class Enlighten::RadDebugPixelInfo

Extended information about a pixel in the Enlighten output for internal debugging purposes.


Name Description
Geo::v128 m_AverageIrradianceNormal

Average irradiance normal of the pixel.

Geo::v128 m_Centre

The location of the pixel centre.

bool m_IsQuadPixel

Whether the pixel is a quad pixel (runtime only).

Geo::s32 m_PixelX

X coordinate.

Geo::s32 m_PixelY

Y coordinate.

Geo::s32 m_PrecompBucketIndex

Index of the bucket this pixel belongs to in the precompute.

Geo::s32 m_PrecompPixelIndex

Index of the pixel in the precompute.

Geo::s32 m_RuntimeBucketIndex

Index of the bucket this pixel belongs to in the runtime (after data layout optimisations).

Geo::s32 m_RuntimePixelIndex

Index of the pixel in the runtime (after data layout optimisations).


Name Description

Constructor for an empty RadDebugPixelInfo.


public: RadDebugPixelInfo()

Constructor for an empty RadDebugPixelInfo.