struct Enlighten::Errors::PE2205

This error indicates that an IPrecompInputMesh has an invalid combination of target and detectSmoothBevels properties.

Bevel auto detection can be switched on only on target meshes.


Name Description
const Geo::s32 Code = 2205

The error code.

Geo::GeoGuid m_GeomGuid

The GUID of the IPrecompInputGeometry in error.

Geo::GeoFileString m_GeomName

The name of the IPrecompInputGeometry in error.

Geo::GeoGuid m_MeshGuid

The GUID of the IPrecompInputMesh in error.

Geo::s32 m_MeshIndex

The index (within the IPrecompInputGeometry) of the IPrecompInputMesh in error.

const Geo::eGeoErrorSeverity Severity = Geo::ES_FATAL

The severity of this error.