Name | Description |
Geo::AbstractRayChunk | Buffer that holds a chunk of rays and results. |
Geo::AbstractRayChunk::ResultsIterator | Iterator to a const ray result, allows iterating linearly over the ray results. |
Geo::ClippedRay | A finite ray with near and far clipping planes. |
Geo::GeoEmbreeContext | An IGeoRayTracingContext that implements the Intel Embree raytracer. |
Geo::IGeoRayTracingContext | Ray-tracing context. |
Geo::InitRayTracing | Small helper class to ensure init/cleanup are called when object is created/destroyed. |
Geo::IRtMesh | An interface used by the raytracers to fill their internal mesh data structures. |
Geo::Rayf | A single ray. |
Geo::RayResult | The result of a ray intersection test. |
Geo::RtMesh | A mesh container that can be stored to disk and used later as a ray tracing mesh. |
Geo::RtMeshGroup | A ray tracing mesh that is a collection of other meshes. |
Name | Description |
ECpuGpuMode | Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data. |
eRTAPI | Ray-tracing APIs. |
Name | Description |
AbstractRayChunk< ClippedRay > ClippedRayChunk | A chunk of clipped rays. |
AbstractRayChunk< Rayf > RayChunk | A chunk of rays. |
GeoEmbreeContext RayTracingContext | The default ray tracing context to use when casting single rays. |
Name | Description |
const char * g_FriendlyRTAPINames[RTAPI_NUM_API] = { "EMBREE" } | Names of the ray-tracing APIs. |
Name | Description |
GetFriendlyName(eRTAPI) | Gets the name of the given ray-tracing API. |
GetIsPointOccluded(const Rayf &, const Geo::v128 &) | Checks if the given point is behind the intersection of the given ray. |
LogStatistics(const IGeoRayTracingContext *, const double &) | Log ray tracing timings. |
public: enum ECpuGpuMode
ertCpuShared = 0,
ertDefault = ertCpuShared
Controls how the hardware is used by Enlighten to generate precompute data.
ertCpuShared | Use CPU only. Allow multiple concurrent tasks between separate processes. |
ertCpuExclusive | Use CPU only. Block task if another Enlighten precompute task is running. |
ertDefault | Default is to use CPU only. |
public: enum eRTAPI
Ray-tracing APIs.
public: const char * GetFriendlyName
eRTAPI api
Gets the name of the given ray-tracing API.
public: bool GetIsPointOccluded
const Rayf & ray,
const Geo::v128 & point
) const
Checks if the given point is behind the intersection of the given ray.
public: void GEO_CALL LogStatistics
const IGeoRayTracingContext * rtCtx,
const double & time
Log ray tracing timings.