class Enlighten::BakeInputLight

The input light type for baking.

It is a superset of the light types the Enlighten runtime supports


Name Description
bool m_CastsShadows

Whether to bake shadowing from this light source (default is true).

float m_ConeAngle

The cone angle of the spot light; unused for other light types.

float m_CutOff

The radius outside which intensity is clamped to zero; unused for directional lights.

Geo::v128 m_Direction

Direction of the light; unused for point lights. Should be a normalised unit vector.

float m_DirectionalSpread

The radius around a directional light on the infinite sphere to use for computing directional light visibility.

bool m_DisableDirectLighting

This light will have visibility calculated and affect indirect input lighting, but will not be added to the direct lightmap rasterisation.

InputLightFalloffTable m_FalloffTable

The distance falloff function.

bool m_GenerateLightMask

A separate light mask will be generated for this light and all light maps.

Geo::GeoGuid m_Guid

The unique light id.

Geo::v128 m_IndirectIntensity

RGB intensity of the light as fed to the indirect lighting phase (linear space).

float m_InnerConeAngle

The inner cone angle of the spot light; unused for other light types.

Geo::v128 m_Intensity

RGB intensity of the light (linear space).

eBakeLightType m_LightType

Type of light; spot light, point light, directional light or rectangular light.

float m_PointRadius

The radius around a point or spot to compute visibility to.

Geo::v128 m_Position

Position of the light; unused for directional lights. In 'unit world space'.

float m_RadiosityMultiplier

This value is used to scale the radiosity contribution from the light.

float m_Radius

The radius inside which intensity is clamped to the given value; unused for directional lights.

float m_RectangleHeight

The height of a rectangular area light.

Geo::Quat m_RectangleQuaternion

The orientation of a rectangular area light encoded as a quaternion.

float m_RectangleWidth

The width of a rectangular area light.

float m_ShadowBias

Offset applied to depth in shadow test.