Buffer that holds a chunk of rays and results.
Name | Description |
Geo::AbstractRayChunk::ResultsIterator | Iterator to a const ray result, allows iterating linearly over the ray results. |
Name | Description |
AddRay(const Geo::v128, const Geo::v128) | Add a ray to the set (must have already allocated enough space) |
Alloc(Geo::s32, Geo::s32) | Allocate buffer space for nRays and set the chunk id. |
BeginResults() | Gets an STL-style 'begin' iterator for the results. |
EndResults() | Gets an STL-style 'end' iterator for the results. |
GetId() | Gets the assigned chunk id. |
GetMaxSize() | Get the maximum number of rays that will fit in this chunk. |
GetRayConstPtr() | Ray data. |
GetRayCount() | Get the number of rays currently in this chunk. |
GetRayFilter() | Gets/sets the ray filter. |
GetRayPtr() | Ray data. |
GetResultsPtr() | Results data. |
SetRayCount(Geo::s32) | Set the number of rays in this chunk. |
SetRayFilter(Geo::u32) | Gets/sets the ray filter. |
Name | Description |
T RayType | Type of rays. |
public: bool AddRay
const Geo::v128 origin,
const Geo::v128 direction
Add a ray to the set (must have already allocated enough space)
public: bool Alloc
Geo::s32 nRays,
Geo::s32 id
Allocate buffer space for nRays and set the chunk id.
public: ResultsIterator BeginResults() const
Gets an STL-style 'begin' iterator for the results.
public: ResultsIterator EndResults() const
Gets an STL-style 'end' iterator for the results.
public: Geo::s32 GetId() const
Gets the assigned chunk id.
public: Geo::s32 GetMaxSize() const
Get the maximum number of rays that will fit in this chunk.
public: const RayType * GetRayConstPtr() const
Ray data.
public: Geo::s32 GetRayCount() const
Get the number of rays currently in this chunk.
public: Geo::u32 GetRayFilter() const
Gets/sets the ray filter.
public: RayType * GetRayPtr()
Ray data.
public: RayResult * GetResultsPtr()
Results data.
public: void SetRayCount
Geo::s32 sz
Set the number of rays in this chunk.
public: void SetRayFilter
Geo::u32 filter
Gets/sets the ray filter.