Implementation details of the extended input lighting API.
Name | Description |
Enlighten::A8CpuTextureSampler | A8 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::AllFilter | Return all light types. |
Enlighten::BoxSpotlight | BoxSpotlight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::BoxSpotlight::CachedData | Cached data for box spotlight. |
Enlighten::CachedLightSelector | Selects the Cached type for the input light. |
Enlighten::CachedLightSelector::Select | Selects the Cached type for the input light. |
Enlighten::CachedLightWriter | Cached Lights writer. |
Enlighten::CanQuickShade | By default, light types do not support quickshade. |
Enlighten::CanQuickShade< LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT > | Specialization to enable QuickShade on this light type. |
Enlighten::ClusterMaterialComponent | Enlighten internal class for per material dynamic updates. |
Enlighten::ClusterMaterials | Enlighten internal implementation for cluster albedo materials. |
Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::ClusterMaterialCount | Number of dusters and a material index which is assigned to them. |
Enlighten::ClusterProbeTransparencySampleData | Precompute data block detailing probe transparency sample data (internal). |
Enlighten::ConstLightValueIterator | Const LightValue iterator. This contains the logic for iterating over LightValue64 or LightValue128 arrays. |
Enlighten::CountLightSizeVisitor | Count light size. |
Enlighten::CpuTextureSamplerBase | CPU texture sampler base class. |
Enlighten::CullCluster | A class used to apply cluster-light level culling. |
Enlighten::CullClusterGroup | A class used to apply clustergroup-light level culling. |
Enlighten::CullingIterator | Struct to iterate over the lights of a particular type, applying the culling operation. |
Enlighten::CullingIterator< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID, Culler > | Terminator for CullingIterator. |
Enlighten::CullSystem | A class used to apply system-light level culling. |
Enlighten::DefaultGeometryTransparencySampler | The default transparency sampler. |
Enlighten::DirectionalLight | DirectionalLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::DirectionalLight::CachedData | Cached data for DirectionalLight. |
Enlighten::DynamicMaterialWorkspace | Enlighten object used for dynamic material updates at runtime. |
Enlighten::ExcludeQuickShadeFilter | Return all types except quick shade lights. |
Enlighten::Fp16CpuTextureSampler | FP16 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::FrustumLight | FrustumLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::FrustumLight::CachedData | Cached data for FrustumLight. |
Enlighten::HashLightVisitor | Hash lights functor. |
Enlighten::IncidentLightingBuffer | A buffer containing the incident lighting for a system's input sample points (internal). |
Enlighten::IndirectInputLightingInternalParameters | A class containing the parameters to be used as input to the internal indirect input lighting stage. |
Enlighten::InputLightingBuffer | A single frame of the InputWorkspace lighting (internal). |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDebugIterator | This class is used to iterate through the duster samples in order to get a InputWorkspaceDebugPoint. |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceDynamicInternal | Runtime data about the quad approximations to clusters used for radiosity computations for dynamic systems (internal). |
Enlighten::InputWorkspaceInternal | Runtime data about the dusters (internal). |
Enlighten::InternalLightFalloffTable | The light table stores the falloff model of a light. |
Enlighten::LightSelector | Selects the input light type. |
Enlighten::LightSelector::Select | Selects the input light type. |
Enlighten::LightTypeInfo | A class which represents a group of a particular type of lights. |
Enlighten::LightValue64 | Convenience value type for a half precision lighting value. |
Enlighten::LightValueIterator | LightValue iterator. This contains the logic for iterating over LightValue64 or LightValue128 arrays. |
Enlighten::LrbCpuTextureSampler | LRB texture sampler. |
Enlighten::MaterialAlbedoSampler | Albedo sampler read the cluster albedo after all the quads have been sampled. |
Enlighten::MaterialEmissiveSampler | Emissive sampler reads the emissive for the cluster. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids | Storage of mappings between "old" u64 material IDs and "new" instance, mesh and material GUIDs. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids::GeometryInfo | Stored data for a geometry. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids::InstanceInfo | Stored data for an instance. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids::MaterialGuidMapping | Stored data for a material-guid mapping. |
Enlighten::MaterialGuids::MeshInfo | Stored data for a mesh. |
Enlighten::MaterialSampler | Material sampler reads albedo, emissive and transparency for the cluster. |
Enlighten::MaterialTransparencySampler | Transparency sampler reads the transparency for the cluster. |
Enlighten::NullGeometryTransparencySampler | A transparency sampler which samples the transparency as opaque. |
Enlighten::NullMaterialEmissiveSampler | An emissive material sampler which returns black. |
Enlighten::NullMaterialTransparencySampler | A transparency sampler which samples the transparency as opaque. |
Enlighten::NullSampler | A base implementation for a sampler that does nothing. |
Enlighten::NullSurroundingsSampler | Surroundings sampler that always returns zero. |
Enlighten::PackedDusterPoint | This class contains the positions and normals of 4 duster points (internal). |
Enlighten::PixelCoord | Enlighten internal class for storing a pixel index within an albedo or emissive texture. |
Enlighten::PointLight | PointLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::PointLight::CachedData | Cached data for point light. |
Enlighten::PrecisionHint | Enumeration for the precision hint. The hint is used depending on whether the option is supported on the platform. |
Enlighten::QuadIterator | Quad iterator class applies the samplers to a set of quads for a given cluster. |
Enlighten::QuadShader | The QuadShader class is responsible for unpacking the quad positions and normal during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted quad. |
Enlighten::QuickFlatClusterShader | The QuickFlatClusterShader class is responsible for unpacking a single normal during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted normal. |
Enlighten::QuickQuadShader | The QuickQuadShader class is responsible for unpacking four quad normals during the constructor call and then later it will then iterate through a given set of lights shading the extracted normals. |
Enlighten::QuickShadeOnlyFilter | Return only quick shade light types. |
Enlighten::R11G11B10CpuTextureSampler | R11G11B10 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::R9G9B9E5CpuTextureSampler | R9G9B9E5 texture sampler. |
Enlighten::RadiosityInputTree | Compressed description of the input cluster tree. |
Enlighten::RectangleLight | RectangleLight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::RectangleLight::CachedData | Cached data for rectangle light. |
Enlighten::RgbaCpuTextureSampler | RGBA texture sampler. |
Enlighten::RgbmCpuTextureSampler | RGBM texture sampler. |
Enlighten::SelectAll | Selector which selects all lights. |
Enlighten::SelectCulled | Selector which selects culled lights. |
Enlighten::SelectUnculled | Selector which selects unculled lights. |
Enlighten::ShadeFourSamplesOperator | Visitor operator used to shade four samples for each light type. |
Enlighten::ShadeQuadOperator | Visitor operator used to shade the quad for each light type. |
Enlighten::SortedLights | A class used to produce a sorted, culled list of lights. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsOperator | Sorted lights operator interface. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisibilityIdxWriter | Sorted lights visibility index writer. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisitor | Visitor construct to apply each operator to the relevant light types. |
Enlighten::SortedLightsVisitor< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID, Op, LightTypeFilter > | Terminator condition for light visitor. |
Enlighten::Spotlight | Spotlight class used by extended input lighting. |
Enlighten::Spotlight::CachedData | Cached data for spotlights. |
Enlighten::TransformedBounds | A struct used to apply a transform to a bounding box. |
Enlighten::TransparencySurroundingsSampler | Surroundings sampler for transparency. |
Enlighten::TransparencyWorkspace | Workspace used for authored destruction of lightmapped geometry (internal). |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType | Convert from type enum to concrete type Put this above the light type includes so the specialisations can go in the same file. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_BOXSPOT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_FRUSTUM_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_POINT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_RECTANGLE_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_SPOT_LIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_DIRECTIONAL_LILGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_ISFALLOFF > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_RECTLIGHT > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::TypeIdToType< LIGHT_TYPE_UE4_UNREALFALLOFF > | Specialization to convert Light type enumeration to concrete type. |
Enlighten::VisibilityBuffer | Encapsulation of light visibility information. |
Enlighten::VisitLightsGeneric | Visit the lights of a particular type. Do this recursively. |
Enlighten::VisitLightsGeneric< TypeSelector, Visitor, LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID > | Visitor terminator. |
Enlighten::VisitSelectedLightsGeneric | Visitor for selected lights. |
Enlighten::VisitSelectedLightsGeneric< TypeSelector, Visitor, LightSelector, LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID > | Visitor for selected lights. |
Name | Description |
const Geo::s32 g_MaxLightDataStackDepth = 6 | This is the number of copies of lightcount pointers we have in the LightDataStack member of InputWorkspaceData in the lighting internals. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffInvSamples = Geo::VBroadcast(1.0f / (InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 2.0f)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffNumSamples = Geo::VBroadcast(float(InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
const Geo::v128 g_VFalloffSampleFraction = Geo::VBroadcast((InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 1.0f) / (InputLightFalloffTable::g_SampleCount - 2.0f)) | Light falloff constants for the function: index = (((samples - 1.0) / (samples - 2.0)) / (1.0 / (samples - 2.0) + d * d);. |
Name | Description |
Geo::v128 LightValue128 | Convenience value type for a full precision lighting value. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< AlbedoBuffer::ColourType > MaterialAlbedoComponent | Material component for albedo. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< EmissiveBuffer::ColourType > MaterialEmissiveComponent | Material component for emissive. |
ClusterMaterialComponent< TransparencyBuffer::ColourType > MaterialTransparencyComponent | Material component for transparency. |
public: Geo::u32 CalcLightTableMem
Geo::u32 numLights
Calculate the maximum memory required to hold the lights table.
[in] | numLights | Number of lights in the world |
public: size_t CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemoryInternal
InputLightBase ** lights,
Geo::u32 numLights,
Geo::s32 numLevelsOfCulling
Calculate how much scratchspace memory will be required by the DoDirectInputLighting() function given the lights to be shaded.
[in] | lights | An array of pointers to input lights. |
[in] | numLights | The number of light pointers in the array. |
[in] | numLevelsOfCulling | each level of culling requires an additional copy of the SortedLights structure. |
Required memory in bytes
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void CalculateCoordLinearShiftedByHalfPixel
float u,
float v,
Geo::s32 width,
Geo::s32 height,
Geo::s32 & xi,
Geo::s32 & yi,
float & fracX,
float & fracY
Shift by half pixel is needed so that the interpolation code (SampleBilinear) interpolates between correct pixels.
public: size_t CalculateLightsCachedDataSize
InputLightBase ** lights,
Geo::u32 numLights
Calculate the size of the cached lighting data.
public: SortedLights * CreateSortedLights
InputLightBase ** lights,
void ** visibilityPointers,
Geo::s32 numTotalLights,
void * bankScratchspace,
size_t bankScratchspaceSize,
Geo::u32 & requiredLightsBufferSize
Create the buffer of lights sorted by type.
Lights banks are controlled through the visibilityPointers parameter.
[in] | lights | An unsorted array of pointers to lights |
[in] | visibilityPointers | An unsorted array of pointers to visbility buffers. The pointers must correspond to their respective lights in the lights array. |
[in] | numTotalLights | The number of entries in the lights and visibilityPointers arrays. |
[in] | bankScratchspace | A pointer to memory where the SortedLights buffer will be constructed. |
[in] | bankScratchspaceSize | The size of the bankScratchspace memory. (Reserved for future use) |
[out] | requiredLightsBufferSize | The size of the buffer required to hold the CachedData objects for the given array of lights. |
public: bool DoDirectInputLightingInternal
DirectInputLightingParameters * params,
void * scratchspace,
size_t scratchspaceSize,
TransformOp transform
Do the internal direct input lighting stage.
Called from DoDirectInputLighting() function.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete DirectInputLightingParameters object. |
[in] | scratchspace | A pointer to allocated scratchspace memory. |
[in] | scratchspaceSize | The size of the scratchspace memory calculated with CalcRequiredScratchSpaceMemory function. |
[in] | transform | An internal transformation operand. |
true on success
public: bool DoIndirectInputLightingInternal
IndirectInputLightingInternalParameters< MaterialSamplerType, InputLightingSurroundingsType, GeometryTransparencySamplerType > * params
Do the internal indirect input lighting stage.
Called from DoIndirectInputLighting() function.
[in] | params | A pointer to a complete IndirectInputLightingParameters object. |
true on success
public: void * GenerateCachedData
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Go through all the sorted lights generating the CachedData for each. Also modifies sortedLights to point to the cached data.
public: void * GenerateCachedDataGeneric
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Generate the CacheData for a specific light type.
public: void * GenerateCachedDataGeneric< LIGHT_TYPE_INVALID >
SortedLights * sortedLights,
InputLightBase * cachedLightMemory,
void ** unsortedVisibilityPointers
Specialisation for invalid light types - does nothing.
public: ValueType GetZeroValue()
Helper template to get the zero value of different types.
public: float GetZeroValue< float >()
Helper template to get the zero value of floats.
public: Geo::v128 GetZeroValue< Geo::v128 >()
Helper template to get the zero value of v128s.
public: Geo::v128 LightFalloffFunction
const InternalLightFalloffTable & light,
const Geo::v128 & lightRadius,
const Geo::v128 & lightDistances
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator&
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a,
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status b
Bitwise AND of two dynamic material workspace statuses.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator|
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a,
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status b
Bitwise OR of two dynamic material workspace statuses.
public: DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status operator~
DynamicMaterialWorkspace::Status a
Bitwise NOT of a dynamic material workspace status.
public: ValueType Quantise
const ValueType & val
Quantise the ValueType value based on the ColourType storage.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINEGeo::v128 SampleBilinear
const tIrradianceTexture * texture,
float u,
float v
Samples the given texture at the given co-ordinates, using bilinear filtering.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectAlbedoEmissiveTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects albedo, emissive, transparency and surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectEmissiveTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects emissive, transparency and surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectSamplersAndDoIndirectInputLighting
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects samplers and does indirect input lighting.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects surroundings.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool SelectTransparencyAndSurroundings
const IndirectInputLightingParameters * params,
const InputWorkspaceInternal * inputWorkspace
Selects transparency and surroundings.
public: SortedLights
SortedLights * sourceLights,
const Culler & culler
Construct from another SortedLights while applying culling.
Construct a SortedLights object from another SortedLights object while applying culling.
public: void VisitLights
SortedLights * sortedLights,
Visitor & visitor
Visitor function to apply the visitor functor to each light.
public: void VisitSelectedLights
const SortedLights * sortedLights,
Visitor & visitor,
LightSelector & lightSelector,
SortedLightsOperator * optionalSortedLightsOperator
Visits the selected lights with the given visitor.
public: void WriteSortedLightsToMem
SortedLights * sortedLights,
void * destMem
Write the sorted lights to memory.
This will be the buffer that the GPU uses to read lights from.
[in] | sortedLights | A valid SortedLights buffer created though a call to CreateSortedLights() |
[in] | destMem | A pointer to memory where the CachedData of the sorted lights will be written to. |