Defines file formats for saving run-time data structures to file and provides helper classes to drive the run-time radiosity system.

The code for Enlighten Utilities is included in the SDK distribution so that you can:

  1. Modify the way in which EnlightenPrecompute saves data to file.

  2. See how to drive the radiosity run-time on different platforms and different threading models.


Name Description
CopyAlbedoBufferBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *)

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

CopyDynamicMaterialWorkspaceBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *)

Copy an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object.

CopyEmissiveBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *)

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

CopyIncidentLightingBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *)

Copy an IncidentLightingBuffer object.

CopyInputLightingBuffer(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *)

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

CopyRadCubeMapCore(const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *, Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *)

Copies a RadCubeMapCore.

CopyRadSystemCore(const Enlighten::RadSystemCore *, Enlighten::RadSystemCore *)

Copies a RadSystemCore.

DeleteAlbedoBuffer(Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *&)

Free an AlbedoBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData(Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *&)

Free an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeleteDynamicMaterialWorkspace(Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *&)

Free an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object, and all the memory it owns.

DeleteEmissiveBuffer(Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *&)

Free an EmissiveBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

DeleteIncidentLightingBuffer(Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *&)

Free an IncidentLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

DeleteInputLightingBuffer(Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *&)

Free an InputLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

DeleteInputWorkspace(Enlighten::InputWorkspace *&)

Free an InputWorkspace object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData(Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *&)

Free a PrecomputedVisibilityData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeleteRadCubeMapCore(Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *&)

Free a RadCubeMapCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeleteRadProbeSetCore(Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *&)

Free a RadProbeSetCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeleteRadSystemCore(Enlighten::RadSystemCore *&)

Free a RadSystemCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

DeleteTransparencyBuffer(Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *&)

Free a TransparencyBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

FreeDataBlockContents(RadDataBlock *)

Free a RadDataBlock object, and all the memory it owns.


Defines a platform specific extension for some files, such as the InputWorkspace, that differ in content between platforms.

ReadAlbedoBuffer(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read an AlbedoBuffer from a stream.

ReadAlbedoBufferInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData(Geo::IGeoInputStream &, Geo::u32)

Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from a stream.

ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataFromFile(const char *, Geo::u32)

Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from file.

ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadDataBlock(RadDataBlock *, Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read a RadDataBlock from a Geo::IGeoInputStream. Will return an object that should be released with FreeDataBlockContents().

ReadDataBlockInPlace(RadDataBlock &, char *&)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspace(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read an DynamicMaterialWorkspace from a stream.

ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspaceInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadEmissiveBuffer(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read an EmissiveBuffer from a stream.

ReadEmissiveBufferInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadIncidentLightingBuffer(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read an IncidentLightingBuffer from a stream.

ReadIncidentLightingBufferInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadInputLightingBuffer(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read an InputLightingBuffer from a stream.

ReadInputLightingBufferInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadInputWorkspace(Geo::IGeoInputStream &, Geo::u32)

Read an InputWorkspace from a stream.

ReadInputWorkspaceFromFile(const char *, Geo::u32)

Read an InputWorkspace from file.

ReadInputWorkspaceInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadOptionalDataBlock(RadDataBlock *, Geo::IGeoInputStream &, Geo::u32, Geo::u32)

Read or skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoInputStream, depending on the sections requested and the id of the block.

ReadPrecomputedVisibilityData(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a stream.

ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataFromFile(const char *)

Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a file.

ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadProbeTaskOutput(Enlighten::RadProbeTask *, Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.

ReadProbeTaskOutputFromFile(Enlighten::RadProbeTask *, const char *)

Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.

ReadRadCubeMapCore(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read a RadCubeMapCore from a stream.

ReadRadCubeMapCoreFromFile(const char *)

Read a RadCubeMapCore from file.

ReadRadCubeMapCoreInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadRadProbeSetCore(Geo::IGeoInputStream &, Geo::u32)

Read run-time probeset data from a file.

ReadRadProbeSetCoreFromFile(const char *, Geo::u32)

Read run-time probe set data from a file.

ReadRadProbeSetCoreInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadRadSystemCore(Geo::IGeoInputStream &, Geo::u32)

Read a RadSystemCore from a stream.

ReadRadSystemCoreFromFile(const char *, Geo::u32)

Read a RadSystemCore from file.

ReadRadSystemCoreInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

ReadRadTaskOutput(Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &, eOutputFormat &, eOutputFormatByteOrder &, void *, void *, void *, Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file/stream.

ReadRadTaskOutputFromFile(Geo::s32 &, Geo::s32 &, eOutputFormat &, eOutputFormatByteOrder &, void *, void *, void *, const char *)

Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file.

ReadTransparencyBufferInPlace(char *, size_t)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

SkipDataBlock(Geo::IGeoInputStream &)

Skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoStream. Will advance the stream past a RadDataBlock without reading the contents.

WriteAlbedoBuffer(const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an AlbedoBuffer to a stream.

WriteAlbedoBufferForInPlace(const AlbedoBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData(const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataForInPlace(const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataToFile(const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *, const char *)

Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteDataBlock(const RadDataBlock &, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write a RadDataBlock to a Geo::IGeoStream.

WriteDataBlockForInPlace(const RadDataBlock &, char *&)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspace(const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an DynamicMaterialWorkspace to a stream.

WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspaceForInPlace(const DynamicMaterialWorkspace *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteEmissiveBuffer(const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an EmissiveBuffer to a stream.

WriteEmissiveBufferForInPlace(const EmissiveBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteIncidentLightingBuffer(const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an IncidentLightingBuffer to a stream.

WriteIncidentLightingBufferForInPlace(const IncidentLightingBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteInputLightingBuffer(const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an InputLightingBuffer to a stream.

WriteInputLightingBufferForInPlace(const InputLightingBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteInputLightingBufferToFile(const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *, const char *)

Write an InputLightingBuffer to file.

WriteInputWorkspace(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write an InputWorkspace to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteInputWorkspaceForInPlace(const InputWorkspace *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteInputWorkspaceToFile(const Enlighten::InputWorkspace *, const char *)

Write an InputWorkspace to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WritePrecomputedVisibilityData(const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a stream.

WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataForInPlace(const PrecomputedVisibilityData *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataToFile(const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *, const char *)

Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a file.

WriteProbeTaskOutput(const Enlighten::RadProbeTask *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.

WriteProbeTaskOutputToFile(const Enlighten::RadProbeTask *, const char *)

Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.

WriteRadCubeMapCore(const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write a RadCubeMapCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteRadCubeMapCoreForInPlace(const RadCubeMapCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteRadCubeMapCoreToFile(const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *, const char *)

Write a RadCubeMapCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutput(const RadIrradianceTask *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.

WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutputToFile(const RadIrradianceTask *, const char *)

Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.

WriteRadProbeSetCore(const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write run-time probeset data to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteRadProbeSetCoreForInPlace(const RadProbeSetCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteRadProbeSetCoreToFile(const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *, const char *)

Write run-time probeset data to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteRadSystemCore(const Enlighten::RadSystemCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &)

Write a RadSystemCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteRadSystemCoreForInPlace(const RadSystemCore *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

WriteRadSystemCoreToFile(const Enlighten::RadSystemCore *, const char *)

Write a RadSystemCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

WriteTransparencyBufferForInPlace(const TransparencyBuffer *, Geo::IGeoStream &, Geo::EConvertEndianMode)

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyAlbedoBufferBuffer

public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyAlbedoBufferBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * sourceAlbedoBuffer

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer.

[in] sourceAlbedoBuffer

- The AlbedoBuffer to copy from.

Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyDynamicMaterialWorkspaceBuffer

public: Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL CopyDynamicMaterialWorkspaceBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace

Copy an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer.

[in] materialWorkspace

- The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to copy from.

Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyEmissiveBuffer

public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyEmissiveBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * sourceEmissiveBuffer

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The InputWorkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer.

[in] sourceEmissiveBuffer

- The EmissiveBuffer to copy from.

Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyIncidentLightingBuffer

public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyIncidentLightingBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * sourceIncidentLightingBuffer

Copy an IncidentLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer.

[in] sourceIncidentLightingBuffer

- TheIncidentLightingBuffer to copy from.

Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyInputLightingBuffer

public: Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL CopyInputLightingBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * sourceInputLightingBuffer

Copy an InputLightingBuffer object.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The Inputworkspace to use to create the input lighting buffer.

[in] sourceInputLightingBuffer

- The InputLightingBuffer to copy from.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyRadCubeMapCore

public: void GEO_CALL CopyRadCubeMapCore
    const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * from,
    Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * to

Copies a RadCubeMapCore.

[in] from

- The core to copy from.

[in] to

- The core to copy to.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::CopyRadSystemCore

public: void GEO_CALL CopyRadSystemCore
    const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * from,
    Enlighten::RadSystemCore * to

Copies a RadSystemCore.

[in] from

- The core to copy from.

[in] to

- The core to copy to.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteAlbedoBuffer

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteAlbedoBuffer
    Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *& albedoBuffer

Free an AlbedoBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] albedoBuffer

- The AlbedoBuffer to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
    Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *& materialData

Free an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

This is intended to be used to delete objects created with one of the ReadCluster* functions.

[in] materialData

- The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteDynamicMaterialWorkspace

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteDynamicMaterialWorkspace
    Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *& materialWorkspace

Free an DynamicMaterialWorkspace object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] materialWorkspace

- The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteEmissiveBuffer

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteEmissiveBuffer
    Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *& emissiveBuffer

Free an EmissiveBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] emissiveBuffer

- The EmissiveBuffer to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteIncidentLightingBuffer

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteIncidentLightingBuffer
    Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *& incidentLightingBuffer

Free an IncidentLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] incidentLightingBuffer

- The IncidentLightingBuffer to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteInputLightingBuffer

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteInputLightingBuffer
    Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *& inputLightingBuffer

Free an InputLightingBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

- The InputLightingBuffer to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteInputWorkspace

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteInputWorkspace
    Enlighten::InputWorkspace *& inputWorkspace

Free an InputWorkspace object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The InputWorkspace to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData

public: void GEO_CALL DeletePrecomputedVisibilityData
    Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *& visibilityData

Free a PrecomputedVisibilityData object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

[in] visibilityData

- The PrecomputedVisibilityData to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteRadCubeMapCore

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadCubeMapCore
    Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *& cubeMapCore

Free a RadCubeMapCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

[in] cubeMapCore

- The RadCubeMapCore to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteRadProbeSetCore

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadProbeSetCore
    Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *& probeSet

Free a RadProbeSetCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

[in] probeSet

- The RadProbeSetCore to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteRadSystemCore

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteRadSystemCore
    Enlighten::RadSystemCore *& system

Free a RadSystemCore object, and all the memory (RadDataBlocks) it owns.

[in] system

- The RadSystemCore to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::DeleteTransparencyBuffer

public: void GEO_CALL DeleteTransparencyBuffer
    Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *& transparencyBuffer

Free a TransparencyBuffer object, and all the memory it owns.

[in] transparencyBuffer

- The TransparencyBuffer to free.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::FreeDataBlockContents

public: void GEO_CALL FreeDataBlockContents
    RadDataBlock * block

Free a RadDataBlock object, and all the memory it owns.

const char* Enlighten::GetSolverSuffix

public: const char * GetSolverSuffix
    eSolverType solverType

Defines a platform specific extension for some files, such as the InputWorkspace, that differ in content between platforms.

Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadAlbedoBuffer

public: Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadAlbedoBuffer
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read an AlbedoBuffer from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadAlbedoBufferInPlace

public: AlbedoBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadAlbedoBufferInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData

public: Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialGuidsSection to load the optional material guids data


Non-null if successful - remember to delete the pointer using DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData.

Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataFromFile

public: Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataFromFile
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData from file.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialGuidsSection to load the optional material guids data


Non-null if successful - remember to delete the pointer using DeleteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData.

ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataInPlace

public: ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData *GEO_CALL ReadClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadDataBlock

public: void GEO_CALL ReadDataBlock
    RadDataBlock * block,
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read a RadDataBlock from a Geo::IGeoInputStream. Will return an object that should be released with FreeDataBlockContents().

Always returns a relocatable data block.

void Enlighten::ReadDataBlockInPlace

public: void ReadDataBlockInPlace
    RadDataBlock & block,
    char *& ptr

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspace

public: Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspace
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read an DynamicMaterialWorkspace from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspaceInPlace

public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadDynamicMaterialWorkspaceInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadEmissiveBuffer

public: Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadEmissiveBuffer
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read an EmissiveBuffer from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadEmissiveBufferInPlace

public: EmissiveBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadEmissiveBufferInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadIncidentLightingBuffer

public: Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadIncidentLightingBuffer
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read an IncidentLightingBuffer from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadIncidentLightingBufferInPlace

public: IncidentLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadIncidentLightingBufferInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadInputLightingBuffer

public: Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadInputLightingBuffer
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read an InputLightingBuffer from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadInputLightingBufferInPlace

public: InputLightingBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadInputLightingBufferInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadInputWorkspace

public: Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspace
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read an InputWorkspace from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional dynamic data and/or Enlighten::Iff::ProjectedPointsInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional duster projection data and/or Enlighten::Iff::HighQualityBounceCoordinateDataSection to load the optional high quality bounce data


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteInputWorkspace.

Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadInputWorkspaceFromFile

public: Enlighten::InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspaceFromFile
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read an InputWorkspace from file.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional dynamic data and/or Enlighten::Iff::ProjectedPointsInputWorkspaceDataSection to load the optional duster projection data and/or Enlighten::Iff::HighQualityBounceCoordinateDataSection to load the optional high quality bounce data

InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadInputWorkspaceInPlace

public: InputWorkspace *GEO_CALL ReadInputWorkspaceInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadOptionalDataBlock

public: void GEO_CALL ReadOptionalDataBlock
    RadDataBlock * dataBlock,
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
    Geo::u32 sections,
    Geo::u32 optionalBlock

Read or skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoInputStream, depending on the sections requested and the id of the block.

Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadPrecomputedVisibilityData

public: Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityData
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a stream.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read

Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataFromFile

public: Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataFromFile
    const char * filename

Read a PrecomputedVisibilityData struct from a file.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read

PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataInPlace

public: PrecomputedVisibilityData *GEO_CALL ReadPrecomputedVisibilityDataInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadProbeTaskOutput

public: bool GEO_CALL ReadProbeTaskOutput
    Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.

The caller takes ownership of the loaded data, which includes deleting m_NumIndexesToSolve, m_OutputPointers and m_OutputPointers[0] (which is the main block of floats)

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadProbeTaskOutputFromFile

public: bool GEO_CALL ReadProbeTaskOutputFromFile
    Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
    const char * filename

Read the RadProbeTask results data from a file/stream.

The caller takes ownership of the loaded data, which includes deleting m_NumIndexesToSolve, m_OutputPointers and m_OutputPointers[0] (which is the main block of floats)

Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadCubeMapCore

public: Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCore
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read a RadCubeMapCore from a stream.

The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read.


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadCubeMapCore.

the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadCubeMapCore is always relocatable after load.

Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadCubeMapCoreFromFile

public: Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCoreFromFile
    const char * filename

Read a RadCubeMapCore from file.

The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read.


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadCubeMapCore.

the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadCubeMapCore is always relocatable after load.

RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadCubeMapCoreInPlace

public: RadCubeMapCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadCubeMapCoreInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadProbeSetCore

public: Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCore
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read run-time probeset data from a file.

The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to read

[in] sections

- Pass 0 to load no optional data or any combination of the following: Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::EntireProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetInterpolationDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetVisibilityDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetDebugDataSection


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadProbeSetCore.

the returned RadDataBlock is always relocatable.

RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadProbeSetCoreFromFile

public: Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCoreFromFile
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read run-time probe set data from a file.

The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms. Note this doesn't do any endian swapping. It assumes you are reading/writing the file on the same platform.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read

[in] sections

- Pass 0 to load no optional data or any combination of the following: Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::EntireProbeSetPrecompSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetInterpolationDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetVisibilityDataSection Enlighten::Iff::ProbeSetDebugDataSection


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadProbeSetCore.

the returned RadDataBlock is always relocatable.

RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadProbeSetCoreInPlace

public: RadProbeSetCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadProbeSetCoreInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadSystemCore

public: Enlighten::RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCore
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read a RadSystemCore from a stream.

The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoInputStream to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or a combination of Enlighten::Iff::ProjectionDataSection and/or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicRadiosityDataSection


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadSystemCore.

the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadSystemCore is always relocatable after load.

RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadSystemCoreFromFile

public: Enlighten::RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCoreFromFile
    const char * filename,
    Geo::u32 sections

Read a RadSystemCore from file.

The files are written in target-endian format, so the same loading code works for all platforms.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to read.

[in] sections

- Which of the optional data blocks to allocate and read. Pass 0 to load no optional data, or a combination of Enlighten::Iff::ProjectionDataSection and/or Enlighten::Iff::DynamicRadiosityDataSection


Non-null if successful - you must delete the pointer using DeleteRadSystemCore.

the RadDataBlock contained within the returned RadSystemCore is always relocatable after load.

RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadSystemCoreInPlace

public: RadSystemCore *GEO_CALL ReadRadSystemCoreInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t Size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadTaskOutput

public: bool GEO_CALL ReadRadTaskOutput
    Geo::s32 & outputWidth,
    Geo::s32 & outputHeight,
    eOutputFormat & outputFormat,
    eOutputFormatByteOrder & outputFormatByteOrder,
    void * irradianceOutput64,
    void * irradianceOutput32,
    void * directionalOutput,
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file/stream.

If the output width or height are set to zero, then only the header of the file is read, and the width, height outputFormat and outputFormatByteOrder are filled in. The function then returns true. If the output size is non-zero, the function assumes that the various output pointers are large enough to hold the incoming data. In general, users should not have to call these functions in their integration.

[out] outputWidth

- The width of the output texture

[out] outputHeight

- The height of the output texture

[out] outputFormat

- The format of the output texture

[out] outputFormatByteOrder

- The byte order of the LRB irradiance/directional output texture

[in] irradianceOutput64

- pointer large enough to hold 64-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. FP16). Pass NULL if not required

[in] irradianceOutput32

- pointer large enough to hold 32-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. LRB). Pass NULL if not required

[in] directionalOutput

- pointer large enough to hold directional output data. Pass NULL if not required

[in] stream

- The file stream from which to read the rad task data from

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadRadTaskOutputFromFile

public: bool GEO_CALL ReadRadTaskOutputFromFile
    Geo::s32 & outputWidth,
    Geo::s32 & outputHeight,
    eOutputFormat & outputFormat,
    eOutputFormatByteOrder & outputFormatByteOrder,
    void * irradianceOutput64,
    void * irradianceOutput32,
    void * directionalOutput,
    const char * filename

Read the RadIrradianceTask results data from a file.

Please see ReadRadTaskOutput for details.

[out] outputWidth

- The width of the output texture

[out] outputHeight

- The height of the output texture

[out] outputFormat

- The format of the output texture

[out] outputFormatByteOrder

- The byte order of the LRB irradiance/directional output texture

[in] irradianceOutput64

- pointer large enough to hold 64-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. FP16). Pass NULL if not required

[in] irradianceOutput32

- pointer large enough to hold 32-bit-per-pixel output data (e.g. LRB). Pass NULL if not required

[in] directionalOutput

- pointer large enough to hold directional output data. Pass NULL if not required

[in] filename

- The name of the rad task output file to read data from

Enlighten::TransparencyBuffer *GEO_CALL Enlighten::ReadTransparencyBufferInPlace

public: TransparencyBuffer *GEO_CALL ReadTransparencyBufferInPlace
    char * data,
    size_t size

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

void GEO_CALL Enlighten::SkipDataBlock

public: void GEO_CALL SkipDataBlock
    Geo::IGeoInputStream & stream

Skip a RadDataBlock in a Geo::IGeoStream. Will advance the stream past a RadDataBlock without reading the contents.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteAlbedoBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteAlbedoBuffer
    const Enlighten::AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an AlbedoBuffer to a stream.

[in] albedoBuffer

- The AlbedoBuffer to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteAlbedoBufferForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteAlbedoBufferForInPlace
    const AlbedoBuffer * albedoBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] materialData

- The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write to.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataForInPlace
    const ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialDataToFile
    const Enlighten::ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData * materialData,
    const char * filename

Write an ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] materialData

- The ClusterAlbedoWorkspaceMaterialData to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteDataBlock

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDataBlock
    const RadDataBlock & data,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write a RadDataBlock to a Geo::IGeoStream.

void * Enlighten::WriteDataBlockForInPlace

public: void * WriteDataBlockForInPlace
    const RadDataBlock & block,
    char *& ptr

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspace
    const Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace * materialWorkspace,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an DynamicMaterialWorkspace to a stream.

[in] materialWorkspace

- The DynamicMaterialWorkspace to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspaceForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteDynamicMaterialWorkspaceForInPlace
    const DynamicMaterialWorkspace * workspace,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteEmissiveBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteEmissiveBuffer
    const Enlighten::EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an EmissiveBuffer to a stream.

[in] emissiveBuffer

- The EmissiveBuffer to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteEmissiveBufferForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteEmissiveBufferForInPlace
    const EmissiveBuffer * emissiveBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteIncidentLightingBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteIncidentLightingBuffer
    const Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an IncidentLightingBuffer to a stream.

[in] incidentLightingBuffer

- The IncidentLightingBuffer to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteIncidentLightingBufferForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteIncidentLightingBufferForInPlace
    const IncidentLightingBuffer * incidentLightingBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputLightingBuffer

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBuffer
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an InputLightingBuffer to a stream.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

- The InputLightingBuffer to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputLightingBufferForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBufferForInPlace
    const InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputLightingBufferToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputLightingBufferToFile
    const Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer * inputLightingBuffer,
    const char * filename

Write an InputLightingBuffer to file.

[in] inputLightingBuffer

- The InputLightingBuffer to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputWorkspace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspace
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write an InputWorkspace to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The InputWorkspace to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write to.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputWorkspaceForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspaceForInPlace
    const InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteInputWorkspaceToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteInputWorkspaceToFile
    const Enlighten::InputWorkspace * inputWorkspace,
    const char * filename

Write an InputWorkspace to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] inputWorkspace

- The InputWorkspace to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WritePrecomputedVisibilityData

public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityData
    const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a stream.

[in] visibilityData

- The PrecomputedVisibilityData structure data to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataForInPlace
    const PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WritePrecomputedVisibilityDataToFile
    const Enlighten::PrecomputedVisibilityData * visibilityData,
    const char * filename

Write a PrecomputedVisibilityData structure to a file.

[in] visibilityData

- The PrecomputedVisibilityData structure data to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteProbeTaskOutput

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteProbeTaskOutput
    const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteProbeTaskOutputToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteProbeTaskOutputToFile
    const Enlighten::RadProbeTask * probeTask,
    const char * filename

Write the RadProbeTask results data to a file/stream.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadCubeMapCore

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCore
    const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write a RadCubeMapCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] cubeMapCore

- The RadCubeMapCore to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write to.

the RadDataBlock contained in the RadCubeMapCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadCubeMapCoreForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCoreForInPlace
    const RadCubeMapCore * cubeMap,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadCubeMapCoreToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadCubeMapCoreToFile
    const Enlighten::RadCubeMapCore * cubeMapCore,
    const char * filename

Write a RadCubeMapCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] cubeMapCore

- The RadCubeMapCore to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

the RadDataBlock contained in the RadCubeMapCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool Enlighten::WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutput

public: bool WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutput
    const RadIrradianceTask * task,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.

bool Enlighten::WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutputToFile

public: bool WriteRadIrradianceTaskOutputToFile
    const RadIrradianceTask * task,
    const char * filename

Write the RadIrradianceTask results data to a file/stream.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadProbeSetCore

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCore
    const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write run-time probeset data to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] probeSet

- The probe set data to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write.

the RadDataBlock must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadProbeSetCoreForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCoreForInPlace
    const RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadProbeSetCoreToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadProbeSetCoreToFile
    const Enlighten::RadProbeSetCore * probeSet,
    const char * filename

Write run-time probeset data to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

The data is written in little-endian format, so the loading code must handle this.

[in] probeSet

- The probe set data to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

the RadDataBlock must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadSystemCore

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCore
    const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * system,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream

Write a RadSystemCore to a stream, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] system

- The RadSystemCore to write.

[in] stream

- The Geo::IGeoStream to write to.

the RadDataBlock contained in the RadSystemCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadSystemCoreForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCoreForInPlace
    const RadSystemCore * system,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteRadSystemCoreToFile

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteRadSystemCoreToFile
    const Enlighten::RadSystemCore * system,
    const char * filename

Write a RadSystemCore to file, ready to be loaded on the target platform.

[in] system

- The RadSystemCore to write.

[in] filename

- The name of the file to write.

the RadDataBlock contained in the RadSystemCore must be relocatable for this function to succeed.

bool GEO_CALL Enlighten::WriteTransparencyBufferForInPlace

public: bool GEO_CALL WriteTransparencyBufferForInPlace
    const TransparencyBuffer * transparencyBuffer,
    Geo::IGeoStream & stream,
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode endianMode

These utilities perform in-place fixup of the various enlighten data structures.

Make sure any buffers passed to Read*InPlace functions are 16 byte aligned.