class Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator

A specialised circular/stack allocator hybrid for allocating solve workspace memory.


Name Description

Allocate memory from the allocator.

Dealloc(void *)

Return memory to the allocator.


Is the allocator completely empty (i.e. no outstanding allocations)?

WorkspaceAllocator(Geo::u32, Geo::u32)

Construct a new allocator with a specified block and maximum size.

void* Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator::Alloc

public: void * Alloc
    Geo::u32 size

Allocate memory from the allocator.

void Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator::Dealloc

public: void Dealloc
    void * ptr

Return memory to the allocator.

bool Enlighten::WorkspaceAllocator::IsEmpty

public: bool IsEmpty() const

Is the allocator completely empty (i.e. no outstanding allocations)?


public: WorkspaceAllocator
    Geo::u32 blockSize,
    Geo::u32 maxSize

Construct a new allocator with a specified block and maximum size.