
Name Description

Base class for classes that are meant to be noncopyable.


Base class for classes that are meant to be releasable.


Equivalent of std::remove_const (c++11)

GeoStd::RemoveConst< const T >

const T


Equivalent of std::remove_pointer (c++11)

GeoStd::RemovePointer< T * >



Equivalent of std::remove_reference (c++11)

GeoStd::RemoveReference< T & >


GeoStd::RemoveReference< T && >



Name Description
Forward(typename RemoveReference< T >::Type &)

Equivalent of std::forward (c++11)

Forward(typename RemoveReference< T >::Type &&)


Geo__itt_domain_create(const char *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_id_create(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_id_destroy(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_relation_add(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_relation, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_string_handle_create(const char *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_begin(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_id, __itt_string_handle *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_end(const __itt_domain *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

Geo__itt_task_group(const __itt_domain *, __itt_id, __itt_id, __itt_string_handle *)

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)


Sets up program-wide error handling behaviour, including the unhandled exception handler.


Load the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer Dll and initialise all utilised function pointers.

Move(T &&)

Equivalent of std::move (c++11)

ReadArray(IGeoInputStream &, Geo::GeoArray< T * > &, TCreateAndLoadFunction)

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream.

ReadArray(IGeoInputStream &, GeoArray< T * > &)

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

ReadObject(IGeoInputStream &, GeoString< char > &)

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.


Unregister the unhandled exception handler.


Sets whether the program will wait before exiting when an unhandled exception is encountered.

Swap(T &, T &)

A generic swap function. Template parameter T must be CopyConstructable and Assignable.

WithinClosed(const T &, const T &, const T &)

A generic within function.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const GeoArray< T * > &, Geo::u32)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

WriteArray(IGeoStream &, const Geo::GeoArray< T * > &, TSaveFunction)

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

WriteObject(IGeoStream &, GeoString< char > const &)

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE T&& GeoStd::Forward

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE T && Forward
    typename RemoveReference< T >::Type & t

Equivalent of std::forward (c++11)


GEO_FORCE_INLINE T&& GeoStd::Forward

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE T && Forward
    typename RemoveReference< T >::Type && t


__itt_domain* GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_domain_create

public: __itt_domain *GEO_CALL Geo__itt_domain_create
    const char * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_id_create

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_id_create
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id id

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_id_destroy

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_id_destroy
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id id

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_relation_add

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_relation_add
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id head,
    __itt_relation relation,
    __itt_id tail

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_relation_add_to_current
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id groupid

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

__itt_string_handle* GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_string_handle_create

public: __itt_string_handle *GEO_CALL Geo__itt_string_handle_create
    const char * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_begin

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_begin
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id taskid,
    __itt_id parentid,
    __itt_string_handle * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_end

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_end
    const __itt_domain * domain

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void GEO_CALL Geo::Geo__itt_task_group

public: void GEO_CALL Geo__itt_task_group
    const __itt_domain * domain,
    __itt_id taskid,
    __itt_id parentid,
    __itt_string_handle * name

Safe forwarding to Intel GPA functions (tests if Dll has been loaded before making the call)

void Geo::InstallGeoErrorHandler

public: void InstallGeoErrorHandler
    bool isUnattended

Sets up program-wide error handling behaviour, including the unhandled exception handler.

bool GEO_CALL Geo::LoadIntelGPALibrary

public: bool GEO_CALL LoadIntelGPALibrary()

Load the Intel Graphics Performance Analyzer Dll and initialise all utilised function pointers.

GEO_FORCE_INLINE RemoveReference<T>::Type&& GeoStd::Move

public: GEO_FORCE_INLINE RemoveReference< T >::Type && Move
    T && t

Equivalent of std::move (c++11)

bool Geo::ReadArray

public: bool ReadArray
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    Geo::GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    TCreateAndLoadFunction loader

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the user must provide a TCreateAndLoadFunction callable entity that creates a new object and reads the data from the stream.

bool Geo::ReadArray

public: bool ReadArray
    IGeoInputStream & reader,
    GeoArray< T * > & objects

Helper function to read a GeoArray from an IGeoInputStream, with all memory issues monitored and errors reported to GeoPrintf.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the storage type must support IGeoSerialisable and have a static Create() method.

void Geo::ReadObject

public: void ReadObject
    IGeoInputStream & stream,
    GeoString< char > & object

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.

void Geo::RemoveGeoErrorHandler

public: void RemoveGeoErrorHandler()

Unregister the unhandled exception handler.

void Geo::SetWaitOnExit

public: void SetWaitOnExit
    bool wait

Sets whether the program will wait before exiting when an unhandled exception is encountered.

void Geo::Swap

public: void Swap
    T & a,
    T & b

A generic swap function. Template parameter T must be CopyConstructable and Assignable.

bool Geo::WithinClosed

public: bool WithinClosed
    const T & x,
    const T & a,
    const T & b

A generic within function.

Template parameter T must be Comparable (i.e. totally ordered). This function returns true if x lies within the closed interval [a,b], false otherwise.

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    Geo::u32 sections

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the storage type must implement IGeoSerialisable (or at least have same function prototype)

bool Geo::WriteArray

public: bool WriteArray
    IGeoStream & writer,
    const Geo::GeoArray< T * > & objects,
    TSaveFunction saver

Helper function to write a GeoArray to an IGeoStream.

Deals with arrays of pointers, the user must provide a TSaveFunction callable entity that writes the content of an object.

void Geo::WriteObject

public: void WriteObject
    IGeoStream & stream,
    GeoString< char > const & object

Allow the IGeoStream implementation to treat a GeoString as a value object, so that you can call Read/Write as you would a fundamental type.