class Enlighten::RadCubeMapTask

Structure describing a task to generate a cube map.

The cube map layout follows the DirectX definition, described here:

The output textures should match the face indexing shown in the image.

                  |             |
                  |  face 2     |
                  |             |
                  |     +y      |
                  |             |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |  face 1     |  face 4     |  face 0     |  face 5     |
    |             |             |             |             |
    |     -x      |    +z       |     +x      |     -z      |
    |             |             |             |             |
                  |             |
                  |  face 3     |
                  |             |
                  |    -y       |
                  |             |

In this release, the temporal coherence optimisation has not been implemented for cube maps, but parameters for it exist in the API. These are ignored but will be supported in a future release. We recommend you leave them at default values.


Name Description
bool m_ComputeMipMaps

If TRUE then a full mip chain will be computed.

const RadCubeMapCore * m_CoreCubeMap

Precompute data for cube map solved in this task.

eCubemapFilterMode m_CubemapFilterMode

Decide how cubemap mipmap is generate.

const InputLightingBuffer * m_Environment

Emissive environment for the task to read from. Must be 16-byte aligned, although may be NULL.

const InputLightingBuffer ** m_InputLighting

Ordered list of input lighting buffers that the task can read from.

Geo::u32 m_OutputFormat

Output format: one of the OUTPUT_FORMAT_* constants.

eOutputFormatByteOrder m_OutputFormatByteOrder

Whether to output 8-bit-per-pixel data in BGRA (DX9) or RGBA (DX11) byte order.

float m_OutputScale

Constant to premultiply by before format conversion. Defaults to 1 (no scale).

void * m_OutputTextures[6]

Cube map output.

const BounceBuffer ** m_RadiosityOnlyLighting

Ordered list of bounce buffers. If not NULL, the solver will compute radiosity-only cube map output.

float m_TemporalCoherenceEpsilon

(Not implemented in this release) Small bias value added to the lighting intensity to ensure stable computation.

float m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold

(Not implemented in this release) The threshold value for temporal coherence.


Name Description

Default constructor.


public: RadCubeMapTask()

Default constructor.