class Enlighten::RadProbeSetMetaData

A data block that describes essential properties of a run-time probe set.

This data is effectively a header to any probe set data.

Among other things, the meta data contains the non-axis aligned bounding box that contains all probes in the probe set as well as information if the probes are structured as a regular grid. If it is structured as a regular grid then the position of each probe is implicitly defined. According to the resolution in each direction, the bounding box is split into cubic cells and a probe is positioned at the center of each cell. The probe data is arranged in a way that X has precedence over Y, and Y has precedence over Z. This means the order is similar to [x=3 y=2 z=2] -> {000,100,200,010,110,210,001,101,201,011,111,211}.


Name Description
Geo::v128 m_BoundingBoxBasisX

First basis vector of the non-axis aligned bounding box that contains all probes in the probe set.

Geo::v128 m_BoundingBoxBasisY

Second basis vector of the non-axis aligned bounding box that contains all probes in the probe set.

Geo::v128 m_BoundingBoxBasisZ

Third basis vector of the non-axis aligned bounding box that contains all probes in the probe set.

Geo::v128 m_BoundingBoxOrigin

Origin of the non-axis aligned bounding box that contains all probes in the probe set.

Geo::v128 m_CoefficientBasisX

Axis aligned orthonormal basis vectors for the SH coefficients.

Geo::v128 m_CoefficientBasisY

Axis aligned orthonormal basis vectors for the SH coefficients.

Geo::v128 m_CoefficientBasisZ

Axis aligned orthonormal basis vectors for the SH coefficients.

Geo::s8 m_CoefficientOutputOrder[SH_ORDER_L2]

The output order mapping for the SH coefficients.

Geo::s32 m_EnvironmentResolution

Resolution of environment radiosity data.

Geo::u16 m_IsRegularGrid

Defines if the probes in this set are structured as a regular grid.

Geo::s32 m_MaxBudget

The maximum budget used by the probes (determines lighting quality).

Geo::s32 m_MaxProbeSize

The maximum data size of a probe.

Geo::s32 m_NumProbes

The number of probes in the set. Note: does not include virtual probes.

Geo::s32 m_NumProbesOutput

The number of probes that will be output by the solver for this probe set, including virtual probes.

Geo::u8 m_Padding[11]

Spare space (before the alignment restrictions of the following v128)

Geo::GeoGuid m_ProbeSetId

The guid of the probe set.

Geo::u16 m_RegularGridResolutionX

Resolution of the regular grid in the direction of the first basis vector of the bounding box.

Geo::u16 m_RegularGridResolutionY

Resolution of the regular grid in the direction of the second basis vector of the bounding box.

Geo::u16 m_RegularGridResolutionZ

Resolution of the regular grid in the direction of the third basis vector of the bounding box.

Geo::s32 m_RequiredTemporalCoherenceBufferSize

The size of the persistent temporal coherence buffer required by SolveEntireProbeSetTask for this probe set core.

Geo::s32 m_RequiredWorkspaceSize

The size of the working memory required by SolveEntireProbeSetTask for this probe set core.

Geo::s32 m_SHOrder

The spherical harmonics order of the probe set.

Geo::s32 m_SHOrderEnvVis

The environment visibility spherical harmonics order of the probe set.


Name Description

Constructor to ensure well-behaved memory initialisation.


public: RadProbeSetMetaData()

Constructor to ensure well-behaved memory initialisation.