Class representing the local bounding box and corresponding output probe resolution of a dynamic object, so that it can be lit with volume textures of SH probe data.
Name | Description |
Geo::GeoGuid m_Id | GUID identifying the dynamic object. |
Geo::GeoBoundingBox m_LocalBoundingBox | Axis-aligned bounding box of the object in local coordinates. |
Geo::s32 m_XRes | Resolution of the output volume texture in the local X axis. |
Geo::s32 m_YRes | Resolution of the output volume texture in the local Y axis. |
Geo::s32 m_ZRes | Resolution of the output volume texture in the local Z axis. |
Name | Description |
GetLocalProbePosition(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32) | Helper function to compute the position of the (xth, yth, zth) probe in local space, computed from the bounding box and resolutions. |
public: Geo::v128 GetLocalProbePosition
Geo::s32 x,
Geo::s32 y,
Geo::s32 z
) const
Helper function to compute the position of the (xth, yth, zth) probe in local space, computed from the bounding box and resolutions.