class Enlighten::IrradianceOutputDesc

Irradiance and directional irradiance output capture.


Name Description
void * m_DirectionalOutput

Optional directional output.

Geo::s32 m_DirectionalStride

The stride of the directional output texture in pixels.

Geo::s32 m_Height

The height of the RadSystemCore.

eOutputFormat m_IrradianceFormat

Output format: one of the OUTPUT_FORMAT_* constants.

void * m_IrradianceOutput32

Radiosity output (for 32-bit-per-pixel formats, e.g. LRB).

void * m_IrradianceOutput64

Radiosity output (for 64-bit-per-pixel formats, e.g. FP16).

Geo::s32 m_IrradianceStride

The stride of the irradiance output texture in pixels.

eOutputFormatByteOrder m_OutputFormatByteOrder

Output format byte order: one of the OUTPUT_FORMAT_BYTE_ORDER_* constants.

Geo::s32 m_Width

The width of the RadSystemCore.