A chart consists of a connected region of the mesh, which has a mapping into a single connected region in UV space.
Name | Description |
AtlasMeshChart() | Default constructor initialising an empty chart not associated with a mesh. |
AtlasMeshChart(AtlasMesh *, const GeoArray< s32 > &) | Construct a chart from a list of mesh triangles. |
CopyForNewMesh(const AtlasMeshChart &, AtlasMesh *) | Create a copy of existing chart information for the new mesh. |
Get3DArea() | Return the area taken by the 3D mesh spanned by this chart. |
GetMesh() | Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of. |
GetMesh() | Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of. |
GetTriangleCount() | Return the number of triangles that make up this chart. |
GetTriangleIndex(s32) | Returns the mesh index for the triangle. |
GetUVArea() | Return the area taken in the UV atlas. |
GetVertexCount() | Obtain the number of vertices that make up the triangles in this chart. |
GetVertexIndex(s32) | Obtain the mesh index for a vertex given the chart index for it. |
GetVertexIndexInChart(s32) | Obtain the chart index for vertex given the mesh index for it. |
RemakeUVChart(float, bool, bool *) | Create a 2D parametrisation of the 3D submesh represented by the chart. |
RescaleUVChart(float) | Rescale the chart to make 2D area match 3D area. |
public: AtlasMeshChart()
Default constructor initialising an empty chart not associated with a mesh.
public: AtlasMeshChart
AtlasMesh * mesh,
const GeoArray< s32 > & triangles
Construct a chart from a list of mesh triangles.
public: AtlasMeshChart * CopyForNewMesh
const AtlasMeshChart & chart,
AtlasMesh * newMesh
Create a copy of existing chart information for the new mesh.
public: float Get3DArea() const
Return the area taken by the 3D mesh spanned by this chart.
public: AtlasMesh * GetMesh()
Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.
public: const AtlasMesh * GetMesh() const
Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.
public: s32 GetTriangleCount() const
Return the number of triangles that make up this chart.
public: s32 GetTriangleIndex
s32 chartTriangleIndex
) const
Returns the mesh index for the triangle.
public: float GetUVArea() const
Return the area taken in the UV atlas.
public: s32 GetVertexCount() const
Obtain the number of vertices that make up the triangles in this chart.
The number of vertices contained in the chart.
public: s32 GetVertexIndex
s32 chartVertexIndex
) const
Obtain the mesh index for a vertex given the chart index for it.
The index that this vertex has in the mesh.
[in] | chartVertexIndex | The chart index for the vertex. |
public: s32 GetVertexIndexInChart
s32 meshVertexIndex
) const
Obtain the chart index for vertex given the mesh index for it.
The chart index for the vertex, or -1 if it is not in the chart.
[in] | meshVertexIndex | The mesh index for the vertex. |
public: bool RemakeUVChart
float meshArea,
bool forceLSCM,
bool * parametised
Create a 2D parametrisation of the 3D submesh represented by the chart.
[in] | meshArea | - The surface area of the entire mesh |
[in] | forceLSCM | - Whether to use only the LSCM method |
[out] | parametised | - Whether the parametisation completed without errors |
public: bool RescaleUVChart
float meshArea
Rescale the chart to make 2D area match 3D area.
[in] | meshArea | - The surface area of the entire mesh |