struct Enlighten::PppiAtlasOutputWorkspace

The output texture data for the atlas texture.


Name Description
void * m_BlueShAtlasTextureMemory

Start address of the CPU-writable memory region assigned to the texture containing spherical harmonics data for the blue band.

void * m_GreenShAtlasTextureMemory

Start address of the CPU-writable memory region assigned to the texture containing spherical harmonics data for the green band.

void * m_RedShAtlasTextureMemory

Start address of the CPU-writable memory region assigned to the texture containing spherical harmonics data for the red band.

Geo::s32 m_ShAtlasTextureRowPitch

Number of bytes used per row by any of the volume textures containg spherical harmonics data.

Geo::s32 m_ShAtlasTextureSlicePitch

Number of bytes used per slice by any of the volume textures containing spherical harmonics data.

void * m_ValidityAtlasTextureMemory

Start address of the CPU-writable memory region assigned to the texture containing validity information.

Geo::s32 m_ValidityAtlasTextureRowPitch

Number of bytes used per row by the validity texture.

Geo::s32 m_ValidityAtlasTextureSlicePitch

Number of bytes used per slice by the validity texture.