class Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject


Implementation of BaseDynamicObject for Cpu Solving.


Name Description
bool m_AddedToManager

false when the object is allocated; true when it is added to the working set


GPU output volume textures for R/G/B/Env.

InterpolatedPoint * m_InterpolationPoints

Set of points where we require interpolated probe output.

eSHOrder m_MaximumEnvVisShOrder

The amount of storage allocated for environment SH results.

eSHOrder m_MaximumShOrder

Whether this dynamic object has L1 or L2 storage allocated.

bool m_NewSolverOutputToCopy

Flag set when there is fresh output to copy to the GPU.

const DynamicObject m_Object

Fixed description of the object.


The row pitch of the CPU output, in bytes.


The slice pitch of the CPU output, in bytes.


CPU output for R/G/B/Env.

Geo::Matrix m_Transform

Current local-to-world-space transform of the object.

bool m_UseVolumeTextures

Whether this dynamic object has volume textures.

Geo::Matrix m_WorldToUvw

Current world-space-to-uvw-coordinate transform of the object.


Name Description
AllocateSolutionSpace(IGpuTextureAllocator *, Enlighten::eSHOrder, Enlighten::eSHOrder, bool)

Allocates space for probe output - CPU buffer if useVolumeTextures is false; GPU textures if true.

AllocateSolutionSpace(IGpuTextureAllocator *, Enlighten::eSHOrder, Enlighten::eSHOrder, bool)

Allocates space to hold the interpolated probe coefficients for the object.

BaseDynamicObject(const DynamicObject &)

Constructor, taking a DynamicObject description. Called during IUpdateManager::AllocateDynamicObject.

CpuDynamicObject(const DynamicObject &)

Constructor, taking a DynamicObject description.


Helper function to return the resolution of the output volume textures.

GetOutputPointer(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Returns the CPU pointer to write interpolated data for the given channel and grid coordinates.

GetOutputPointer(Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32, Geo::s32)

Returns the CPU pointer to write interpolated data for the given channel and grid coordinates.


Returns a matrix which transforms from world space to UVW volume texture coordinates to look up light probe data.


Are any irradiance buffers marked for an update?


Are any irradiance buffers marked for an update?


Mark solution buffer as requiring update in next call to UpdateGpuTexture.


Mark solution buffer as requiring update in next call to UpdateGpuTexture.

NonCopyable(NonCopyable &&)

Defaulted to allow move.

operator=(NonCopyable &&)

Defaulted to allow move.


Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.


Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.


will setInterpolatedPoint:: m_RecomputeInterpolants to true on all the interpolated points.

SetGpuTexture(ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType, IGpuTexture *)

Sets an output texture for the dynamic object.

SetGpuTexture(ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType, IGpuTexture *)

Sets an output texture for the dynamic object.

SetTransform(const Geo::Matrix &)

Sets the world transform for the object, and updates the world-to-uvw transform.


Update textures using the marked solution buffers.


Update the GPU volume textures.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::AllocateSolutionSpace

public: virtual void AllocateSolutionSpace
    IGpuTextureAllocator * textureAllocator,
    Enlighten::eSHOrder maximumShOrder,
    Enlighten::eSHOrder maximumEnvVisShOrder,
    bool useVolumeTextures

Allocates space for probe output - CPU buffer if useVolumeTextures is false; GPU textures if true.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::AllocateSolutionSpace

protected: void AllocateSolutionSpace
    IGpuTextureAllocator * textureAllocator,
    Enlighten::eSHOrder maximumShOrder,
    Enlighten::eSHOrder maximumEnvVisShOrder,
    bool useVolumeTextures

Allocates space to hold the interpolated probe coefficients for the object.

If useVolumeTextures is false this will be a CPU buffer. If useVolumeTextures is true it will be GPU textures, along with whatever other resources are required to update the textures.


protected: BaseDynamicObject
    const DynamicObject & object

Constructor, taking a DynamicObject description. Called during IUpdateManager::AllocateDynamicObject.


public: CpuDynamicObject
    const DynamicObject & object

Constructor, taking a DynamicObject description.

Geo::s32 Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::GetNumInterpolationPoints

protected: Geo::s32 GetNumInterpolationPoints()

Helper function to return the resolution of the output volume textures.

virtual void* Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::GetOutputPointer

protected: virtual void * GetOutputPointer
    Geo::s32 channel,
    Geo::s32 x,
    Geo::s32 y,
    Geo::s32 z

Returns the CPU pointer to write interpolated data for the given channel and grid coordinates.

virtual void* Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::GetOutputPointer

public: virtual void * GetOutputPointer
    Geo::s32 channel,
    Geo::s32 x,
    Geo::s32 y,
    Geo::s32 z

Returns the CPU pointer to write interpolated data for the given channel and grid coordinates.

Geo::Matrix Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::GetWorldToUvwMatrix

protected: Geo::Matrix GetWorldToUvwMatrix() const

Returns a matrix which transforms from world space to UVW volume texture coordinates to look up light probe data.

virtual bool Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::IsUpdatePending

public: virtual bool IsUpdatePending() const

Are any irradiance buffers marked for an update?

virtual bool Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::IsUpdatePending

protected: virtual bool IsUpdatePending() const

Are any irradiance buffers marked for an update?

virtual void Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::MarkUpdate

public: virtual void MarkUpdate
    bool value

Mark solution buffer as requiring update in next call to UpdateGpuTexture.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::MarkUpdate

protected: virtual void MarkUpdate
    bool value

Mark solution buffer as requiring update in next call to UpdateGpuTexture.


public: NonCopyable
    NonCopyable &&

Defaulted to allow move.

NonCopyable& Geo::NonCopyable::operator=

public: NonCopyable & operator=
    NonCopyable &&

Defaulted to allow move.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::Release

protected: virtual void Release()

Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.

Expect this to behave in a similar way to calling 'delete(this)'

virtual void Geo::IGeoReleasable::Release

public: void Release()

Free this object that was created within the Enlighten libraries.

Expect this to behave in a similar way to calling 'delete(this)'

void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::RequestInterpolationOnAllPoints

public: void RequestInterpolationOnAllPoints()

will setInterpolatedPoint:: m_RecomputeInterpolants to true on all the interpolated points.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::SetGpuTexture

public: virtual void SetGpuTexture
    ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType textureType,
    IGpuTexture * gpuTexture

Sets an output texture for the dynamic object.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::SetGpuTexture

public: virtual void SetGpuTexture
    ProbeVolumeOutputTextureType textureType,
    IGpuTexture * gpuTexture

Sets an output texture for the dynamic object.

void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::SetTransform

public: void SetTransform
    const Geo::Matrix & transform

Sets the world transform for the object, and updates the world-to-uvw transform.

virtual void Enlighten::CpuDynamicObject::UpdateGpuTexture

public: virtual void UpdateGpuTexture()

Update textures using the marked solution buffers.

virtual void Enlighten::BaseDynamicObject::UpdateGpuTexture

protected: virtual void UpdateGpuTexture()

Update the GPU volume textures.