class Enlighten::IPrecompVolumeQuery

A class representing a region of 3D space which can be tested for intersection against an axis-aligned box.


Name Description

Returns the world space bounds of the entire volume.

IntersectsBoundingBox(const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Returns true if the specified box intersects the volume.

TestBox(const Geo::GeoBoundingBox &)

Returns a classification of the way the specified box intersects the volume.

virtual Geo::GeoBoundingBox Enlighten::IPrecompVolumeQuery::GetBoundingBox

public: Geo::GeoBoundingBox GetBoundingBox() const

Returns the world space bounds of the entire volume.

virtual bool Enlighten::IPrecompVolumeQuery::IntersectsBoundingBox

public: bool IntersectsBoundingBox
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & box
) const

Returns true if the specified box intersects the volume.

virtual VolumeQueryResult Enlighten::IPrecompVolumeQuery::TestBox

public: virtual VolumeQueryResult TestBox
    const Geo::GeoBoundingBox & box
) const

Returns a classification of the way the specified box intersects the volume.