class Enlighten::ClusterMaterials

Enlighten internal implementation for cluster albedo materials.

Runtime mapping between duster and albedo data.


Name Description

Number of dusters and a material index which is assigned to them.


Name Description

Convert the endian-ness of this ClusterMaterials.


Raw access to the cluster material indices array.


Raw access to the cluster material indices array.


Raw access to the cluster material pixels array.


Raw access to the cluster material pixels array.


Raw access to the cluster material pixel weights array.


Raw access to the cluster material pixel weights array.


Raw access to the material IDs array.


Raw access to the material IDs array.


Raw access the the num materials array.


Raw access the the num materials array.


Name Description
Geo::u32 m_ClusterMaterialIndicesOffset

Array of ClusterMaterialCount (x SUM{matsInCluster})

Geo::u32 m_ClusterMaterialPixelsOffset

Array of ClusterMaterialPixels.

Geo::u32 m_ClusterMaterialPixelWeightsOffset

Array of weights for cluster materials.

Geo::u32 m_ClusterNumMaterialsOffset

Array of u16 (x numClusters)

Geo::u32 m_MaterialIdsOffset

Array of u64 (x numMaterials)

Geo::s32 m_NumClusters

Num clusters.

Geo::s32 m_NumMaterials

Num materials.

Geo::s32 m_NumPixels

Num pixels.

Geo::u32 m_ObjectSize

Size of this object in bytes.

Geo::u32 m_Padding[3]

Unused padding.

void Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::ConvertEndian

public: void ConvertEndian
    Geo::EConvertEndianMode mode

Convert the endian-ness of this ClusterMaterials.

ClusterMaterialCount* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialIndicesArray

public: ClusterMaterialCount * GetClusterMaterialIndicesArray()

Raw access to the cluster material indices array.

const ClusterMaterialCount* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialIndicesArray

public: const ClusterMaterialCount * GetClusterMaterialIndicesArray() const

Raw access to the cluster material indices array.

PixelCoord* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialPixelsArray

public: PixelCoord * GetClusterMaterialPixelsArray()

Raw access to the cluster material pixels array.

const PixelCoord* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialPixelsArray

public: const PixelCoord * GetClusterMaterialPixelsArray() const

Raw access to the cluster material pixels array.

Geo::u16* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialPixelWeightsArray

public: Geo::u16 * GetClusterMaterialPixelWeightsArray()

Raw access to the cluster material pixel weights array.

const Geo::u16* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetClusterMaterialPixelWeightsArray

public: const Geo::u16 * GetClusterMaterialPixelWeightsArray() const

Raw access to the cluster material pixel weights array.

Geo::u64* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetMaterialIds

public: Geo::u64 * GetMaterialIds()

Raw access to the material IDs array.

const Geo::u64* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetMaterialIds

public: const Geo::u64 * GetMaterialIds() const

Raw access to the material IDs array.

Geo::u16* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetNumMaterialsArray

public: Geo::u16 * GetNumMaterialsArray()

Raw access the the num materials array.

const Geo::u16* Enlighten::ClusterMaterials::GetNumMaterialsArray

public: const Geo::u16 * GetNumMaterialsArray() const

Raw access the the num materials array.