class Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator

iterator to a nonmodifiable GeoBitStore, allows reading data by the operator*()


Name Description
const_iterator(u8 *, u8)

Creates a const_iterator representing the given data pointer and bit offset.

operator!=(const const_iterator &)

Compares this iterator to another.


Gets the bit value this iterator is pointing to.


Advances this iterator to the next bit.


Advances this iterator by the given number of bits.

operator==(const const_iterator &)

Compares this iterator to another.


public: const_iterator
    u8 * ptr,
    u8 bit

Creates a const_iterator representing the given data pointer and bit offset.

bool Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator::operator!=

public: bool operator!=
    const const_iterator & rhs
) const

Compares this iterator to another.

bool Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator::operator*

public: bool operator*() const

Gets the bit value this iterator is pointing to.

const_iterator& Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator::operator++

public: const_iterator & operator++()

Advances this iterator to the next bit.

const_iterator Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator::operator++

public: const_iterator operator++

Advances this iterator by the given number of bits.

bool Geo::GeoBitStore::const_iterator::operator==

public: bool operator==
    const const_iterator & rhs
) const

Compares this iterator to another.