Interface of the update manager worker.
Apart from the Find functions, which are used by worker functions (commands), these are the functions which can be enqueued by the main update manager thread. Custom commands can also be enqueued and run on the worker thread - see Command.h for details.
Name | Description |
AddCubeMap(BaseCubeMap *const &) | Add a cube map to the worker. |
AddDynamicObject(BaseDynamicObject *const &) | Add a dynamic object to the worker. |
AddProbeSet(BaseProbeSet *const &) | Add a probe set to the worker. |
AddSystem(BaseSystem *const &) | Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources. |
ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Clears the cube map volume transparency. |
ClearSystemVolumeTransparency(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Clears the system volume transparency. |
CopyAlbedoBuffer(CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer. |
CopyBounceBuffer(CopyBounceBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer. |
CopyEmissiveBuffer(CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer. |
CopyEmissiveEnvironment(CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment. |
CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a geoemtry transparency buffer. |
CopyInputLightingBuffer(CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer. |
CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer(CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer. |
CopyProbeOutput(CopyProbeOutputInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output. |
CopyRawOutput(CopyRawOutputInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output. |
CopyVisibilityBuffer(CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const &) | Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block. |
ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce() | Returns the value of the worker property m_ExcludeEnvrionmentInPrimaryBounce. |
GetLightMethodSelector() | Gets the light method selector. |
GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory() | Get the total size of probe set output workspaces. |
GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory() | Get the total size of probe set input workspaces. |
GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() | Get the size of the working memory required for solving. |
IsUpdateLimited() | Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled? |
ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet(Geo::GeoGuid const &, float) | Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set. |
ReadInputLightingBuffer(ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const &) | These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes. |
ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces(ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const &) | Release the solution spaces. |
RemoveAllLights() | Remove all lights. |
RemoveCubeMap(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveDynamicObject(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a dynamic object from the worker. |
RemoveEmissiveEnvironment(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Remove the environment with the given id. |
RemoveLight(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Remove the light with the given id. |
RemoveLightBank(Geo::s32 const &) | Remove a light bank. |
RemoveProbeSet(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveSystem(RemoveInfo const &) | Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially) |
RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces. |
SetAllUpdateCounters(Geo::s32 const &) | Set all system and probe update counters to count. |
SetDoFullSolveNextFrame() | Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame. |
SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame(Geo::GeoGuid const &) | Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame. |
SetLightBankUpdateCounter(SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const &) | Set a light bank update counter. |
SetProbeSetTransform(SetProbeSetTransformInfo const &) | Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform. |
SetSystemSolutionSpaces(ISystemSolutionSpace *const *, const Geo::s32, const Geo::s32) | Set the solution spaces used by a system. |
SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset(SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const &) | Sets the transparency sample position offset. |
SetVisibilityBits(SetVisibilityBitsInfo const &) | Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair. |
SetWorkerProperties(UpdateManagerWorkerProperties const &) | Set the worker global state. |
TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::BoxVolume &) | Triggers a transparency volume. |
TriggerTransparencyVolume(const Enlighten::SphereVolume &) | Triggers a transparency volume. |
UpdateEmissiveEnvironment(UpdateEnvironmentInfo const &) | Update (or add) the environment with the given id. |
UpdateLight(UpdateLightInfo const &) | Update (or add) the light with the given id. |
UpdateRadiosity(const Geo::v128 &) | The main radiosity update function. |
public: void AddCubeMap
BaseCubeMap *const & cubeMap
Add a cube map to the worker.
public: void AddDynamicObject
BaseDynamicObject *const & dynamicObject
Add a dynamic object to the worker.
public: void AddProbeSet
BaseProbeSet *const & probeSet
Add a probe set to the worker.
public: void AddSystem
BaseSystem *const & system
Add a system to the worker, and allocate any required auxiliary resources.
public: void ClearCubeMapVolumeTransparency
Geo::GeoGuid const & cubeMapId
Clears the cube map volume transparency.
public: void ClearSystemVolumeTransparency
Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId
Clears the system volume transparency.
public: void CopyAlbedoBuffer
CopyAlbedoBufferInfo const & copyInfo
Allocate and make a copy of an albedo buffer.
public: void CopyBounceBuffer
CopyBounceBufferInfo const & copyInfo
Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.
public: void CopyEmissiveBuffer
CopyEmissiveBufferInfo const & copyInfo
Allocate and make a copy of an emissive buffer.
public: void CopyEmissiveEnvironment
CopyEmissiveEnvironmentInfo const & copyEnvironmentInfo
Allocate and make a copy of an emissive environment.
public: void CopyGeometryTransparencyBuffer
CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo
Allocate and make a copy of a geoemtry transparency buffer.
public: void CopyInputLightingBuffer
CopyInputLightingBufferInfo const & copyInputLightingBufferInfo
Allocate and make a copy of an input lighting buffer.
public: void CopyMaterialTransparencyBuffer
CopyTransparencyBufferInfo const & copyInfo
Allocate and make a copy of a material transparency buffer.
public: void CopyProbeOutput
CopyProbeOutputInfo const & copyProbeOutputInfo
Allocate and make a copy of Enlighten probe set output.
public: void CopyRawOutput
CopyRawOutputInfo const & copyRawOutputInfo
Allocate and make a copy of raw Enlighten texture output.
public: void CopyVisibilityBuffer
CopyVisibilityBufferInfo const & copyVisibilityBufferInfo
Allocate and make a copy of a visibility data block.
public: bool ExcludesEnvironmentInPrimaryBounce() const
Returns the value of the worker property m_ExcludeEnvrionmentInPrimaryBounce.
public: LightMethodSelector * GetLightMethodSelector()
Gets the light method selector.
public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeInputWorkspaceMemory() const
Get the total size of probe set output workspaces.
public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfProbeOutputWorkspaceMemory() const
Get the total size of probe set input workspaces.
public: Geo::u32 GetSizeOfWorkingMemory() const
Get the size of the working memory required for solving.
public: bool IsUpdateLimited() const
Are we at the limit of the number of allowed enqueued updates, and therefore the update rate is throttled?
public: void ProbeSetManagerSetMaxWeightForProbeSet
Geo::GeoGuid const & probeSetGuid,
float maxWeight
Set max interpolation weight for a given probe set.
public: void ReadInputLightingBuffer
ReadInputLightingBufferInfo const & parameters
These functions are provided for debugging/visualisation purposes.
Read back the contents of an input lighting buffer.
public: void ReleaseSystemSolutionSpaces
ReleaseSystemSolutionSpacesInfo const & releaseInfo
Release the solution spaces.
public: void RemoveAllLights()
Remove all lights.
public: void RemoveCubeMap
RemoveInfo const & removeInfo
Remove a cube map from the worker (either completely or partially)
public: void RemoveDynamicObject
RemoveInfo const & removeInfo
Remove a dynamic object from the worker.
public: void RemoveEmissiveEnvironment
Geo::GeoGuid const & environmentId
Remove the environment with the given id.
public: void RemoveLight
Geo::GeoGuid const & lightId
Remove the light with the given id.
public: void RemoveLightBank
Geo::s32 const & bankId
Remove a light bank.
public: void RemoveProbeSet
RemoveInfo const & removeInfo
Remove a probe set from the worker (either completely or partially)
public: void RemoveSystem
RemoveInfo const & removeInfo
Remove a system from the worker (either completely or partially)
public: void RemoveSystemSolutionSpaces
Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId
Removes the solution spaces from the system. This function will not release the solution spaces.
public: void SetAllUpdateCounters
Geo::s32 const & count
Set all system and probe update counters to count.
public: void SetDoFullSolveNextFrame()
Disable temporal coherence so a full solve is performed next frame.
public: void SetDoIndirectInputLightingNextFrame
Geo::GeoGuid const & systemId
Sets a flag to run indirect input lighting on the next frame.
public: void SetLightBankUpdateCounter
SetLightBankUpdateCounterInfo const & updateCounterInfo
Set a light bank update counter.
public: void SetProbeSetTransform
SetProbeSetTransformInfo const & probeSetTransformInfo
Set a probe set world-to-local-space transform.
public: void SetSystemSolutionSpaces
ISystemSolutionSpace *const * solutionSpaces,
const Geo::s32 solutionSpacesCount,
const Geo::s32 indexForBounceResampling
Set the solution spaces used by a system.
Note that a system with a matching guid needs to already be added to the worker. This will only set the solution spaces if they all belong to the same system.
solutionSpaces | Raw array of ISystemSolutionSpace pointers |
solutionSpacesCount | Number of elements in the solutionSpaces array. |
indexForBounceResampling | The index for the solution space to use for bounce resampling. Should be the index of the solution space with the smallest output pixel size. |
public: void SetTransparencySamplePositionOffset
SetTransparencySamplePositionOffsetInfo const & offsetInfo
Sets the transparency sample position offset.
public: void SetVisibilityBits
SetVisibilityBitsInfo const & visibilityBitsInfo
Sets the visibility block for a (system, light) pair.
public: void SetWorkerProperties
UpdateManagerWorkerProperties const & properties
Set the worker global state.
public: void TriggerTransparencyVolume
const Enlighten::BoxVolume & volume
Triggers a transparency volume.
public: void TriggerTransparencyVolume
const Enlighten::SphereVolume & volume
Triggers a transparency volume.
public: void UpdateEmissiveEnvironment
UpdateEnvironmentInfo const & updateEnvironmentInfo
Update (or add) the environment with the given id.
public: void UpdateLight
UpdateLightInfo const & updateLightInfo
Update (or add) the light with the given id.
public: void UpdateRadiosity
const Geo::v128 & viewOrigin
The main radiosity update function.