An EntireProbeSetTask solves an entire set of probes as an atomic block.
(It is not possible to specify a subset to be solved, as with RadProbeTask.)
Name | Description |
const RadProbeSetCore * m_CoreProbeSet | Precompute data for the probe sample points. Must be 16-byte aligned. |
const DirectionPalette * m_DirectionPalette | Direction Palette to use with this solve task. Create with CreateDirectionPalette. |
const InputLightingBuffer * m_Environment | Emissive environment for the task to read from. Must be 16-byte aligned, although may be NULL. |
const InputLightingBuffer ** m_InputLighting | Ordered list of input lighting buffers that the task can read from to solve the points. Must be 16-byte aligned. |
float * m_Output | Location to write floating-point output. |
eSHOrder m_OutputShOrder | The type of spherical harmonics to use when solving the probe set. |
Geo::s32 m_OutputSize | Size of the allocated output data. |
void * m_TemporalCoherenceBuffer | Persistent buffer of tracking data for temporal coherence optimisation. |
float m_TemporalCoherenceEpsilon | Small bias value added to the lighting intensity to ensure stable computation. |
float m_TemporalCoherenceThreshold | The threshold value for temporal coherence. |
Geo::u8 * m_U8Output | Location to write compressed output. |
float m_U8OutputScale | Scale to apply before writing compressed output. |
Name | Description |
EntireProbeSetTask() | Default constructor. |
public: EntireProbeSetTask()
Default constructor.