class Geo::AtlasMeshChart

A chart consists of a connected region of the mesh, which has a mapping into a single connected region in UV space.


Name Description

Default constructor initialising an empty chart not associated with a mesh.

AtlasMeshChart(AtlasMesh *, const GeoArray< s32 > &)

Construct a chart from a list of mesh triangles.

CopyForNewMesh(const AtlasMeshChart &, AtlasMesh *)

Create a copy of existing chart information for the new mesh.


Return the area taken by the 3D mesh spanned by this chart.


Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.


Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.


Return the number of triangles that make up this chart.


Returns the mesh index for the triangle.


Return the area taken in the UV atlas.


Obtain the number of vertices that make up the triangles in this chart.


Obtain the mesh index for a vertex given the chart index for it.


Obtain the chart index for vertex given the mesh index for it.

RemakeUVChart(float, bool, bool *)

Create a 2D parametrisation of the 3D submesh represented by the chart.


Rescale the chart to make 2D area match 3D area.


public: AtlasMeshChart()

Default constructor initialising an empty chart not associated with a mesh.


public: AtlasMeshChart
    AtlasMesh * mesh,
    const GeoArray< s32 > & triangles

Construct a chart from a list of mesh triangles.

static AtlasMeshChart* Geo::AtlasMeshChart::CopyForNewMesh

public: AtlasMeshChart * CopyForNewMesh
    const AtlasMeshChart & chart,
    AtlasMesh * newMesh

Create a copy of existing chart information for the new mesh.

float Geo::AtlasMeshChart::Get3DArea

public: float Get3DArea() const

Return the area taken by the 3D mesh spanned by this chart.

AtlasMesh* Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetMesh

public: AtlasMesh * GetMesh()

Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.

const AtlasMesh* Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetMesh

public: const AtlasMesh * GetMesh() const

Obtain the mesh that this chart is part of.

s32 Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetTriangleCount

public: s32 GetTriangleCount() const

Return the number of triangles that make up this chart.

s32 Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetTriangleIndex

public: s32 GetTriangleIndex
    s32 chartTriangleIndex
) const

Returns the mesh index for the triangle.

float Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetUVArea

public: float GetUVArea() const

Return the area taken in the UV atlas.

s32 Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetVertexCount

public: s32 GetVertexCount() const

Obtain the number of vertices that make up the triangles in this chart.


The number of vertices contained in the chart.

s32 Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetVertexIndex

public: s32 GetVertexIndex
    s32 chartVertexIndex
) const

Obtain the mesh index for a vertex given the chart index for it.


The index that this vertex has in the mesh.

[in] chartVertexIndex

The chart index for the vertex.

s32 Geo::AtlasMeshChart::GetVertexIndexInChart

public: s32 GetVertexIndexInChart
    s32 meshVertexIndex
) const

Obtain the chart index for vertex given the mesh index for it.


The chart index for the vertex, or -1 if it is not in the chart.

[in] meshVertexIndex

The mesh index for the vertex.

bool Geo::AtlasMeshChart::RemakeUVChart

public: bool RemakeUVChart
    float meshArea,
    bool forceLSCM,
    bool * parametised

Create a 2D parametrisation of the 3D submesh represented by the chart.

[in] meshArea

- The surface area of the entire mesh

[in] forceLSCM

- Whether to use only the LSCM method

[out] parametised

- Whether the parametisation completed without errors

bool Geo::AtlasMeshChart::RescaleUVChart

public: bool RescaleUVChart
    float meshArea

Rescale the chart to make 2D area match 3D area.

[in] meshArea

- The surface area of the entire mesh