class Geo::GeoBoundingBox

This class represents an axis aligned bounding box.


Name Description
Geo::v128 v[2]

A min and max position pair.


Name Description
AddDebugLines(Geo::GeoArray< DebugLine > &)

Appends to the contents of the given array with the lines making up the bounding box.

CalculateSolidAngle(v128 const &)

calculates the solid angle of the box as visible from viewPos

ClosestPointInBox(const Geo::v128 &)

Compute the closest point in the box to p.

ContainsBox(const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Is a box contained by the box?

ContainsPoint(const Geo::v128 &)

Is a point in the box?

ContainsPoint2D(const Geo::v128 &)

Is a point in the box? Only tests xy.

EnclosePoint(const v128 &)

Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.

ExpandBy(const v128 &)

Expands this bounding box by the given amount in each of the three axes (in both directions).


Constructor - makes an empty bounding box.

GeoBoundingBox(float, float, float, float, float, float)

Create a bounding box defined by two extreme points.

GeoBoundingBox(const GeoBoundingBox &)

Copy Constructor.


Return the center of this bounding box.

GetCorners(v128 *)

Return the 8 corner points.

GetDebugLines(Geo::GeoArray< DebugLine > &)

Replaces the contents of the given array with the lines making up the bounding box.

GetDistanceFrom(const GeoBoundingBox &)

Distance between two bounding boxes (0 if they intersect)

GetDistanceFrom(const Geo::v128 &)

Compute the closest distance from p.


Return the largest face of this bounding box.


Return the longest side of this bounding box.


Returns the index of the longest axis.


Return the maxumum in each axis of this bounding box.


Return the minimum in each axis of this bounding box.


Return the shortest side of this bounding box.


Return the size of this bounding box in each axis.


Return the surface area of this bounding box.


Return the volume of this bounding box.

IntersectsBoundingBox(const GeoBoundingBox &)

Returns true if the bounding boxes mutually olaps.

IntersectsLightCone(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, float, float)

Returns true if the bounding box intersects the light cone.

IntersectsRay(const Geo::v128 &, const Geo::v128 &, float &)

Returns true if the bounding box intersects the ray. If intersects then tHit return the distance to the hit.

IntersectsSphere(Geo::v128, float)

Returns true if the bounding box overlaps the sphere.

IntersectsSphere(const GeoBoundingSphere &)

Returns true if the bounding box overlaps the sphere.


Returns true if the bbox is empty (ie uninitialised)


Indexed access to the two extreme points that define this bounding box (index must be 0 or 1).

operator+(const GeoBoundingBox &)

Compute and return the union of this bounding with another.

operator+=(const v128 &)

Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.

operator+=(const GeoBoundingBox &)

Compute the inplace union of this bounding box and another.


Resets the box to it's default empty state.

Transform(const Geo::Matrix &)

Returns a new transformed bounding box.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::AddDebugLines

public: bool AddDebugLines
    Geo::GeoArray< DebugLine > & lines
) const

Appends to the contents of the given array with the lines making up the bounding box.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::CalculateSolidAngle

public: float CalculateSolidAngle
    v128 const & viewPos
) const

calculates the solid angle of the box as visible from viewPos

Geo::v128 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::ClosestPointInBox

public: Geo::v128 ClosestPointInBox
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Compute the closest point in the box to p.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::ContainsBox

public: bool ContainsBox
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const

Is a box contained by the box?

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::ContainsPoint

public: bool ContainsPoint
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Is a point in the box?

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::ContainsPoint2D

public: bool ContainsPoint2D
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Is a point in the box? Only tests xy.

void Geo::GeoBoundingBox::EnclosePoint

public: void EnclosePoint
    const v128 & point

Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.

void Geo::GeoBoundingBox::ExpandBy

public: void ExpandBy
    const v128 & expansion

Expands this bounding box by the given amount in each of the three axes (in both directions).


public: GeoBoundingBox()

Constructor - makes an empty bounding box.


public: GeoBoundingBox
    float x1,
    float y1,
    float z1,
    float x2,
    float y2,
    float z2

Create a bounding box defined by two extreme points.


public: GeoBoundingBox
    const GeoBoundingBox & from

Copy Constructor.

v128 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetCenter

public: v128 GetCenter() const

Return the center of this bounding box.

void Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetCorners

public: void GetCorners
    v128 * corners
) const

Return the 8 corner points.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetDebugLines

public: bool GetDebugLines
    Geo::GeoArray< DebugLine > & lines
) const

Replaces the contents of the given array with the lines making up the bounding box.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetDistanceFrom

public: float GetDistanceFrom
    const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const

Distance between two bounding boxes (0 if they intersect)

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetDistanceFrom

public: float GetDistanceFrom
    const Geo::v128 & p
) const

Compute the closest distance from p.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetLargestFace

public: float GetLargestFace() const

Return the largest face of this bounding box.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetLongestSide

public: float GetLongestSide() const

Return the longest side of this bounding box.

Geo::s32 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetLongestSideIdx

public: Geo::s32 GetLongestSideIdx() const

Returns the index of the longest axis.

v128 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetMax

public: v128 GetMax() const

Return the maxumum in each axis of this bounding box.

v128 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetMin

public: v128 GetMin() const

Return the minimum in each axis of this bounding box.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetShortestSide

public: float GetShortestSide() const

Return the shortest side of this bounding box.

v128 Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetSize

public: v128 GetSize() const

Return the size of this bounding box in each axis.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetSurfaceArea

public: float GetSurfaceArea() const

Return the surface area of this bounding box.

float Geo::GeoBoundingBox::GetVolume

public: float GetVolume() const

Return the volume of this bounding box.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IntersectsBoundingBox

public: bool IntersectsBoundingBox
    const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const

Returns true if the bounding boxes mutually olaps.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IntersectsLightCone

public: bool IntersectsLightCone
    const Geo::v128 & lightPosition,
    const Geo::v128 & lightDirection,
    float coneAngle,
    float cutOff
) const

Returns true if the bounding box intersects the light cone.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IntersectsRay

public: bool IntersectsRay
    const Geo::v128 & rayPosition,
    const Geo::v128 & rayDirection,
    float & tHit
) const

Returns true if the bounding box intersects the ray. If intersects then tHit return the distance to the hit.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IntersectsSphere

public: bool IntersectsSphere
    Geo::v128 centre,
    float radius
) const

Returns true if the bounding box overlaps the sphere.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IntersectsSphere

public: bool IntersectsSphere
    const GeoBoundingSphere & bSphere
) const

Returns true if the bounding box overlaps the sphere.

bool Geo::GeoBoundingBox::IsEmpty

public: bool IsEmpty() const

Returns true if the bbox is empty (ie uninitialised)

const v128 & Geo::GeoBoundingBox::operator[]

public: const v128 & operator[]
    Geo::u32 index
) const

Indexed access to the two extreme points that define this bounding box (index must be 0 or 1).

GeoBoundingBox Geo::GeoBoundingBox::operator+

public: GeoBoundingBox operator+
    const GeoBoundingBox & rhs
) const

Compute and return the union of this bounding with another.

GeoBoundingBox & Geo::GeoBoundingBox::operator+=

public: GeoBoundingBox & operator+=
    const v128 & rhs

Enlarge this bounding box to include the given point.

GeoBoundingBox & Geo::GeoBoundingBox::operator+=

public: GeoBoundingBox & operator+=
    const GeoBoundingBox & rhs

Compute the inplace union of this bounding box and another.

void Geo::GeoBoundingBox::SetEmpty

public: void SetEmpty()

Resets the box to it's default empty state.

GeoBoundingBox Geo::GeoBoundingBox::Transform

public: GeoBoundingBox Transform
    const Geo::Matrix & transform
) const

Returns a new transformed bounding box.