This class is the base interface for the singleton object which manages all of the Enlighten updates for the systems and lights in the world, according to the current update strategy, solve type and albedo type.
Name | Description |
AllocateCubeMap(const RadCubeMapCore *, IGpuTexture *, Geo::u8) | Allocate a cube map object. |
AllocateDynamicObject(const Enlighten::DynamicObject &) | Allocate a dynamic object. |
AllocateProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer, Geo::u8) | Allocate a probe set object. |
AllocateProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, bool, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer, Geo::u8) | Allocate a probe set object. |
AllocateStaticProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer, Geo::u8) | Allocate a probe set object that is not solved at runtime. |
AllocateStaticProbeSet(const RadProbeSetCore *, bool, Enlighten::eSHOrder, RawBuffer, Geo::u8) | Allocate a probe set object that is not solved at runtime. |
AllocateStaticSystem(Geo::GeoGuid, InputLightingBuffer *, Geo::s32) | Allocate a radiosity system where the lighting does not change at runtime. |
AllocateSystem(const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, Geo::s32, Geo::u8) | Allocate a radiosity system. |
AllocateSystem(const RadSystemCore *, const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, IGpuTexture *, Geo::s32, Geo::u8) | Allocate a radiosity system. |
AllocateSystem(const RadSystemCore *, const InputWorkspace *, const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, Geo::s32, Geo::u8) | Allocate a radiosity system. |
AllocateSystemSolutionSpace(const RadSystemCore *) | Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system. |
AllocateSystemSolutionSpace(const RadSystemCore *, IGpuTexture *) | Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system. |
Clear() | Wait until asynchronous processing has finished, then remove all objects from the update manager. |
DetachCubeMap(Geo::GeoGuid) | Advanced: remove a cube map from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal. |
DetachDynamicObject(Geo::GeoGuid) | Advanced: remove a dynamic object from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal. |
DetachSystem(Geo::GeoGuid) | Advanced: remove a system from the render thread-side system list, prior to its removal. |
EnqueueAddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *) | Add a previously allocated cube map to the worker's list. |
EnqueueAddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *) | Add a previously allocated dynamic object to the worker's list. |
EnqueueAddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *) | Add a previously allocated probe set to the worker's list. |
EnqueueAddSystem(BaseSystem *) | Add a previously allocated system to the worker's list. |
EnqueueReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, Geo::s32) | Enqueue system solution spaces release. |
EnqueueRemoveAllLights() | Removes all lights. |
EnqueueRemoveCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *) | Remove the previously added cube map. |
EnqueueRemoveDynamicObject(Geo::GeoGuid) | Removes a dynamic object. |
EnqueueRemoveEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid) | Removes an environment. |
EnqueueRemoveLight(Geo::GeoGuid) | Removes a light. |
EnqueueRemoveProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *) | Remove the previously added probe set. |
EnqueueRemoveSystem(BaseSystem *) | Remove the previously added system. |
EnqueueRemoveSystemSolutionSpaces(Geo::GeoGuid) | Enqueue system solution spaces remove. |
EnqueueSetAllUpdateCounters(Geo::s32) | Set the update counters for all systems, probe sets and cube maps in the update manager. |
EnqueueSetDoFullSolveNextFrame() | Set the flag which turns off temporal coherence for the next frame and performs a full solve from scratch. |
EnqueueSetLightBankUpdateCounter(Geo::s32, Geo::s32) | Set the light bank update counter for the given light bank. |
EnqueueSetProbeSetTransform(Geo::GeoGuid, const Geo::Matrix &) | Set the world-to-local-space transform for the given probe set. This will trigger a global recomputation of all probe interpolants. |
EnqueueSetVisibilityBits(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::GeoGuid, void *) | Set the visibility data associated to a given (system/cube map, spotlight) pair. |
EnqueueSetWorkerProperties(const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties &) | Enqueue a change to the worker's global state. |
EnqueueUpdateEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32, const Geo::v128 *) | Update the environment with the given GUID. If this environment hasn't been updated before it will be added to the update manager. |
EnqueueUpdateLight(const Geo::GeoGuid &, const LightType &, UpdateLightOptions) | Add the light. |
FlushCommands() | Wait for all commands to be executed before proceeding. This blocks the current thread, potentially for a long time. |
GetCubeMapTexture(Geo::GeoGuid) | Get the output texture for the cube map texture. |
GetDynamicObjectEnvironmentVisibilityShCoeff(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::SHCoeff &) | Gets the environment visibility probe output for a given dynamic object. |
GetDynamicObjectShCoeff(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::SHCoeff &, Geo::SHCoeff &, Geo::SHCoeff &) | Gets the probe output for a given dynamic object. |
GetNumCubeMaps() | Returns number of cube maps registered with the update manager. |
GetNumDynamicObjects() | Returns number of dynamic objects registered with the update manager. |
GetNumProbeSets() | Returns number of probe sets registered with the update manager. |
GetNumSystems() | Returns number of systems registered with the update manager. |
GetOutputTexture(Geo::GeoGuid, OutputTextureType) | Gets the output texture of the given type for the given system. |
GetProbeOutput(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32) | Returns the probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces compressed output. |
GetProbeOutputIfUpdated(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32 *) | Returns the probe output if the probeset has been updated since this function was last called on it, otherwise NULL Cannot be used in combination with PPPI. |
GetTextureUpdateTicks() | Get the total number of ticks spent updating GPU textures. |
GetU8ProbeOutput(Geo::GeoGuid, Geo::s32) | Returns the compressed probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces uncompressed output. |
GetWorldToUvwMatrix(Geo::GeoGuid) | Gets the matrix to transform world space to UVW texture space for a dynamic object. |
HasCubeMap(Geo::GeoGuid) | Returns true if the update manager has a cube map with this GUID; false if it doesn't. |
HasDynamicObject(Geo::GeoGuid) | Returns true if the update manager has a dynamic object with this GUID. |
HasProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid) | Returns true if the update manager has a probe set with this GUID; false if it doesn't. |
HasSystem(Geo::GeoGuid) | Returns true if the update manager has a system with this GUID; false if it doesn't. |
IsUpdateLimited() | Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled? |
NonCopyable(NonCopyable &&) | Defaulted to allow move. |
operator=(NonCopyable &&) | Defaulted to allow move. |
Release() | Destroys the update manager and all the resources it owns. |
Release() | Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries. |
RequiresVisibilityDataOnCpu() | Returns true for Update Managers that require spotlight visibility to be copied to the CPU before it can be used. |
StopWorking() | Wait for all asynchronous processing to finish, then quit the worker thread(s), if any. |
Update(Geo::u8) | The main update function. |
Update(const Geo::v128 &, float, const PppiIrradiance16 *, IPppiComputeUpdateHandler *, Geo::u8) | The main update function. |
UpdatePppiBorder(const PppiIrradiance &) | Update the lighting for parts of the PPPI volume not covered by any probe set. |
public: BaseCubeMap * AllocateCubeMap
const RadCubeMapCore * coreData,
IGpuTexture * outputTexture,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a cube map object.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read any time after EnqueueAddCubeMap and before the completion of the async RemoveCubeMap command.
[in] | coreData | The runtime data that represents the cube map. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | outputTexture | The cubemap output texture. Takes ownership. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this cube map. |
public: BaseDynamicObject * AllocateDynamicObject
const Enlighten::DynamicObject & dynamicObjectDesc
Allocate a dynamic object.
This will add the object to the update manager's list but it must be separately added to the worker's copy via EnqueueAddDynamicObject.
[in] | dynamicObjectDesc | The dynamic object to add |
public: BaseProbeSet * AllocateProbeSet
const RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
Enlighten::eSHOrder shOrder,
RawBuffer output,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a probe set object.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read (and output may be written) any time after EnqueueAddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. Only one copy of a given probe set may be allocated/added at a time. Returns null if the same probe set is added a second time before being removed. In the case where two zones each contain the same probe set data (same GUID) allocate/add the probe set once when the first zone is loaded, and remove the probe set once after the last zone which contains the probe set is unloaded.
[in] | coreData | The runtime data that represents the probe set. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | shOrder | The number of spherical harmonic coefficients in the solved output for this probe set. |
[in] | output | The (optional) output buffer. Owned by the caller. This buffer may be written to any time after AddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this probe set. |
public: BaseProbeSet * AllocateProbeSet
const RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
bool useU8Output,
Enlighten::eSHOrder shOrder,
RawBuffer output,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a probe set object.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read (and output may be written) any time after EnqueueAddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. Only one copy of a given probe set may be allocated/added at a time. Returns null if the same probe set is added a second time before being removed. In the case where two zones each contain the same probe set data (same GUID) allocate/add the probe set once when the first zone is loaded, and remove the probe set once after the last zone which contains the probe set is unloaded.
[in] | coreData | The runtime data that represents the probe set. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | useU8Output | When true, this probe set is solved to compressed probe output format. This may reduce lighting quality and introduce artifacts. |
[in] | shOrder | The number of spherical harmonic coefficients in the solved output for this probe set. |
[in] | output | The (optional) output buffer. Owned by the caller. This buffer may be written to any time after AddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this probe set. |
public: BaseProbeSet * AllocateStaticProbeSet
const RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
Enlighten::eSHOrder shOrder,
RawBuffer output,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a probe set object that is not solved at runtime.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read (and output may be written) any time after EnqueueAddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command.
[in] | coreData | The runtime data that represents the probe set. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | shOrder | The number of spherical harmonic coefficients in the solved output for this probe set. |
[in] | output | The (optional) output buffer. Owned by the caller. This buffer may be written to any time after AddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this probe set. |
public: BaseProbeSet * AllocateStaticProbeSet
const RadProbeSetCore * coreData,
bool useU8Output,
Enlighten::eSHOrder shOrder,
RawBuffer output,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a probe set object that is not solved at runtime.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read (and output may be written) any time after EnqueueAddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command.
[in] | coreData | The runtime data that represents the probe set. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | useU8Output | When true, this probe set is solved to compressed probe output format. This may reduce lighting quality and introduce artifacts. |
[in] | shOrder | The number of spherical harmonic coefficients in the solved output for this probe set. |
[in] | output | The (optional) output buffer. Owned by the caller. This buffer may be written to any time after AddProbeSet and before the completion of the async RemoveProbeSet command. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this probe set. |
public: BaseSystem * AllocateStaticSystem
Geo::GeoGuid systemId,
InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
Geo::s32 lightChannels
Allocate a radiosity system where the lighting does not change at runtime.
A saved InputLightingBuffer ensures that the lighting bounces into systems which depend on this system. Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read any time after EnqueueAddSystem and before the completion of the async RemoveSystem command.
[in] | systemId | The unique ID of the system. Provide the same value to RemoveSystem. |
[in] | inputLightingBuffer | The (static) input lighting for the system. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | lightChannels | Only lights which have the same light channel bit set are used as input for this system. |
public: BaseSystem * AllocateSystem
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
Geo::s32 lightChannels,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a radiosity system.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read any time after EnqueueAddSystem and before the completion of the async RemoveSystem command.
[in] | inputWorkspace | The input workspace data for this system. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | visibilityData | The directional visibility data for this system. Owned by the caller. |
[in] | lightChannels | Only lights which have the same light channel bit set are used as input for this system. |
[in] | partition | The (optional) index of the partition containing this system. |
public: BaseSystem * AllocateSystem
const RadSystemCore * coreData,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
IGpuTexture * outputTextures,
Geo::s32 lightChannels,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a radiosity system.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read any time after EnqueueAddSystem and before the completion of the async RemoveSystem command. Takes ownership of the output textures.
public: BaseSystem * AllocateSystem
const RadSystemCore * coreData,
const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
Geo::s32 lightChannels,
Geo::u8 partition
Allocate a radiosity system.
Pointer parameters that are are owned by the caller may be read any time after EnqueueAddSystem and before the completion of the async RemoveSystem command.
public: ISystemSolutionSpace * AllocateSystemSolutionSpace
const RadSystemCore * coreData
Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system.
This version requires an IGpuTextureAllocator to have been set on the update manager properties.
public: ISystemSolutionSpace * AllocateSystemSolutionSpace
const RadSystemCore * coreData,
IGpuTexture * outputTextures
Allocate the solution space, which contains the textures and memory for the output, for a system.
This version requires the customer allocated textures to be provided.
public: void Clear()
Wait until asynchronous processing has finished, then remove all objects from the update manager.
public: void DetachCubeMap
Geo::GeoGuid cubeMapId
Advanced: remove a cube map from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal.
This is automatically performed by EnqueueRemoveCubeMap, so only needs to be called if you are using a custom command to perform the removal.
public: void DetachDynamicObject
Geo::GeoGuid objectId
Advanced: remove a dynamic object from the render thread-side list, prior to its removal.
This is automatically performed by EnqueueRemoveDynamicObject, so only needs to be called if you are using a custom command to perform the removal.
public: void DetachSystem
Geo::GeoGuid systemId
Advanced: remove a system from the render thread-side system list, prior to its removal.
This is automatically performed by EnqueueRemoveSystem, so only needs to be called if you are using a custom command to perform the removal.
public: bool EnqueueAddCubeMap
BaseCubeMap * cubeMap
Add a previously allocated cube map to the worker's list.
public: bool EnqueueAddDynamicObject
BaseDynamicObject * object
Add a previously allocated dynamic object to the worker's list.
public: bool EnqueueAddProbeSet
BaseProbeSet * probeSet
Add a previously allocated probe set to the worker's list.
public: bool EnqueueAddSystem
BaseSystem * system
Add a previously allocated system to the worker's list.
public: void EnqueueReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces
ISystemSolutionSpace *const * ,
Geo::s32 count
Enqueue system solution spaces release.
This will add the solution spaces to a list of objects to destroy on next update.
public: void EnqueueRemoveAllLights()
Removes all lights.
public: void EnqueueRemoveCubeMap
BaseCubeMap * cubeMap
Remove the previously added cube map.
public: void EnqueueRemoveDynamicObject
Geo::GeoGuid objectId
Removes a dynamic object.
public: void EnqueueRemoveEmissiveEnvironment
Geo::GeoGuid environmentId
Removes an environment.
public: void EnqueueRemoveLight
Geo::GeoGuid lightId
Removes a light.
public: void EnqueueRemoveProbeSet
BaseProbeSet * probeSet
Remove the previously added probe set.
public: void EnqueueRemoveSystem
BaseSystem * system
Remove the previously added system.
public: void EnqueueRemoveSystemSolutionSpaces
Geo::GeoGuid systemId
Enqueue system solution spaces remove.
This will remove all the solution spaces from a system.
public: void EnqueueSetAllUpdateCounters
Geo::s32 count
Set the update counters for all systems, probe sets and cube maps in the update manager.
public: void EnqueueSetDoFullSolveNextFrame()
Set the flag which turns off temporal coherence for the next frame and performs a full solve from scratch.
public: void EnqueueSetLightBankUpdateCounter
Geo::s32 lightBankId,
Geo::s32 count
Set the light bank update counter for the given light bank.
public: void EnqueueSetProbeSetTransform
Geo::GeoGuid probeSetId,
const Geo::Matrix & transform
Set the world-to-local-space transform for the given probe set. This will trigger a global recomputation of all probe interpolants.
public: void EnqueueSetVisibilityBits
Geo::GeoGuid objectId,
Geo::GeoGuid lightId,
void * visibilityBits
Set the visibility data associated to a given (system/cube map, spotlight) pair.
Typically, this data will have been computed using the GPU (for instance, in GeoRadiosity by the GpuSpotlightVisibilityEngine).
public: bool EnqueueSetWorkerProperties
const UpdateManagerWorkerProperties & properties
Enqueue a change to the worker's global state.
public: void EnqueueUpdateEmissiveEnvironment
Geo::GeoGuid environmentId,
Geo::s32 resolution,
const Geo::v128 * values
Update the environment with the given GUID. If this environment hasn't been updated before it will be added to the update manager.
public: void EnqueueUpdateLight
const Geo::GeoGuid & guid,
const LightType & light,
UpdateLightOptions options
Add the light.
[in] | guid | The unique ID of the light source. |
[in] | light | The light object derived from Enlighten::InputLightBase |
[in] | options | Optional properties of the light. |
public: void FlushCommands()
Wait for all commands to be executed before proceeding. This blocks the current thread, potentially for a long time.
public: IGpuTexture * GetCubeMapTexture
Geo::GeoGuid cubeMapId
) const
Get the output texture for the cube map texture.
Implemented with a binary search by GUID. To avoid calling this, keep a reference to the output texture you provide to AllocateCubeMap.
public: bool GetDynamicObjectEnvironmentVisibilityShCoeff
Geo::GeoGuid objectId,
Geo::SHCoeff & envVisCoeff
) const
Gets the environment visibility probe output for a given dynamic object.
public: bool GetDynamicObjectShCoeff
Geo::GeoGuid objectId,
Geo::SHCoeff & redCoeff,
Geo::SHCoeff & greenCoeff,
Geo::SHCoeff & blueCoeff
) const
Gets the probe output for a given dynamic object.
public: Geo::s32 GetNumCubeMaps() const
Returns number of cube maps registered with the update manager.
public: Geo::s32 GetNumDynamicObjects() const
Returns number of dynamic objects registered with the update manager.
public: Geo::s32 GetNumProbeSets() const
Returns number of probe sets registered with the update manager.
public: Geo::s32 GetNumSystems() const
Returns number of systems registered with the update manager.
public: IGpuTexture * GetOutputTexture
Geo::GeoGuid systemId,
OutputTextureType textureType
) const
Gets the output texture of the given type for the given system.
Implemented with a binary search by GUID. To avoid calling this, keep a reference to the output textures you provide to AllocateSystem or AllocateSystemSolutionSpace.
public: const float * GetProbeOutput
Geo::GeoGuid probeSetId,
Geo::s32 probeIndex
) const
Returns the probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces compressed output.
public: const float * GetProbeOutputIfUpdated
Geo::GeoGuid probeSetId,
Geo::s32 * outStride
) const
Returns the probe output if the probeset has been updated since this function was last called on it, otherwise NULL Cannot be used in combination with PPPI.
/param[out] outStride If not NULL, receives the output stride in floats.
public: Geo::s64 GetTextureUpdateTicks() const
Get the total number of ticks spent updating GPU textures.
public: const Geo::u8 * GetU8ProbeOutput
Geo::GeoGuid probeSetId,
Geo::s32 probeIndex
) const
Returns the compressed probe output for the given probe set and probe index, or NULL if the probe set produces uncompressed output.
public: Geo::Matrix GetWorldToUvwMatrix
Geo::GeoGuid objectId
) const
Gets the matrix to transform world space to UVW texture space for a dynamic object.
public: bool HasCubeMap
Geo::GeoGuid cubeMapId
Returns true if the update manager has a cube map with this GUID; false if it doesn't.
public: bool HasDynamicObject
Geo::GeoGuid objectId
Returns true if the update manager has a dynamic object with this GUID.
public: bool HasProbeSet
Geo::GeoGuid probeSetId
Returns true if the update manager has a probe set with this GUID; false if it doesn't.
public: bool HasSystem
Geo::GeoGuid systemId
Returns true if the update manager has a system with this GUID; false if it doesn't.
public: bool IsUpdateLimited() const
Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?
public: NonCopyable
NonCopyable &&
Defaulted to allow move.
public: NonCopyable & operator=
NonCopyable &&
Defaulted to allow move.
public: void Release()
Destroys the update manager and all the resources it owns.
public: void Release()
Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.
Expect this to behave in a similar way to calling 'delete(this)'
public: bool RequiresVisibilityDataOnCpu() const
Returns true for Update Managers that require spotlight visibility to be copied to the CPU before it can be used.
public: void StopWorking()
Wait for all asynchronous processing to finish, then quit the worker thread(s), if any.
public: void Update
Geo::u8 partition
The main update function.
This should be called once per frame from the rendering thread.
public: PppiShaderParameters Update
const Geo::v128 & viewOrigin,
float lodDistance,
const PppiIrradiance16 * border,
IPppiComputeUpdateHandler * computeUpdateHandler,
Geo::u8 partition
The main update function.
This should be called once per frame from the rendering thread. Use this overload when per pixel probe lighting is enabled.
[in] | viewOrigin | The position in world units at which the greatest level of detail is required. This is usually the camera position. |
[in] | lodDistance | The distance in voxel units from the view origin at which to begin reduction of the level of detail, zero for maximum. |
[in] | border | If non-null, is the lighting for areas not covered by any probe set. |
[in] | computeUpdateHandler | If non-null, will be called during Update. |
[in] | partition | The index of the partition for which lighting is required. |
public: void UpdatePppiBorder
const PppiIrradiance & border
Update the lighting for parts of the PPPI volume not covered by any probe set.