A triangle in 2D defined by three points.
Name | Description |
Vertex2D m_A | First point. |
Vertex2D m_B | Second point. |
Vertex2D m_C | Third point. |
Name | Description |
Area() | Computes the unsigned area of the triangle. |
AreaTimesTwo() | Computes the unsigned area of the triangle multiplied by two. |
GetBarycentricCoordinates(const Vertex2D &) | Computes the barycentric coordinates for a point and this triangle. |
GetBarycentricWeights(const Vertex2D &) | Computes the barycentric weights for a point and this triangle. |
IsInsideExclusive(const Vertex2D &) | Tests if a point is truly inside the triangle, which excludes the edges of the triangle. |
IsInsideExclusive(const Vertex2D &, const double &) | Tests if a point is inside the triangle incorporating a certain tolerance, which also excludes the edges defined by the triangle and this tolerance. |
IsInsideInclusive(const Vertex2D &) | Tests if a point is inside the triangle including the edges of the triangle. This does not handle 0 area triangles. |
NearestTriangleEdgeIntersection(Vertex2D &) | Computes the point on the triangle's edges that is closest to a given point. |
SafeIsInsideInclusive(const Vertex2D &) | Tests if a point is inside the triangle including the edges of the triangle. Handles 0 area triangles. |
Scale(double) | Componentwise scaling of the triangle. |
Triangle2D() | Default constructor initialising the triangle to a point at (0,0). |
Triangle2D(const Vertex2D &, const Vertex2D &, const Vertex2D &) | Constructor defining the three vertices of the triangle. |
Validate() | Tests if the triangle is valid which means that all vertices are finite. |
public: double Area() const
Computes the unsigned area of the triangle.
public: double AreaTimesTwo() const
Computes the unsigned area of the triangle multiplied by two.
public: BaryCoords GetBarycentricCoordinates
const Vertex2D & p
) const
Computes the barycentric coordinates for a point and this triangle.
public: Geo::BaryWeights GetBarycentricWeights
const Vertex2D & p
) const
Computes the barycentric weights for a point and this triangle.
public: bool IsInsideExclusive
const Vertex2D & p
) const
Tests if a point is truly inside the triangle, which excludes the edges of the triangle.
public: bool IsInsideExclusive
const Vertex2D & p,
const double & tolerance
) const
Tests if a point is inside the triangle incorporating a certain tolerance, which also excludes the edges defined by the triangle and this tolerance.
A positive tolerance effeectively makes the triangle smaller whereas a negative tolerance makes it larger.
public: bool IsInsideInclusive
const Vertex2D & p
) const
Tests if a point is inside the triangle including the edges of the triangle. This does not handle 0 area triangles.
public: Vertex2D NearestTriangleEdgeIntersection
Vertex2D & p
) const
Computes the point on the triangle's edges that is closest to a given point.
public: bool SafeIsInsideInclusive
const Vertex2D & p
) const
Tests if a point is inside the triangle including the edges of the triangle. Handles 0 area triangles.
public: void Scale
double s
Componentwise scaling of the triangle.
public: Triangle2D()
Default constructor initialising the triangle to a point at (0,0).
public: Triangle2D
const Vertex2D & a,
const Vertex2D & b,
const Vertex2D & c
Constructor defining the three vertices of the triangle.
public: bool Validate() const
Tests if the triangle is valid which means that all vertices are finite.