class Geo::PointSplit

A splitting node in a kd-tree of points.

There is no dedicated kd-tree object in this implementation. The kd-tree branching structure is described by an array of PointSplit nodes, and it's leaf nodes and contents by an array of PointLeaf nodes. This allows the kd-tree to be easily extended with additional information, such as bounds information, without creating a single structure to rule all uses.

All kd-tree's start with one of these as their root node, so all tree have at least 1 split node. There is one special case where the tree only has a single leaf node, and therefore no actual splits. In this case the root node is a 'no split' node, which is indicated by a negative value in m_PointIdx.

The m_IdxGreaterIncl and m_IdxLess indices link to the two children of this split, where the type of object they link to is encoded in the sign of the index:

The upper or greater child is described as 'inclusive' because it includes the splitting point.


Name Description
Geo::s32 m_AxisIdx

Which axis this splits on first.

Geo::s32 m_IdxGreaterIncl

The index of the upper/greater item.

Geo::s32 m_IdxLess

The index of the lower/less than item.

Geo::s32 m_PointIdx

The index of the point on which we are splitting, or a negative value for 'no split'.