in] | visibilityData | - The PrecomputedVisibilityData structure data to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteProbeTaskOutput
const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteProbeTaskOutputToFile
const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
const char * filename
Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCore
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write a RadCubeMapCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | cubeMapCore | - The RadCubeMapCore to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write to. |
the RadDataBlock contained in the RadCubeMapCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCoreForInPlace
const RadCubeMapCore * cubeMap,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCoreToFile
const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
const char * filename
Write a RadCubeMapCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | cubeMapCore | - The RadCubeMapCore to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
the RadDataBlock contained in the RadCubeMapCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: bool WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutput
const RadIrradianceTask * task,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.
public: bool WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutputToFile
const RadIrradianceTask * task,
const char * filename
Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCore
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write run-time probeset data to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | probeSet | - The probe set data to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write. |
the RadDataBlock must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCoreForInPlace
const RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCoreToFile
const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
const char * filename
Write run-time probeset data to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.
[in] | probeSet | - The probe set data to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
the RadDataBlock must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCore
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * system,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream
Write a RadSystemCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | system | - The RadSystemCore to write. |
[in] | stream | - The Geo::IGeoStream to write to. |
the RadDataBlock contained in the RadSystemCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCoreForInPlace
const RadSystemCore * system,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCoreToFile
const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * system,
const char * filename
Write a RadSystemCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.
[in] | system | - The RadSystemCore to write. |
[in] | filename | - The name of the file to write. |
the RadDataBlock contained in the RadSystemCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed. |
public: void WriteSortedLightsToMem
SortedLights * sortedLights,
void * destMem
Write the sorted lights to memory.
This will be the buffer that the GPU uses to read lights from.
[in] | sortedLights | A valid SortedLights buffer created though a call to CreateSortedLights() |
[in] | destMem | A pointer to memory where the CachedData of the sorted lights will be written to. |
public: bool GEO_CALL WriteTransparencyBufferForInPlace
const TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer,
Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode
These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.
Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.
public: enum AggregateProfileItem
Items we record for totals.
public: enum CubeMapProfileItem
Items we record against cube maps.
public: enum eAutoSimpMode
The UV auto generation / simplification mode for a mesh.
Used as part of PrecompMeshProperties.
ASM_NONE | Switch AutoUV generation off. |
ASM_SIMPLIFY_NO_UVS | Switch AutoUV generation on and use auto generated UVs for all charts. |
ASM_SIMPLIFY_USING_UVS | Switch AutoUV generation on, use auto UV generated UVs only if they are better than the input UVs. |
public: enum eBakeLightType
Different types of baking input lights.
BAKE_LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID | Invalid light type. |
BAKE_LIGHT_TYPE_RECTANGULAR_LIGHT | Rectangular area light. |
public: enum EBakeType
Bake output format.
ebtTexture | Use texture bake output. |
ebtVertex | Use vertex bake output. |
ebtProbe | Use probe bake output. |
public: enum eCubemapFilterMode
Enumeration of the different types of cubemap mip filter.
CUBEMAP_FILTER_NONE | Enlighten do not generate any mipmaps. |
CUBEMAP_FILTER_BOX | Box filter within each face (DX9). Not compatible with PBR. Seams at face boundaries. |
CUBEMAP_FILTER_UNREAL | Trowbridge-Reitz (GGX) filter. Up to 2x the cost of box filter. Compatible with Unreal Engine PBR renderer. |
public: enum eLightType
Different types of Enlighten input lights.
LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID | Invalid light type. |
LIGHT_TYPE_RECTANGLE_LIGHT | Rectangular area light (only available on PC) |
public: enum eMeshClassificationLightingType
Enumeration for reporting results of the first step of Mesh Classification (lightmap-lit or probe-lit).
public: enum EnlightenTaskType
The MultithreadCpuWorker works by putting tasks in a list, and then executing TaskProcessors on several threads in parallel.
A TaskProcessor pulls tasks off the list one by one, until either the whole list is done, or an ILimiter tells it to stop.
The executing threads are accessed through the IThreadGroup interface. If none is supplied then the MultithreadCpuWorker will create a DefaultThreadGroup which executes tasks in serial on the calling thread (ie the update manager worker thread). When it is destroyed, the MultithreadCpuWorker will call Release() on the IThreadGroup interface it was passed. There is an implementation of IThreadGroup which uses Intel Threaded Building Blocks in the TbbThreadGroup.h header (which does not get compiled in to EnlightenHRLT).
ILimiter is an optional interface which can be implemented by the application. A simple FixedTimeLimiter is included here which times out after a given fixed time. Note that the limiter only controls the point at which new tasks can be started, not the total time taken.
The Enlighten update loop consists of three multithreaded phases: input lighting, solve tasks, and probe interpolation. Within each phase tasks can run in parallel (for instance, a probe set can be solved at the same time as a system), but tasks from different phases cannot run together.
If no limiter is supplied, the MultithreadCpuWorker will complete one full pass through the update loop for each call to UpdateRadiosity(). However, it can remembers where in the udpate loop it previously stopped, so if a limiter tells it to stop part-way through an update it will resume from where it left off. This ensures that the Enlighten data remains in a consistent state at all times. Enumeration of Enlighten task types. These are executed by the TaskProcessors.
public: enum eOutputFormat
Output formats.
OUTPUT_FORMAT_FP16 | 16-bits-per-pixel-per-channel floating point (D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F; 8 byte per pixel). |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_LRB | 16 bit fixed point luminance; 8 bit red and blue (D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8; 4 byte per pixel). |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_R11G11B10 | Floating point, 11 bits per channel R and G, with 10 bit B. Identical to DX11 format DXGI_FORMAT_R11G11B10_FLOAT ( |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5 | Floating point, 9 bits per channel mantissa with shared 5 bit exponent. Identical to DX11 format DXGI_FORMAT_R9G9B9E5_SHAREDEXP ( |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_RGBM | 8 bit fixed point red, green and blue, with an 8 bit multiplier. |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_DIRECT_TO_BOUNCE | Format used internally for solving direct to the bounce buffer. |
public: enum eOutputFormatByteOrder
To support both DX9 and DX11 rendering with the same shader code, the solve functions can output 8-bit-per-pixel texture data in either byte order.
This applies to the directional output texture and to irradiance or cube map textures in LRB format. This enum only affects the SSE, NEON and reference solvers.
OUTPUT_FORMAT_BYTE_ORDER_BGRA | Write 8-bit-per-pixel textures in BGRA (DX9) byte order. |
OUTPUT_FORMAT_BYTE_ORDER_RGBA | Write 8-bit-per-pixel textures in RGBA (DX11) byte order. |
public: enum ePppiVolumeTextureFormat
Volume texture formats used by the per-pixel probe interpolation runtime.
public: enum ePrecompCubeMapQuality
Quality levels for the raytracing in the cube map precompute.
Each levels correspond to a number of rays that get generated and cast per pixel.
ePrecompQuality |
PCMQ_MEDIUM | The default. |
public: enum ePrecompMaterialBackfaceBehaviourType
Determines how to treat back faces when precomputing light transport.
epmbbtInvalid | |
epmbbtBlack | |
epmbbtTransparent | |
epmbbtDoubleSided | |
epmbbtNumValues |
public: enum ePrecompMaterialShadowfaceBehaviourType
epmsfbtDefault = epmsfbtBoth
Determines which faces cast shadows when precomputing directional visibility.
epmsfbtFront | |
epmsfbtBack | |
epmsfbtBoth | |
epmsfbtNumValues | |
epmsfbtDefault |
public: enum ePrecompQuality
PCQ_DRAFT = 512,
PCQ_LOW = 2048,
PCQ_MEDIUM = 8192,
PCQ_HIGH = 32768,
PCQ_VERY_HIGH = 131072
Quality levels for majority of raytracing in the precompute, except cube maps.
Each levels correspond to a number of rays that get generated and than cast over the sphere and/or hemisphere. More rays result in a better approximation and therefore higher quality.
ePrecompCubeMapQuality |
public: enum eProbeOutputFormat
Probe Interpolation output formats.
PROBE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_FP16 | 16-bits-per-pixel-per-channel floating point. |
PROBE_OUTPUT_FORMAT_FP32 | 32-bits-per-pixel-per-channel floating point. |
NUM_PROBE_OUTPUT_FORMATS | Number of available output formats. |
public: enum eRadDataType
Valid data types for use with the RadDataBlock class.
public: enum eSHOrder
SH_ORDER_L0 = 1,
SH_ORDER_L1 = 4,
Supported Spherical Harmonic types.
SH_ORDER_DISABLED | disabled spherical harmonic |
SH_ORDER_L0 | L=0 spherical harmonics (DC component only) |
SH_ORDER_L1 | L=1 spherical harmonics. |
SH_ORDER_L2 | L=2 spherical harmonics. |
public: enum eSolverType
Valid solver types for use with the RadDataBlock class.
SOLVER_REFERENCE | All reference solvers. |
SOLVER_SSE | SSE2+ compatible architecture (usually a Windows PC) |
SOLVER_NEON | ARM NEON (most iOS and Android) |
public: enum GeometryBuildResult
Enumeration for reporting geometry build success/fail.
GEOM_BUILD_SUCCESS | The geometry was built successfully. |
GEOM_BUILD_INVALID_MESH_INPUT | A mesh failed validation, or the geometry's output pixel size or atlas width/height was invalid. |
GEOM_BUILD_INVALID_MESH_PROPERTIES | The flags and/or parameters of a mesh were invalid, or the geometry contained no input mesh or no output mesh. |
GEOM_BUILD_PRECOMPUTE_FAILURE | An internal precompute error occurred. Contact Enlighten support. |
GEOM_BUILD_EMPTY | The geometry contained no meshes. |
GEOM_BUILD_USER_CANCELLED | The user cancelled the geometry build. |
GEOM_BUILD_INVALID_TERRAIN | Geometry is marked up as terrain, but has invalid terrain properties. |
GEOM_BUILD_INVALID_GEOM_PROPERTIES | Geometry has invalid properties. |
public: enum OutputTextureType
Enumeration of the different output textures produced by the Enlighten solvers.
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_IRRADIANCE | The Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL | The luminance/red Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL_G | The green Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_OUTPUT_DIRECTIONAL_B | The blue Directional Irradiance Output data. |
ENLIGHTEN_NUM_OUTPUT_TEXTURE_TYPES | Total number of output textures per system. |
public: enum PipelineEnvironmentResolution{}
The allowed values for Environment resolution.
public: enum PipelineFormFactorBudget{}
The recommended values for Irradiance Budget.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityGroupType{}
Whether the instance group can be automatically split by the precompute.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityLightingType{}
The way a radiosity instance is lit by Enlighten indirect lighting.
public: enum PipelineRadiosityShadowType{}
Whether an instance casts an indirect shadow.
public: enum PipelineWorldAxis{}
The direction in which a world axis points.
public: enum PrecomputeDistribute{}
The way the precompute process should be distributed.
public: enum PrecomputeResult{}
The result of the precompute process.
public: enum ProbeOctreeResolution
The resolution at which probes should be placed.
public: enum ProbeSetProfileItem
Items we record against probe sets.
public: enum ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType
Enumeration of the different probe volume output textures.
ENLIGHTEN_PROBE_VOLUME_R | The red channel of probe volume data. |
ENLIGHTEN_PROBE_VOLUME_G | The green channel of probe volume data. |
ENLIGHTEN_PROBE_VOLUME_B | The blue channel of probe volume data. |
ENLIGHTEN_PROBE_VOLUME_ENV_VIS_SH | The environment visibility data. |
ENLIGHTEN_PROBE_VOLUME_NUM_TYPES | Total number of probe volume output textures. |
public: enum SolveType
Enumeration of the different types of solve.
ENLIGHTEN_IRRADIANCE_ONLY | Computes only the irradiance texture. |
ENLIGHTEN_DIRECTIONAL_IRRADIANCE | Computes irradiance and the additional directional texture. |
ENLIGHTEN_DIRECTIONAL_IRRADIANCE_RGB | Computes irradiance and three additional directional textures for R, G and B channels. |
public: enum SystemProfileItem
Items we record against systems.
public: enum TextureFormat
GEO_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR =(TextureFormat_A16B16G16R16_Deprecated),
GEO_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR =(TextureFormat_A16B16G16R16_Deprecated),
GEO_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR =(TextureFormat_A16B16G16R16_Deprecated),
GEO_DEPRECATED_ENUMERATOR =(TextureFormat_A16B16G16R16_Deprecated),
Enumeration of output texture formats used by the high level run-time.
TextureFormat_A16B16G16R16F | |
TextureFormat_A32B32G32R32F | |
TextureFormat_A8R8G8B8 | |
TextureFormat_R8G8B8A8_UINT | |
TextureFormat_R8 | |
TextureFormat_R32F | |
TextureFormat_R11G11B10 | |
TextureFormat_R9G9B9E5 | |
TextureFormat_UNKNOWN |
public: enum VolumeQueryResult
The result of a volume query.
VOLUMEQUERYESULT_OUTSIDE | Completely outside. |
VOLUMEQUERYESULT_INSIDE | Completely inside. |
public: enum WorldAxis{}
An unit vector aligned with one of vectors of the 3D standard basis, encoded in the range [0, 6).