Cached data for RectLight.
Name | Description |
float BarnDoorCosAngle | Cosine of the angle of the barn doors. |
float BarnDoorLength | Length of the barn doors. |
Geo::v128 Direction_PlaneDistance | XYZ: World space x axis of light space. W: Distance to plane which passes through Position. |
Geo::u32 HasVisibilityData | Has visibility data? |
Geo::v128 Intensity | RGB intensity. |
bool m_HasChanged | Whether the light has changed since it was last given to the extended direct lighting api. |
const eLightType m_LightType | Type of input light corresponding to an eLightType enum value. |
Geo::u64 m_Padding | Unused (this class is usually extended by one that starts with multiple v128s) |
Geo::v128 Position | World space position of the light. |
Geo::v128 RightDirection_InvRadius | XYZ: World space y axis of light space. W: 1 / attenuation radius. |
float SourceLength | Half height of the rectangle. |
float SourceRadius | Half width of the rectangle. |
Geo::v128 UpDirection_SqrRadius | XYZ: World space y axis of light space. W: squared attenuation radius. |
const Geo::u8 * VisibilityData | Visibility data. |
Geo::u64 VisibilityData64 | Visibility data. |
public: CachedData
const RectLight & rectLight,
const void * perDusterVisibility
public: void Hash
Helpers::Hasher & hash,
Geo::u32 clusterVisSize,
Geo::u32 quadVisSize
Hash all members of the light data.
protected: InputLightBase
eLightType lightType
protected: InputLightBase
eLightType lightType,
bool hasChanged
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool IsIntersectingBox
const Geo::v128 & bbMin,
const Geo::v128 & bbMax
) const
Test if the light intersects the specified bounding box.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool IsIntersectingCluster
const Geo::v128 & bbMin,
const Geo::v128 & bbMax,
const Geo::v128 & minNormalFlipped,
const Geo::v128 & maxNormalFlipped
) const
Test if the lights intersects a single cluster. Additional normal vectors enable culling against direction.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool IsIntersectingClusterGroup
const Geo::v128 & bbMin,
const Geo::v128 & bbMax,
const Geo::v128 & minNormalFlipped,
const Geo::v128 & maxNormalFlipped
) const
Test if the lights intersects a group of clusters bounding box. Additional normal vectors enable culling against direction.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE bool IsIntersectingSystem
const Geo::v128 & bbMin,
const Geo::v128 & bbMax
) const
Test if the light intersects the systems bounding box.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINE void ShadeFourSamples
const Geo::v128 & positionsX,
const Geo::v128 & positionsY,
const Geo::v128 & positionsZ,
const Geo::v128 & normalsX,
const Geo::v128 & normalsY,
const Geo::v128 & normalsZ,
Geo::u32 sampleIdx,
Geo::v128 & colourOut0,
Geo::v128 & colourOut1,
Geo::v128 & colourOut2,
Geo::v128 & colourOut3
) const
Shade the four samples and return the individual colours.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINEGeo::v128 ShadeQuad
const Geo::v128 & positionsX,
const Geo::v128 & positionsY,
const Geo::v128 & positionsZ,
const Geo::v128 & normalsX,
const Geo::v128 & normalsY,
const Geo::v128 & normalsZ,
Geo::u32 clusterIdx,
Geo::u32 quadIdx
) const
Shade the four samples and return the average as a single colour.
public: GEO_CONTROLLED_INLINEGeo::v128 ShadeQuadIntensities
const Geo::v128 & positionsX,
const Geo::v128 & positionsY,
const Geo::v128 & positionsZ,
const Geo::v128 & normalsX,
const Geo::v128 & normalsY,
const Geo::v128 & normalsZ,
const Geo::v128 & visibility
) const
Function to shade four point with 4 normals.
The quad idx and cluster idx can be used for looking up visibility in the visibility buffer. The return values are the intensities of the four samples in each channel of the v128