class Enlighten::RadDebugColouringTask

Structure describing a task to colour output pixels according to debug data.


Name Description
const RadSystemCore * m_CoreSystem

Precompute data for system solved in this task.

Geo::v128 m_DegenerateColour

The colour to apply to degenerates.

Geo::v128 m_FailedProjectionColour

The colour to apply where projection failed.

void * m_IrradianceOutput

Radiosity output.

Geo::u32 m_OutputFormat

Output format: one of the OUTPUT_FORMAT_* constants.

Geo::s32 m_OutputStride

The stride of the output texture in pixels.

Geo::v128 m_WingColour

The colour to apply to "wings" - ie overhangs.


Name Description

Default constructor.


public: RadDebugColouringTask()

Default constructor.